Leptothorax valid Mayr, G. 1855. Formicina austriaca. Beschreibung der bisher im österreichischen Kaiserstaate aufgefundenen Ameisen, nebst Hinzufügung jener in Deutschland, in der Schweiz und in Italien vorkommenden Arten. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Vereins in Wien 5:273-478. 127185 Leptothorax (Caulomyrma) obsolete combination Forel, A. 1914d. Formicides d'Afrique et d'Amérique nouveaux ou peu connus. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 50:211-288. 125254 Leptothorax (Dichothorax) obsolete combination Emery, C. 1895d. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. (Schluss). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 8:257-360. 124591 Leptothorax (Goniothorax) obsolete combination Emery, C. 1896g. Studi sulle formiche della fauna neotropica. XVII-XXV. Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 28:33-107. 124611 Leptothorax (Leptothorax) obsolete combination Mayr, G. 1855. Formicina austriaca. Beschreibung der bisher im österreichischen Kaiserstaate aufgefundenen Ameisen, nebst Hinzufügung jener in Deutschland, in der Schweiz und in Italien vorkommenden Arten. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Vereins in Wien 5:273-478. 127185 Leptothorax (Macromischa) obsolete combination Roger, J. 1863a. Die neu aufgeführten Gattungen und Arten meines Formiciden-Verzeichnisses nebst Ergänzung einiger früher gegebenen Beschreibungen. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 7:131-214. 128093 Leptothorax (Mychothorax) obsolete combination Ruzsky, M. 1904a. On ants from Archangel province. [In Russian.]. Zapiski Imperatorskago Russkago Geograficheskago Obshchestva po Obshchei Geografii 41:287-294. 128181 Leptothorax (Myrafant) obsolete combination Smith, M. R. 1950a. On the status of Leptothorax Mayr and some of its subgenera. Psyche (Cambridge) 57:29-30. 128817 Leptothorax (Nesomyrmex) obsolete combination Wheeler, W. M. 1910d. Three new genera of myrmicine ants from tropical America. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 28:259-265. 130047 Leptothorax (Temnothorax) obsolete combination Mayr, G. 1861. Die europäischen Formiciden. Nach der analytischen Methode bearbeitet. Wien: C. Gerolds Sohn, 80 pp. 127189 Leptothorax abeli obsolete combination Cuba. Neotropic. Fontenla Rizo, J. L. 1998b. New species of Leptothorax (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Cuba. Avicennia 8/9:61-68. 131320 Leptothorax acervorum valid Denmark. Palearctic. Fabricius, J. C. 1793. Entomologia systematica emendata et aucta. Secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, adjectis synonimis, locis observationibus, descriptionibus. Tome 2. Hafniae [= Copenhagen]: C. G. Proft, 519 pp. 124868 Leptothorax acervorum canadensis obsolete combination Canada (Ontario). Nearctic. Provancher, L. 1887c. Fam. X. - Les Formicides. [concl.]. Pp. 245-249 in: Provancher, L. 1887. 1885-1889. Additions et corrections au Volume II de la Faune entomologique du Canada, traitant des Hyménoptères. Québec: C. Darveau, 477 pp. 127920 Leptothorax acervorum canadensis calderoni unavailable U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Forel, A. 1914c. Einige amerikanische Ameisen. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 1914:615-620. 125253 Leptothorax acervorum canadensis convivialis unavailable U.S.A. (Wisconsin, Connecticut, New Mexico). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1903d. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Leptothorax Mayr. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 55:215-260. 129977 Leptothorax acervorum crassipilis obsolete combination U.S.A. (Colorado). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1917a. The mountain ants of western North America. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 52:457-569. 130116 Leptothorax acervorum kamtshaticus synonym of Leptothorax acervorum Russia (Kamchatka). Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1920. Ants of Kamchatka. [In Russian.]. Izvestiya Instituta Issledovaniya Sibiri 2:76-80. 128166 Leptothorax acervorum muscorum obsolete combination Finland. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1846b. Additamentum adnotationum in monographiam formicarum borealium Europae. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 2:1041-1062. 127562 Leptothorax acervorum muscorum flavescens unavailable Russia. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1895. Faunistic investigations in east Russia 1. Contribution to the ant fauna of east Russia. 2. Zoological excursion in the Orenburg region in 1894. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 28(5):1-32. 128162 Leptothorax acervorum nigrescens synonym of Leptothorax acervorum Russia. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Leptothorax acervorum orientalis synonym of Leptothorax acervorum Russia (Ussuri). Palearctic. Kuznetsov-Ugamsky, N. N. 1928b. Ants of the South Ussuri Region. [In Russian.]. Zapiski Vladivostokskogo Otdela Gosudarstvennogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obshchvestva 1(18):1-47. 126761 Leptothorax acervorum superus synonym of Leptothorax acervorum Russia. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Leptothorax acervorum vandeli synonym of Leptothorax acervorum France. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1920a ("1919"). Notes diverses sur des fourmis d'Europe. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 59:143-158. 122879 Leptothorax aculeatinodis obsolete combination Costa Rica. Neotropic. Emery, C. 1896g. Studi sulle formiche della fauna neotropica. XVII-XXV. Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 28:33-107. 124611 Leptothorax adustus obsolete combination Mexico (Chihuahua). Neotropic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax affinis obsolete combination Austria. Palearctic. Mayr, G. 1855. Formicina austriaca. Beschreibung der bisher im österreichischen Kaiserstaate aufgefundenen Ameisen, nebst Hinzufügung jener in Deutschland, in der Schweiz und in Italien vorkommenden Arten. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Vereins in Wien 5:273-478. 127185 Leptothorax affinis italicus obsolete combination Italy. Palearctic. Consani, M. 1952. [Untitled. New species attributed to M. Consani.]. Pp. 41-42 in: Consani, M.; Zangheri, P. 1952. Fauna di Romagna. Imenotteri - Formicidi. Memorie della Società Entomologica Italiana 31:38-48. 143902 Leptothorax alayoi obsolete combination Cuba. Neotropic. Baroni Urbani, C. 1978b. Materiali per una revisione dei Leptothorax neotropicali appartenenti al sottogenere Macromischa Roger, n. comb. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Basiliensia 3:395-618. 122497 Leptothorax alinae obsolete combination Russia (Primorsky Krai). Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G. 1994c ("1993"). New species of ants of the genus Leptothorax (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from southern and eastern Palearctic. [In Russian.]. Zhurnal Ukrains'koho Entomolohichnoho Tovarystva 1(2):23-34. 127962 Leptothorax alpinus obsolete combination Georgia. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1902d. Material on the ant fauna of the Caucasus and the Crimea. [In Russian.]. Protokoly Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 206(suppl.):1-33. 128175 Leptothorax ambiguus obsolete combination U.S.A. (South Dakota). Nearctic. Emery, C. 1895d. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. (Schluss). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 8:257-360. 124591 Leptothorax ambiguus pinetorum obsolete combination U.S.A. (Ohio). Nearctic. Wesson, L. G.; Wesson, R. G. 1940. A collection of ants from southcentral Ohio. American Midland Naturalist 24:89-103. 129802 Leptothorax anacanthus obsolete combination Santschi, F. 1912c. Quelques nouvelles variétés de fourmis africaines. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 3:147-149. 128270 Leptothorax anacanthus maximus obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1931a. Inventa entomologica itineris Hispanici et Maroccani, quod a. 1926 fecerunt Harald et Håkan Lindberg. Fourmis du Bassin Méditerranéen occidental et du Maroc récoltées par MM. Lindberg. Commentationes Biologicae 3(14):1-13. 128393 Leptothorax andersoni obsolete combination U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax andrei obsolete combination U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Emery, C. 1895d. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. (Schluss). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 8:257-360. 124591 Leptothorax anduzei obsolete combination Venezuela. Neotropic. Weber, N. A. 1943b. New ants from Venezuela and neighboring countries. Boletín de Entomologia Venezolana 2:67-78. 129727 Leptothorax anemicus obsolete combination Baroni Urbani, C. 1978b. Materiali per una revisione dei Leptothorax neotropicali appartenenti al sottogenere Macromischa Roger, n. comb. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Basiliensia 3:395-618. 122497 Leptothorax angulatus obsolete combination Egypt. Palearctic. Mayr, G. 1862. Myrmecologische Studien. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 12:649-776. 127190 Leptothorax angulatus concolor obsolete combination Kenya. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1914b. Voyage de Ch. Alluaud et R. Jeannel en Afrique Orientale, 1911-1912. Résultats scientifiques. Insectes Hyménoptères. II. Formicidae. Paris: Libr. A. Schulz, pp. 41-148. 128285 Leptothorax angulatus ilgii obsolete combination Ethiopia. Afrotropic. Forel, A. 1894b. Abessinische und andere afrikanische Ameisen, gesammelt von Herrn Ingenieur Alfred Ilg, von Herrn Dr. Liengme, von Herrn Pfarrer Missionar P. Berthoud, Herrn Dr. Arth. Müller etc. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 9:64-100. 125059 Leptothorax angulatus lybica obsolete combination Libya. Palearctic. Menozzi, C. 1934. Reperti mirmecofaunistici raccolti dal Prof. L. di Caporiacco nelle oasi di Cufra e in altre località del deserto Libico. Atti della Società dei Naturalisti e Matematici di Modena 65[=(6)13]:153-166. 127312 Leptothorax angustinodus obsolete combination U.S.A. (Arizona). Nearctic. Cole, A. C., Jr. 1956b. A new species of Leptothorax from Arizona (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 31:28-31. 123727 Leptothorax angustulus obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1856b. Synopsis des Formicides de France et d'Algérie. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie (4)5:51-109. 127565 Leptothorax angustulus algiricus obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1894d. Les Formicides de la Province d'Oran (Algérie). Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 30:1-45. 125061 Leptothorax angustulus algiricus bruneus unavailable Algeria. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1911a. Formicides nouveaux de l'Afrique Mineure (4e note). Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 2:11-14. 128258 Leptothorax angustulus angustinode obsolete combination Libya. Palearctic. Stitz, H. 1917. Ameisen aus dem westlichen Mittelmeergebiet und von den Kanarischen Inseln. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 8:333-353. 129027 Leptothorax angustulus bordagei obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Leptothorax angustulus brunea obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1918a. Leptothorax nouveaux de l'Afrique Mineure. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 9:31-38. 128304 Leptothorax angustulus kraussei nomen nudum Krausse, A. H. 1912c. Ueber sardische Ameisen. Archiv für Naturgeschichte (A)78(7):162-166. 126527 Leptothorax angustulus kraussei obsolete combination Italy (Sardinia). Palearctic. Emery, C. 1916a ("1915"). Fauna entomologica italiana. I. Hymenoptera.-Formicidae. Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 47:79-275. 124734 Leptothorax angustulus silvanus obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1907e. Fourmis nouvelles de Kairouan et d'Orient. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 51:201-208. 125172 Leptothorax angustulus trabutii obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1894d. Les Formicides de la Province d'Oran (Algérie). Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 30:1-45. 125061 Leptothorax angustulus trabutii convexotrabutii unavailable Algeria. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1894d. Les Formicides de la Province d'Oran (Algérie). Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 30:1-45. 125061 Leptothorax angustulus trabutii veneris unavailable Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1918a. Leptothorax nouveaux de l'Afrique Mineure. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 9:31-38. 128304 Leptothorax anira obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Terayama, M.; Onoyama, K. 1999. The ant genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Japan. Memoirs of the Myrmecological Society of Japan 1:71-97. 132447 Leptothorax annexus obsolete combination Baroni Urbani, C. 1978b. Materiali per una revisione dei Leptothorax neotropicali appartenenti al sottogenere Macromischa Roger, n. comb. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Basiliensia 3:395-618. 122497 Leptothorax annibalis obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1909c. Leptothorax rottenbergi et espèces voisines. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 17:459-482. 128249 Leptothorax annibalis numidicus obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1929e. Fourmis du Maroc, d'Algérie et de Tunisie. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 69:138-165. 128384 Leptothorax anodonta obsolete combination Armenia. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1977a. New and little known ant species of the genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the European USSR and the Caucasus. [In Russian.]. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 56:198-204. 122367 Leptothorax anodontoides obsolete combination Turkmenistan. Palearctic. Dlussky, G. M.; Zabelin, S. I. 1985. Ant fauna (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the River Sumbar Basin (south-west Kopetdag). [In Russian.]. Pp. 208-246 in: Nechaevaya, N. T. (ed.) 1985. The vegetation and animal world of western Kopetdag. [In Russian.]. Ashkhabad: Ylym, 278 pp. 124174 Leptothorax anoplogynus obsolete combination Italy. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1869b. Enumerazione dei formicidi che rinvengonsi nei contorni di Napoli con descrizioni di specie nuove o meno conosciute. Annali dell'Accademia degli Aspiranti Naturalisti. Secunda Era 2:1-26. 124512 Leptothorax antera obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Terayama, M.; Onoyama, K. 1999. The ant genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Japan. Memoirs of the Myrmecological Society of Japan 1:71-97. 132447 Leptothorax antigoni obsolete combination Turkey. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1911f. Fourmis nouvelles ou intéressantes. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 47:331-400. 125215 Leptothorax arcanus obsolete combination Switzerland. Palearctic. Kutter, H. 1973c ("1972"). Leptothorax arcanus n. sp.(?) - eine neue und rätselhafte Schmalbrustameise. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 45:327-328. 126730 Leptothorax arenarius obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1908. Nouvelles fourmis de l'Afrique du Nord (Égypte, Canaries, Tunisie). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 77:517-534. 128245 Leptothorax arenarius fusciventris obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1911f. Formicides nouveaux de l'Afrique Mineure (4e note suite). Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 2:78-85. 128263 Leptothorax arenarius kruegeri nomen nudum Libya. Palearctic. Kutter, H. 1928. A. Formicidae. Pp. 65-67 in: Schulthess, A. v. 1928. Beiträge zur Kenntnis nordafrikanischer Hymenopteren. EOS. Revista Española de Entomología 4:65-92. 126683 Leptothorax argentinus obsolete combination Argentina (Santiago del Estero). Neotropic. Santschi, F. 1922e. Description de nouvelles fourmis de l'Argentine et pays limitrophes. Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina 94:241-262. 128341 Leptothorax argentipes obsolete combination China (Fujian). Palearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1928c. Ants collected by Professor F. Silvestri in China. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura. Portici 22:3-38. 130197 Leptothorax arimensis obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Azuma, M. 1977a. On the myrmecological-fauna of Mt. Rokko, Hyogo, with description of a new species (Formicidae, Hymenoptera). [In Japanese.]. Hyogo Biology 7:112-118. 122424 Leptothorax arpini obsolete combination Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Tarbinsky, Y. S. 1976. The ants of Kirghizia. [In Russian.]. Frunze: Ilim, 217 pp. 129149 Leptothorax asper obsolete combination Brazil (Santa Catarina). Neotropic. Mayr, G. 1887. Südamerikanische Formiciden. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 37:511-632. 127201 Leptothorax asper antoniensis obsolete combination Colombia. Neotropic. Forel, A. 1912h. Formicides néotropiques. Part IV. 3me sous-famille Myrmicinae Lep. (suite). Mémoires de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 20:1-32. 125230 Leptothorax asper rufa obsolete combination Brazil (Pará). Neotropic. Emery, C. 1896g. Studi sulle formiche della fauna neotropica. XVII-XXV. Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 28:33-107. 124611 Leptothorax asper sulfurea obsolete combination Brazil. Neotropic. Forel, A. 1912h. Formicides néotropiques. Part IV. 3me sous-famille Myrmicinae Lep. (suite). Mémoires de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 20:1-32. 125230 Leptothorax athabasca valid Canada (Alberta). Nearctic. Buschinger, A.; Schulz, A. 2008. Leptothorax athabasca sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Alberta, Canada, an ant with an apparently restricted range. Myrmecological News 11:243-248. 130870 Leptothorax atlantis obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1911a. Formicides nouveaux de l'Afrique Mineure (4e note). Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 2:11-14. 128258 Leptothorax atomus obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Cagniant, H.; Espadaler, X. 1997. Les Leptothorax, Epimyrma et Chalepoxenus du Maroc (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Clé et catalogue des espèces. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (n.s.)33:259-284. 130879 Leptothorax augusti obsolete combination Baroni Urbani, C. 1978b. Materiali per una revisione dei Leptothorax neotropicali appartenenti al sottogenere Macromischa Roger, n. comb. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Basiliensia 3:395-618. 122497 Leptothorax auresianus obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1929e. Fourmis du Maroc, d'Algérie et de Tunisie. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 69:138-165. 128384 Leptothorax australis obsolete combination Australia (Queensland). Australasia. Wheeler, W. M. 1934b. An Australian ant of the genus Leptothorax Mayr. Psyche (Cambridge) 41:60-62. 130251 Leptothorax aveli obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Leptothorax aveli pici obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Leptothorax baeticus obsolete combination Spain. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1924c. Formiche di Spagna raccolte dal Prof. Filippo Silvestri. