Dodecamyrmica synonym of Myrmica Arnol'di, K. V. 1968b. Important additions to the myrmecofauna (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the USSR, and descriptions of new forms. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 47:1800-1822. 122362 Hypoponera myrmicariae synonym of Hypoponera coeca Cameroon. Afrotropic. Wasmann, E. 1918b. Ueber die von v. Rothkirch, 1912, in Kamerun gesammelten Myrmekophilen. Entomologische Mitteilungen. Berlin-Dahlem 7:135-149. 129673 Myrmica valid Latreille, P. A. 1804. Tableau méthodique des insectes. Pp. 129-200 in: Société de Naturalistes et d'Agriculteurs 1804. Nouveau dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle. Tome 24. Paris: Déterville, 84 + 85 + 238 + 18 + 34 pp. 126795 Myrmica (Dodecamyrmica) obsolete combination Arnol'di, K. V. 1968b. Important additions to the myrmecofauna (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the USSR, and descriptions of new forms. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 47:1800-1822. 122362 Myrmica (Manica) obsolete combination Jurine, L. 1807. Nouvelle méthode de classer les Hyménoptères et les Diptères. Hyménoptères. Vol. 1. Genève: Paschoud, 319 pp. 126211 Myrmica (Monomorium) obsolete combination Mayr, G. 1855. Formicina austriaca. Beschreibung der bisher im österreichischen Kaiserstaate aufgefundenen Ameisen, nebst Hinzufügung jener in Deutschland, in der Schweiz und in Italien vorkommenden Arten. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Vereins in Wien 5:273-478. 127185 Myrmica (Myrmica) obsolete combination Latreille, P. A. 1804. Tableau méthodique des insectes. Pp. 129-200 in: Société de Naturalistes et d'Agriculteurs 1804. Nouveau dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle. Tome 24. Paris: Déterville, 84 + 85 + 238 + 18 + 34 pp. 126795 Myrmica (Neomyrma) obsolete combination Forel, A. 1914a. Le genre Camponotus Mayr et les genres voisins. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 22:257-276. 125251 Myrmica (Oreomyrma) obsolete combination Wheeler, W. M. 1914e. The American species of Myrmica allied to M. rubida Latreille. Psyche (Cambridge) 21:118-122. 130086 Myrmica aborigenica synonym of Myrmica kamtschatica Russia (Magadan). Palearctic. Zhigul'skaya, Z. A. 1991. A new species of the ant genus Myrmica from the upper Kolyma Basin. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 70(5):58-62. 130600 Myrmica adelaidae obsolete combination Australia (South Australia). Australasia. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmica ademonia valid Bolton, B. 1995b. A new general catalogue of the ants of the world. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 504 pp. 122860 Myrmica adrijae valid India (Himachal Pradesh). Palearctic. Bharti, H. 2012b. Two new species of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) from the Himalaya. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 155:9-14. 133074 Myrmica aemula obsolete combination Germany (Miocene). Heer, O. 1849. Die Insektenfauna der Tertiärgebilde von Oeningen und von Radoboj in Croatien. Zweiter Theil: Heuschrecken, Florfliegen, Aderflüger, Schmetterlinge und Fliegen. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, vi + 264 pp. 125815 Myrmica afghanica valid Afghanistan. Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 2003b. Myrmica afghanica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), a new ant species from Afghanistan. Zootaxa 375:1-8. 132096 Myrmica agilis obsolete combination West Malaysia. Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1857a. Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo; Mount Ophir, Malacca; and at Singapore, by A. R. Wallace. [part]. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 2:42-88. 128683 Myrmica aimonissabaudiae valid Pakistan. Indomalaya. Menozzi, C. 1939a. Formiche dell'Himalaya e del Karakorum raccolte dalla Spedizione italiana comandata da S. A. R. il Duca di Spoleto (1929). Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano 78:285-345. 127381 Myrmica alaskensis valid U.S.A. (Alaska). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1917a. The mountain ants of western North America. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 52:457-569. 130116 Myrmica albuferensis synonym of Myrmica aloba Spain (Balearics). Palearctic. Lomnicki, J. 1925b. Une contribution à la connaissance de la faune des fourmis des îles Baléares. Polskie Pismo Entomologiczne 4:1-3. 126936 Myrmica aldrichi obsolete combination U.S.A. (Idaho). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1914e. The American species of Myrmica allied to M. rubida Latreille. Psyche (Cambridge) 21:118-122. 130086 Myrmica algirica obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Lucas, H. 1849. Exploration scientifique de l'Algérie pendant les années 1840, 1841, 1842. Sciences physiques. Zoologie. III. Histoire naturelle des animaux articulés. Troisième partie - Insectes (Suite). Paris: A. Bertrand, 527 pp. 126976 Myrmica aloba valid Spain. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1909c. Fourmis d'Espagne récoltées par M. O. Vogt et Mme Cécile Vogt, Docteurs en médecine. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 53:103-106. 125191 Myrmica alperti valid Nepal. Indomalaya. Elmes, G. W.; Radchenko, A. G. 2009. Two new Himalayan ant species (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) related to Myrmica indica. Vestnik Zoologii 43 (2):107-119. 131186 Myrmica amaurocyclia obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Foerster, A. 1850b. Eine Centurie neuer Hymenopteren. Zweite Dekade. Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen Vereins der Preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens 7:485-500. 124948 Myrmica americana valid U.S.A. (Connecticut). Nearctic. Weber, N. A. 1939b. Description of new North American species and subspecies of Myrmica Latreille (Hym.: Formicidae). Lloydia 2:144-152. 129715 Myrmica anatolica valid Turkey. Palearctic. Elmes, G. W.; Radchenko, A. G.; Aktaç, N. 2002. Four new Myrmica species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Turkey. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 52:157-171. 131187 Myrmica angulata valid China (Guangxi). Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G.; Zhou, S.; Elmes, G. W. 2001. New and rare Myrmica species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from southern China. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 51:211-219. 132104 Myrmica angulinodis valid Russia (Irkutsk Prov.). Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Myrmica angusticollis incertae sedis in genus, unidentifiable Germany (Miocene). Heer, O. 1849. Die Insektenfauna der Tertiärgebilde von Oeningen und von Radoboj in Croatien. Zweiter Theil: Heuschrecken, Florfliegen, Aderflüger, Schmetterlinge und Fliegen. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, vi + 264 pp. 125815 Myrmica angustula obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1856b. Synopsis des Formicides de France et d'Algérie. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie (4)5:51-109. 127565 Myrmica aquia obsolete combination U.S.A. (Virginia, New York). Nearctic. Buckley, S. B. 1867. Descriptions of new species of North American Formicidae (continued from page 172.). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 6:335-350. 123311 Myrmica archaica obsolete combination Germany (Oligocene). Meunier, F. 1915. Über einige fossile Insekten aus den Braunkohlenschichten (Aquitanien) von Rott (Siebengebirge). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 67:205-217. 127394 Myrmica arduennae synonym of Myrmica lobicornis Belgium. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1911a. Contribution à la faune de Belgique. Notes diverses. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 55:8-13. 122875 Myrmica arduennae pyrenaea obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Myrmica arisana valid Taiwan. Indomalaya. Wheeler, W. M. 1930b. Formosan ants collected by Dr. R. Takahashi. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club 11:93-106. 130218 Myrmica arnoldii valid Russia (Zabaykalsky Krai). Palearctic. Dlussky, G. M. 1963a. Two new species of ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from eastern Transbaikalia. [In Russian.]. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 42:190-194. 124132 Myrmica aspersa homonym replaced by Myrmica ademonia Russia (Primorsky Krai). Palearctic. Kupyanskaya, A. N. 1990a. Ants of the Far Eastern USSR. [In Russian.]. Vladivostok: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, 258 pp. 126604 Myrmica aspersa obsolete combination Indonesia (Morotai I.). Australasia. Smith, F. 1865a. Descriptions of new species of hymenopterous insects from the islands of Sumatra, Sula, Gilolo, Salwatty, and New Guinea, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 8:61-94. 128702 Myrmica assimilis incertae sedis in genus, unidentifiable Brazil (Pará). Neotropic. Spinola, M. 1851b. Compte rendu des Hyménoptères inédits provenants du voyage entomologique de M. Ghiliani dans le Para en 1846. Extrait des Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences de Turin (2)13:3-78. 128975 Myrmica atomaria obsolete combination Mozambique. Afrotropic. Gerstäcker, A. 1859. [Untitled. Introduced by: "Hr. Peters berichtete über sein Reisewerk, von dem die Insecten bis zum 64., die Botanik bis zum 34. Bogen gedruckt sind und theilte den Schluss der Diagnosen der von Hrn. Dr. Gerstäcker bearbeiteten Hymenopteren mit."]. Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1858:261-264. 125477 Myrmica atra obsolete combination U.S.A. (District of Columbia). Nearctic. Buckley, S. B. 1867. Descriptions of new species of North American Formicidae (continued from page 172.). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 6:335-350. 123311 Myrmica atratula obsolete combination Germany. Palearctic. Schenck, P. A. 1852. Beschreibung nassauischer Ameisenarten. Jahrbuch des Vereins für Naturkunde im Herzogthum Nassau. Wiesbaden 8:1-149. 128471 Myrmica babiensis valid Spain (León). Palearctic. García, F.; Cuesta-Segura, A. D.; Espadaler, X. 2024. Myrmica babiensis sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), a new social parasite from the NW Iberian Peninsula. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 74 (1):113-127. 144316 Myrmica bactriana valid China (Tibet). Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1915a. On the ants of Tibet and the southern Gobi. On material collected on the expedition of Colonel P. K. Kozlov. [In Russian.]. Ezhegodnik Zoologicheskago Muzeya 20:418-444. 128191 Myrmica bakurianica valid Georgia. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1970b. Review of the ant genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the European part of the USSR. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 49:1829-1844. 122364 Myrmica balcanica synonym of Myrmica specioides Czech Republic, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria. Palearctic. Sadil, J. V. 1952 ("1951"). A revision of the Czechoslovak forms of the genus Myrmica Latr. (Hym.). Sborník Entomologického Oddeleni Národního Musea v Praze 27:233-278. 128205 Myrmica balcanica scabrinodoides synonym of Myrmica specioides Czech Republic. Palearctic. Sadil, J. V. 1952 ("1951"). A revision of the Czechoslovak forms of the genus Myrmica Latr. (Hym.). Sborník Entomologického Oddeleni Národního Musea v Praze 27:233-278. 128205 Myrmica balcanica testaceus nomen nudum Sadil, J. V. 1953d. Mravencí zvírena nasich vápencovych skalních stepí (Hym., Formicoidea). Rocenka Ceskoslovenské Spolecnosti Entomologické 50:206-209. 128209 Myrmica barbata obsolete combination Mexico. Neotropic. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmica basalis obsolete combination Sri Lanka. Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmica beesoni obsolete combination India (Karnataka, Tamil Nadu). Indomalaya. Mukerjee, D. 1934. Entomological investigations on the spike disease of sandal (22). Formicidae (Hymen.). Indian Forest Records. Entomology Series 20(5):1-15. 127488 Myrmica bergi valid Kazakhstan. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1902b. Neue Ameisen aus Russland. Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 17:469-484. 128173 Myrmica bergi barchanica synonym of Myrmica bergi Russia (Astrakhan Prov.). Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Myrmica bergi divergens obsolete combination Russia (Sakha). Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1931c. Beitrag zur Ameisenfauna Jakutiens. (Auf Grund der Sammelergebnisse der Expeditionen der Wissenschaften der UdSSR., ausgeführt in den Jahren 1925 und 1926.). Zoologischer Anzeiger 94:104-117. 126269 Myrmica bergi fortior homonym replaced by Myrmica persiana Iran. Palearctic. Crawley, W. C. 1920a. Ants from Mesopotamia and north-west Persia. Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation 32:162-166. 123868 Myrmica bergi iranica nomen nudum Arnol'di, K. V. 1948a. Ants of Talysh and the Diabar depression. Their importance for the characterization of communities of terrestrial invertebrates and for historical analysis of the fauna. [In Russian.]. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta. Akademiya Nauk SSSR 7(2):206-262. 122358 Myrmica bergi persiana obsolete combination Weber, N. A. 1947b. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Myrmica Latreille with a synopsis of the Palearctic species. I. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 40:437-474. 129736 Myrmica bessarabicus incertae sedis in genus, unidentifiable Moldova. Palearctic. Nasonov, N. V. 1889. Contribution to the natural history of the ants primarily of Russia. 1. Contribution to the ant fauna of Russia. [In Russian.]. Izvestiya Imperatorskago Obshchestva Lyubitelei Estestvoznaniya Antropologii i Etnografii pri Imperatorskom Moskovskom Universitete 58:1-78. 127508 Myrmica betuliana synonym of Myrmica schencki Russia (Siberia). Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1946. Ants of Tomsk province and contiguous localities. [In Russian.]. Trudy Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta 97:69-72. 128171 Myrmica bibikoffi valid Switzerland. Palearctic. Kutter, H. 1963a. Miscellanea myrmecologica I. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 35:129-137. 126718 Myrmica bicarinata obsolete combination U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Nylander, W. 1846b. Additamentum adnotationum in monographiam formicarum borealium Europae. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 2:1041-1062. 127562 Myrmica bicolor obsolete combination Croatia (Miocene). Heer, O. 1867. Fossile Hymenopteren aus Oeningen und Radoboj. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 22(4):1-42. 125819 Myrmica bicolor homonym replaced by Myrmica displicentia Russia (Kamchatka). Palearctic. Kupyanskaya, A. N. 1986b. Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the northern part of the Far East. [In Russian.]. Pp. 91-102 in: Ler, P. A. (ed.) 1986. Systematics and ecology of insects from the Far East. [In Russian.]. Vladivostok: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, 155 pp. 126603 Myrmica bidens obsolete combination Germany. Palearctic. Foerster, A. 1850a. Hymenopterologische Studien. 1. Formicariae. Aachen: Ernst Ter Meer, 74 pp. 124947 Myrmica bidentata obsolete combination India (West Bengal). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmica blanda obsolete combination Brazil (Amazonas). Neotropic. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmica boltoni valid Nepal. Indomalaya. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 1998. Taxonomic revision of the ritae species-group of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Vestnik Zoologii 32(4):3-27. 132088 Myrmica bradleyi obsolete combination U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1909e. A decade of North American Formicidae. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 17:77-90. 130039 Myrmica brancuccii valid Nepal. Indomalaya. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W.; Collingwood, C. A. 1999. [Untitled. Myrmica brancuccii Radchenko, Elmes & Collingwood, sp. n.]. Pp. 30-31 in: Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 1999a. Ten new species of Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Himalaya. Vestnik Zoologii 33(3):27-46. 132099 Myrmica bremii obsolete combination Croatia (Miocene). Heer, O. 1849. Die Insektenfauna der Tertiärgebilde von Oeningen und von Radoboj in Croatien. Zweiter Theil: Heuschrecken, Florfliegen, Aderflüger, Schmetterlinge und Fliegen. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, vi + 264 pp. 125815 Myrmica breviceps incertae sedis in genus, unidentifiable Smith, F. 1878b. Scientific results of the Second Yarkand Mission; based upon the collections and notes of the late Ferdinand Stoliczka, Ph.D. Hymenoptera. Calcutta: Superintendent of Government Printing (Government of India), 22 pp. 128722 Myrmica brevinodis synonym of Myrmica incompleta U.S.A. (Utah). Nearctic. Emery, C. 1895d. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. (Schluss). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 8:257-360. 124591 Myrmica brevinodis alaskensis obsolete combination U.S.A. (Alaska). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1917a. The mountain ants of western North America. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 52:457-569. 130116 Myrmica brevinodis brevispinosa obsolete combination U.S.A. (Colorado, New Mexico). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1917a. The mountain ants of western North America. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 52:457-569. 130116 Myrmica brevinodis canadensis synonym of Myrmica incompleta U.S.A. (Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin), CANADA (Nova Scotia, British Columbia). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1916r. Formicoidea. Formicidae. Pp. 577-601 in: Viereck, H. L. 1916. Guide to the insects of Connecticut. Part III. The Hymenoptera, or wasp-like insects, of Connecticut. Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Survey. Bulletin 22:1-824. 130115 Myrmica brevinodis decedens synonym of Myrmica brevispinosa U.S.A. (Colorado). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1917a. The mountain ants of western North America. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 52:457-569. 130116 Myrmica brevinodis discontinua obsolete combination U.S.A. (Colorado, North Dakota, Wyoming), CANADA (Newfoundland, Nova Scotia). Nearctic. Weber, N. A. 1939b. Description of new North American species and subspecies of Myrmica Latreille (Hym.: Formicidae). Lloydia 2:144-152. 129715 Myrmica brevinodis frigida synonym of Myrmica incompleta Canada (British Columbia). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1917a. The mountain ants of western North America. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 52:457-569. 130116 Myrmica brevinodis kuschei obsolete combination U.S.A. (Alaska). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1917e. The ants of Alaska. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 61:13-23. 130120 Myrmica brevinodis subalpina unresolved junior homonym U.S.A. (Colorado). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1917a. The mountain ants of western North America. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 52:457-569. 130116 Myrmica brevinodis transversinodis obsolete combination U.S.A. (Massachusetts). Nearctic. Enzmann, J. 1946b. A new house-invading ant from Massachusetts. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 54:47-49. 124782 Myrmica brevinodis whymperi obsolete combination Canada (Alberta, British Columbia). Nearctic. Forel, A. 1913m. Fourmis d'Argentine, du Brésil, du Guatémala & de Cuba reçues de M. M. Bruch, Prof. v. Ihering, Mlle Baez, M. Peper et M. Rovereto. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 49:203-250. 125250 Myrmica brevipennis obsolete combination U.S.A. (Georgia). Nearctic. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmica brevispinosa valid U.S.A. (Colorado, New Mexico). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1917a. The mountain ants of western North America. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 52:457-569. 130116 Myrmica busoni nomen nudum Chapman, J. W.; Capco, S. R. 1951. Check list of the ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Asia. Monographs of the Institute of Science and Technology. Manila 1:1-327. 123583 Myrmica cachmiriensis valid India (Jammu and Kashmir). Palearctic. Forel, A. 1904d. Miscellanea myrmécologiques. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 12:1-52. 125147 Myrmica cadusa synonym of Myrmica excelsa South Korea. Palearctic. Kim, B.-J.; Park, S.-J.; Kim, J.-H. 1997. On the new species, Myrmica cadusa, from Korea (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Korean Journal of Biological Sciences 1:425-427. 131606 Myrmica caeca obsolete combination New Guinea (Indonesia). Australasia. Smith, F. 1860b. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the islands of Bachian, Kaisaa, Amboyna, Gilolo, and at Dory in New Guinea. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 5(17b)(suppl. to vol. 4):93-143. 128691 Myrmica caeca incertae sedis in subfamily, unidentifiable India (Kerala). Indomalaya. Jerdon, T. C. 1851. A catalogue of the species of ants found in Southern India. Madras Journal of Literature and Science 17:103-127. 126168 Myrmica cagnianti valid Morocco. Palearctic. Espadaler, X. 1996. Myrmica cagnianti, a new ant from North Africa (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Miscel·lània Zoològica (Barcelona) 19:67-74. 131194 Myrmica californica obsolete combination U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Buckley, S. B. 1867. Descriptions of new species of North American Formicidae (continued from page 172.). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 6:335-350. 123311 Myrmica carbonaria obsolete combination Portugal (Madeira). Palearctic. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmica carinata homonym replaced by Myrmica taediosa Russia (Primorsky Krai). Palearctic. Kupyanskaya, A. N. 1990a. Ants of the Far Eastern USSR. [In Russian.]. Vladivostok: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, 258 pp. 126604 Myrmica carinata obsolete combination Indonesia (Aru Is). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1859a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace at the islands of Aru and Key. [part]. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 3:132-158. 128687 Myrmica cariniceps obsolete combination Dominican Republic. Neotropic. Guérin-Méneville, F. E. 1852. Notice sur une nouvelle espèce de fourmi découverte à Saint-Domingue par M. Auguste Sallé, et qui fait son nid dans les plaines marécageuses, sur les buissons. Revue et Magasin de Zoologie Pure et Appliquée (2)4:73-79. 125708 Myrmica castanea obsolete combination Brazil (Amazonas). Neotropic. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmica caucasica synonym of Myrmica hellenica Caucasus. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1934. Studien über die Systematik der Ameisen. VIII. Vorläufige Ergebnisse einer biometrischen Untersuchung einiger Myrmica-Arten aus dem europäischen Teile der USSR. Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica 6:151-174. 122336 Myrmica caucasicola valid Azerbaijan. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1934. Studien über die Systematik der Ameisen. VIII. Vorläufige Ergebnisse einer biometrischen Untersuchung einiger Myrmica-Arten aus dem europäischen Teile der USSR. Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica 6:151-174. 122336 Myrmica cerasi obsolete combination U.S.A. (New York). Nearctic. Fitch, A. 1855 ("1854"). Report on the noxious, beneficial and other insects of the State of New York. Transactions of the New York State Agricultural Society 14:705-880. 124942 Myrmica chinensis synonym of Myrmica kurokii China (Sichuan). Palearctic. Viehmeyer, H. 1922. Neue Ameisen. Archiv für Naturgeschichte (A)88(7):203-220. 129517 Myrmica cingulata obsolete combination Germany. Palearctic. Schenck, P. A. 1852. Beschreibung nassauischer Ameisenarten. Jahrbuch des Vereins für Naturkunde im Herzogthum Nassau. Wiesbaden 8:1-149. 128471 Myrmica clandestina synonym of Myrmica rugulosa Germany. Palearctic. Foerster, A. 1850a. Hymenopterologische Studien. 1. Formicariae. Aachen: Ernst Ter Meer, 74 pp. 124947 Myrmica clypeata obsolete combination Austria. Palearctic. Mayr, G. 1853d. Beschreibungen einiger neuer Ameisen. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Vereins in Wien 3:277-286. 127211 Myrmica coeca obsolete combination U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Buckley, S. B. 1867. Descriptions of new species of North American Formicidae (continued from page 172.). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 6:335-350. 123311 Myrmica colax valid U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Cole, A. C., Jr. 1957a. Paramyrmica, a new North American genus of ants allied to Myrmica Latreille. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 32:37-42. 123734 Myrmica collingwoodi valid Bhutan. Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 1998. Taxonomic revision of the ritae species-group of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Vestnik Zoologii 32(4):3-27. 132088 Myrmica columbiana obsolete combination U.S.A. (District of Columbia). Nearctic. Buckley, S. B. 1867. Descriptions of new species of North American Formicidae (continued from page 172.). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 6:335-350. 123311 Myrmica commarginata valid Russia (Transbaikal Prov.). Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Myrmica concinna obsolete combination Croatia (Miocene). Heer, O. 1867. Fossile Hymenopteren aus Oeningen und Radoboj. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 22(4):1-42. 125819 Myrmica consternens obsolete combination Sri Lanka. Indomalaya. Walker, F. 1859. Characters of some apparently undescribed Ceylon insects. [part]. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (3)4:370-376. 129567 Myrmica constricta valid Karavaiev, V. 1934. The fauna of the family Formicidae (ants) of the Ukraine. [In Ukrainian.]. Trudy Instytutu Zoolohii ta Biolohii Vseukrains'koi Akademii Nauk. Seriya 1. Pratsi z Systematyky ta Faunistyky 1934:1-164. 126234 Myrmica contigua obsolete combination Sri Lanka. Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmica corrugata incertae sedis in genus, unidentifiable U.S.A. (Indiana). Nearctic. Say, T. 1836. Descriptions of new species of North American Hymenoptera, and observations on some already described. Boston Journal of Natural History 1:209-305. 128464 Myrmica corticalis obsolete combination Germany. Palearctic. Schenck, P. A. 1852. Beschreibung nassauischer Ameisenarten. Jahrbuch des Vereins für Naturkunde im Herzogthum Nassau. Wiesbaden 8:1-149. 128471 Myrmica crassirugis valid U.S.A. (Idaho). Nearctic. Francoeur, A. 2007. The Myrmica punctiventris and M. crassirugis species groups in the Nearctic region. Pp. 153-185 in: Snelling, R. R.; Fisher, B. L.; Ward, P. S. (eds.) 2007. Advances in ant systematics (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): homage to E.O. Wilson – 50 years of contributions. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 80:690 pp. 131342 Myrmica curiosa valid China (Sichuan). Palearctic. Radchenko, A.; Zhou, S.; Elmes, G. W. 2008. [Untitled. Myrmica curiosa Radchenko, Zhou et Elmes, sp. nov.]. Pp. 769-770 in: Radchenko, A. G.; Zhou, S.; Elmes, G. W.; Rigato, F. 2008. Seven new Myrmica species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from China. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 58:767-784. 132120 Myrmica cursor incertae sedis in genus, unidentifiable Smith, F. 1878b. Scientific results of the Second Yarkand Mission; based upon the collections and notes of the late Ferdinand Stoliczka, Ph.D. Hymenoptera. Calcutta: Superintendent of Government Printing (Government of India), 22 pp. 128722 Myrmica curvispinosa valid India (Himachal Pradesh). Palearctic. Bharti, H.; Sharma, Y. P. 2013. Three new species of genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Himalaya. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 16:123-130. 142325 Myrmica curvithorax valid Spain. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1920a ("1919"). Notes diverses sur des fourmis d'Europe. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 59:143-158. 122879 Myrmica damzeni valid Poland (Baltic Amber, Eocene). Radchenko, A. G. 2023c. Myrmica ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in late Eocene European ambers. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 73 (4):629-648. 144263 Myrmica daurica nomen nudum Motschoulsky, V. de 1860b ("1859"). Entomologie speciale. Insectes des Indes orientales, et de contrées analogues. Études entomologiques. Part 8. Helsinki: Imprim. Soc. Littér. Finnoise, 187 pp. 127473 Myrmica debilis obsolete combination Germany. Palearctic. Foerster, A. 1850a. Hymenopterologische Studien. 1. Formicariae. Aachen: Ernst Ter Meer, 74 pp. 124947 Myrmica denticornis synonym of Myrmica lobicornis United Kingdom. Palearctic. Curtis, J. 1854. On the genus Myrmica and other indigenous ants. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 21:211-220. 123987 Myrmica deplanata valid Ukraine. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1921c. Hymenoptera. Fam. Formicidae. Subfam. Myrmicinae. [part]. Genera Insectorum 174A:1-94 + 7 plates. 124749 Myrmica deplanata lulakeranica nomen nudum Arnol'di, K. V. 1948a. Ants of Talysh and the Diabar depression. Their importance for the characterization of communities of terrestrial invertebrates and for historical analysis of the fauna. [In Russian.]. Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta. Akademiya Nauk SSSR 7(2):206-262. 122358 Myrmica deplanata plana synonym of Myrmica deplanata Ukraine. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1927a ("1926"). Übersicht der Ameisenfauna der Krim nebst einigen Neubeschreibungen. Konowia 5:281-303. 126252 Myrmica detritinodis valid U.S.A. (Maryland). Nearctic. Emery, C. 1921c. Hymenoptera. Fam. Formicidae. Subfam. Myrmicinae. [part]. Genera Insectorum 174A:1-94 + 7 plates. 124749 Myrmica dicaporiaccoi synonym of Myrmica aimonissabaudiae Pakistan. Indomalaya. Menozzi, C. 1939a. Formiche dell'Himalaya e del Karakorum raccolte dalla Spedizione italiana comandata da S. A. R. il Duca di Spoleto (1929). Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano 78:285-345. 127381 Myrmica dictyosa valid Poland (Baltic Amber, Eocene). Radchenko, A. G. 2023c. Myrmica ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in late Eocene European ambers. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 73 (4):629-648. 144263 Myrmica diffusa obsolete combination India. Indomalaya. Jerdon, T. C. 1851. A catalogue of the species of ants found in Southern India. Madras Journal of Literature and Science 17:103-127. 126168 Myrmica diligens obsolete combination New Guinea. Australasia. Smith, F. 1865a. Descriptions of new species of hymenopterous insects from the islands of Sumatra, Sula, Gilolo, Salwatty, and New Guinea, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 8:61-94. 128702 Myrmica diluta synonym of Myrmica ruginodis Russia. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1849 ("1848"). Additamentum alterum adnotationum in monographiam formicarum borealium. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 3:25-48. 127563 Myrmica dimidiata incertae sedis in subfamily, unidentifiable U.S.A. Nearctic. Say, T. 1836. Descriptions of new species of North American Hymenoptera, and observations on some already described. Boston Journal of Natural History 1:209-305. 128464 Myrmica discontinua valid U.S.A. (Colorado, North Dakota, Wyoming), CANADA (Newfoundland, Nova Scotia). Nearctic. Weber, N. A. 1939b. Description of new North American species and subspecies of Myrmica Latreille (Hym.: Formicidae). Lloydia 2:144-152. 129715 Myrmica discontinua discontinua obsolete combination U.S.A. (Colorado, North Dakota, Wyoming), CANADA (Newfoundland, Nova Scotia). Nearctic. Weber, N. A. 1939b. Description of new North American species and subspecies of Myrmica Latreille (Hym.: Formicidae). Lloydia 2:144-152. 129715 Myrmica displicentia valid Bolton, B. 1995b. A new general catalogue of the ants of the world. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 504 pp. 122860 Myrmica divergens valid Russia (Sakha). Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1931c. Beitrag zur Ameisenfauna Jakutiens. (Auf Grund der Sammelergebnisse der Expeditionen der Wissenschaften der UdSSR., ausgeführt in den Jahren 1925 und 1926.). Zoologischer Anzeiger 94:104-117. 126269 Myrmica diversa incertae sedis in genus, unidentifiable U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Buckley, S. B. 1867. Descriptions of new species of North American Formicidae (continued from page 172.). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 6:335-350. 123311 Myrmica domestica obsolete combination United Kingdom. Palearctic. Shuckard, W. E. 1838. Description of a new species of Myrmica which has been found in houses both in the Metropolis and Provinces. Magazine of Natural History (2)2:626-627. 128624 Myrmica dongi valid China (Xizang). Palearctic. Chen, Z.; Zhou, S.; Huang, J. 2016. Seven species new to science and one newly recorded species of the ant genus Myrmica Latreille, 1804 from China, with proposal of a new synonym (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). ZooKeys 551:85-128. 142871 Myrmica draco valid China (Guangxi). Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G.; Zhou, S.; Elmes, G. W. 2001. New and rare Myrmica species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from southern China. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 51:211-219. 132104 Myrmica dshungarica valid Kazakhstan. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Myrmica duisburgi obsolete combination Baltic Amber (Eocene). Mayr, G. 1868c. Die Ameisen des baltischen Bernsteins. Beiträge zur Naturkunde Preussens 1:1-102. 127226 Myrmica eidmanni valid Russia (Buryatia). Palearctic. Menozzi, C. 1930h. Formicidae. Pp. 327-332 in: Eidmann, H. 1930. Entomologische Ergebnisse einer Reise nach Ostasien. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 79:308-335. 127359 Myrmica elbrusi valid Russia (North Caucasus). Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G.; Yusupov, Z. 2012. A new peculiar Myrmica species (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the North Caucasus. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 62 (4):593-598. 142348 Myrmica electrina valid Ukraine (Rovno Amber, Eocene), POLAND (Baltic Amber, Eocene). Radchenko, A. G. 2023c. Myrmica ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in late Eocene European ambers. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 73 (4):629-648. 144263 Myrmica elmesi valid India (Jammu & Kashmir). Palearctic. Bharti, H.; Sharma, Y. P. 2011a. Myrmica elmesi (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) a new species from Himalaya. ZooKeys 124:51-58. 132889 Myrmica emeryana synonym of Myrmica latifrons U.S.A. (North Carolina). Nearctic. Wesson, L. G.; Wesson, R. G. 1940. A collection of ants from southcentral Ohio. American Midland Naturalist 24:89-103. 129802 Myrmica emeryi valid Borneo (Indonesia: Kalimantan, Laut I.). Indomalaya. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 2009c. Myrmica emeryi, a new ant species from South-east Asia. Doriana 8 (361):1-7. 132097 Myrmica eocenica valid Baltic Amber (Eocene). Radchenko, A. G.; Dlussky, G. M.; Elmes, G. W. 2007. The ants of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Baltic and Saxonian amber (Late Eocene). Journal of Paleontology 81:1494-1501. 132087 Myrmica ereptrix valid India (Jammu & Kashmir). Palearctic. Bolton, B. 1988a. A new socially parasitic Myrmica, with a reassessment of the genus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Systematic Entomology 13:1-11. 122848 Myrmica erythrothorax nomen nudum Brazil (Minas Gerais). Neotropic. Lund, P. W. 1831a. Lettre sur les habitudes de quelques fourmis du Brésil, adressée à M. Audouin. Annales des Sciences Naturelles 23:113-138. 126986 Myrmica everesti synonym of Myrmica rupestris China (Tibet). Palearctic. Donisthorpe, H. 1929a. The Formicidae (Hymenoptera) taken by Major R. W. G. Hingston, M.C., I.M.S. (ret.), on the Mount Everest Expedition, 1924. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (10)4:444-449. 124252 Myrmica excelsa valid Russia (Primorsky Krai). Palearctic. Kupyanskaya, A. N. 1990a. Ants of the Far Eastern USSR. [In Russian.]. Vladivostok: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, 258 pp. 126604 Myrmica exigua obsolete combination U.S.A. (District of Columbia). Nearctic. Buckley, S. B. 1867. Descriptions of new species of North American Formicidae (continued from page 172.). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 6:335-350. 123311 Myrmica faniensis synonym of Myrmica karavajevi Belgium. Palearctic. Boven, J. K. A. 1970a. Myrmica faniensis, une nouvelle espèce parasite (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Bulletin et Annales de la Société Royale Entomologique de Belgique 106:127-132. 122978 Myrmica ferganensis valid Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Finzi, B. 1926. Le forme europee del genere Myrmica Latr. Primo contributo. Bollettino della Società Adriatica di Scienze Naturali in Trieste 29:71-119. 124914 Myrmica flavidula obsolete combination Russia. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1849 ("1848"). Additamentum alterum adnotationum in monographiam formicarum borealium. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 3:25-48. 