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura. Portici 17:164-171. 124765 Leptothorax balchashensis obsolete combination Kazakhstan. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1971. New species and a review of the ant genus Leptothorax (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Kazakstan plain. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 50:1818-1826. 122342 Leptothorax balli obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1939c. Trois notes sur quelques fourmis du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique. Bulletin du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique 15(14):1-15. 128444 Leptothorax banao obsolete combination Cuba. Neotropic. Fontenla Rizo, J. L. 1998b. New species of Leptothorax (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Cuba. Avicennia 8/9:61-68. 131320 Leptothorax barryi obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Cagniant, H. 1967b. Leptothorax barryi n. sp. Hyménoptère Formicidae Myrmicinae d'Algérie. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 72:272-275. 123454 Leptothorax basara obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Terayama, M.; Onoyama, K. 1999. The ant genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Japan. Memoirs of the Myrmecological Society of Japan 1:71-97. 132447 Leptothorax berlandi obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Leptothorax bestelmeyeri obsolete combination U.S.A. (New Mexico). Nearctic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax bicolor obsolete combination Mexico (Chiapas). Neotropic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax bikara obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Terayama, M.; Onoyama, K. 1999. The ant genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Japan. Memoirs of the Myrmecological Society of Japan 1:71-97. 132447 Leptothorax bilongrudi obsolete combination New Guinea (Papua New Guinea). Australasia. Taylor, R. W. 1989b. Australasian ants of the genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 27:605-610. 129205 Leptothorax blascoi obsolete combination Spain. Palearctic. Espadaler, X. 1997b ("1996"). Diagnosis preliminar de siete especies nuevas de hormigas de la Península Ibérica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Zapateri. Revista Aragonesa de Entomología 6:151-153. 131197 Leptothorax bradleyi obsolete combination U.S.A. (Georgia). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1913d. Ants collected in Georgia by Dr. J. C. Bradley and Mr. W. T. Davis. Psyche (Cambridge) 20:112-117. 130076 Leptothorax brasiliensis obsolete combination BRAZIL (Pernambuco). Neotropic. Kempf, W. W. 1958c. Sôbre algumas formigas neotrópicas do gênero Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 30:91-102. 126307 Leptothorax brevispinosus obsolete combination Mexico (Michoacan). Nearctic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax brevispinus obsolete combination China (Ningxia). Palearctic. Chang, Y.-D.; He, D.-H. 2001c. A taxonomic study of the ant genus Leptothorax from northwestern China. [In Chinese.]. Journal of Ningxia Agricultural College 22(2):1-4. 130904 Leptothorax brimodus obsolete combination Bolton, B. 1995b. A new general catalogue of the ants of the world. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 504 pp. 122860 Leptothorax bristoli obsolete combination U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax bucheti obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1909c. Leptothorax rottenbergi et espèces voisines. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 17:459-482. 128249 Leptothorax bucheti festai obsolete combination Libya. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1924a. Formiche della Cirenaica raccolte dal Dott. Enrico Festa e dal Prof. Filippo Silvestri. Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 56:6-11. 124763 Leptothorax bucheti mixtus obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1929e. Fourmis du Maroc, d'Algérie et de Tunisie. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 69:138-165. 128384 Leptothorax bucheti tuneticus obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1918a. Leptothorax nouveaux de l'Afrique Mineure. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 9:31-38. 128304 Leptothorax bucheti tuneticus tellensis obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1939d. Notes sur des Camponotus et autres fourmis de l'Afrique Mineure. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc 19:66-87. 128445 Leptothorax bucheti tuneticus tenuispinus unavailable Algeria. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1939d. Notes sur des Camponotus et autres fourmis de l'Afrique Mineure. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc 19:66-87. 128445 Leptothorax bugnioni obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1894d. Les Formicides de la Province d'Oran (Algérie). Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 30:1-45. 125061 Leptothorax bugnioni marocana obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1909c. Leptothorax rottenbergi et espèces voisines. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 17:459-482. 128249 Leptothorax bugnioni pupseli obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1909c. Leptothorax rottenbergi et espèces voisines. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 17:459-482. 128249 Leptothorax bugnioni pupseli martellii unavailable Libya. Palearctic. Menozzi, C. 1940a. Contributo alla fauna della Tripolitania. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Facoltà Agraria in Portici 31:244-273. 127384 Leptothorax bulgaricus obsolete combination Bulgaria. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1892j. Die Ameisenfauna Bulgariens. (Nebst biologischen Beobachtungen.). Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 42:305-318. 125040 Leptothorax bulgaricus aeolius obsolete combination Turkey. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1911f. Fourmis nouvelles ou intéressantes. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 47:331-400. 125215 Leptothorax bulgaricus archangelskiji obsolete combination Kazakhstan. Palearctic. Kuznetsov-Ugamsky, N. N. 1926b. Neue turkestanische Ameisen. Russkoe Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 20:71-77. 126750 Leptothorax bulgaricus cypridis obsolete combination Cyprus. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1930c. Trois notes myrmécologiques. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 70:263-270. 128390 Leptothorax bulgaricus graecus obsolete combination Greece. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1911f. Fourmis nouvelles ou intéressantes. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 47:331-400. 125215 Leptothorax bulgaricus melleus obsolete combination Tajikistan. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1904c ("1903"). Note sur les fourmis du Musée Zoologique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences à St. Pétersbourg. Ezhegodnik Zoologicheskago Muzeya 8:368-388. 125146 Leptothorax bulgaricus smyrnensis obsolete combination Turkey. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1911f. Fourmis nouvelles ou intéressantes. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 47:331-400. 125215 Leptothorax bulgaricus smyrnensis ionia obsolete combination Turkey. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1911f. Fourmis nouvelles ou intéressantes. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 47:331-400. 125215 Leptothorax buschingeri valid Switzerland. Palearctic. Kutter, H. 1967c. Beschreibung neuer Sozialparasiten von Leptothorax acervorum F. (Formicidae). Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 40:78-91. 126724 Leptothorax cabrerae obsolete combination Spain (Canary Is). Afrotropic. Forel, A. 1893f. Nouvelles fourmis d'Australie et des Canaries. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 37:454-466. 125053 Leptothorax cabrerae mauritanicus obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1909c. Leptothorax rottenbergi et espèces voisines. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 17:459-482. 128249 Leptothorax cabrerae productus obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1918a. Leptothorax nouveaux de l'Afrique Mineure. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 9:31-38. 128304 Leptothorax cabrerae productus sericeiventris unavailable Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1918a. Leptothorax nouveaux de l'Afrique Mineure. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 9:31-38. 128304 Leptothorax cabrerae stitzi obsolete combination Santschi, F. 1918a. Leptothorax nouveaux de l'Afrique Mineure. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 9:31-38. 128304 Leptothorax caesari obsolete combination Spain. Palearctic. Espadaler, X. 1997c. Leptothorax caesari sp. n. (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Formicidae), a granivore with apterous males. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien. B, Botanik, Zoologie 99:145-150. 131198 Leptothorax cagnianti obsolete combination Spain. Palearctic. Tinaut, A. 1983 ("1982"). Descripción de una nueva especie de Leptothorax Mayr, 1855, del sur de la Península Ibérica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). EOS. Revista Española de Entomología 58:319-325. 129346 Leptothorax calderoni valid U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Creighton, W. S. 1950a. The ants of North America. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 104:1-585. 123910 Leptothorax canadensis valid Canada (Ontario). Nearctic. Provancher, L. 1887c. Fam. X. - Les Formicides. [concl.]. Pp. 245-249 in: Provancher, L. 1887. 1885-1889. Additions et corrections au Volume II de la Faune entomologique du Canada, traitant des Hyménoptères. Québec: C. Darveau, 477 pp. 127920 Leptothorax canadensis calderoni obsolete combination U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Creighton, W. S. 1950a. The ants of North America. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 104:1-585. 123910 Leptothorax canadensis kincaidi synonym of Leptothorax canadensis U.S.A. (Alaska). Nearctic. Pergande, T. 1900. Papers from the Harriman Alaska expedition. XVII. Entomological results (11): Formicidae. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences 2:519-521. 127768 Leptothorax canadensis obscurus synonym of Leptothorax canadensis U.S.A. (New Mexico). Nearctic. Viereck, H. L. 1903. Hymenoptera of Beulah, New Mexico. [part]. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 29:56-87. 129540 Leptothorax canadensis yankee synonym of Leptothorax canadensis U.S.A. (South Dakota, Utah, Colorado). Nearctic. Emery, C. 1895d. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. (Schluss). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 8:257-360. 124591 Leptothorax canescens obsolete combination Spain (Canary Is). Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1908. Nouvelles fourmis de l'Afrique du Nord (Égypte, Canaries, Tunisie). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 77:517-534. 128245 Leptothorax caparica obsolete combination Portugal. Palearctic. Henin, J. M.; Paiva, M. R.; Collingwood, C. A. 2001. The Iberian Leptothorax Mayr, 1855 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae): discovery of a new species and first record of L. atlantis Santschi, 1911. Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Entomologia 196:161-166. 131469 Leptothorax carinatus obsolete combination U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Cole, A. C., Jr. 1957d. Another new Leptothorax from Texas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 32:213-215. 123737 Leptothorax carinthiacus obsolete combination Austria. Palearctic. Bernard, F. 1957a. Note sur quelques Leptothorax d'Europe centrale avec description de L. carinthiacus n. sp. (Hym. Formicidae). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 62:46-53. 122646 Leptothorax caritatis obsolete combination Dominican Republic (Dominican Amber, Miocene). De Andrade, M. L. 1999a. [Untitled. Leptothorax caritatis and Leptothorax dominicanus, new species attributed to De Andrade.]. Pp. 133-140 in: De Andrade, M. L.; Baroni Urbani, C.; Brandão, C. R. F.; Wagensberg, J. 1999. Two new species of Leptothorax "Nesomyrmex" fossils in Dominican amber (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Beiträge zur Entomologie 49:133-140. 131016 Leptothorax catalaucoides obsolete combination Cameroon. Afrotropic. Snelling, R. R. 1992a. Two unusual new myrmicine ants from Cameroon (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Psyche (Cambridge) 99:95-101. 128899 Leptothorax caucasicus obsolete combination Georgia. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1977a. New and little known ant species of the genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the European USSR and the Caucasus. [In Russian.]. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 56:198-204. 122367 Leptothorax cenatus obsolete combination Kenya. Afrotropic. Bolton, B. 1982. Afrotropical species of the myrmicine ant genera Cardiocondyla, Leptothorax, Melissotarsus, Messor and Cataulacus (Formicidae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology 45:307-370. 122828 Leptothorax cervantesi obsolete combination Spain. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1919e. Fourmis d'Espagne et des Canaries. Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural 19:241-248. 128313 Leptothorax chandleri obsolete combination U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax cokendolpheri obsolete combination U.S.A. (New Mexico). Nearctic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax coleenae obsolete combination U.S.A. (New Mexico). Nearctic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax congruus obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Smith, F. 1874b. Descriptions of new species of Tenthredinidae, Ichneumonidae, Chrysididae, Formicidae, &c. of Japan. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1874:373-409. 128712 Leptothorax congruus eburneipes obsolete combination China (Beijing). Palearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1927e. A few ants from China and Formosa. American Museum Novitates 259:1-4. 130189 Leptothorax congruus spinosior obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1901j. Variétés myrmécologiques. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 45:334-382. 125114 Leptothorax congruus wui obsolete combination China (Beijing). Palearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1929g. Some ants from China and Manchuria. American Museum Novitates 361:1-11. 130211 Leptothorax convexus obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1894d. Les Formicides de la Province d'Oran (Algérie). Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 30:1-45. 125061 Leptothorax convexus timida obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1912c. Quelques nouvelles variétés de fourmis africaines. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 3:147-149. 128270 Leptothorax cordieri obsolete combination France (Corsica). Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Leptothorax cordieri rougeti obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Leptothorax cornibrevis obsolete combination Afghanistan. Palearctic. Collingwood, C. A. 1961a ("1960"). The third Danish Expedition to Central Asia. Zoological Results 27. Formicidae (Insecta) from Afghanistan. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening 123:51-79. 123785 Leptothorax corticalis obsolete combination Germany. Palearctic. Schenck, P. A. 1852. Beschreibung nassauischer Ameisenarten. Jahrbuch des Vereins für Naturkunde im Herzogthum Nassau. Wiesbaden 8:1-149. 128471 Leptothorax corticalis korbi obsolete combination Azerbaijan. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1924f ("1922"). Hymenoptera. Fam. Formicidae. Subfam. Myrmicinae. [concl.]. Genera Insectorum 174C:207-397. 124769 Leptothorax costatus obsolete combination Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul). Neotropic. Emery, C. 1896g. Studi sulle formiche della fauna neotropica. XVII-XXV. Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 28:33-107. 124611 Leptothorax crassipilis valid U.S.A. (Colorado). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1917a. The mountain ants of western North America. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 52:457-569. 130116 Leptothorax creolus obsolete combination Dominican Republic. Neotropic. Baroni Urbani, C. 1978b. Materiali per una revisione dei Leptothorax neotropicali appartenenti al sottogenere Macromischa Roger, n. comb. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Basiliensia 3:395-618. 122497 Leptothorax crepuscularis obsolete combination Spain. Palearctic. Tinaut, A. 1995 ("1994"). Nueva especie de Leptothorax (Mayr, 1855) del grupo laurae Emery, 1884 Leptothorax crepuscularis n. sp. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Zoologica Baetica 5:89-98. 129360 Leptothorax cristinae obsolete combination Spain. Palearctic. Espadaler, X. 1997b ("1996"). Diagnosis preliminar de siete especies nuevas de hormigas de la Península Ibérica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Zapateri. Revista Aragonesa de Entomología 6:151-153. 131197 Leptothorax curtulus obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1929e. Fourmis du Maroc, d'Algérie et de Tunisie. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 69:138-165. 128384 Leptothorax curvispinosus obsolete combination U.S.A. Nearctic. Mayr, G. 1866a. Myrmecologische Beiträge. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Abteilung I 53:484-517. 127215 Leptothorax curvispinosus ambiguus obsolete combination U.S.A. (South Dakota). Nearctic. Emery, C. 1895d. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. (Schluss). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 8:257-360. 124591 Leptothorax curvispinosus annectens obsolete combination U.S.A. (Colorado). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1903d. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Leptothorax Mayr. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 55:215-260. 129977 Leptothorax curvispinosus rugatulus obsolete combination U.S.A. (Colorado). Nearctic. Emery, C. 1895d. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. (Schluss). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 8:257-360. 124591 Leptothorax curvispinosus rugatulus cockerelli unavailable U.S.A. (New Mexico). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1903d. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Leptothorax Mayr. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 55:215-260. 129977 Leptothorax curvithorax obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Leptothorax cuyaguateje obsolete combination Cuba. Neotropic. Fontenla Rizo, J. L. 1998b. New species of Leptothorax (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Cuba. Avicennia 8/9:61-68. 131320 Leptothorax delaparti obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1890b. Fourmis de Tunisie et de l'Algérie orientale. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 34:lxi-lxxvi. 125020 Leptothorax denticulatus obsolete combination South Africa. Afrotropic. Mayr, G. 1901b. Südafrikanische Formiciden, gesammelt von Dr. Hans Brauns. Annalen des Kaiserlich-Königlichen Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 16:1-30. 127247 Leptothorax denticulatus obsolete combination Spain (Canary Is). Afrotropic. Stitz, H. 1917. Ameisen aus dem westlichen Mittelmeergebiet und von den Kanarischen Inseln. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 8:333-353. 129027 Leptothorax desertorum nomen nudum Dlussky, G. M. 1981b. Desert ants. [In Russian.]. Moskva: Nauka, 230 pp. 124147 Leptothorax desioi obsolete combination Pakistan. Indomalaya. Menozzi, C. 1939a. Formiche dell'Himalaya e del Karakorum raccolte dalla Spedizione italiana comandata da S. A. R. il Duca di Spoleto (1929). Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano 78:285-345. 127381 Leptothorax desioi melanica obsolete combination Pakistan. Indomalaya. Menozzi, C. 1939a. Formiche dell'Himalaya e del Karakorum raccolte dalla Spedizione italiana comandata da S. A. R. il Duca di Spoleto (1929). Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano 78:285-345. 127381 Leptothorax dessyi obsolete combination Greece (Karpathos I.). Palearctic. Menozzi, C. 1936b. Nuovi contributi alla conoscenza della fauna delle Isole italiane dell'Egeo. VI. Hymenoptera - Formicidae. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura. Portici 29:262-311. 127380 Leptothorax discoloratus obsolete combination Russia (Caucasus). Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1977a. New and little known ant species of the genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the European USSR and the Caucasus. [In Russian.]. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 56:198-204. 122367 Leptothorax ditifet obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Espadaler, X. 1997. [Untitled. New species attributed to X. Espadaler.]. Pp. 272-280 in: Cagniant, H.; Espadaler, X. 1997. Les Leptothorax, Epimyrma et Chalepoxenus du Maroc (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Clé et catalogue des espèces. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (n.s.)33:259-284. 143899 Leptothorax diversipilosus obsolete combination U.S.A. (Washington). Nearctic. Smith, M. R. 1939c. Notes on Leptothorax (Mychothorax) hirticornis Emery, and description of a related new species (Formicidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 41:176-180. 128781 Leptothorax dolani nomen nudum Menozzi, C. 1941a. [several nomina nuda, attributed to Menozzi]. in: Eidmann, H. 1941a. Zur Ökologie und Zoogeographie der Ameisenfauna von Westchina und Tibet. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der 2. Brooke Dolan-Expedition 1934-1935. Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Ökologie der Tiere 38:1-43. 143742 Leptothorax dominicanus obsolete combination Dominican Republic (Dominican Amber, Miocene). De Andrade, M. L. 1999a. [Untitled. Leptothorax caritatis and Leptothorax dominicanus, new species attributed to De Andrade.]. Pp. 133-140 in: De Andrade, M. L.; Baroni Urbani, C.; Brandão, C. R. F.; Wagensberg, J. 1999. Two new species of Leptothorax "Nesomyrmex" fossils in Dominican amber (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Beiträge zur Entomologie 49:133-140. 131016 Leptothorax duloticus obsolete combination U.S.A. (Ohio). Nearctic. Wesson, L. G. 1937. A slave-making Leptothorax (Hymen.: Formicidae). Entomological News 48:125-129. 129796 Leptothorax echinatinodis obsolete combination Brazil (Rio de Janeiro). Neotropic. Forel, A. 1886b. Espèces nouvelles de fourmis américaines. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 30:xxxviii-xlix. 125011 Leptothorax echinatinodis aculeatinodis obsolete combination Costa Rica. Neotropic. Emery, C. 1896g. Studi sulle formiche della fauna neotropica. XVII-XXV. Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 28:33-107. 124611 Leptothorax echinatinodis aculeatinodis pleuriticus unavailable Guyana. Neotropic. Wheeler, W. M. 1921f. The Tachigalia ants. Zoologica (New York) 3:137-168. 130147 Leptothorax echinatinodis cordincola obsolete combination Panama. Neotropic. Wheeler, W. M. 1942. Studies of Neotropical ant-plants and their ants. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 90:1-262. 129956 Leptothorax echinatinodis dalmasi obsolete combination Colombia. Neotropic. Forel, A. 1899d. Formicidae. [part]. Biologia Centrali-Americana Hym. 3:25-56. 142479 Leptothorax echinatinodis schmidti obsolete combination Costa Rica. Neotropic. Menozzi, C. 1927c. Formiche raccolte dal Sig. H. Schmidt nei dintorni di San José di Costa Rica. Entomologische Mitteilungen. Berlin-Dahlem 16:266-277. 127335 Leptothorax elderensis obsolete combination Turkmenistan. Palearctic. Dlussky, G. M.; Zabelin, S. I. 1985. Ant fauna (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the River Sumbar Basin (south-west Kopetdag). [In Russian.]. Pp. 208-246 in: Nechaevaya, N. T. (ed.) 1985. The vegetation and animal world of western Kopetdag. [In Russian.]. Ashkhabad: Ylym, 278 pp. 124174 Leptothorax eldoradensis obsolete combination U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1915b. Some additions to the North American ant-fauna. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 34:389-421. 130089 Leptothorax elongatus obsolete combination Spain (Canary Is). Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1919e. Fourmis d'Espagne et des Canaries. Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural 19:241-248. 128313 Leptothorax emersoni obsolete combination U.S.A. (Connecticut). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1901a. The compound and mixed nests of American ants. Part I. Observations on a new guest ant. American Naturalist 35:431-448. 129960 Leptothorax emersoni glacialis obsolete combination U.S.A. (Colorado). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1907c. Notes on a new guest-ant, Leptothorax glacialis, and the varieties of Myrmica brevinodis Emery. Bulletin of the Wisconsin Natural History Society 5:70-83. 130020 Leptothorax emersoni hirtipilis obsolete combination Canada (Alberta). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1917a. The mountain ants of western North America. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 52:457-569. 130116 Leptothorax emeryi obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1923f. Messor et autres fourmis paléarctiques. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 30:317-336. 128348 Leptothorax emmae obsolete combination U.S.A. (New Mexico). Nearctic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax ergatogyna obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Bernard, F. 1950a ("1946"). Notes sur les fourmis de France. II. Peuplement des montagnes méridionales. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 115:1-36. 122628 Leptothorax evelynae obsolete combination Democratic Republic of the Congo. Afrotropic. Forel, A. 1916. Fourmis du Congo et d'autres provenances récoltées par MM. Hermann Kohl, Luja, Mayné, etc. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 24:397-460. 124996 Leptothorax exilis obsolete combination Italy. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1869b. Enumerazione dei formicidi che rinvengonsi nei contorni di Napoli con descrizioni di specie nuove o meno conosciute. Annali dell'Accademia degli Aspiranti Naturalisti. Secunda Era 2:1-26. 124512 Leptothorax exilis boccaris obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1923f. Messor et autres fourmis paléarctiques. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 30:317-336. 128348 Leptothorax exilis creticus obsolete combination Greece (Crete). Palearctic. Forel, A. 1910a. Glanures myrmécologiques. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 54:6-32. 125202 Leptothorax exilis darii obsolete combination Turkey. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1911f. Fourmis nouvelles ou intéressantes. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 47:331-400. 125215 Leptothorax exilis dichroa obsolete combination Italy. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1916a ("1915"). Fauna entomologica italiana. I. Hymenoptera.-Formicidae. Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 47:79-275. 124734 Leptothorax exilis nitidulus obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1923f. Messor et autres fourmis paléarctiques. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 30:317-336. 128348 Leptothorax exilis obscurior obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Dalla Torre, K. W. 1893. Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. Vol. 7. Formicidae (Heterogyna). Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 289 pp. 124002 Leptothorax exilis obscurior esmirensis unavailable Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1936c. Liste et descriptions de fourmis du Maroc. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc 16:198-210. 128427 Leptothorax exilis retifer obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1929e. Fourmis du Maroc, d'Algérie et de Tunisie. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 69:138-165. 128384 Leptothorax exilis specularis obsolete combination Italy (Sardinia), SPAIN. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1916a ("1915"). Fauna entomologica italiana. I. Hymenoptera.-Formicidae. Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 47:79-275. 124734 Leptothorax faberi valid Canada (Alberta). Nearctic. Buschinger, A. 1983 ("1982"). Leptothorax faberi n. sp., an apparently parasitic ant from Jasper National Park, Canada (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Psyche (Cambridge) 89:197-209. 123376 Leptothorax finzii obsolete combination Italy. Palearctic. Menozzi, C. 1925d ("1924"). Res mutinenses. Formicidae (Hymenoptera). Atti della Società dei Naturalisti e Matematici di Modena 55[=(6)3]:22-47. 127327 Leptothorax flavicornis obsolete combination Italy. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1870. Studi mirmecologici. Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 2:193-201. 124503 Leptothorax flavispinus obsolete combination André, Ern. 1883a. Les fourmis. [part]. Pp. 281-344 in: André, Edm. 1883. 1881-1886. Species des Hyménoptères d'Europe et d'Algérie. Tome Deuxième. Beaune: Edmond André, 919 + 48 pp. 122253 Leptothorax flavispinus amilcaris obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1939d. Notes sur des Camponotus et autres fourmis de l'Afrique Mineure. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc 19:66-87. 128445 Leptothorax flavispinus boiteli obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1929e. Fourmis du Maroc, d'Algérie et de Tunisie. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 69:138-165. 128384 Leptothorax flavispinus clivulus obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1939d. Notes sur des Camponotus et autres fourmis de l'Afrique Mineure. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc 19:66-87. 128445 Leptothorax flavispinus crassispinus obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Cagniant, H. 1970a ("1969"). Deuxième liste de fourmis d'Algérie récoltées principalement en forêt. (1re partie). Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse 105:405-430. 123462 Leptothorax flavispinus facetus obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1939c. Trois notes sur quelques fourmis du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique. Bulletin du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique 15(14):1-15. 128444 Leptothorax flavispinus impurus obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1939d. Notes sur des Camponotus et autres fourmis de l'Afrique Mineure. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc 19:66-87. 128445 Leptothorax flavispinus rufescens obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1907e. Fourmis nouvelles de Kairouan et d'Orient. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 51:201-208. 125172 Leptothorax flavispinus santschii obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1905e. Miscellanea myrmécologiques II (1905). Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 49:155-185. 125162 Leptothorax flavispinus santschii amilcaris unavailable Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1911a. Formicides nouveaux de l'Afrique Mineure (4e note). Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 2:11-14. 128258 Leptothorax flavispinus santschii crassispinus unavailable Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1911a. Formicides nouveaux de l'Afrique Mineure (4e note). Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 2:11-14. 128258 Leptothorax floridanus obsolete combination U.S.A. (Florida). Nearctic. Emery, C. 1895d. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. (Schluss). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 8:257-360. 124591 Leptothorax foreli obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1907. Fourmis de Tunisie capturées en 1906. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 15:305-334. 128244 Leptothorax formosus obsolete combination Bolivia. Neotropic. Emery, C. 1915e. Formiche raccolte nell'Eritrea dal Prof. F. Silvestri. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura. Portici 10:3-26. 124726 Leptothorax formosus obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1909c. Leptothorax rottenbergi et espèces voisines. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 17:459-482. 128249 Leptothorax fortinodis obsolete combination U.S.A. (Maryland). Nearctic. Mayr, G. 1886d. Die Formiciden der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 36:419-464. 127240 Leptothorax fortinodis gilvus obsolete combination U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1903d. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Leptothorax Mayr. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 55:215-260. 129977 Leptothorax fortinodis melanoticus obsolete combination U.S.A. (Illinois). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1903d. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Leptothorax Mayr. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 55:215-260. 129977 Leptothorax foveata obsolete combination U.S.A. (Illinois). Nearctic. Smith, M. R. 1934f. Two new North American ants. Psyche (Cambridge) 41:211-213. 128768 Leptothorax fragosus obsolete combination Canada (Alberta). Nearctic. Mackay, W. P.; Buschinger, A. 2002. A new species of the ant genus Leptothorax (subgenus Myrafant) from Alberta, Canada. Sociobiology 40:539-545. 131782 Leptothorax fuentei obsolete combination Spain. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1919e. Fourmis d'Espagne et des Canaries. Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural 19:241-248. 128313 Leptothorax fuentei parkeri unavailable Espadaler, X.; Du Merle, P. 1989. Leptothorax fuentei Santschi, 1919, en France (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Vie Milieu 39:121-123. 124824 Leptothorax fultonii obsolete combination India (Himachal Pradesh). Indomalaya. Forel, A. 1902c. Myrmicinae nouveaux de l'Inde et de Ceylan. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 10:165-249. 125121 Leptothorax furunculus obsolete combination U.S.A. (Colorado). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1909e. A decade of North American Formicidae. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 17:77-90. 130039 Leptothorax gaetulus obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1923f. Messor et autres fourmis paléarctiques. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 30:317-336. 128348 Leptothorax galeatus obsolete combination China (Beijing). Palearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1927e. A few ants from China and Formosa. American Museum Novitates 259:1-4. 130189 Leptothorax gallae obsolete combination U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Smith, M. R. 1949e. A new Leptothorax commonly inhabiting the canyon live oak of California (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Psyche (Cambridge) 56:112-115. 128816 Leptothorax gazella obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1923f. Messor et autres fourmis paléarctiques. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 30:317-336. 128348 Leptothorax gazella monticola obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1923f. Messor et autres fourmis paléarctiques. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 30:317-336. 128348 Leptothorax genualia obsolete combination Paraguay. Neotropic. Santschi, F. 1922e. Description de nouvelles fourmis de l'Argentine et pays limitrophes. Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina 94:241-262. 128341 Leptothorax gibbifer obsolete combination Cuba. Neotropic. Baroni Urbani, C. 1978b. Materiali per una revisione dei Leptothorax neotropicali appartenenti al sottogenere Macromischa Roger, n. comb. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Basiliensia 3:395-618. 122497 Leptothorax glaber obsolete combination Spain. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1925g. Fourmis d'Espagne et autres espèces paléarctiques (Hymenopt.). EOS. Revista Española de Entomología 1:339-360. 128359 Leptothorax glaesarius obsolete combination Baltic Amber (Eocene). Wheeler, W. M. 1915i ("1914"). The ants of the Baltic Amber. Schriften der Physikalisch-Ökonomischen Gesellschaft zu Königsberg 55:1-142. 130096 Leptothorax goesswaldi valid Switzerland. Palearctic. Kutter, H. 1967c. Beschreibung neuer Sozialparasiten von Leptothorax acervorum F. (Formicidae). Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 40:78-91. 126724 Leptothorax goniops obsolete combination Mexico (Campeche). Neotropic. Baroni Urbani, C. 1978b. Materiali per una revisione dei Leptothorax neotropicali appartenenti al sottogenere Macromischa Roger, n. comb. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Basiliensia 3:395-618. 122497 Leptothorax gracilicornis obsolete combination Spain (Canary Is). Afrotropic. Emery, C. 1882b. Le crociere dell'yacht "Corsaro" del capitano armatore Enrico d'Albertis. II. Formiche. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale 18:448-452. 124527 Leptothorax gracilis obsolete combination Baltic Amber (Eocene). Mayr, G. 1868c. Die Ameisen des baltischen Bernsteins. Beiträge zur Naturkunde Preussens 1:1-102. 127226 Leptothorax gredleri valid Austria, Germany. Palearctic. Mayr, G. 1855. Formicina austriaca. Beschreibung der bisher im österreichischen Kaiserstaate aufgefundenen Ameisen, nebst Hinzufügung jener in Deutschland, in der Schweiz und in Italien vorkommenden Arten. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Vereins in Wien 5:273-478. 127185 Leptothorax gredosi obsolete combination Spain. Palearctic. Espadaler, X.; Collingwood, C. A. 1982. Notas sobre Leptothorax Mayr, 1855, con descripción de L. gredosi n. sp. (Hym. Formicidae). Boletín de la Asociación Española de Entomologia 6:41-48. 124823 Leptothorax grisoni obsolete combination Democratic Republic of the Congo. Afrotropic. Forel, A. 1916. Fourmis du Congo et d'autres provenances récoltées par MM. Hermann Kohl, Luja, Mayné, etc. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 24:397-460. 124996 Leptothorax grouvellei obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Leptothorax gurnetensis obsolete combination United Kingdom (Isle of Wight, Eocene). Cockerell, T. D. A. 1915. British fossil insects. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 49:469-499. 123658 Leptothorax hadrumetensis obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1918a. Leptothorax nouveaux de l'Afrique Mineure. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 9:31-38. 128304 Leptothorax haira obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Terayama, M.; Onoyama, K. 1999. The ant genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Japan. Memoirs of the Myrmecological Society of Japan 1:71-97. 