127563 Myrmica fodicus obsolete combination India (Karnataka/Kerala). Indomalaya. Jerdon, T. C. 1851. A catalogue of the species of ants found in Southern India. Madras Journal of Literature and Science 17:103-127. 126168 Myrmica forcipata valid Russia (Sakha). Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1931c. Beitrag zur Ameisenfauna Jakutiens. (Auf Grund der Sammelergebnisse der Expeditionen der Wissenschaften der UdSSR., ausgeführt in den Jahren 1925 und 1926.). Zoologischer Anzeiger 94:104-117. 126269 Myrmica foreliana valid Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 2001a. First record of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from northern Vietnam, with a description of two new species. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 51:221-225. 132093 Myrmica formosa obsolete combination Australia (South Australia). Australasia. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmica formosae homonym replaced by Myrmica pulchella Taiwan. Indomalaya. Wheeler, W. M. 1929h. Ants collected by Professor F. Silvestri in Formosa, the Malay Peninsula and the Philippines. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura. Portici 24:27-64. 130212 Myrmica fortior valid India (Jammu and Kashmir). Palearctic. Forel, A. 1904d. Miscellanea myrmécologiques. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 12:1-52. 125147 Myrmica fracticornis valid U.S.A. (New York, Connecticut). Nearctic. Forel, A. 1901j. Variétés myrmécologiques. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 45:334-382. 125114 Myrmica fragilis obsolete combination Singapore. Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmica fuscipennis obsolete combination Indonesia (Sulawesi). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1861b. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the islands of Ceram, Celebes, Ternate, and Gilolo. [part]. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 6:36-48. 128694 Myrmica fuscula obsolete combination Finland. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1846a. Adnotationes in monographiam formicarum borealium Europae. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 2:875-944. 127561 Myrmica galbula obsolete combination Italy. Palearctic. Losana, M. 1834. Saggio sopra le formiche indigene del Piemonte. Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 37:307-333. 126963 Myrmica gallienii valid France. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1920a ("1919"). Notes diverses sur des fourmis d'Europe. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 59:143-158. 122879 Myrmica gayi obsolete combination Chile. Neotropic. Spinola, M. 1851a. Insectos. Orden 7. Himenopteros. Pp. 153-569 in: Gay, C. 1851. Historia fisica y politica de Chile. Zoologia. Tomo 6. Paris: Maulde & Renon, 572 pp. 128974 Myrmica gebaueri valid China (Tibet). Palearctic. Seifert, B.; Schultz, R.; Ritz, M. S.; Ritz, C. M. 2018. Cryptic species of the Myrmica tibetana complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) revealed by integrative taxonomy. Myrmecological News 27:93-110. 143332 Myrmica georgica synonym of Myrmica salina Georgia. Palearctic. Seifert, B. 1987. Myrmica georgica n. sp., a new ant from Transcaucasia and North Kazakhstan (U.S.S.R.) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Myrmicinae). Reichenbachia 24:183-187. 128558 Myrmica gigantea valid Myanmar. Indomalaya. Collingwood, C. A. 1962c. Some ants (Hym. Formicidae) from north-east Asia. Entomologisk Tidskrift 83:215-230. 123793 Myrmica glaber obsolete combination Panama. Neotropic. Smith, F. 1862b. Descriptions of new species of aculeate Hymenoptera, collected at Panama by R. W. Stretch, Esq., with a list of described species, and the various localities where they have previously occurred. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (3)1:29-44. 128696 Myrmica glacialis valid Canada (Alberta, British Columbia). Nearctic. Emery, C. 1921c. Hymenoptera. Fam. Formicidae. Subfam. Myrmicinae. [part]. Genera Insectorum 174A:1-94 + 7 plates. 124749 Myrmica globularia obsolete combination Brazil. Neotropic. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmica glyciphila obsolete combination Sri Lanka. Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmica gracilescens obsolete combination Indonesia (Sulawesi). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1860a. Descriptions of new species of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace at Celebes. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 5(17b)(suppl. to vol. 4):57-93. 128690 Myrmica gracillima obsolete combination Israel. Palearctic. Smith, F. 1861a. Descriptions of some new species of ants from the Holy Land, with a synonymic list of others previously described. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 6:31-35. 128693 Myrmica granulinodis incertae sedis in genus, unidentifiable Russia (Siberia). Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1846b. Additamentum adnotationum in monographiam formicarum borealium Europae. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 2:1041-1062. 127562 Myrmica hamulata valid U.S.A. (New Mexico). Nearctic. Weber, N. A. 1939b. Description of new North American species and subspecies of Myrmica Latreille (Hym.: Formicidae). Lloydia 2:144-152. 129715 Myrmica hecate valid India (West Bengal). Palearctic. Weber, N. A. 1947b. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Myrmica Latreille with a synopsis of the Palearctic species. I. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 40:437-474. 129736 Myrmica hellenica valid Greece (+ Corfu). Palearctic. Finzi, B. 1926. Le forme europee del genere Myrmica Latr. Primo contributo. Bollettino della Società Adriatica di Scienze Naturali in Trieste 29:71-119. 124914 Myrmica helleri synonym of Myrmica kurokii China (Sichuan). Palearctic. Viehmeyer, H. 1922. Neue Ameisen. Archiv für Naturgeschichte (A)88(7):203-220. 129517 Myrmica heterorhytida valid China (Yunnan). Palearctic. Radchenko, A.; Elmes, G. W. 2009a. Taxonomic revision of the pachei species-group of the genus Myrmica Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 59:67-92. 132114 Myrmica hirsuta valid United Kingdom (England). Palearctic. Elmes, G. W. 1978. A morphometric comparison of three closely related species of Myrmica (Formicidae), including a new species from England. Systematic Entomology 3:131-145. 124489 Myrmica hirtula obsolete combination Finland. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1849 ("1848"). Additamentum alterum adnotationum in monographiam formicarum borealium. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 3:25-48. 127563 Myrmica hlavaci valid China (Sichuan). Palearctic. Radchenko, A.; Elmes, G. W. 2009a. Taxonomic revision of the pachei species-group of the genus Myrmica Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 59:67-92. 132114 Myrmica huaii valid China (Shaanxi). Palearctic. Chen, Z.; Zhou, S.; Huang, J. 2016. Seven species new to science and one newly recorded species of the ant genus Myrmica Latreille, 1804 from China, with proposal of a new synonym (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). ZooKeys 551:85-128. 142871 Myrmica humilis obsolete combination India (Maharashtra). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmica hunteri obsolete combination U.S.A. (Montana). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1914e. The American species of Myrmica allied to M. rubida Latreille. Psyche (Cambridge) 21:118-122. 130086 Myrmica hyungokae synonym of Myrmica jessensis South Korea. Palearctic. Elmes, G. W.; Radchenko, A. G.; Kim, B.-J. 2001. Two new species of Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Korea. Korean Journal of Biological Sciences 5:107-112. 131189 Myrmica impura obsolete combination Germany. Palearctic. Foerster, A. 1850a. Hymenopterologische Studien. 1. Formicariae. Aachen: Ernst Ter Meer, 74 pp. 124947 Myrmica incerta obsolete combination Indonesia (Misool). Australasia. Smith, F. 1863a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the islands of Mysol, Ceram, Waigiou, Bouru and Timor. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 7:6-48. 128699 Myrmica incompleta valid Canada (Québec). Nearctic. Provancher, L. 1881b. Faune canadienne. (Continué de la page 333.). Naturaliste Canadien (Québec) 12:353-362. 127917 Myrmica incompleta kuschei synonym of Myrmica alaskensis U.S.A. (Alaska). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1917e. The ants of Alaska. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 61:13-23. 130120 Myrmica incurvata synonym of Myrmica angulinodis North Korea. Palearctic. Collingwood, C. A. 1976a. Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from North Korea. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 68:295-309. 123801 Myrmica indica valid India (West Bengal). Palearctic. Weber, N. A. 1950c. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Myrmica Latreille with a synopsis of the Palearctic species. III. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 43:189-226. 129746 Myrmica inermis valid China (Yunnan). Indomalaya. Zhong, Y.; Huang, Y.; Wu, T.; Liu, Z. 2024. A new spineless Myrmica species from China, with the reinstatement of M. zhengi Ma & Xu (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 27 (2): 102261:1-7. 144358 Myrmica inezae valid India (Madhya Pradesh). Palearctic. Forel, A. 1902c. Myrmicinae nouveaux de l'Inde et de Ceylan. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 10:165-249. 125121 Myrmica inflecta incertae sedis in genus, unidentifiable U.S.A. (Indiana). Nearctic. Say, T. 1836. Descriptions of new species of North American Hymenoptera, and observations on some already described. Boston Journal of Natural History 1:209-305. 128464 Myrmica insolens obsolete combination Indonesia (Sulawesi). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1861b. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the islands of Ceram, Celebes, Ternate, and Gilolo. [part]. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 6:36-48. 128694 Myrmica intermedia valid Poland (Baltic Amber, Eocene). Wheeler, W. M. 1915i ("1914"). The ants of the Baltic Amber. Schriften der Physikalisch-Ökonomischen Gesellschaft zu Königsberg 55:1-142. 130096 Myrmica interrupta obsolete combination Germany. Palearctic. Schenck, P. A. 1852. Beschreibung nassauischer Ameisenarten. Jahrbuch des Vereins für Naturkunde im Herzogthum Nassau. Wiesbaden 8:1-149. 128471 Myrmica inucta valid Kazakhstan. Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 2006. [Untitled. New species of Myrmica attributed to A.G. Radchenko and G.W. Elmes.]. Pp. 507-513 in: Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W.; Alicata, A. 2006. Taxonomic revision of the schencki-group of the ant genus Myrmica Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from the Palaearctic region. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 56:499-538. 143931 Myrmica irritans obsolete combination South Africa. Afrotropic. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmica jacobsoni synonym of Myrmica gallienii Latvia, Estonia. Palearctic. Kutter, H. 1963a. Miscellanea myrmecologica I. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 35:129-137. 126718 Myrmica jennyae valid Turkey. Palearctic. Elmes, G. W.; Radchenko, A. G.; Aktaç, N. 2002. Four new Myrmica species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Turkey. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 52:157-171. 131187 Myrmica jessensis valid Japan. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1901j. Variétés myrmécologiques. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 45:334-382. 125114 Myrmica jucunda incertae sedis in subfamily, unidentifiable Syria, Palestine. Palearctic. Smith, F. 1861a. Descriptions of some new species of ants from the Holy Land, with a synonymic list of others previously described. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 6:31-35. 128693 Myrmica juglandeti valid Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1976a. Ants of the genus Myrmica Latr. from Central Asia and the southern Kazakstan. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 55:547-558. 122365 Myrmica jurinei obsolete combination Croatia (Miocene). Heer, O. 1849. Die Insektenfauna der Tertiärgebilde von Oeningen und von Radoboj in Croatien. Zweiter Theil: Heuschrecken, Florfliegen, Aderflüger, Schmetterlinge und Fliegen. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, vi + 264 pp. 125815 Myrmica kabylica valid Algeria. Palearctic. Cagniant, H. 1970d. Une nouvelle fourmi parasite d'Algérie: Sifolinia kabylica (nov. sp.), Hyménoptères. Formicidae. Myrmicinae. Insectes Sociaux 17:39-47. 