132447 Leptothorax hasardaghi obsolete combination Turkmenistan. Palearctic. Dlussky, G. M.; Zabelin, S. I. 1985. Ant fauna (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the River Sumbar Basin (south-west Kopetdag). [In Russian.]. Pp. 208-246 in: Nechaevaya, N. T. (ed.) 1985. The vegetation and animal world of western Kopetdag. [In Russian.]. Ashkhabad: Ylym, 278 pp. 124174 Leptothorax hengshanensis obsolete combination China (Hunan). Palearctic. Huang, J.-H.; Chen, B.; Zhou, S.-Y. 2004. A new species of the ant genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Hunan, China. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 29:766-768. 131509 Leptothorax hesperius obsolete combination Spain (Canary Is). Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1909c. Leptothorax rottenbergi et espèces voisines. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 17:459-482. 128249 Leptothorax hesperius anacanthus obsolete combination Santschi, F. 1912c. Quelques nouvelles variétés de fourmis africaines. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 3:147-149. 128270 Leptothorax hesperius inermis obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1909c. Leptothorax rottenbergi et espèces voisines. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 17:459-482. 128249 Leptothorax hirticornis obsolete combination U.S.A. (South Dakota). Nearctic. Emery, C. 1895d. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. (Schluss). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 8:257-360. 124591 Leptothorax hirticornis formidolosus obsolete combination U.S.A. (Colorado). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1915b. Some additions to the North American ant-fauna. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 34:389-421. 130089 Leptothorax hispaniolae obsolete combination Dominican Republic. Neotropic. Baroni Urbani, C. 1978b. Materiali per una revisione dei Leptothorax neotropicali appartenenti al sottogenere Macromischa Roger, n. comb. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Basiliensia 3:395-618. 122497 Leptothorax hispidus obsolete combination U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Cole, A. C., Jr. 1957b. A new Leptothorax from Texas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 32:42-45. 123735 Leptothorax huehuetenangoi obsolete combination Guatemala. Neotropic. Baroni Urbani, C. 1978b. Materiali per una revisione dei Leptothorax neotropicali appartenenti al sottogenere Macromischa Roger, n. comb. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Basiliensia 3:395-618. 122497 Leptothorax humerosus obsolete combination East Africa (no locality given, probably KENYA). Afrotropic. Emery, C. 1896g. Studi sulle formiche della fauna neotropica. XVII-XXV. Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 28:33-107. 124611 Leptothorax hyperisabellae obsolete combination Puerto Rico. Neotropic. Baroni Urbani, C. 1978b. Materiali per una revisione dei Leptothorax neotropicali appartenenti al sottogenere Macromischa Roger, n. comb. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Basiliensia 3:395-618. 122497 Leptothorax hystriculus obsolete combination Baltic Amber (Eocene). Wheeler, W. M. 1915i ("1914"). The ants of the Baltic Amber. Schriften der Physikalisch-Ökonomischen Gesellschaft zu Königsberg 55:1-142. 130096 Leptothorax ibericus obsolete combination Spain. Palearctic. Menozzi, C. 1922c. Contribution à la faune myrmécologique de l'Espagne. Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural 22:324-332. 127316 Leptothorax imias obsolete combination Cuba. Neotropic. Fontenla Rizo, J. L. 1998b. New species of Leptothorax (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Cuba. Avicennia 8/9:61-68. 131320 Leptothorax indra obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Terayama, M.; Onoyama, K. 1999. The ant genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Japan. Memoirs of the Myrmecological Society of Japan 1:71-97. 132447 Leptothorax inermis obsolete combination India (Himachal Pradesh). Indomalaya. Forel, A. 1902c. Myrmicinae nouveaux de l'Inde et de Ceylan. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 10:165-249. 125121 Leptothorax interruptus obsolete combination Germany. Palearctic. Schenck, P. A. 1852. Beschreibung nassauischer Ameisenarten. Jahrbuch des Vereins für Naturkunde im Herzogthum Nassau. Wiesbaden 8:1-149. 128471 Leptothorax interruptus nitidiceps obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1891c. Exploration scientifique de la Tunisie. Zoologie. - Hyménoptères. Révision critique des fourmis de la Tunisie. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, iii + 21 pp. 124554 Leptothorax iranicus obsolete combination Iran. Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G. 1994c ("1993"). New species of ants of the genus Leptothorax (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from southern and eastern Palearctic. [In Russian.]. Zhurnal Ukrains'koho Entomolohichnoho Tovarystva 1(2):23-34. 127962 Leptothorax itinerans obsolete combination Venezuela. Neotropic. Kempf, W. W. 1959d. A synopsis of the New World species belonging to the Nesomyrmex-group of the ant genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Studia Entomologica (n.s.)2:391-432. 126315 Leptothorax ixili obsolete combination Guatemala. Neotropic. Baroni Urbani, C. 1978b. Materiali per una revisione dei Leptothorax neotropicali appartenenti al sottogenere Macromischa Roger, n. comb. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Basiliensia 3:395-618. 122497 Leptothorax jailensis obsolete combination Russia (Crimea). Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1977a. New and little known ant species of the genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the European USSR and the Caucasus. [In Russian.]. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 56:198-204. 122367 Leptothorax janushevi obsolete combination Tajikistan. Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G. 1994c ("1993"). New species of ants of the genus Leptothorax (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from southern and eastern Palearctic. [In Russian.]. Zhurnal Ukrains'koho Entomolohichnoho Tovarystva 1(2):23-34. 127962 Leptothorax josephi obsolete combination U.S.A. (New Mexico). Nearctic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax junipereti obsolete combination Russia (Crimea). Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1977a. New and little known ant species of the genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the European USSR and the Caucasus. [In Russian.]. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 56:198-204. 122367 Leptothorax kaszabi obsolete combination Mongolia. Palearctic. Pisarski, B. 1969b. 175. Myrmicidae und Formicidae. Ergebnisse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei (Hymenoptera). Faunistische Abhandlungen (Dresden) 2(29):295-316. 127829 Leptothorax kemali obsolete combination Turkey. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1934d. Fourmis d'une croisière. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 74:273-282. 128420 Leptothorax kinomurai obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Terayama, M.; Onoyama, K. 1999. The ant genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Japan. Memoirs of the Myrmecological Society of Japan 1:71-97. 132447 Leptothorax kirghizicus obsolete combination Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Tarbinsky, Y. S. 1976. The ants of Kirghizia. [In Russian.]. Frunze: Ilim, 217 pp. 129149 Leptothorax kiudiria obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Espadaler, X. 1997. [Untitled. New species attributed to X. Espadaler.]. Pp. 272-280 in: Cagniant, H.; Espadaler, X. 1997. Les Leptothorax, Epimyrma et Chalepoxenus du Maroc (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Clé et catalogue des espèces. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (n.s.)33:259-284. 143899 Leptothorax korbi obsolete combination Azerbaijan. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1924f ("1922"). Hymenoptera. Fam. Formicidae. Subfam. Myrmicinae. [concl.]. Genera Insectorum 174C:207-397. 124769 Leptothorax koreanus obsolete combination Korea. Palearctic. Teranishi, C. 1940. Works of Cho Teranishi. Memorial Volume. [In Japanese, English and German, in part.]. Osaka: Kansai Entomological Society, 312 + (posthumous section) 95 pp. 129229 Leptothorax kubira obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Terayama, M.; Onoyama, K. 1999. The ant genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Japan. Memoirs of the Myrmecological Society of Japan 1:71-97. 132447 Leptothorax kurilensis obsolete combination Russia (Kuril Is., Kunashir I.). Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G. 1994c ("1993"). New species of ants of the genus Leptothorax (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from southern and eastern Palearctic. [In Russian.]. Zhurnal Ukrains'koho Entomolohichnoho Tovarystva 1(2):23-34. 127962 Leptothorax kutteri valid Germany. Palearctic. Buschinger, A. 1966a ("1965"). Leptothorax (Mychothorax) kutteri n. sp., eine sozialparasitische Ameise (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Insectes Sociaux 12:327-334. 123353 Leptothorax laciniatus obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Stitz, H. 1917. Ameisen aus dem westlichen Mittelmeergebiet und von den Kanarischen Inseln. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 8:333-353. 129027 Leptothorax lacteipennis synonym of Leptothorax acervorum Sweden. Palearctic. Zetterstedt, J. W. 1838. Insecta Lapponica. Sectio secunda. Hymenoptera. Lipsiae [= Leipzig]: L. Voss, pp. 317-475. 130596 Leptothorax lagrecai obsolete combination Italy (Sicily). Palearctic. Baroni Urbani, C. 1964b. Studi sulla mirmecofauna d'Italia. II. Formiche di Sicilia. Atti dell'Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali (6)16:25-66. 122462 Leptothorax latinodis obsolete combination Mozambique. Afrotropic. Mayr, G. 1895. Afrikanische Formiciden. Annalen des Kaiserlich-Königlichen Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 10:124-154. 124602 Leptothorax laurae obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1884a. Materiali per lo studio della fauna Tunisina raccolti da G. e L. Doria. III. Rassegna delle formiche della Tunisia. [part]. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale 21[=(2)1]:373-384. 124528 Leptothorax laurae antoniae obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Cagniant, H. 1997. [Untitled. New species attributed to H. Cagniant.]. Pp. 270-271 in: Cagniant, H.; Espadaler, X. 1997. Les Leptothorax, Epimyrma et Chalepoxenus du Maroc (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Clé et catalogue des espèces. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (n.s.)33:259-284. 143898 Leptothorax laurae colettae obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1915a. Nouvelles fourmis d'Algérie, Tunisie et Syrie. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 6:54-63. 128290 Leptothorax laurae rosae obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1915a. Nouvelles fourmis d'Algérie, Tunisie et Syrie. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 6:54-63. 128290 Leptothorax leoni obsolete combination Kazakhstan. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1971. New species and a review of the ant genus Leptothorax (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Kazakstan plain. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 50:1818-1826. 122342 Leptothorax lereddei obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Bernard, F. 1953a. Les fourmis du Tassili des Ajjer. Pp. 121-250 in: Bernard, F. (ed.) 1953. Mission scientifique au Tassili des Ajjer (1949). Volume I. Recherches zoologiques et médicales. Paris: P. Lechevalier, 302 pp. 122636 Leptothorax leucacanthus obsolete combination Mexico (Guerrero). Neotropic. Baroni Urbani, C. 1978b. Materiali per una revisione dei Leptothorax neotropicali appartenenti al sottogenere Macromischa Roger, n. comb. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Basiliensia 3:395-618. 122497 Leptothorax lichtensteini obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Leptothorax liebi obsolete combination U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax lindae obsolete combination U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax lindbergi obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1931a. Inventa entomologica itineris Hispanici et Maroccani, quod a. 1926 fecerunt Harald et Håkan Lindberg. Fourmis du Bassin Méditerranéen occidental et du Maroc récoltées par MM. Lindberg. Commentationes Biologicae 3(14):1-13. 128393 Leptothorax liviae obsolete combination United Arab Emirates. Afrotropic. Agosti, D.; Collingwood, C. A. 2011. Leptothorax liviae Agosti & Collingwood nov. spec. P. 430 in: Collingwood, C. A.; Agosti, D.; Sharaf, M. R.; van Harten, A. 2011. Order Hymenoptera, family Formicidae. Arthropod Fauna of the UAE 4:405-474. 132857 Leptothorax longaevus obsolete combination Baltic Amber (Eocene). Wheeler, W. M. 1915i ("1914"). The ants of the Baltic Amber. Schriften der Physikalisch-Ökonomischen Gesellschaft zu Königsberg 55:1-142. 130096 Leptothorax longipilosus obsolete combination Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Tarbinsky, Y. S. 1976. The ants of Kirghizia. [In Russian.]. Frunze: Ilim, 217 pp. 129149 Leptothorax longipilosus obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1912f. Nouvelles fourmis de Tunisie récoltées par le Dr. Normand. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 3:172-175. 128273 Leptothorax longispinosus obsolete combination America. Roger, J. 1863a. Die neu aufgeführten Gattungen und Arten meines Formiciden-Verzeichnisses nebst Ergänzung einiger früher gegebenen Beschreibungen. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 7:131-214. 128093 Leptothorax longispinosus iowensis obsolete combination Buren, W. F. 1945. Leptothorax longispinosus subsp. iowensis, nom. n. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 47:288. 123322 Leptothorax longispinosus laeviceps obsolete combination U.S.A. (Iowa). Nearctic. Buren, W. F. 1944a. A list of Iowa ants. Iowa State College Journal of Science 18:277-312. 123329 Leptothorax luteus obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1874. Les fourmis de la Suisse. Systématique, notices anatomiques et physiologiques, architecture, distribution géographique, nouvelles expériences et observations de moeurs. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 26:1-452. 124988 Leptothorax luteus subcingulata obsolete combination Spain. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1924c. Formiche di Spagna raccolte dal Prof. Filippo Silvestri. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura. Portici 17:164-171. 124765 Leptothorax madecassus obsolete combination Madagascar. Malagasy. Forel, A. 1892o. Les Formicides. [concl.]. In: Grandidier, A. 1892. Histoire physique, naturelle, et politique de Madagascar. Volume XX. Histoire naturelle des Hyménoptères. Deuxième partie. Supplèment au 28e fascicule. Paris: Hachette et Cie, pp. 229-280. 125046 Leptothorax makora obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Terayama, M.; Onoyama, K. 1999. The ant genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Japan. Memoirs of the Myrmecological Society of Japan 1:71-97. 132447 Leptothorax manni obsolete combination Mexico (Hidalgo). Neotropic. Wheeler, W. M. 1914c. Ants collected by W. M. Mann in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 22:37-61. 130084 Leptothorax manni obsolete combination U.S.A. (Tennessee). Nearctic. Wesson, L. G. 1935. A new species of ant from Tennessee (Hymen.: Formicidae). Entomological News 46:208-210. 129795 Leptothorax mariposa obsolete combination U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1917a. The mountain ants of western North America. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 52:457-569. 130116 Leptothorax maryanae obsolete combination U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax massiliensis obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Leptothorax maurus obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1921b. Notes sur les fourmis paléarctiques. I. Quelques fourmis du nord de l'Afrique et des Canaries. Memorias de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural Tomo del Cincuentenario:424-436. 128329 Leptothorax megalops obsolete combination Sudan. Afrotropic. Hamann, H. H. F.; Klemm, W. 1967. Ergebnisse der zoologischen Nubien-Expedition 1962. Teil XXXIV. Hymenoptera - Formicidae. Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 70:411-421. 125746 Leptothorax melanderi obsolete combination U.S.A. (Idaho). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1909e. A decade of North American Formicidae. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 17:77-90. 130039 Leptothorax melanocephala nomen nudum Mayr, G. 1855. Formicina austriaca. Beschreibung der bisher im österreichischen Kaiserstaate aufgefundenen Ameisen, nebst Hinzufügung jener in Deutschland, in der Schweiz und in Italien vorkommenden Arten. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Vereins in Wien 5:273-478. 127185 Leptothorax melanocephalus obsolete combination France (Corsica). Palearctic. Emery, C. 1870. Studi mirmecologici. Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 2:193-201. 124503 Leptothorax melas obsolete combination France (Corsica). Palearctic. Espadaler, X.; Plateaux, L.; Casevitz Weulersse, J. 1984. Leptothorax melas, n. sp., de Corse. Notes écologiques et biologiques (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Revue Française d'Entomologie (Nouvelle Série) 6:123-132. 124831 Leptothorax melinus obsolete combination U.S.A. (New Mexico). Nearctic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax melleus obsolete combination Tajikistan. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1904c ("1903"). Note sur les fourmis du Musée Zoologique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences à St. Pétersbourg. Ezhegodnik Zoologicheskago Muzeya 8:368-388. 125146 Leptothorax melleus csikii obsolete combination Mongolia. Palearctic. Pisarski, B. 1969b. 175. Myrmicidae und Formicidae. Ergebnisse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei (Hymenoptera). Faunistische Abhandlungen (Dresden) 2(29):295-316. 127829 Leptothorax melnikovi obsolete combination Kazakhstan. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Leptothorax mexicanus obsolete combination Mexico (Coahuila). Neotropic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax mimeuri obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Cagniant, H. 1997. [Untitled. New species attributed to H. Cagniant.]. Pp. 270-271 in: Cagniant, H.; Espadaler, X. 1997. Les Leptothorax, Epimyrma et Chalepoxenus du Maroc (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Clé et catalogue des espèces. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (n.s.)33:259-284. 143898 Leptothorax minozzii obsolete combination Santschi, F. 1922b. Quelques nouvelles variétés de fourmis paléarctiques. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 13:66-68. 128338 Leptothorax minutissimus obsolete combination U.S.A. (District of Columbia). Nearctic. Smith, M. R. 1942a. A new, apparently parasitic ant. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 44:59-61. 128787 Leptothorax mirabilis obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Espadaler, X.; Cagniant, H. 1996. Leptothorax mirabilis n. sp. une espèce énigmatique du Maroc (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 121:331-337. 131209 Leptothorax mirassolis obsolete combination Brazil (São Paulo). Neotropic. Diniz, J. L. M. 1975. Leptothorax (Nesomyrmex) mirassolis, nova espécie de formiga da região norte-ocidental do estado de São Paulo, Brasil (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 19:79-83. 124115 Leptothorax miserabilis obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1918a. Leptothorax nouveaux de l'Afrique Mineure. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 9:31-38. 128304 Leptothorax monjauzei obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Cagniant, H. 1968b. Description de Leptothorax monjauzei n. sp. d'Algérie (Hym. Formicidae Myrmicinae). Représentation de trois castes et notes biologiques. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 73:83-90. 123456 Leptothorax mordax obsolete combination Spain. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1919e. Fourmis d'Espagne et des Canaries. Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural 19:241-248. 128313 Leptothorax muellerianus obsolete combination Italy. Palearctic. Finzi, B. 1922a ("1921"). Primo contributo alla conoscenza della fauna mirmecologica della Venezia Giulia. Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 53:118-120. 124918 Leptothorax mulleri obsolete combination Santschi, F. 1926f. Travaux scientifiques de l'Armée d'Orient (1916-1918). Fourmis. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle 32:286-293. 128366 Leptothorax muscorum valid Finland. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1846b. Additamentum adnotationum in monographiam formicarum borealium Europae. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 2:1041-1062. 127562 Leptothorax muscorum betulae synonym of Leptothorax muscorum Russia. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1916. On zoological research in Yeniseisk province, work of summer of 1915. [In Russian.]. Izvestiya Imperatorskago Tomskago Universiteta 65(3rd part):1-21. 128165 Leptothorax muscorum fagi synonym of Leptothorax muscorum Russia. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Leptothorax muscorum flavescens synonym of Leptothorax muscorum Russia. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1896. Verzeichniss der Ameisen des östlichen Russlands und des Uralgebirges. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 41:67-74. 128163 Leptothorax muscorum scamni obsolete combination Russia. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Leptothorax muscorum septentrionalis synonym of Leptothorax canadensis Canada (Alberta, British Columbia). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1917a. The mountain ants of western North America. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 52:457-569. 130116 Leptothorax muscorum sordidus synonym of Leptothorax canadensis U.S.A. (Colorado). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1903d. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Leptothorax Mayr. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 55:215-260. 129977 Leptothorax muscorum uvicensis unavailable Canada (British Columbia). Nearctic. Blacker, N. C. 1992. Some ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia 89:3-12. 122776 Leptothorax nadigi obsolete combination Switzerland. Palearctic. Kutter, H. 1925. Eine neue Ameise der Schweiz. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 13:409-412. 126681 Leptothorax naeviventris obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1910b. Nouvelles fourmis de Tunisie (suite). Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 1:61-64. 128251 Leptothorax naeviventris kefensis obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1929e. Fourmis du Maroc, d'Algérie et de Tunisie. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 69:138-165. 128384 Leptothorax narinicus obsolete combination Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Tarbinsky, Y. S. 1976. The ants of Kirghizia. [In Russian.]. Frunze: Ilim, 217 pp. 129149 Leptothorax nassanowi unavailable misspelling Russia. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1895. Faunistic investigations in east Russia 1. Contribution to the ant fauna of east Russia. 2. Zoological excursion in the Orenburg region in 1894. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 28(5):1-32. 128162 Leptothorax nassonovi obsolete combination Russia. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1895. Faunistic investigations in east Russia 1. Contribution to the ant fauna of east Russia. 2. Zoological excursion in the Orenburg region in 1894. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 28(5):1-32. 128162 Leptothorax nassonovi firssovi obsolete combination Russia (Primorsky Region). Palearctic. Kuznetsov-Ugamsky, N. N. 1928b. Ants of the South Ussuri Region. [In Russian.]. Zapiski Vladivostokskogo Otdela Gosudarstvennogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obshchvestva 1(18):1-47. 126761 Leptothorax nassonovi subnudus obsolete combination China. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Leptothorax nassonovi volgensis obsolete combination Russia. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Leptothorax neminan obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Espadaler, X. 1997. [Untitled. New species attributed to X. Espadaler.]. Pp. 272-280 in: Cagniant, H.; Espadaler, X. 1997. Les Leptothorax, Epimyrma et Chalepoxenus du Maroc (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Clé et catalogue des espèces. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (n.s.)33:259-284. 143899 Leptothorax neomexicanus obsolete combination U.S.A. (New Mexico). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1903d. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Leptothorax Mayr. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 55:215-260. 129977 Leptothorax nevadensis obsolete combination U.S.A. (Nevada). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1903d. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Leptothorax Mayr. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 55:215-260. 129977 Leptothorax nevadensis rudis obsolete combination U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1917a. The mountain ants of western North America. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 52:457-569. 130116 Leptothorax nevodovskii obsolete combination Georgia. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1926c. Beiträge zur Ameisenfauna des Kaukasus, nebst einigen Bemerkungen über andere palaearktische Formen. (Fortsetzung). Konowia 5:161-169. 126248 Leptothorax niger obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1894d. Les Formicides de la Province d'Oran (Algérie). Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 30:1-45. 125061 Leptothorax niger laestrygon obsolete combination Italy (Sicily). Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1931a. Inventa entomologica itineris Hispanici et Maroccani, quod a. 1926 fecerunt Harald et Håkan Lindberg. Fourmis du Bassin Méditerranéen occidental et du Maroc récoltées par MM. Lindberg. Commentationes Biologicae 3(14):1-13. 128393 Leptothorax niger splendidiceps obsolete combination Malta (Gozo I., Malta I.). Palearctic. Baroni Urbani, C. 1968e. Studi sulla mirmecofauna d'Italia. IV. La fauna mirmecologica delle isole Maltesi ed il suo significato ecologico e biogeografico. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "Giacomo Doria" 77:408-559. 122468 Leptothorax nigricans obsolete combination Baroni Urbani, C. 1978b. Materiali per una revisione dei Leptothorax neotropicali appartenenti al sottogenere Macromischa Roger, n. comb. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Basiliensia 3:395-618. 122497 Leptothorax nigriceps obsolete combination Austria. Palearctic. Mayr, G. 1855. Formicina austriaca. Beschreibung der bisher im österreichischen Kaiserstaate aufgefundenen Ameisen, nebst Hinzufügung jener in Deutschland, in der Schweiz und in Italien vorkommenden Arten. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Vereins in Wien 5:273-478. 127185 Leptothorax nigriceps pyrenaeus obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Leptothorax nigrita curvispinosus obsolete combination Israel. Palearctic. André, Ern. 1881c. Catalogue raisonné des Formicides provenant du voyage en Orient de M. Abeille de Perrin et description des espèces nouvelles. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (6)1:53-78. 122245 Leptothorax nigrita flavispinus obsolete combination André, Ern. 1883a. Les fourmis. [part]. Pp. 281-344 in: André, Edm. 1883. 1881-1886. Species des Hyménoptères d'Europe et d'Algérie. Tome Deuxième. Beaune: Edmond André, 919 + 48 pp. 122253 Leptothorax nigrita rupestris obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1909k. Études myrmécologiques en 1909. Fourmis de Barbarie et de Ceylan. Nidification des Polyrhachis. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 45:369-407. 125200 Leptothorax nigrita saharensis obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1929c. Fourmis du Sahara central récoltées par la Mission du Hoggar (février-mars 1928). Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 20:97-108. 128382 Leptothorax nigrita salambo obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1912f. Nouvelles fourmis de Tunisie récoltées par le Dr. Normand. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 3:172-175. 128273 Leptothorax nigritus obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1878c. Catalogo delle formiche esistenti nelle collezioni del Museo Civico di Genova. Parte seconda. Formiche dell'Europa e delle regioni limitrofe in Africa e in Asia. [concl.]. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale 12:49-59. 124522 Leptothorax nikitae obsolete combination Russia (Crimea). Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1977a. New and little known ant species of the genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the European USSR and the Caucasus. [In Russian.]. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 56:198-204. 122367 Leptothorax nipensis obsolete combination Cuba. Neotropic. Fontenla Rizo, J. L. 1998b. New species of Leptothorax (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Cuba. Avicennia 8/9:61-68. 131320 Leptothorax nitens obsolete combination U.S.A. (Utah). Nearctic. Emery, C. 1895d. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. (Schluss). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 8:257-360. 124591 Leptothorax nitens heathii obsolete combination U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1903d. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Leptothorax Mayr. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 55:215-260. 129977 Leptothorax nitens mariposa obsolete combination U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1917a. The mountain ants of western North America. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 52:457-569. 130116 Leptothorax nitens occidentalis obsolete combination U.S.A. (Washington). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1903d. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Leptothorax Mayr. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 55:215-260. 129977 Leptothorax nitidulus obsolete combination Finland. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1846b. Additamentum adnotationum in monographiam formicarum borealium Europae. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 2:1041-1062. 127562 Leptothorax nitidulus picea obsolete combination Luxembourg. Palearctic. Wasmann, E. 1906. Zur Kenntniss der Ameisen und Ameisengäste von Luxemburg. Archives. Institut Grand-Ducal de Luxembourg (n.s.)1(1/2):104-124. 129630 Leptothorax nivarianus obsolete combination Spain (Canary Is). Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1925g. Fourmis d'Espagne et autres espèces paléarctiques (Hymenopt.). EOS. Revista Española de Entomología 1:339-360. 128359 Leptothorax nivarianus guancha obsolete combination Spain (Canary Is). Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1925g. Fourmis d'Espagne et autres espèces paléarctiques (Hymenopt.). EOS. Revista Española de Entomología 1:339-360. 128359 Leptothorax nordmeyeri obsolete combination India (Goa). Indomalaya. Schulz, A. 1997. Leptothorax nordmeyeri, spec. nov., an interesting ant of subtropical India. Spixiana 20:303-308. 132253 Leptothorax normandi obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1912f. Nouvelles fourmis de Tunisie récoltées par le Dr. Normand. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 3:172-175. 128273 Leptothorax normandi atlantis obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1911a. Formicides nouveaux de l'Afrique Mineure (4e note). Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 2:11-14. 128258 Leptothorax normandi atlantis suturalis obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1921b. Notes sur les fourmis paléarctiques. I. Quelques fourmis du nord de l'Afrique et des Canaries. Memorias de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural Tomo del Cincuentenario:424-436. 128329 Leptothorax nudus obsolete combination Fiji Is. Oceania. Mayr, G. 1866a. Myrmecologische Beiträge. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Abteilung I 53:484-517. 127215 Leptothorax nylanderi obsolete combination Germany. Palearctic. Foerster, A. 1850a. Hymenopterologische Studien. 1. Formicariae. Aachen: Ernst Ter Meer, 74 pp. 124947 Leptothorax nylanderi crassispina obsolete combination Ukraine. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1926f. Myrmekologische Fragmente. Zbirnyk Prats' Zoolohichnoho Muzeyu 1:47-51 [= Trudy. Ukrains'ka Akademiya Nauk. Fizichno-Matematichnoho Viddilu 4:65-69]. 126251 Leptothorax nylanderi euxanthus unavailable Plateaux, L. 1981. The pallens morph of the ant Leptothorax nylanderi: description, formal genetics, and study of populations. Pp. 63-74 in: Howse, P. E.; Clement, J.-L. (eds.) 1981. Biosystematics of social insects. Systematics Association Special Volume No. 19. London: Academic Press, 346 pp. 127848 Leptothorax nylanderi nylanderonigriceps obsolete combination Germany. Palearctic. Stitz, H. 1939. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Meersteile nach ihren Merkmalen und nach ihrer Lebensweise. 37. Theil. Hautflüger oder Hymenoptera. I: Ameisen oder Formicidae. Jena: G. Fischer, 428 pp. 129033 Leptothorax nylanderi nylanderotuberum obsolete combination Georgia. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1902d. Material on the ant fauna of the Caucasus and the Crimea. [In Russian.]. Protokoly Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 206(suppl.):1-33. 128175 Leptothorax nylanderi pallens unavailable France. Palearctic. Plateaux, L. 1981. The pallens morph of the ant Leptothorax nylanderi: description, formal genetics, and study of populations. Pp. 63-74 in: Howse, P. E.; Clement, J.-L. (eds.) 1981. Biosystematics of social insects. Systematics Association Special Volume No. 19. London: Academic Press, 346 pp. 127848 Leptothorax nylanderi pseudoxanthus unavailable Plateaux, L. 1981. The pallens morph of the ant Leptothorax nylanderi: description, formal genetics, and study of populations. Pp. 63-74 in: Howse, P. E.; Clement, J.-L. (eds.) 1981. Biosystematics of social insects. Systematics Association Special Volume No. 19. London: Academic Press, 346 pp. 127848 Leptothorax nylanderi slavonicus obsolete combination Germany. Palearctic. Seifert, B. 1995. Two new Central European subspecies of Leptothorax nylanderi (Förster, 1850) and Leptothorax sordidulus Müller, 1923 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseums Görlitz 68(7):1-18. 128561 Leptothorax obliquicanthus obsolete combination U.S.A. (New Mexico). Nearctic. Cole, A. C., Jr. 1953c. Studies of New Mexico ants. II. A description of a new subspecies of Aphaenogaster huachucana (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 28:82-84. 123708 Leptothorax obturator obsolete combination U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1903d. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Leptothorax Mayr. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 55:215-260. 129977 Leptothorax ocarinae obsolete combination Mexico. Neotropic. Baroni Urbani, C. 1978b. Materiali per una revisione dei Leptothorax neotropicali appartenenti al sottogenere Macromischa Roger, n. comb. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Basiliensia 3:395-618. 122497 Leptothorax oceanicus valid Russia (Primorsky Region). Palearctic. Kuznetsov-Ugamsky, N. N. 1928b. Ants of the South Ussuri Region. [In Russian.]. Zapiski Vladivostokskogo Otdela Gosudarstvennogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obshchvestva 1(18):1-47. 126761 Leptothorax ocellatus obsolete combination U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax opaciabdomin obsolete combination China (Ningxia). Palearctic. Chang, Y.-D.; He, D.-H. 2001c. A taxonomic study of the ant genus Leptothorax from northwestern China. [In Chinese.]. Journal of Ningxia Agricultural College 22(2):1-4. 130904 Leptothorax oraniensis obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1894d. Les Formicides de la Province d'Oran (Algérie). Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 30:1-45. 125061 Leptothorax oxianus obsolete combination Tajikistan. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Leptothorax oxianus juglandeti obsolete combination Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1976. [Untitled. New species attributed to K. V. Arnol'di.]. Pp. 88, 103-105 in: Tarbinsky, Y. S. 1976. The ants of Kirghizia. [In Russian.]. Frunze: Ilim, 217 pp. 143903 Leptothorax oxynodis obsolete combination U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax pacis valid Switzerland. Palearctic. Kutter, H. 1945a. Ein neue Ameisengattung. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 19:485-487. 126707 Leptothorax pallidipes obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1910b. Nouvelles fourmis de Tunisie (suite). Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 1:61-64. 128251 Leptothorax pallidus obsolete combination Afghanistan. Palearctic. Collingwood, C. A. 1961a ("1960"). The third Danish Expedition to Central Asia. Zoological Results 27. Formicidae (Insecta) from Afghanistan. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening 123:51-79. 123785 Leptothorax palustris obsolete combination U.S.A. (Florida). Nearctic. Cover, S.; Deyrup, M. 2004. [Untitled. Leptothorax palustris Cover and Deyrup, new species.]. Pp. 52-55 in: Deyrup, M.; Cover, S. 2004a. A new species of the ant genus Leptothorax from Florida, with a key to the Leptothorax of the southeast (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Florida Entomologist 87:51-59. 130942 Leptothorax pamiricus obsolete combination Tajikistan. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1902b. Neue Ameisen aus Russland. Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 17:469-484. 128173 Leptothorax pan obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1936c. Liste et descriptions de fourmis du Maroc. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc 16:198-210. 128427 Leptothorax paraxenus valid Canada (Ontario). Nearctic. Heinze, J.; Alloway, T. M. 1992 ("1991"). Leptothorax paraxenus n. sp., a workerless social parasite from North America (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Psyche (Cambridge) 98:195-206. 125838 Leptothorax pardoi obsolete combination Spain. Palearctic. Tinaut, A. 1987a. Descripción de Leptothorax pardoi nov. sp. (Hym. Formicidae). EOS. Revista Española de Entomología 63:315-320. 