123465 Myrmica kamtschatica valid Russia (Kamchatka Oblast). Palearctic. Kupyanskaya, A. N. 1986a. Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the group Myrmica lobicornis Nylander from the Far East. [In Russian.]. Pp. 83-90 in: Ler, P. A. (ed.) 1986. Systematics and ecology of insects from the Far East. [In Russian.]. Vladivostok: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, 155 pp. 126602 Myrmica kamyschiensis synonym of Myrmica bergi Ukraine (Crimea). Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1934. Studien über die Systematik der Ameisen. VIII. Vorläufige Ergebnisse einer biometrischen Untersuchung einiger Myrmica-Arten aus dem europäischen Teile der USSR. Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica 6:151-174. 122336 Myrmica karavajevi valid Ukraine. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1930c. Studien über die Systematik der Ameisen. VI. Eine neue parasitische Ameise, mit Bezugnahme auf die Frage nach der Entstehung der Gattungsmerkmale bei den parasitären Ameisen. Zoologischer Anzeiger 91:267-283. 122351 Myrmica kasczenkoi valid Russia (Krasnoyarsky Krai, Chita Prov.). Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Myrmica khamensis incertae sedis in genus, unidentifiable China (Tibet). Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1915a. On the ants of Tibet and the southern Gobi. On material collected on the expedition of Colonel P. K. Kozlov. [In Russian.]. Ezhegodnik Zoologicheskago Muzeya 20:418-444. 128191 Myrmica kirbii obsolete combination India (Maharashtra). Indomalaya. Sykes, W. H. 1835. Descriptions of new species of Indian ants. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1:99-107. 129106 Myrmica kirbii nomen nudum Stephens, J. F. 1829b. A systematic catalogue of British insects: being an attempt to arrange all the hitherto discovered indigenous insects in accordance with their natural affinities. London: Baldwin & Cradock, xxxiv + 416 + 388 pp. 129018 Myrmica kirghisorum valid Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1976a. Ants of the genus Myrmica Latr. from Central Asia and the southern Kazakstan. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 55:547-558. 122365 Myrmica kollari obsolete combination Austria. Palearctic. Mayr, G. 1853d. Beschreibungen einiger neuer Ameisen. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Vereins in Wien 3:277-286. 127211 Myrmica koreana valid South Korea. Palearctic. Elmes, G. W.; Radchenko, A. G.; Kim, B.-J. 2001. Two new species of Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Korea. Korean Journal of Biological Sciences 5:107-112. 131189 Myrmica kothiensis valid India (Himachal Pradesh). Palearctic. Bharti, H.; Sharma, Y. P. 2013. Three new species of genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Himalaya. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 16:123-130. 142325 Myrmica kotokui valid Japan. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1911g. Die Ameisen des K. Zoologischen Museums in München. Sitzungsberichte der Mathematischen-Physikalischen Klasse der Königlich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu München 11:249-303. 125216 Myrmica kozakorum valid Ukraine. Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 2010. Myrmica ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the Old World. Fauna Mundi 3. Warsaw: Natura Optima Dux Foundation, 790 pp. 132776 Myrmica kozlovi valid China (Tibet). Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1915a. On the ants of Tibet and the southern Gobi. On material collected on the expedition of Colonel P. K. Kozlov. [In Russian.]. Ezhegodnik Zoologicheskago Muzeya 20:418-444. 128191 Myrmica kozlovi mekongi synonym of Myrmica kozlovi China (Tibet). Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1915a. On the ants of Tibet and the southern Gobi. On material collected on the expedition of Colonel P. K. Kozlov. [In Russian.]. Ezhegodnik Zoologicheskago Muzeya 20:418-444. 128191 Myrmica kozlovi ruzskyi synonym of Myrmica kurokii Russia. Palearctic. Kiseleva, E. F. 1925. On the ant fauna of the Ussuri region. [In Russian.]. Izvestiya Tomskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta 75:73-75. 126440 Myrmica kozlovi ruzskyi unresolved junior homonym Weber, N. A. 1947b. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Myrmica Latreille with a synopsis of the Palearctic species. I. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 40:437-474. 129736 Myrmica kozlovi subalpina synonym of Myrmica kozlovi China (Tibet). Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1915a. On the ants of Tibet and the southern Gobi. On material collected on the expedition of Colonel P. K. Kozlov. [In Russian.]. Ezhegodnik Zoologicheskago Muzeya 20:418-444. 128191 Myrmica kozlovi subbrevispinosa synonym of Myrmica kozlovi China (Tibet). Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1915a. On the ants of Tibet and the southern Gobi. On material collected on the expedition of Colonel P. K. Kozlov. [In Russian.]. Ezhegodnik Zoologicheskago Muzeya 20:418-444. 128191 Myrmica kryzhanovskii valid Tajikistan. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1976a. Ants of the genus Myrmica Latr. from Central Asia and the southern Kazakstan. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 55:547-558. 122365 Myrmica kurokii valid Japan. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1907h. Formiciden aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum in Hamburg. II. Teil. Neueingänge seit 1900. Mitteilungen aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum in Hamburg 24:1-20. 125175 Myrmica kurokii sontica synonym of Myrmica ruginodis Japan. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1937h. Fourmis du Japon et de Formose. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 77:361-388. 128438 Myrmica kurokii tipuna synonym of Myrmica arisana Taiwan. Indomalaya. Santschi, F. 1937h. Fourmis du Japon et de Formose. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 77:361-388. 128438 Myrmica kuschei obsolete combination U.S.A. (Alaska). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1917e. The ants of Alaska. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 61:13-23. 130120 Myrmica lacteipennis obsolete combination Sweden. Palearctic. Zetterstedt, J. W. 1838. Insecta Lapponica. Sectio secunda. Hymenoptera. Lipsiae [= Leipzig]: L. Voss, pp. 317-475. 130596 Myrmica lacustris synonym of Myrmica stangeana Russia. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Myrmica laevigata obsolete combination United Kingdom (England). Palearctic. Smith, F. 1855b. Essay on the genera and species of British Formicidae. [concl.]. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (2)3:113-135. 128680 Myrmica laevinodis synonym of Myrmica rubra Finland. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1846a. Adnotationes in monographiam formicarum borealium Europae. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 2:875-944. 127561 Myrmica laevinodis bruesi synonym of Myrmica rubra U.S.A. (Massachusetts). Nearctic. Weber, N. A. 1947b. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Myrmica Latreille with a synopsis of the Palearctic species. I. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 40:437-474. 129736 Myrmica laevinodis europaea obsolete combination Norway. Palearctic. Finzi, B. 1926. Le forme europee del genere Myrmica Latr. Primo contributo. Bollettino della Società Adriatica di Scienze Naturali in Trieste 29:71-119. 124914 Myrmica laevinodis ferganensis obsolete combination Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Finzi, B. 1926. Le forme europee del genere Myrmica Latr. Primo contributo. Bollettino della Società Adriatica di Scienze Naturali in Trieste 29:71-119. 124914 Myrmica laevinodis minuta unresolved junior homonym Tajikistan. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Myrmica laevinodis tenuispina obsolete combination Uzbekistan, China. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Myrmica laevissima obsolete combination Indonesia (Bacan I.). Australasia. Smith, F. 1860b. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the islands of Bachian, Kaisaa, Amboyna, Gilolo, and at Dory in New Guinea. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 5(17b)(suppl. to vol. 4):93-143. 128691 Myrmica laeviuscula obsolete combination Germany. Palearctic. Foerster, A. 1850a. Hymenopterologische Studien. 1. Formicariae. Aachen: Ernst Ter Meer, 74 pp. 124947 Myrmica lampra valid Canada (Québec). Nearctic. Francoeur, A. 1968. Une nouvelle espèce du genre Myrmica au Québec (Formicidae, Hymenoptera). Naturaliste Canadien (Québec) 95:727-730. 125325 Myrmica latifrons valid U.S.A. (New York). Nearctic. Stärcke, A. 1927. Beginnende Divergenz bei Myrmica lobicornis Nyl. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 70:73-84. 128986 Myrmica latra valid India (Himachal Pradesh). Palearctic. Bharti, H.; Radchenko, A.; Sasi, S. 2016. Socially-parasitic Myrmica species (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of Himalaya, with the description of a new species. ZooKeys 605:113-129. 142953 Myrmica laurae valid Italy. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1907. Una formica nuova italiana spettante ad un nuovo genere. Rendiconti delle Sessioni della Reale Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna (n.s.)11:49-51. 124509 Myrmica lemasnei valid France. Palearctic. Bernard, F. 1967a ("1968"). Faune de l'Europe et du Bassin Méditerranéen. 3. Les fourmis (Hymenoptera Formicidae) d'Europe occidentale et septentrionale. Paris: Masson, 411 pp. 122660 Myrmica leonina obsolete combination Italy. Palearctic. Losana, M. 1834. Saggio sopra le formiche indigene del Piemonte. Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 37:307-333. 126963 Myrmica limanica synonym of Myrmica gallienii Ukraine. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1934. The fauna of the family Formicidae (ants) of the Ukraine. [In Ukrainian.]. Trudy Instytutu Zoolohii ta Biolohii Vseukrains'koi Akademii Nauk. Seriya 1. Pratsi z Systematyky ta Faunistyky 1934:1-164. 126234 Myrmica limanica obensis synonym of Myrmica gallienii Russia. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1970b. Review of the ant genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the European part of the USSR. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 49:1829-1844. 122364 Myrmica lineolata obsolete combination U.S.A. Nearctic. Say, T. 1836. Descriptions of new species of North American Hymenoptera, and observations on some already described. Boston Journal of Natural History 1:209-305. 128464 Myrmica lineolata incertae sedis in genus, unidentifiable U.S.A. Nearctic. Buckley, S. B. 1867. Descriptions of new species of North American Formicidae (continued from page 172.). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 6:335-350. 123311 Myrmica lippula obsolete combination Russia. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1849 ("1848"). Additamentum alterum adnotationum in monographiam formicarum borealium. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 3:25-48. 127563 Myrmica liui valid China (Inner Mongolia). Palearctic. Chen, Z.; Zhou, S.; Huang, J. 2016. Seven species new to science and one newly recorded species of the ant genus Myrmica Latreille, 1804 from China, with proposal of a new synonym (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). ZooKeys 551:85-128. 142871 Myrmica lobicornis valid Finland. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1846a. Adnotationes in monographiam formicarum borealium Europae. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 2:875-944. 127561 Myrmica lobicornis alpestris synonym of Myrmica lobicornis Armenia. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1934. Studien über die Systematik der Ameisen. VIII. Vorläufige Ergebnisse einer biometrischen Untersuchung einiger Myrmica-Arten aus dem europäischen Teile der USSR. Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica 6:151-174. 122336 Myrmica lobicornis alpina synonym of Myrmica lobulicornis Italy. Palearctic. Stärcke, A. 1927. Beginnende Divergenz bei Myrmica lobicornis Nyl. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 70:73-84. 128986 Myrmica lobicornis angustifrons synonym of Myrmica lobicornis United Kingdom. Palearctic. Stärcke, A. 1927. Beginnende Divergenz bei Myrmica lobicornis Nyl. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 70:73-84. 128986 Myrmica lobicornis apennina synonym of Myrmica lobulicornis Italy. Palearctic. Stärcke, A. 1927. Beginnende Divergenz bei Myrmica lobicornis Nyl. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 70:73-84. 128986 Myrmica lobicornis arduennae obsolete combination Belgium. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1911a. Contribution à la faune de Belgique. Notes diverses. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 55:8-13. 122875 Myrmica lobicornis deplanata obsolete combination Ukraine. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1921c. Hymenoptera. Fam. Formicidae. Subfam. Myrmicinae. [part]. Genera Insectorum 174A:1-94 + 7 plates. 124749 Myrmica lobicornis foreli synonym of Myrmica lobicornis Italy. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1931c. Notes sur le genre Myrmica (Latreille). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 38:335-355. 128396 Myrmica lobicornis foreliella synonym of Myrmica kirghisorum Tajikistan. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1976a. Ants of the genus Myrmica Latr. from Central Asia and the southern Kazakstan. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 55:547-558. 122365 Myrmica lobicornis fracticornis obsolete combination U.S.A. (New York, Connecticut). Nearctic. Forel, A. 1901j. Variétés myrmécologiques. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 45:334-382. 125114 Myrmica lobicornis glacialis obsolete combination Canada (Alberta, British Columbia). Nearctic. Emery, C. 1921c. Hymenoptera. Fam. Formicidae. Subfam. Myrmicinae. [part]. Genera Insectorum 174A:1-94 + 7 plates. 124749 Myrmica lobicornis jessensis obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1901j. Variétés myrmécologiques. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 45:334-382. 125114 Myrmica lobicornis kieviensis synonym of Myrmica lobicornis Ukraine. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1934. The fauna of the family Formicidae (ants) of the Ukraine. [In Ukrainian.]. Trudy Instytutu Zoolohii ta Biolohii Vseukrains'koi Akademii Nauk. Seriya 1. Pratsi z Systematyky ta Faunistyky 1934:1-164. 126234 Myrmica lobicornis kirghisorum obsolete combination Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1976a. Ants of the genus Myrmica Latr. from Central Asia and the southern Kazakstan. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 55:547-558. 122365 Myrmica lobicornis lissahorensis synonym of Myrmica lobicornis Czech Republic. Palearctic. Stitz, H. 1939. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Meersteile nach ihren Merkmalen und nach ihrer Lebensweise. 37. Theil. Hautflüger oder Hymenoptera. I: Ameisen oder Formicidae. Jena: G. Fischer, 428 pp. 129033 Myrmica lobicornis littoralis synonym of Myrmica eidmanni Russia. Palearctic. Weber, N. A. 1948a. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Myrmica Latreille with a synopsis of the Palearctic species. II. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 41:267-308. 129738 Myrmica lobicornis lobata nomen nudum Kutter, H. 1977c. Hymenoptera, Formicidae. Insecta Helvetica. Fauna 6:1-298. 126740 Myrmica lobicornis lobicornis obsolete combination Finland. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1846a. Adnotationes in monographiam formicarum borealium Europae. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 2:875-944. 127561 Myrmica lobicornis lobicornis lissahorensis unavailable Czech Republic. Palearctic. Stärcke, A. 1927. Beginnende Divergenz bei Myrmica lobicornis Nyl. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 70:73-84. 128986 Myrmica lobicornis lobulicornis obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1857 ("1856"). [Untitled. Introduced by: "M. L. Fairmaire communique la note suivant de M. Nylander sur les Formicides du Mont-Dore, et la Société en décide l'impression dans le Bulletin."]. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (Bull.) (3)4:lxxviii-lxxix. 127566 Myrmica lobicornis plana obsolete combination Ukraine. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1927a ("1926"). Übersicht der Ameisenfauna der Krim nebst einigen Neubeschreibungen. Konowia 5:281-303. 126252 Myrmica lobicornis saposhnikovi obsolete combination Kazakhstan. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1904b. Ants of the Dzungarian Ala Tau. [In Russian.]. Izvestiya Imperatorskago Tomskago Universiteta 30(5th part):1-6. 128182 Myrmica lobifrons valid U.S.A. (Alaska). Nearctic. Pergande, T. 1900. Papers from the Harriman Alaska expedition. XVII. Entomological results (11): Formicidae. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences 2:519-521. 127768 Myrmica lobulicornis valid France. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1857 ("1856"). [Untitled. Introduced by: "M. L. Fairmaire communique la note suivant de M. Nylander sur les Formicides du Mont-Dore, et la Société en décide l'impression dans le Bulletin."]. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (Bull.) (3)4:lxxviii-lxxix. 127566 Myrmica lonae valid Finland, Italy, Slovenia. Palearctic. Finzi, B. 1926. Le forme europee del genere Myrmica Latr. Primo contributo. Bollettino della Società Adriatica di Scienze Naturali in Trieste 29:71-119. 124914 Myrmica longiceps obsolete combination Australia (Victoria). Australasia. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmica longipes obsolete combination Singapore, Borneo. Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1857a. Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo; Mount Ophir, Malacca; and at Singapore, by A. R. Wallace. [part]. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 2:42-88. 128683 Myrmica longiscapus synonym of Myrmica rubra United Kingdom. Palearctic. Curtis, J. 1854. On the genus Myrmica and other indigenous ants. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 21:211-220. 123987 Myrmica longisculpta valid India (Jammu & Kashmir). Palearctic. Bharti, H.; Sharma, Y. P. 2011c. Myrmica longisculpta, a new species from Himalaya (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 51:723-729. 132874 Myrmica longispinosa valid Poland (Baltic Amber, Eocene). Mayr, G. 1868c. Die Ameisen des baltischen Bernsteins. Beiträge zur Naturkunde Preussens 1:1-102. 127226 Myrmica lucidula nomen nudum United Kingdom. Palearctic. Smith, F. 1857b. Notes on aculeate Hymenoptera, with some observations on their economy. Entomologist's Annual 1858:34-46. 128684 Myrmica luctuosa incertae sedis in genus, unidentifiable India (Punjab). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1878b. Scientific results of the Second Yarkand Mission; based upon the collections and notes of the late Ferdinand Stoliczka, Ph.D. Hymenoptera. Calcutta: Superintendent of Government Printing (Government of India), 22 pp. 128722 Myrmica lundii obsolete combination Brazil. Neotropic. Guérin-Méneville, F. E. 1838. Première division. Crustacés, arachnides et insectes. In: Duperrey, L. I. (ed.) 1838. Voyage autour du monde, executé par ordre du Roi, sur la corvette de sa Majesté, La Coquille, pendant les années 1822, 1823, 1824 et 1825. Zoologie. Tome deuxième. Part 2. Paris: H. Bertrand, xii + 9-320 pp. 125705 Myrmica luteola valid Russia (Primorsky Krai, Kurile Is). Palearctic. Kupyanskaya, A. N. 1990a. Ants of the Far Eastern USSR. [In Russian.]. Vladivostok: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, 258 pp. 126604 Myrmica lyncea obsolete combination Chile. Neotropic. Spinola, M. 1851a. Insectos. Orden 7. Himenopteros. Pp. 153-569 in: Gay, C. 1851. Historia fisica y politica de Chile. Zoologia. Tomo 6. Paris: Maulde & Renon, 572 pp. 128974 Myrmica macrocephala incertae sedis in genus, obsolete combination Germany (Miocene). Heer, O. 1849. Die Insektenfauna der Tertiärgebilde von Oeningen und von Radoboj in Croatien. Zweiter Theil: Heuschrecken, Florfliegen, Aderflüger, Schmetterlinge und Fliegen. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, vi + 264 pp. 125815 Myrmica maculipes obsolete combination Great Britain. Palearctic. Curtis, J. 1854. On the genus Myrmica and other indigenous ants. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 21:211-220. 123987 Myrmica maligna obsolete combination Indonesia (Morotai). Australasia. Smith, F. 1865a. Descriptions of new species of hymenopterous insects from the islands of Sumatra, Sula, Gilolo, Salwatty, and New Guinea, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 8:61-94. 128702 Myrmica margaritae valid Myanmar. Indomalaya. Emery, C. 1889. Formiche di Birmania e del Tenasserim raccolte da Leonardo Fea (1885-87). Dummy reference. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale 27[=(2)7]:485-520. 133001 Myrmica margaritae formosae obsolete combination Taiwan. Indomalaya. Wheeler, W. M. 1929h. Ants collected by Professor F. Silvestri in Formosa, the Malay Peninsula and the Philippines. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura. Portici 24:27-64. 130212 Myrmica margaritae inornata nomen nudum China. Palearctic. Menozzi, C. 1941a. [several nomina nuda, attributed to Menozzi]. in: Eidmann, H. 1941a. Zur Ökologie und Zoogeographie der Ameisenfauna von Westchina und Tibet. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der 2. Brooke Dolan-Expedition 1934-1935. Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Ökologie der Tiere 38:1-43. 143742 Myrmica margaritae pulchella obsolete combination Taiwan. Indomalaya. Santschi, F. 1937h. Fourmis du Japon et de Formose. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 77:361-388. 128438 Myrmica margaritae serica obsolete combination China (Yunnan). Palearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1928c. Ants collected by Professor F. Silvestri in China. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura. Portici 22:3-38. 130197 Myrmica martensi valid Nepal. Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 1998. Taxonomic revision of the ritae species-group of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Vestnik Zoologii 32(4):3-27. 132088 Myrmica martini synonym of Myrmica scabrinodis France. Palearctic. Seifert, B.; Bagherian Yazdi, A.; Schultz, R. 2014. Myrmica martini sp. n. – a cryptic species of the Myrmica scabrinodis species complex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) revealed by geometric morphometrics and nest-centroid clustering. Myrmecological News 19:171-183. 142550 Myrmica marylandica obsolete combination U.S.A. (District of Columbia, Maryland). Nearctic. Buckley, S. B. 1867. Descriptions of new species of North American Formicidae (continued from page 172.). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 6:335-350. 123311 Myrmica melanocephala nomen nudum Mayr, G. 1855. Formicina austriaca. Beschreibung der bisher im österreichischen Kaiserstaate aufgefundenen Ameisen, nebst Hinzufügung jener in Deutschland, in der Schweiz und in Italien vorkommenden Arten. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Vereins in Wien 5:273-478. 127185 Myrmica mellea obsolete combination Indonesia (Aru Is). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1859a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace at the islands of Aru and Key. [part]. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 3:132-158. 128687 Myrmica mexicana valid Mexico (Hidalgo). Neotropic. Wheeler, W. M. 1914c. Ants collected by W. M. Mann in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 22:37-61. 130084 Myrmica microgyna nomen nudum Buschinger, A. 1990b. Sympatric speciation and radiative evolution of socially parasitic ants - Heretic hypotheses and their factual background. Zeitschrift für Zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung 28:241-260. 123387 Myrmica microrubra synonym of Myrmica rubra Germany. Palearctic. Seifert, B. 1993b. Taxonomic description of Myrmica microrubra n sp. - a social parasitic ant so far known as the microgyne of Myrmica rubra (L.). Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseums Görlitz 67(5):9-12. 128576 Myrmica mifui valid China (Shaanxi). Palearctic. Chen, Z.; Zhou, S.; Huang, J. 2016. Seven species new to science and one newly recorded species of the ant genus Myrmica Latreille, 1804 from China, with proposal of a new synonym (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). ZooKeys 551:85-128. 142871 Myrmica minima obsolete combination U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Buckley, S. B. 1867. Descriptions of new species of North American Formicidae (continued from page 172.). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 6:335-350. 123311 Myrmica minkii obsolete combination Germany. Palearctic. Foerster, A. 1850a. Hymenopterologische Studien. 