129348 Leptothorax pastinifer obsolete combination Bahamas. Neotropic. Emery, C. 1894d. Studi sulle formiche della fauna neotropica. VI-XVI. Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 26:137-241. 124576 Leptothorax pastoris obsolete combination Cuba. Neotropic. Baroni Urbani, C. 1978b. Materiali per una revisione dei Leptothorax neotropicali appartenenti al sottogenere Macromischa Roger, n. comb. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Basiliensia 3:395-618. 122497 Leptothorax pelagosanus obsolete combination Croatia (Palagruza I.). Palearctic. Müller, G. 1923a. Note mirmecologiche. Memorie della Società Entomologica Italiana 2:65-76. 127477 Leptothorax peninsularis obsolete combination Mexico (Baja California Sur). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1934f. Ants from the islands off the west coast of Lower California and Mexico. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 10:132-144. 130255 Leptothorax pergandei obsolete combination U.S.A. (District of Columbia). Nearctic. Emery, C. 1895d. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. (Schluss). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 8:257-360. 124591 Leptothorax pergandei flavus obsolete combination U.S.A. (Mississippi). Nearctic. Smith, M. R. 1929c. Descriptions of five new North American ants, with biological notes. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 22:543-551. 128755 Leptothorax pergandei floridanus obsolete combination U.S.A. (Florida). Nearctic. Emery, C. 1895d. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. (Schluss). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 8:257-360. 124591 Leptothorax pergandei floridanus spinosus unavailable U.S.A. (Mississippi). Nearctic. Smith, M. R. 1929c. Descriptions of five new North American ants, with biological notes. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 22:543-551. 128755 Leptothorax personatus obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Cagniant, H. 1987c ("1986"). Contribution à la connaissance des fourmis marocaines. Leptothorax personatus n. sp. (Hym. Formicoidea). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 91:243-250. 123473 Leptothorax petiolatus obsolete combination Mexico (Morelos). Neotropic. Forel, A. 1901d. I. Fourmis mexicaines récoltées par M. le professeur W.-M. Wheeler. II. A propos de la classification des fourmis. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 45:123-141. 125108 Leptothorax peyerimhoffi obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1929c. Fourmis du Sahara central récoltées par la Mission du Hoggar (février-mars 1928). Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 20:97-108. 128382 Leptothorax pictus obsolete combination Spain. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1924c. Formiche di Spagna raccolte dal Prof. Filippo Silvestri. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura. Portici 17:164-171. 124765 Leptothorax pilifer obsolete combination U.S.A. (Pennsylvania). Nearctic. Roger, J. 1863a. Die neu aufgeführten Gattungen und Arten meines Formiciden-Verzeichnisses nebst Ergänzung einiger früher gegebenen Beschreibungen. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 7:131-214. 128093 Leptothorax pithyusae obsolete combination Russia (Caucasus). Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1977a. New and little known ant species of the genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the European USSR and the Caucasus. [In Russian.]. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 56:198-204. 122367 Leptothorax pithyusae babuganicus obsolete combination Russia (Crimea). Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1977a. New and little known ant species of the genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the European USSR and the Caucasus. [In Russian.]. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 56:198-204. 122367 Leptothorax pittieri obsolete combination Costa Rica. Neotropic. Forel, A. 1899d. Formicidae. [part]. Biologia Centrali-Americana Hym. 3:25-56. 142479 Leptothorax placivus obsolete combination Baltic Amber (Eocene). Wheeler, W. M. 1915i ("1914"). The ants of the Baltic Amber. Schriften der Physikalisch-Ökonomischen Gesellschaft zu Königsberg 55:1-142. 130096 Leptothorax platycephalus obsolete combination Spain. Palearctic. Espadaler, X. 1997b ("1996"). Diagnosis preliminar de siete especies nuevas de hormigas de la Península Ibérica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Zapateri. Revista Aragonesa de Entomología 6:151-153. 131197 Leptothorax pleuriticus obsolete combination Guyana. Neotropic. Kempf, W. W. 1959d. A synopsis of the New World species belonging to the Nesomyrmex-group of the ant genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Studia Entomologica (n.s.)2:391-432. 126315 Leptothorax pocahontas valid Canada (Alberta). Nearctic. Buschinger, A. 1979b. Doronomyrmex pocahontas n. sp., a parasitic ant from Alberta, Canada (Hym. Formicidae). Insectes Sociaux 26:216-222. 123374 Leptothorax praecreolus obsolete combination Dominican Republic (Dominican Amber, Miocene). De Andrade, M. L. 1992. First fossil "true Macromischa" in amber from the Dominican Republic (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 65:341-351. 124026 Leptothorax pratostepposus obsolete combination Russia. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1977a. New and little known ant species of the genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the European USSR and the Caucasus. [In Russian.]. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 56:198-204. 122367 Leptothorax provancheri obsolete combination Canada (Québec). Nearctic. Emery, C. 1895d. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. (Schluss). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 8:257-360. 124591 Leptothorax pulcher obsolete combination Emery, C. 1917a. Questions de nomenclature et synonymies relatives à quelques genres et espèces de Formicides (Hym.). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 1917:94-97. 124736 Leptothorax punctaticeps obsolete combination Mexico (Nuevo León). Neotropic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax punctatissimus obsolete combination Mexico (Nuevo León). Neotropic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax punctithorax obsolete combination Mexico (Mexico). Neotropic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax pungentinodis obsolete combination Panama. Neotropic. Emery, C. 1896a. Formiche raccolte dal dott. E. Festa nei pressi del golfo di Darien. Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata della Reale Università di Torino 11(229):1-4. 124605 Leptothorax rabaudi obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Leptothorax racovitzai obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Leptothorax recedens obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1856b. Synopsis des Formicides de France et d'Algérie. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie (4)5:51-109. 127565 Leptothorax recedens barbarus obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1939d. Notes sur des Camponotus et autres fourmis de l'Afrique Mineure. Bulletin de la Société des Sciences Naturelles du Maroc 19:66-87. 128445 Leptothorax recedens suberis obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1894d. Les Formicides de la Province d'Oran (Algérie). Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 30:1-45. 125061 Leptothorax renateae obsolete combination Australia (Queensland). Australasia. Taylor, R. W. 1989b. Australasian ants of the genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 27:605-610. 129205 Leptothorax reticulatus obsolete combination China (Ningxia). Palearctic. Chang, Y.-D.; He, D.-H. 2001c. A taxonomic study of the ant genus Leptothorax from northwestern China. [In Chinese.]. Journal of Ningxia Agricultural College 22(2):1-4. 130904 Leptothorax retractus valid Canada (Québec). Nearctic. Francoeur, A. 1986b. Deux nouvelles fourmis néarctiques: Leptothorax retractus et L. sphagnicolus (Formicidae, Hymenoptera). Canadian Entomologist 118:1151-1164. 125348 Leptothorax retusispinosus obsolete combination Madagascar. Malagasy. Forel, A. 1892o. Les Formicides. [concl.]. In: Grandidier, A. 1892. Histoire physique, naturelle, et politique de Madagascar. Volume XX. Histoire naturelle des Hyménoptères. Deuxième partie. Supplèment au 28e fascicule. Paris: Hachette et Cie, pp. 229-280. 125046 Leptothorax risii obsolete combination Spain (Canary Is). Afrotropic. Forel, A. 1892g. Quelques fourmis de la faune méditerranéenne. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 36:452-457. 125037 Leptothorax risii armouri obsolete combination Spain (Canary Is). Afrotropic. Wheeler, W. M. 1927g. The ants of the Canary Islands. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 62:93-120. 130191 Leptothorax risii globulinodis obsolete combination Spain (Canary Is). Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1909c. Leptothorax rottenbergi et espèces voisines. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 17:459-482. 128249 Leptothorax rothneyi obsolete combination India (Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh). Indomalaya. Forel, A. 1902c. Myrmicinae nouveaux de l'Inde et de Ceylan. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 10:165-249. 125121 Leptothorax rothneyi schurri obsolete combination India (Madhya Pradesh). Indomalaya. Forel, A. 1902c. Myrmicinae nouveaux de l'Inde et de Ceylan. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 10:165-249. 125121 Leptothorax rothneyi simlensis obsolete combination India (Himachal Pradesh). Indomalaya. Forel, A. 1904d. Miscellanea myrmécologiques. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 12:1-52. 125147 Leptothorax rottenbergi annibalis obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1909c. Leptothorax rottenbergi et espèces voisines. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 17:459-482. 128249 Leptothorax rottenbergi annibalis colorata unavailable Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1909c. Leptothorax rottenbergi et espèces voisines. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 17:459-482. 128249 Leptothorax rottenbergi annibalis herculea unavailable Algeria. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1922b. Quelques nouvelles variétés de fourmis paléarctiques. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 13:66-68. 128338 Leptothorax rottenbergi annibalis littoralis unavailable Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1918a. Leptothorax nouveaux de l'Afrique Mineure. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 9:31-38. 128304 Leptothorax rottenbergi annibalis transitoria unavailable Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1909c. Leptothorax rottenbergi et espèces voisines. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 17:459-482. 128249 Leptothorax rottenbergi balcanica obsolete combination Bulgaria. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1909c. Leptothorax rottenbergi et espèces voisines. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 17:459-482. 128249 Leptothorax rottenbergi ernesti obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1909c. Leptothorax rottenbergi et espèces voisines. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 17:459-482. 128249 Leptothorax rottenbergi jesus obsolete combination Israel, Turkey, Lebanon. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1913d. Fourmis de la faune méditerranéenne récoltées par MM. U. et J. Sahlberg. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 21:427-438. 125241 Leptothorax rottenbergi sardoa obsolete combination Italy (Sardinia). Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1909c. Leptothorax rottenbergi et espèces voisines. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 17:459-482. 128249 Leptothorax rottenbergi scabriosus obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1909c. Leptothorax rottenbergi et espèces voisines. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 17:459-482. 128249 Leptothorax rottenbergi scabriosus irregularis unavailable Algeria. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1909c. Leptothorax rottenbergi et espèces voisines. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 17:459-482. 128249 Leptothorax rottenbergi scabriosus kabyla unavailable Tunisia, Algeria. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1918a. Leptothorax nouveaux de l'Afrique Mineure. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 9:31-38. 128304 Leptothorax rottenbergi semiruber obsolete combination Israel. Palearctic. André, Ern. 1881c. Catalogue raisonné des Formicides provenant du voyage en Orient de M. Abeille de Perrin et description des espèces nouvelles. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (6)1:53-78. 122245 Leptothorax rottenbergi semiruber galatica unavailable Turkey. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1921a. Notes sur les fourmis paléarctiques. II. Fourmis d'Asie Mineure récoltées par M. H. Gadeau de Kerville. Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural 21:110-116. 128328 Leptothorax rottenbergii obsolete combination Italy (Sicily). Palearctic. Emery, C. 1870. Studi mirmecologici. Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 2:193-201. 124503 Leptothorax rugatulus obsolete combination U.S.A. (Colorado). Nearctic. Emery, C. 1895d. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. (Schluss). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 8:257-360. 124591 Leptothorax rugatulus brunnescens obsolete combination U.S.A. (Colorado). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1917a. The mountain ants of western North America. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 52:457-569. 130116 Leptothorax rugatulus cockerelli obsolete combination U.S.A. (New Mexico). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1917a. The mountain ants of western North America. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 52:457-569. 130116 Leptothorax rugatulus dakotensis obsolete combination U.S.A. (North Dakota). Nearctic. Wheeler, G. C.; Wheeler, E. W. 1944. The ants of North Dakota. North Dakota Historical Quarterly 11:231-271. 129845 Leptothorax rugatulus mediorufus obsolete combination U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1917a. The mountain ants of western North America. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 52:457-569. 130116 Leptothorax rugithorax obsolete combination Mexico (Hidalgo). Nearctic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax rugosus obsolete combination Mexico (Nuevo León). Palearctic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax rugulosus obsolete combination Mexico (Michoacan). Nearctic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax rusticus obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1918a. Leptothorax nouveaux de l'Afrique Mineure. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 9:31-38. 128304 Leptothorax rusticus chobauti obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1923f. Messor et autres fourmis paléarctiques. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 30:317-336. 128348 Leptothorax rusticus sergensis obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1929e. Fourmis du Maroc, d'Algérie et de Tunisie. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 69:138-165. 128384 Leptothorax rutilans obsolete combination Guyana. Neotropic. Kempf, W. W. 1958c. Sôbre algumas formigas neotrópicas do gênero Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 30:91-102. 126307 Leptothorax santra obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Terayama, M.; Onoyama, K. 1999. The ant genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Japan. Memoirs of the Myrmecological Society of Japan 1:71-97. 132447 Leptothorax satunini obsolete combination Turkey. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1902b. Neue Ameisen aus Russland. Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 17:469-484. 128173 Leptothorax satunini fumosus obsolete combination Turkmenistan. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1923. Ants of Cheleken Island. [In Russian.]. Izvestiya Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta 72(2nd part):1-6. 128167 Leptothorax saudiae obsolete combination Saudi Arabia. Afrotropic. Collingwood, C. A.; Agosti, D. 1996. Formicidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera) of Saudi Arabia (part 2). Fauna of Saudi Arabia 15:300-385. 130931 Leptothorax scamni valid Russia. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Leptothorax schaumii obsolete combination U.S.A. (Pennsylvania). Nearctic. Roger, J. 1863a. Die neu aufgeführten Gattungen und Arten meines Formiciden-Verzeichnisses nebst Ergänzung einiger früher gegebenen Beschreibungen. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 7:131-214. 128093 Leptothorax schmittii obsolete combination U.S.A. (Colorado). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1903d. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Leptothorax Mayr. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 55:215-260. 129977 Leptothorax schwebeli obsolete combination Brazil (São Paulo). Neotropic. Forel, A. 1913m. Fourmis d'Argentine, du Brésil, du Guatémala & de Cuba reçues de M. M. Bruch, Prof. v. Ihering, Mlle Baez, M. Peper et M. Rovereto. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 49:203-250. 125250 Leptothorax sculptiventris obsolete combination Brazil (Santa Catarina). Neotropic. Mayr, G. 1887. Südamerikanische Formiciden. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 37:511-632. 127201 Leptothorax sculptiventris borgmeieri obsolete combination Brazil (Rio de Janeiro). Neotropic. Wheeler, W. M. 1931b. New and little-known ants of the genera Macromischa, Creosomyrmex and Antillaemyrmex. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 72:1-34. 130231 Leptothorax sculptiventris distincta obsolete combination South America. Neotropic. Crawley, W. C. 1922b. Formicidae. - A new species and variety. Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation 34:85-86. 123873 Leptothorax sculptiventris major obsolete combination Brazil (São Paulo). Neotropic. Forel, A. 1899d. Formicidae. [part]. Biologia Centrali-Americana Hym. 3:25-56. 142479 Leptothorax semenovi obsolete combination Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1903b. Essay on the myrmecofauna of the Kirghiz steppe. [In Russian.]. Trudy Russkago Entomologicheskago Obshchestva 36:294-316. 128179 Leptothorax senectutis obsolete combination Cuba. Neotropic. Baroni Urbani, C. 1978b. Materiali per una revisione dei Leptothorax neotropicali appartenenti al sottogenere Macromischa Roger, n. comb. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Basiliensia 3:395-618. 122497 Leptothorax serviculus obsolete combination Kazakhstan. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1902b. Neue Ameisen aus Russland. Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 17:469-484. 128173 Leptothorax serviculus brauneri obsolete combination Georgia. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Leptothorax serviculus mongolicus obsolete combination Mongolia. Palearctic. Pisarski, B. 1969b. 175. Myrmicidae und Formicidae. Ergebnisse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei (Hymenoptera). Faunistische Abhandlungen (Dresden) 2(29):295-316. 127829 Leptothorax sevanensis obsolete combination Armenia. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1977a. New and little known ant species of the genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the European USSR and the Caucasus. [In Russian.]. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 56:198-204. 122367 Leptothorax shelkovnikovi obsolete combination Azerbaijan. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1926c. Beiträge zur Ameisenfauna des Kaukasus, nebst einigen Bemerkungen über andere palaearktische Formen. (Fortsetzung). Konowia 5:161-169. 126248 Leptothorax sibiricus obsolete combination Russia. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1899c. Trois notices myrmécologiques. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 43:303-310. 125090 Leptothorax sikorai obsolete combination Madagascar. Malagasy. Emery, C. 1896g. Studi sulle formiche della fauna neotropica. XVII-XXV. Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 28:33-107. 124611 Leptothorax silvestrii obsolete combination Italy. Palearctic. Menozzi, C. 1921. Formiche dei dintorni di Sambiase di Calabria. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura. Portici 15:24-32. 127311 Leptothorax simesno obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Cagniant, H.; Espadaler, X. 1997. Les Leptothorax, Epimyrma et Chalepoxenus du Maroc (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Clé et catalogue des espèces. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (n.s.)33:259-284. 130879 Leptothorax similis obsolete combination Baroni Urbani, C. 1978b. Materiali per una revisione dei Leptothorax neotropicali appartenenti al sottogenere Macromischa Roger, n. comb. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Basiliensia 3:395-618. 122497 Leptothorax singularis obsolete combination Tajikistan. Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G. 1994c ("1993"). New species of ants of the genus Leptothorax (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from southern and eastern Palearctic. [In Russian.]. Zhurnal Ukrains'koho Entomolohichnoho Tovarystva 1(2):23-34. 127962 Leptothorax smithi obsolete combination Baroni Urbani, C. 1978b. Materiali per una revisione dei Leptothorax neotropicali appartenenti al sottogenere Macromischa Roger, n. comb. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Basiliensia 3:395-618. 122497 Leptothorax solerii obsolete combination Greece (Karpathos I.). Palearctic. Menozzi, C. 1936b. Nuovi contributi alla conoscenza della fauna delle Isole italiane dell'Egeo. VI. Hymenoptera - Formicidae. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura. Portici 29:262-311. 127380 Leptothorax sordidulus obsolete combination Italy. Palearctic. Müller, G. 1923a. Note mirmecologiche. Memorie della Società Entomologica Italiana 2:65-76. 127477 Leptothorax sordidulus saxonicus obsolete combination Germany. Palearctic. Seifert, B. 1995. Two new Central European subspecies of Leptothorax nylanderi (Förster, 1850) and Leptothorax sordidulus Müller, 1923 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseums Görlitz 68(7):1-18. 128561 Leptothorax sordidulus tergestina obsolete combination Italy. Palearctic. Finzi, B. 1928b. Quarto contributo alla conoscenza della fauna mirmecologica della Venezia Giulia. Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 60:128-130. 124928 Leptothorax sphagnicola valid Canada (Québec). Nearctic. Francoeur, A. 1986b. Deux nouvelles fourmis néarctiques: Leptothorax retractus et L. sphagnicolus (Formicidae, Hymenoptera). Canadian Entomologist 118:1151-1164. 125348 Leptothorax sphagnicolus unavailable misspelling Canada (Québec). Nearctic. Francoeur, A. 1986b. Deux nouvelles fourmis néarctiques: Leptothorax retractus et L. sphagnicolus (Formicidae, Hymenoptera). Canadian Entomologist 118:1151-1164. 125348 Leptothorax spininodis obsolete combination Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) or CHILE (Valparaiso). Neotropic. Mayr, G. 1887. Südamerikanische Formiciden. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 37:511-632. 127201 Leptothorax spinosus obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1909k. Études myrmécologiques en 1909. Fourmis de Barbarie et de Ceylan. Nidification des Polyrhachis. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 45:369-407. 125200 Leptothorax spinosus baborensis unavailable Algeria. Palearctic. Cagniant, H. 1970b ("1969"). Nouvelle description de Leptothorax spinosus (Forel) d'Algérie. Représentation des trois castes et notes biologiques (Hym. Formicidae Myrmicinae). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 74:201-208. 123463 Leptothorax steinbergi obsolete combination Kazakhstan. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1971. New species and a review of the ant genus Leptothorax (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Kazakstan plain. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 50:1818-1826. 122342 Leptothorax stenotyle obsolete combination Cole, A. C., Jr. 1956e. Leptothorax stenotyle (n. nov.) for Leptothorax angustinodus Cole. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 31:214. 123730 Leptothorax stollii obsolete combination Guatemala. Neotropic. Forel, A. 1885a ("1884"). Études myrmécologiques en 1884 avec une description des organes sensoriels des antennes. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 20:316-380. 125008 Leptothorax striatulus obsolete combination Mexico (Guerrero). Neotropic. Stitz, H. 1937b. Einige Ameisen aus Mexiko. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin 1937:132-136. 129049 Leptothorax subditivus obsolete combination U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1903c. A decad of Texan Formicidae. Psyche (Cambridge) 10:93-111. 129976 Leptothorax submuticus obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1915a. Contributo alla conoscenza delle formiche delle isole italiane. Descrizione di forme mediterrannee nuove o critiche. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale 46[=(3)6]:244-270. 124722 Leptothorax susamyri obsolete combination Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Dlussky, G. M. 1965b. Entomological research in Kirghizia. Three new species of ants from Kirghizia. [In Russian.]. Entomologicheskie Issledovaniya v Kirgizii 4:27-33. 124135 Leptothorax svartshevskii obsolete combination Uzbekistan. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1916a ("1915"). Ants from Gadjatsh district of the government of Poltava and from the Province of Ferghana. [In Russian.]. Russkoe Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 15:496-507. 126241 Leptothorax taivanensis obsolete combination Taiwan. Indomalaya. Wheeler, W. M. 1929h. Ants collected by Professor F. Silvestri in Formosa, the Malay Peninsula and the Philippines. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura. Portici 24:27-64. 130212 Leptothorax talassicus obsolete combination Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Tarbinsky, Y. S. 1976. The ants of Kirghizia. [In Russian.]. Frunze: Ilim, 217 pp. 129149 Leptothorax tamarae obsolete combination Georgia. Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G. 1994c ("1993"). New species of ants of the genus Leptothorax (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from southern and eastern Palearctic. [In Russian.]. Zhurnal Ukrains'koho Entomolohichnoho Tovarystva 1(2):23-34. 127962 Leptothorax taylori obsolete combination India (Odisha, West Bengal). Indomalaya. Forel, A. 1902c. Myrmicinae nouveaux de l'Inde et de Ceylan. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 10:165-249. 125121 Leptothorax tebessae obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1890b. Fourmis de Tunisie et de l'Algérie orientale. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 34:lxi-lxxvi. 125020 Leptothorax tebessae curtulus obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1929e. Fourmis du Maroc, d'Algérie et de Tunisie. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 69:138-165. 128384 Leptothorax tebessae gapsensis obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1929e. Fourmis du Maroc, d'Algérie et de Tunisie. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 69:138-165. 128384 Leptothorax tebessae gentilis obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1923f. Messor et autres fourmis paléarctiques. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 30:317-336. 128348 Leptothorax tennesseensis obsolete combination U.S.A. (Tennessee). Nearctic. Cole, A. C., Jr. 1938a. Suggestions concerning taxonomic nomenclature of the hymenopterous family Formicidae, and descriptions of three new ants. American Midland Naturalist 19:236-241. 123689 Leptothorax tenuisculptus obsolete combination Mexico (Veracruz). Neotropic. Baroni Urbani, C. 1978b. Materiali per una revisione dei Leptothorax neotropicali appartenenti al sottogenere Macromischa Roger, n. comb. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Basiliensia 3:395-618. 122497 Leptothorax tenuispinus obsolete combination Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1911i. Formicides de diverses provenances. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 55:278-287. 128266 Leptothorax terrigena obsolete combination U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1903d. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Leptothorax Mayr. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 55:215-260. 129977 Leptothorax tesquorum obsolete combination Russia. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1977a. New and little known ant species of the genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the European USSR and the Caucasus. [In Russian.]. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 56:198-204. 122367 Leptothorax texanus obsolete combination U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1903d. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Leptothorax Mayr. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 55:215-260. 129977 Leptothorax texanus davisi obsolete combination U.S.A. (New Jersey). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1905j. An annotated list of the ants of New Jersey. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 21:371-403. 130003 Leptothorax theryi obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1921b. Notes sur les fourmis paléarctiques. I. Quelques fourmis du nord de l'Afrique et des Canaries. Memorias de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural Tomo del Cincuentenario:424-436. 128329 Leptothorax tianschanicus obsolete combination Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Tarbinsky, Y. S. 1976. The ants of Kirghizia. [In Russian.]. Frunze: Ilim, 217 pp. 129149 Leptothorax tibeticum unavailable misspelling China (Qinghai). Palearctic. Seifert, B. 2023c. Two new species of Formicoxenus Mayr 1855 and Leptothorax Mayr 1855 from Tibet (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Soil Organisms 95 (2):129-142. 144202 Leptothorax tibeticus valid China (Qinghai). Palearctic. Seifert, B. 2023c. Two new species of Formicoxenus Mayr 1855 and Leptothorax Mayr 1855 from Tibet (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Soil Organisms 95 (2):129-142. 144202 Leptothorax timidus obsolete combination Venezuela. Neotropic. Kempf, W. W. 1959d. A synopsis of the New World species belonging to the Nesomyrmex-group of the ant genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Studia Entomologica (n.s.)2:391-432. 126315 Leptothorax tirolensis obsolete combination Austria. Palearctic. Gredler, V. M. 1858. Die Ameisen von Tirol.. Achtes Programm des Gymnasiums in Bozen. Bozen: Ebersche Buchdruckerei, 1-34. 125633 Leptothorax tomianus nomen nudum Ruzsky, M. 1915b. Material on Siberian myrmecology. First output. On the myrmecofauna of Tomsk province and certain other Siberian localities. (From research in 1914-1915). [In Russian.]. Izvestiya Imperatorskago Tomskago Universiteta 64(5th part):1-14. 128192 Leptothorax tonsuratus obsolete combination Mexico (Puebla). Neotropic. Kempf, W. W. 1959d. A synopsis of the New World species belonging to the Nesomyrmex-group of the ant genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Studia Entomologica (n.s.)2:391-432. 126315 Leptothorax totonicapani obsolete combination Guatemala. Neotropic. Baroni Urbani, C. 1978b. Materiali per una revisione dei Leptothorax neotropicali appartenenti al sottogenere Macromischa Roger, n. comb. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Basiliensia 3:395-618. 122497 Leptothorax tricarinatus obsolete combination U.S.A. (South Dakota). Nearctic. Emery, C. 1895d. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. (Schluss). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 8:257-360. 124591 Leptothorax tricolor obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1925g. Fourmis d'Espagne et autres espèces paléarctiques (Hymenopt.). EOS. Revista Española de Entomología 1:339-360. 128359 Leptothorax tristani obsolete combination Costa Rica. Neotropic. Emery, C. 1896g. Studi sulle formiche della fauna neotropica. XVII-XXV. Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 28:33-107. 124611 Leptothorax tristis obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Leptothorax tuberoaffinis obsolete combination France, Switzerland. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Leptothorax tuberointerruptus obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Leptothorax tuberum obsolete combination Sweden. Palearctic. Fabricius, J. C. 1775. Systema entomologiae, sistens insectorum classes, ordines, genera, species adiectis synonymis, locis, descriptionibus, observationibus. Flensburgi et Lipsiae [= Flensburg and Leipzig]: Korte, 832 pp. 124865 Leptothorax tuberum acutinodis nomen nudum Arnol'di, K. V. 1948a. Ants of Talysh and the Diabar depression. Their importance for the characterization of communities of terrestrial invertebrates and for historical analysis of the fauna. [In Russian.]. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta. Akademiya Nauk SSSR 7(2):206-262. 122358 Leptothorax tuberum acutinodis obsolete combination Armenia. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1977a. New and little known ant species of the genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the European USSR and the Caucasus. [In Russian.]. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 56:198-204. 122367 Leptothorax tuberum affinis obsolete combination Austria. Palearctic. Mayr, G. 1855. Formicina austriaca. Beschreibung der bisher im österreichischen Kaiserstaate aufgefundenen Ameisen, nebst Hinzufügung jener in Deutschland, in der Schweiz und in Italien vorkommenden Arten. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Vereins in Wien 5:273-478. 127185 Leptothorax tuberum affinis tuberoaffinis unavailable France, Switzerland. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1915d. Fauna insectorum helvetiae. Hymenoptera. Formicidae. Die Ameisen der Schweiz. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 12(Beilage):1-77. 125260 Leptothorax tuberum affinonigriceps nomen nudum Forel, A. 1874. Les fourmis de la Suisse. Systématique, notices anatomiques et physiologiques, architecture, distribution géographique, nouvelles expériences et observations de moeurs. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 26:1-452. 124988 Leptothorax tuberum affinotuberum nomen nudum Forel, A. 1874. Les fourmis de la Suisse. Systématique, notices anatomiques et physiologiques, architecture, distribution géographique, nouvelles expériences et observations de moeurs. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 26:1-452. 124988 Leptothorax tuberum alaicus obsolete combination Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Tarbinsky, Y. S. 1976. The ants of Kirghizia. [In Russian.]. Frunze: Ilim, 217 pp. 129149 Leptothorax tuberum angustulus obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1856b. Synopsis des Formicides de France et d'Algérie. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie (4)5:51-109. 127565 Leptothorax tuberum angustulus kraussei unavailable Italy (Sardinia). Palearctic. Emery, C. 1915a. Contributo alla conoscenza delle formiche delle isole italiane. Descrizione di forme mediterrannee nuove o critiche. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale 46[=(3)6]:244-270. 124722 Leptothorax tuberum brauneri obsolete combination Ukraine. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1937. Ants collected in the nature reserves of Kinburnskaya Peninsula and Burkuty. [In Ukrainian.]. Zbirnyk Prats' Zoolohichnoho Muzeyu 19:171-181. 126236 Leptothorax tuberum brauniella obsolete combination Radchenko, A. G. 1995c. A review of the ant genus Leptothorax (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the central and eastern Palearctic. Communication 2. Groups tuberum, corticalis, affinis, clypeatus, alinae and singularis. [In Russian.]. Vestnik Zoologii 1995(2-3):14-21. 127972 Leptothorax tuberum ciscaucasicus obsolete combination Russia. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1977a. New and little known ant species of the genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the European USSR and the Caucasus. [In Russian.]. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 56:198-204. 122367 Leptothorax tuberum corticalis obsolete combination Germany. Palearctic. Schenck, P. A. 1852. Beschreibung nassauischer Ameisenarten. Jahrbuch des Vereins für Naturkunde im Herzogthum Nassau. Wiesbaden 8:1-149. 128471 Leptothorax tuberum corticalis korbi unavailable Azerbaijan. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1898c. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der palaearktischen Ameisen. Öfversigt af Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Förhandlingar 20:124-151. 124628 Leptothorax tuberum exilis obsolete combination Italy. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1869b. Enumerazione dei formicidi che rinvengonsi nei contorni di Napoli con descrizioni di specie nuove o meno conosciute. Annali dell'Accademia degli Aspiranti Naturalisti. Secunda Era 2:1-26. 124512 Leptothorax tuberum exilis corticalonylanderi nomen nudum Emery, C.; Forel, A. 1879. Catalogue des Formicides d'Europe. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 5:441-481. 124778 Leptothorax tuberum exilis dichroa unavailable Italy. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1905a. [Untitled. Leptothorax tuberum F. subsp. exilis Emery var. dichroa n. var.]. P. 452 in: Mantero, G. 1905a. Materiali per una fauna dell'Arcipelago Toscano. Isola del Giglio. II. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale 41[=(3)1]:449-454. 124662 Leptothorax tuberum exilis ruficornis unavailable France. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1898c. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der palaearktischen Ameisen. Öfversigt af Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Förhandlingar 20:124-151. 124628 Leptothorax tuberum exilis specularis unavailable Italy, Spain. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1898c. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der palaearktischen Ameisen. Öfversigt af Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Förhandlingar 20:124-151. 124628 Leptothorax tuberum exilis unifasciatonylanderi nomen nudum Emery, C.; Forel, A. 1879. Catalogue des Formicides d'Europe. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 5:441-481. 124778 Leptothorax tuberum interruptus obsolete combination Germany. Palearctic. Schenck, P. A. 1852. Beschreibung nassauischer Ameisenarten. Jahrbuch des Vereins für Naturkunde im Herzogthum Nassau. Wiesbaden 8:1-149. 128471 Leptothorax tuberum interruptus nitidiceps unavailable Algeria. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1890b. Fourmis de Tunisie et de l'Algérie orientale. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 34:lxi-lxxvi. 125020 Leptothorax tuberum interruptus tuberointerruptus unavailable France. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1915d. Fauna insectorum helvetiae. Hymenoptera. Formicidae. Die Ameisen der Schweiz. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 12(Beilage):1-77. 125260 Leptothorax tuberum kirillovi obsolete combination Kazakhstan. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Leptothorax tuberum knipovitshi obsolete combination Ukraine. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1916a ("1915"). Ants from Gadjatsh district of the government of Poltava and from the Province of Ferghana. [In Russian.]. Russkoe Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 15:496-507. 126241 Leptothorax tuberum leviceps obsolete combination Italy. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1898c. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der palaearktischen Ameisen. Öfversigt af Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Förhandlingar 20:124-151. 124628 Leptothorax tuberum luteointerruptus nomen nudum Forel, A. 1886e. Nouvelles fourmis de Grèce récoltées par M. E. von Oertzen. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 30:clix-clxviii. 125014 Leptothorax tuberum luteus obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1874. Les fourmis de la Suisse. Systématique, notices anatomiques et physiologiques, architecture, distribution géographique, nouvelles expériences et observations de moeurs. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 26:1-452. 124988 Leptothorax tuberum melanocephalus obsolete combination France (Corsica). Palearctic. Emery, C. 1870. Studi mirmecologici. Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 2:193-201. 124503 Leptothorax tuberum melanocephalus obscurior unavailable Algeria. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1890b. Fourmis de Tunisie et de l'Algérie orientale. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 34:lxi-lxxvi. 125020 Leptothorax tuberum niger obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1894d. Les Formicides de la Province d'Oran (Algérie). Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 30:1-45. 125061 Leptothorax tuberum nigricephala obsolete combination Sweden (Gotland I., Oland I.). Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1930b. Beitrag zur Ameisenfauna der schwedischen Inseln Gotland und Oeland. Zbirnyk Prats' Zoolohichnoho Muzeyu 8:5-46 [= Trudy. Vseukrains'ka Akademiya Nauk. Fizichno-Matematichnoho Viddilu 15:109-150]. 126266 Leptothorax tuberum nigriceps obsolete combination Austria. Palearctic. Mayr, G. 1855. Formicina austriaca. Beschreibung der bisher im österreichischen Kaiserstaate aufgefundenen Ameisen, nebst Hinzufügung jener in Deutschland, in der Schweiz und in Italien vorkommenden Arten. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Vereins in Wien 5:273-478. 127185 Leptothorax tuberum nigriceps unifasciatonigriceps unavailable Germany. Palearctic. Gösswald, K. 1932. Ökologische Studien über die Ameisenfauna des mittleren Maingebietes. Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Zoologie 142:1-156. 125557 Leptothorax tuberum nigroscutellata nomen nudum Costa, A. 1884. Notizie ed osservazioni sulla geo-fauna Sarda. Memoria terza. Risultamento delle ricerche fatte in Sardegna nella estate del 1883. Atti della Reale Accademia delle Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche. Napoli (2)1(9):1-64. 123842 Leptothorax tuberum nylanderi obsolete combination Germany. Palearctic. Foerster, A. 1850a. Hymenopterologische Studien. 1. Formicariae. Aachen: Ernst Ter Meer, 74 pp. 124947 Leptothorax tuberum nylanderi nylanderonigriceps unavailable Germany. Palearctic. Gösswald, K. 1932. Ökologische Studien über die Ameisenfauna des mittleren Maingebietes. Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Zoologie 142:1-156. 125557 Leptothorax tuberum nylanderocorticalis obsolete combination Switzerland. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1874. Les fourmis de la Suisse. Systématique, notices anatomiques et physiologiques, architecture, distribution géographique, nouvelles expériences et observations de moeurs. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 26:1-452. 124988 Leptothorax tuberum nylanderounifasciatus nomen nudum Switzerland. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1874. Les fourmis de la Suisse. Systématique, notices anatomiques et physiologiques, architecture, distribution géographique, nouvelles expériences et observations de moeurs. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 26:1-452. 124988 Leptothorax tuberum obscurior obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Dalla Torre, K. W. 1893. Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. Vol. 7. Formicidae (Heterogyna). Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 289 pp. 124002 Leptothorax tuberum obscurior nitidulus unavailable Algeria. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1894d. Les Formicides de la Province d'Oran (Algérie). Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 30:1-45. 125061 Leptothorax tuberum oxianus obsolete combination Tajikistan. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Leptothorax tuberum ruficornis obsolete combination France (Corsica), ITALY (Pantelleria I.). Palearctic. Emery, C. 1914c. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Bearbeitung von O. Leonhard's Sammlungen. 5. Südeuropäische Ameisen (Hym.). Entomologische Mitteilungen. Berlin-Dahlem 3:156-159. 124718 Leptothorax tuberum sachalinensis obsolete combination Russia (Sakhalin Is). Palearctic. Kupyanskaya, A. N. 1990a. Ants of the Far Eastern USSR. [In Russian.]. Vladivostok: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, 258 pp. 126604 Leptothorax tuberum salina obsolete combination Ukraine. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1937. Ants collected in the nature reserves of Kinburnskaya Peninsula and Burkuty. [In Ukrainian.]. Zbirnyk Prats' Zoolohichnoho Muzeyu 19:171-181. 126236 Leptothorax tuberum spinosus obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1909k. Études myrmécologiques en 1909. Fourmis de Barbarie et de Ceylan. Nidification des Polyrhachis. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 45:369-407. 125200 Leptothorax tuberum spinosus nivalis unavailable Algeria. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1909k. Études myrmécologiques en 1909. Fourmis de Barbarie et de Ceylan. Nidification des Polyrhachis. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 45:369-407. 125200 Leptothorax tuberum stipaceus obsolete combination Russia. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Leptothorax tuberum tebessae obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1890b. Fourmis de Tunisie et de l'Algérie orientale. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 34:lxi-lxxvi. 125020 Leptothorax tuberum tebessae atomus unavailable Tunisia. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1905e. Miscellanea myrmécologiques II (1905). Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 49:155-185. 125162 Leptothorax tuberum tebessae gentilis unavailable Tunisia. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1918a. Leptothorax nouveaux de l'Afrique Mineure. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de l'Afrique du Nord 9:31-38. 128304 Leptothorax tuberum tebessae nylanderotebessae unavailable Algeria. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1894d. Les Formicides de la Province d'Oran (Algérie). Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 30:1-45. 125061 Leptothorax tuberum tozae nomen nudum Schmitz, H. 1950. Formicidae quaedam a cl. A. Stärcke determinatae, quas in Lusitania collegit. Brotéria. Serie Ciencias Naturais 19:12-16. 128501 Leptothorax tuberum tuberoaffinis nomen nudum Forel, A. 1874. Les fourmis de la Suisse. Systématique, notices anatomiques et physiologiques, architecture, distribution géographique, nouvelles expériences et observations de moeurs. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 26:1-452. 124988 Leptothorax tuberum tuberointerruptus nomen nudum Forel, A. 1874. Les fourmis de la Suisse. Systématique, notices anatomiques et physiologiques, architecture, distribution géographique, nouvelles expériences et observations de moeurs. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 26:1-452. 124988 Leptothorax tuberum tuberonigriceps obsolete combination Switzerland. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1874. Les fourmis de la Suisse. Systématique, notices anatomiques et physiologiques, architecture, distribution géographique, nouvelles expériences et observations de moeurs. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 26:1-452. 124988 Leptothorax tuberum tyndalei obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1909k. Études myrmécologiques en 1909. Fourmis de Barbarie et de Ceylan. Nidification des Polyrhachis. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 45:369-407. 125200 Leptothorax tuberum typicus nomen nudum Ruzsky, M. 1896. Verzeichniss der Ameisen des östlichen Russlands und des Uralgebirges. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 41:67-74. 128163 Leptothorax tuberum unifasciatointerruptus obsolete combination Switzerland. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1874. Les fourmis de la Suisse. Systématique, notices anatomiques et physiologiques, architecture, distribution géographique, nouvelles expériences et observations de moeurs. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 26:1-452. 124988 Leptothorax tuberum unifasciatonigricipoides nomen nudum Dalla Torre, K. W. 1893. Catalogus Hymenopterorum hucusque descriptorum systematicus et synonymicus. Vol. 7. Formicidae (Heterogyna). Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 289 pp. 124002 Leptothorax tuberum unifasciatus obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Latreille, P. A. 1798. Essai sur l'histoire des fourmis de la France. Brive: F. Bourdeaux, 50 pp. 126792 Leptothorax tuberum unifasciatus interruptotuberum nomen nudum Forel, A. 1892j. Die Ameisenfauna Bulgariens. (Nebst biologischen Beobachtungen.). Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 42:305-318. 125040 Leptothorax tuberum unifasciatus nigricipoides unavailable Switzerland. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1874. Les fourmis de la Suisse. Systématique, notices anatomiques et physiologiques, architecture, distribution géographique, nouvelles expériences et observations de moeurs. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 26:1-452. 124988 Leptothorax tuberum unifasciatus paolii unavailable France (Corsica). Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1923f. Messor et autres fourmis paléarctiques. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 30:317-336. 128348 Leptothorax tuberum unifasciatus spinosus unavailable Algeria. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1894d. Les Formicides de la Province d'Oran (Algérie). Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 30:1-45. 125061 Leptothorax tuberum unifasciatus staegeri unavailable Switzerland. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1917. Cadre synoptique actuel de la faune universelle des fourmis. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 51:229-253. 124997 Leptothorax tuberum unifasciatus unifasciatotuberum nomen nudum Forel, A. 1892j. Die Ameisenfauna Bulgariens. (Nebst biologischen Beobachtungen.). Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 42:305-318. 125040 Leptothorax turcicus obsolete combination Turkey. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1934d. Fourmis d'une croisière. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 74:273-282. 128420 Leptothorax turritellus obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Espadaler, X. 1997. [Untitled. New species attributed to X. Espadaler.]. Pp. 272-280 in: Cagniant, H.; Espadaler, X. 1997. Les Leptothorax, Epimyrma et Chalepoxenus du Maroc (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Clé et catalogue des espèces. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (n.s.)33:259-284. 143899 Leptothorax tuscaloosae obsolete combination U.S.A. (Alabama). Nearctic. Wilson, E. O. 1951b ("1950"). A new Leptothorax from Alabama (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Psyche (Cambridge) 57:128-130. 130334 Leptothorax umbratilis obsolete combination Guyana. Neotropic. Wheeler, W. M. 1921f. The Tachigalia ants. Zoologica (New York) 3:137-168. 130147 Leptothorax unifasciatus obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Latreille, P. A. 1798. Essai sur l'histoire des fourmis de la France. Brive: F. Bourdeaux, 50 pp. 126792 Leptothorax unifasciatus obenbergeri obsolete combination Slovakia. Palearctic. Sadil, J. V. 1939a. Nová varieta druhu Leptothorax unifasciatus Latr. (Hymenoptera Formicidae). Casopis Ceskoslovenské Spolecnosti Entomologické 36:30. 128201 Leptothorax unifasciatus staegeri obsolete combination Switzerland. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Leptothorax unifasciatus tauricus obsolete combination Ukraine. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1902d. Material on the ant fauna of the Caucasus and the Crimea. [In Russian.]. Protokoly Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 206(suppl.):1-33. 128175 Leptothorax unifasciatus ucrainicus obsolete combination Ukraine. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1977a. New and little known ant species of the genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the European USSR and the Caucasus. [In Russian.]. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 56:198-204. 122367 Leptothorax unifasciatus unifasciatonigricepoides obsolete combination Czech Republic. Palearctic. Novák, V.; Sadil, J. 1941. Klíc k urcování mravencu strední Evropy se zvlástním zretelem k mravencí zvírene Cech a Moravy. Entomologické Listy 4:65-115. 126512 Leptothorax unifasciatus unifasciatonigriceps obsolete combination Germany. Palearctic. Novák, V.; Sadil, J. 1941. Klíc k urcování mravencu strední Evropy se zvlástním zretelem k mravencí zvírene Cech a Moravy. Entomologické Listy 4:65-115. 126512 Leptothorax universitatis obsolete combination Spain. Palearctic. Espadaler, X. 1997g. Catàleg de les formigues (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) dels països catalans. Sessió d'Entomologia ICHN-SCL 9:23-42. 131202 Leptothorax usunkul obsolete combination Russia (Siberia). Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1924. A new Leptothorax-ant species from Siberia. [In Russian.]. Izvestiya Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta 74:152. 128168 Leptothorax versicolor obsolete combination Cuba. Neotropic. Roger, J. 1863a. Die neu aufgeführten Gattungen und Arten meines Formiciden-Verzeichnisses nebst Ergänzung einiger früher gegebenen Beschreibungen. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 7:131-214. 128093 Leptothorax versicolor guanahacabibes obsolete combination Cuba. Neotropic. Fontenla Rizo, J. L. 1995e. Variación geográfica y taxonomía de Leptothorax versicolor (Roger) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Avicennia 3:53-60. 124966 Leptothorax vicinus obsolete combination Brazil (Santa Catarina). Neotropic. Mayr, G. 1887. Südamerikanische Formiciden. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 37:511-632. 127201 Leptothorax vicinus testaceus obsolete combination Bolivia, Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul). Neotropic. Emery, C. 1894d. Studi sulle formiche della fauna neotropica. VI-XVI. Bullettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 26:137-241. 124576 Leptothorax volubilis obsolete combination Morocco. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1929e. Fourmis du Maroc, d'Algérie et de Tunisie. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 69:138-165. 128384 Leptothorax werneri obsolete combination Russia (Caucasus). Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G. 1994c ("1993"). New species of ants of the genus Leptothorax (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from southern and eastern Palearctic. [In Russian.]. Zhurnal Ukrains'koho Entomolohichnoho Tovarystva 1(2):23-34. 127962 Leptothorax wheeleri obsolete combination U.S.A. (Mississippi). Nearctic. Smith, M. R. 1929c. Descriptions of five new North American ants, with biological notes. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 22:543-551. 128755 Leptothorax whitfordi obsolete combination U.S.A. (New Mexico). Nearctic. Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 36:265-444. 131771 Leptothorax wilda obsolete combination U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Smith, M. R. 1943d. The first record of Leptothorax, subgenus Goniothorax Emery, in the United States, with the description of a new species. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 45:154-156. 128794 Leptothorax williami obsolete combination Baroni Urbani, C. 1978b. Materiali per una revisione dei Leptothorax neotropicali appartenenti al sottogenere Macromischa Roger, n. comb. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Basiliensia 3:395-618. 122497 Leptothorax wilsoni valid U.S.A. (New Hampshire), CANADA (Québec). Nearctic. Heinze, J. 1989c. Leptothorax wilsoni n.sp., a new parasitic ant from eastern North America (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Psyche (Cambridge) 96:49-62. 125835 Leptothorax wollastoni obsolete combination Portugal (Madeira I.). Afrotropic. Donisthorpe, H. 1940a. Descriptions of new species of ants (Hym., Formicidae) from various localities. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (11)5:39-48. 124295 Leptothorax wroughtonii obsolete combination India (Jammu & Kashmir). Palearctic. Forel, A. 1904d. Miscellanea myrmécologiques. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 12:1-52. 125147 Leptothorax yankee obsolete combination U.S.A. (South Dakota, Utah, Colorado). Nearctic. Emery, C. 1895d. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. (Schluss). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 8:257-360. 124591 Leptothorax yankee kincaidi obsolete combination U.S.A. (Alaska). Nearctic. Pergande, T. 1900. Papers from the Harriman Alaska expedition. XVII. Entomological results (11): Formicidae. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences 2:519-521. 127768 Leptothorax zhengi obsolete combination China (Inner Mongolia). Palearctic. Zhou, S.-Y.; Chen, Z.-L. 2011. Leptothorax zhengi Zhou et Chen sp. nov. Pp. 592-593 in: Zhou, S.-Y.; Peng, Y.-L.; Chen, Z.-L.; Zhou, X.-G.; Liang, L.-T. 2011. A new species and a new record species of the genus Leptothorax Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from China. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 36:592-594. 132972 Proleptothorax valid Radchenko, A. G.; Dlussky, G. M.; Perfilieva, K. S. 2018. A new extinct ant genus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) from the Late Eocene Rovno amber – a putative ancestor of the Leptothorax genus group. Myrmecological News 27:111-117. 143206 Proleptothorax primitivus valid Ukraine (Rovno Amber, Eocene). Radchenko, A. G.; Dlussky, G. M.; Perfilieva, K. S. 2018. A new extinct ant genus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) from the Late Eocene Rovno amber – a putative ancestor of the Leptothorax genus group. Myrmecological News 27:111-117. 143206