1. Formicariae. Aachen: Ernst Ter Meer, 74 pp. 124947 Myrmica minuta obsolete combination U.S.A. (Indiana). Nearctic. Say, T. 1836. Descriptions of new species of North American Hymenoptera, and observations on some already described. Boston Journal of Natural History 1:209-305. 128464 Myrmica minuta iskanderi synonym of Myrmica dshungarica Tajikistan, Uzbekistan. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1976a. Ants of the genus Myrmica Latr. from Central Asia and the southern Kazakstan. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 55:547-558. 122365 Myrmica minuta tarbinskii synonym of Myrmica dshungarica Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1976a. Ants of the genus Myrmica Latr. from Central Asia and the southern Kazakstan. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 55:547-558. 122365 Myrmica mirabile unavailable misspelling Taiwan. Indomalaya. Elmes, G. W.; Radchenko, A. G. 1998. Ants of the genus Myrmica from Taiwan (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Chinese Journal of Entomology 18:217-224. 131185 Myrmica mirabilis valid Taiwan. Indomalaya. Elmes, G. W.; Radchenko, A. G. 1998. Ants of the genus Myrmica from Taiwan (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Chinese Journal of Entomology 18:217-224. 131185 Myrmica mixta valid China (Sichuan). Palearctic. Radchenko, A.; Elmes, G. W. 2008a. [Untitled. Myrmica mixta Radchenko et Elmes, sp. nov.]. Pp. 770-773 in: Radchenko, A. G.; Zhou, S.; Elmes, G. W.; Rigato, F. 2008. Seven new Myrmica species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from China. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 58:767-784. 132111 Myrmica modesta obsolete combination Germany. Palearctic. Foerster, A. 1850a. Hymenopterologische Studien. 1. Formicariae. Aachen: Ernst Ter Meer, 74 pp. 124947 Myrmica modesta obsolete combination Indonesia (Bacan I.). Australasia. Smith, F. 1860b. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the islands of Bachian, Kaisaa, Amboyna, Gilolo, and at Dory in New Guinea. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 5(17b)(suppl. to vol. 4):93-143. 128691 Myrmica moesta obsolete combination Indonesia (Matabello I.). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1863a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the islands of Mysol, Ceram, Waigiou, Bouru and Timor. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 7:6-48. 128699 Myrmica molassica incertae sedis in genus, unidentifiable Germany (Miocene). Heer, O. 1849. Die Insektenfauna der Tertiärgebilde von Oeningen und von Radoboj in Croatien. Zweiter Theil: Heuschrecken, Florfliegen, Aderflüger, Schmetterlinge und Fliegen. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, vi + 264 pp. 125815 Myrmica molefaciens obsolete combination U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Buckley, S. B. 1860b. Myrmica (Atta) molefaciens, "Stinging Ant" or "Mound-Making Ant," of Texas. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 12:445-447. 123313 Myrmica molesta obsolete combination U.S.A. (Indiana). Nearctic. Say, T. 1836. Descriptions of new species of North American Hymenoptera, and observations on some already described. Boston Journal of Natural History 1:209-305. 128464 Myrmica montana obsolete combination Switzerland. Palearctic. Labram, J. D.; Imhoff, L. 1838. Insekten der Schweiz. 2. Basel: published by the authors (in commission of C. J. Spittler), 84 pls., 84 pp. 126771 Myrmica montana incertae sedis in genus, unidentifiable U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Buckley, S. B. 1867. Descriptions of new species of North American Formicidae (continued from page 172.). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 6:335-350. 123311 Myrmica monticola valid U.S.A. (Colorado). Nearctic. Creighton, W. S. 1950a. The ants of North America. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 104:1-585. 123910 Myrmica moravica synonym of Myrmica deplanata Czech Republic. Palearctic. Soudek, S. 1922b. Mravenci. Soustava, zemepisné rozsírení, oekologie a urcovací klíc mravencu zijících na území Ceskoslovenské republiky. Praha: Ceskoslovenská Spolecnost Entomologická, 100 pp. 128940 Myrmica moravica dagmarae synonym of Myrmica deplanata Czech Republic. Palearctic. Sadil, J. V. 1939d. Mravenec Myrmica moravica Soudek u Prahy. Casopis Národního Musea (Prague) 113(2):106-114. 128204 Myrmica multiplex valid China (Shaanxi). Palearctic. Radchenko, A.; Elmes, G. W. 2009a. Taxonomic revision of the pachei species-group of the genus Myrmica Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 59:67-92. 132114 Myrmica muscorum obsolete combination Finland. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1846b. Additamentum adnotationum in monographiam formicarum borealium Europae. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 2:1041-1062. 127562 Myrmica mutica obsolete combination U.S.A. (Colorado). Nearctic. Emery, C. 1895d. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. (Schluss). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 8:257-360. 124591 Myrmica mutica obsolete combination Russia. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1849 ("1848"). Additamentum alterum adnotationum in monographiam formicarum borealium. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 3:25-48. 127563 Myrmica myrmecophila synonym of Myrmica sulcinodis Austria. Palearctic. Wasmann, E. 1910. Nachträge zum sozialen Parasitismus und der Sklaverei bei den Ameisen. [part]. Biologisches Centralblatt 30:515-524. 129631 Myrmica myrmicoxena valid Switzerland. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1895j. Ueber den Polymorphismus und Ergatomorphismus der Ameisen. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte 66(2,1.Hälfte):142-147. 125073 Myrmica nearctica valid U.S.A. (North Dakota). Nearctic. Weber, N. A. 1939b. Description of new North American species and subspecies of Myrmica Latreille (Hym.: Formicidae). Lloydia 2:144-152. 129715 Myrmica nebulosa incertae sedis in genus, unidentifiable Czech Republic (Oligocene). Novák, O. 1877. Fauna der Cyprisschiefer des Egerer Tertiärbeckens. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Abteilung I 76:71-96. 127544 Myrmica nefaria valid India (Himachal Pradesh). Palearctic. Bharti, H. 2012a. Myrmica nefaria sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) – a new social parasite from Himalaya. Myrmecological News 16:149-156. 133027 Myrmica neglecta nomen nudum Stärcke, A. 1942d. Drie nog onbeschreven Europeesche miervormen. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 85:xxiv-xxix. 129005 Myrmica nevodovskii synonym of Myrmica specioides Georgia. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1926c. Beiträge zur Ameisenfauna des Kaukasus, nebst einigen Bemerkungen über andere palaearktische Formen. (Fortsetzung). Konowia 5:161-169. 126248 Myrmica nitida valid India (Jammu & Kashmir). Indomalaya. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 1999a. Ten new species of Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Himalaya. Vestnik Zoologii 33(3):27-46. 132091 Myrmica nitidula obsolete combination Finland. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1846b. Additamentum adnotationum in monographiam formicarum borealium Europae. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 2:1041-1062. 127562 Myrmica nodicornis nomen nudum United Kingdom. Palearctic. Chappell, J. 1886. The insects of Llangollen and its vicinity. Young Naturalist 7:57-61. 123584 Myrmica novaeboracensis obsolete combination U.S.A. (New York). Nearctic. Buckley, S. B. 1867. Descriptions of new species of North American Formicidae (continued from page 172.). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 6:335-350. 123311 Myrmica nungesseri valid Germany (Oligocene). Jessen, K. 2020. New fossil ants of the subfamily Myrmicinae (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Upper Oligocene of Enspel (Westerwald Mountains, Rhineland Palatinate, Germany). Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 100:1007-1045. 143720 Myrmica nylanderi obsolete combination Germany. Palearctic. Foerster, A. 1850a. Hymenopterologische Studien. 1. Formicariae. Aachen: Ernst Ter Meer, 74 pp. 124947 Myrmica oblonga obsolete combination Indonesia (Bacan I.). Australasia. Smith, F. 1860b. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the islands of Bachian, Kaisaa, Amboyna, Gilolo, and at Dory in New Guinea. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 5(17b)(suppl. to vol. 4):93-143. 128691 Myrmica obscura valid Slovenia. Palearctic. Finzi, B. 1926. Le forme europee del genere Myrmica Latr. Primo contributo. Bollettino della Società Adriatica di Scienze Naturali in Trieste 29:71-119. 124914 Myrmica obscurata incertae sedis in subfamily, unidentifiable Sri Lanka. Indomalaya. Motschoulsky, V. de 1863. Essai d'un catalogue des insectes de l'île Ceylan (suite). Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou 36(3):1-153. 127470 Myrmica obsoleta incertae sedis in subfamily, unidentifiable Germany (Miocene). Heer, O. 1849. Die Insektenfauna der Tertiärgebilde von Oeningen und von Radoboj in Croatien. Zweiter Theil: Heuschrecken, Florfliegen, Aderflüger, Schmetterlinge und Fliegen. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, vi + 264 pp. 125815 Myrmica obsoleta minor incertae sedis in genus, unidentifiable Austria (Miocene). Heer, O. 1849. Die Insektenfauna der Tertiärgebilde von Oeningen und von Radoboj in Croatien. Zweiter Theil: Heuschrecken, Florfliegen, Aderflüger, Schmetterlinge und Fliegen. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, vi + 264 pp. 125815 Myrmica occidentalis obsolete combination U.S.A. (Colorado). Nearctic. Cresson, E. T. Sr. 1865b. Catalogue of Hymenoptera in the collection of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia, from Colorado Territory. [concl.]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 4:426-488. 123940 Myrmica ominosa obsolete combination Mozambique. Afrotropic. Gerstäcker, A. 1859. [Untitled. Introduced by: "Hr. Peters berichtete über sein Reisewerk, von dem die Insecten bis zum 64., die Botanik bis zum 34. Bogen gedruckt sind und theilte den Schluss der Diagnosen der von Hrn. Dr. Gerstäcker bearbeiteten Hymenopteren mit."]. Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1858:261-264. 125477 Myrmica onoyamai valid Japan. Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 2006. [Untitled. New species of Myrmica attributed to A.G. Radchenko and G.W. Elmes.]. Pp. 507-513 in: Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W.; Alicata, A. 2006. Taxonomic revision of the schencki-group of the ant genus Myrmica Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from the Palaearctic region. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 56:499-538. 143931 Myrmica opaca obsolete combination Indonesia (Sulawesi). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1861b. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the islands of Ceram, Celebes, Ternate, and Gilolo. [part]. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 6:36-48. 128694 Myrmica opposita obsolete combination U.S.A. Nearctic. Say, T. 1836. Descriptions of new species of North American Hymenoptera, and observations on some already described. Boston Journal of Natural History 1:209-305. 128464 Myrmica ordinaria valid India (Jammu & Kashmir). Indomalaya. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 1999a. Ten new species of Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Himalaya. Vestnik Zoologii 33(3):27-46. 132091 Myrmica orientalis synonym of Myrmica kotokui Russia (Primorsky Krai). Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1926f. Myrmekologische Fragmente. Zbirnyk Prats' Zoolohichnoho Muzeyu 1:47-51 [= Trudy. Ukrains'ka Akademiya Nauk. Fizichno-Matematichnoho Viddilu 4:65-69]. 126251 Myrmica orthostyla valid Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1976a. Ants of the genus Myrmica Latr. from Central Asia and the southern Kazakstan. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 55:547-558. 122365 Myrmica oui valid China (Guizhou). Palearctic. Chen, Z.; Zhou, S.; Huang, J. 2016. Seven species new to science and one newly recorded species of the ant genus Myrmica Latreille, 1804 from China, with proposal of a new synonym (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). ZooKeys 551:85-128. 142871 Myrmica pachei valid Nepal. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1906b. Les fourmis de l'Himalaya. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 42:79-94. 125165 Myrmica paleata obsolete combination Brazil (Minas Gerais). Neotropic. Lund, P. W. 1831a. Lettre sur les habitudes de quelques fourmis du Brésil, adressée à M. Audouin. Annales des Sciences Naturelles 23:113-138. 126986 Myrmica pallida obsolete combination Italy (Sicily). Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1849 ("1848"). Additamentum alterum adnotationum in monographiam formicarum borealium. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 3:25-48. 127563 Myrmica pallidula obsolete combination Italy (Sicily). Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1849 ("1848"). Additamentum alterum adnotationum in monographiam formicarum borealium. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 3:25-48. 127563 Myrmica paradoxa valid Germany (Saxonian Amber, Eocene). Radchenko, A. G.; Dlussky, G. M.; Elmes, G. W. 2007. The ants of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Baltic and Saxonian amber (Late Eocene). Journal of Paleontology 81:1494-1501. 132087 Myrmica parallela obsolete combination Indonesia (Aru Is). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1859a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace at the islands of Aru and Key. [part]. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 3:132-158. 128687 Myrmica pararitae valid China (Sichuan). Palearctic. Radchenko, A.; Elmes, G. W. 2008b. [Untitled. Myrmica pararitae Radchenko et Elmes, sp. nov.]. Pp. 773-776 in: Radchenko, A. G.; Zhou, S.; Elmes, G. W.; Rigato, F. 2008. Seven new Myrmica species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from China. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 58:767-784. 132112 Myrmica parasitica obsolete combination U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Creighton, W. S. 1934. Descriptions of three new North American ants with certain ecological observations on previously described forms. Psyche (Cambridge) 41:185-200. 123891 Myrmica parvula obsolete combination Germany. Palearctic. Schenck, P. A. 1852. Beschreibung nassauischer Ameisenarten. Jahrbuch des Vereins für Naturkunde im Herzogthum Nassau. Wiesbaden 8:1-149. 128471 Myrmica pechi synonym of Myrmica karavajevi Czech Republic. Palearctic. Samšiňák, K. 1957. Sifolinia pechi n. sp. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Casopis Ceskoslovenské Spolecnosti Entomologické 53:167-170. 128230 Myrmica pedestris obsolete combination Indonesia (Sulawesi). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1861b. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the islands of Ceram, Celebes, Ternate, and Gilolo. [part]. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 6:36-48. 128694 Myrmica pellucida obsolete combination Singapore. Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1857a. Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo; Mount Ophir, Malacca; and at Singapore, by A. R. Wallace. [part]. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 2:42-88. 128683 Myrmica pelops valid Greece. Palearctic. Seifert, B. 2003b. The Palaearctic members of the Myrmica schencki group with description of a new species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Beiträge zur Entomologie 53:141-159. 132284 Myrmica perelegans synonym of Myrmica sulcinodis United Kingdom. Palearctic. Curtis, J. 1854. On the genus Myrmica and other indigenous ants. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 21:211-220. 123987 Myrmica persiana synonym of Myrmica bergi Weber, N. A. 1947b. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Myrmica Latreille with a synopsis of the Palearctic species. I. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 40:437-474. 129736 Myrmica pertinax obsolete combination Indonesia (Sulawesi). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1861b. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the islands of Ceram, Celebes, Ternate, and Gilolo. [part]. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 6:36-48. 128694 Myrmica petita valid India (Jammu & Kashmir). Indomalaya. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 1999a. Ten new species of Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Himalaya. Vestnik Zoologii 33(3):27-46. 132091 Myrmica petrophila nomen nudum Gredler, V. M. 1858. Die Ameisen von Tirol.. Achtes Programm des Gymnasiums in Bozen. Bozen: Ebersche Buchdruckerei, 1-34. 125633 Myrmica phalacra valid China (Shaanxi). Palearctic. Radchenko, A.; Elmes, G. W. 2009a. Taxonomic revision of the pachei species-group of the genus Myrmica Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 59:67-92. 132114 Myrmica pilinodis incertae sedis in subfamily, unidentifiable Sri Lanka. Indomalaya. Motschoulsky, V. de 1863. Essai d'un catalogue des insectes de l'île Ceylan (suite). Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou 36(3):1-153. 127470 Myrmica pilosiscapus synonym of Myrmica scabrinodis France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1920a ("1919"). Notes diverses sur des fourmis d'Europe. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 59:143-158. 122879 Myrmica pilosiscapus bakurianica obsolete combination Georgia. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1970b. Review of the ant genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the European part of the USSR. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 49:1829-1844. 122364 Myrmica pinetorum valid U.S.A. (New Jersey). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1905j. An annotated list of the ants of New Jersey. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 21:371-403. 130003 Myrmica pisarskii valid Russia (Siberia), MONGOLIA. Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G. 1994j. New Palaearctic species of the genus Myrmica Latr. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Memorabilia Zoologica 48:207-217. 127969 Myrmica pleiorhytida valid China (Yunnan). Palearctic. Radchenko, A.; Elmes, G. W. 2009a. Taxonomic revision of the pachei species-group of the genus Myrmica Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 59:67-92. 132114 Myrmica poldii valid China (Sichuan). Palearctic. Radchenko, A.; Rigato, F. 2008a. [Untitled. Myrmica poldii Radchenko et Rigato, sp. nov.]. Pp. 776-777 in: Radchenko, A. G.; Zhou, S.; Elmes, G. W.; Rigato, F. 2008. Seven new Myrmica species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from China. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 58:767-784. 132117 Myrmica polita obsolete combination Indonesia (Bacan). Australasia. Smith, F. 1860b. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the islands of Bachian, Kaisaa, Amboyna, Gilolo, and at Dory in New Guinea. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 5(17b)(suppl. to vol. 4):93-143. 128691 Myrmica polita obsolete combination Panama. Neotropic. Smith, F. 1862b. Descriptions of new species of aculeate Hymenoptera, collected at Panama by R. W. Stretch, Esq., with a list of described species, and the various localities where they have previously occurred. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (3)1:29-44. 128696 Myrmica polyglypta valid China (Yunnan). Palearctic. Radchenko, A.; Rigato, F. 2008b. [Untitled. Myrmica polyglypta Radchenko et Rigato, sp. nov.]. Pp. 781-783 in: Radchenko, A. G.; Zhou, S.; Elmes, G. W.; Rigato, F. 2008. Seven new Myrmica species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from China. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 58:767-784. 132118 Myrmica poneroides obsolete combination Indonesia (Bacan I.). Australasia. Smith, F. 1860b. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the islands of Bachian, Kaisaa, Amboyna, Gilolo, and at Dory in New Guinea. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 5(17b)(suppl. to vol. 4):93-143. 128691 Myrmica pradella nomen nudum Kutter, H. 1977c. Hymenoptera, Formicidae. Insecta Helvetica. Fauna 6:1-298. 126740 Myrmica pseudorugosa valid Pakistan. Palearctic. Bharti, H. 2012b. Two new species of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) from the Himalaya. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 155:9-14. 133074 Myrmica puerilis synonym of Myrmica specioides Netherlands. Palearctic. Stärcke, A. 1942d. Drie nog onbeschreven Europeesche miervormen. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 85:xxiv-xxix. 129005 Myrmica puerilis dolens obsolete combination Netherlands. Palearctic. Stärcke, A. 1942d. Drie nog onbeschreven Europeesche miervormen. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 85:xxiv-xxix. 129005 Myrmica pulchella valid Taiwan. Indomalaya. Santschi, F. 1937h. Fourmis du Japon et de Formose. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 77:361-388. 128438 Myrmica punctata obsolete combination Indonesia (Bacan). Australasia. Smith, F. 1860b. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the islands of Bachian, Kaisaa, Amboyna, Gilolo, and at Dory in New Guinea. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 5(17b)(suppl. to vol. 4):93-143. 128691 Myrmica punctinops valid U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Francoeur, A. 2007. The Myrmica punctiventris and M. crassirugis species groups in the Nearctic region. Pp. 153-185 in: Snelling, R. R.; Fisher, B. L.; Ward, P. S. (eds.) 2007. Advances in ant systematics (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): homage to E.O. Wilson – 50 years of contributions. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 80:690 pp. 131342 Myrmica punctiventris valid North America. Nearctic. Roger, J. 1863a. Die neu aufgeführten Gattungen und Arten meines Formiciden-Verzeichnisses nebst Ergänzung einiger früher gegebenen Beschreibungen. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 7:131-214. 128093 Myrmica punctiventris isfahani synonym of Myrmica pinetorum U.S.A. (North Carolina). Nearctic. Forel, A. 1922b. Glanures myrmécologiques en 1922. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 30:87-102. 125270 Myrmica punctiventris pinetorum obsolete combination U.S.A. (New Jersey). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1905j. An annotated list of the ants of New Jersey. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 21:371-403. 130003 Myrmica punica obsolete combination Israel. Palearctic. Smith, F. 1861a. Descriptions of some new species of ants from the Holy Land, with a synonymic list of others previously described. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 6:31-35. 128693 Myrmica pusilla obsolete combination Croatia (Miocene). Heer, O. 1849. Die Insektenfauna der Tertiärgebilde von Oeningen und von Radoboj in Croatien. Zweiter Theil: Heuschrecken, Florfliegen, Aderflüger, Schmetterlinge und Fliegen. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, vi + 264 pp. 125815 Myrmica pyrenaea synonym of Myrmica lobulicornis France. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Myrmica quadrispinosa obsolete combination Indonesia (Salawati). Australasia. Smith, F. 1865a. Descriptions of new species of hymenopterous insects from the islands of Sumatra, Sula, Gilolo, Salwatty, and New Guinea, collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 8:61-94. 128702 Myrmica quebecensis valid Canada (Québec). Nearctic. Francoeur, A. 1981c. Le groupe néarctique Myrmica lampra (Formicidae, Hymenoptera). Canadian Entomologist 113:755-759. 125343 Myrmica radchenkoi valid India (Jammu and Kashmir). Palearctic. Bharti, H.; Sharma, Y. P. 2011b. Myrmica radchenkoi, a new species of ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Indian Himalaya. Sociobiology 58:427-434. 132897 Myrmica ravasinii valid Albania. Palearctic. Finzi, B. 1923a. Risultati scientifici della spedizione Ravasini-Lona in Albania. III. Formiche. Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana 55:1-4. 124920 Myrmica recedens obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1856b. Synopsis des Formicides de France et d'Algérie. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie (4)5:51-109. 127565 Myrmica rediana obsolete combination Italy. Palearctic. Gené, G. 1841. [Untitled. Introduced by: "Il Prof. Cav. Gené legge alcune sue osservazioni sulle abitudini di tre specie d'Imenotteri."]. Pp. 398-400 in: Salvagnoli, V.; Ricasoli, B. 1841. Atti della Terza Riunione degli Scienziati Italiani tenuta in Firenze nel settembre del 1841. Firenze: Galileiana, 791 pp. 125473 Myrmica religiosa valid India (Uttarakhand). Palearctic. Bharti, H.; Gul, I. 2013b. Myrmica religiosa Bharti et Gul sp. nov. Pp. 127-129 in: Bharti, H.; Sharma, Y. P. 2013. Three new species of genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Himalaya. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 16:123-130. 142323 Myrmica reticulata obsolete combination Panama. Neotropic. Smith, F. 1862b. Descriptions of new species of aculeate Hymenoptera, collected at Panama by R. W. Stretch, Esq., with a list of described species, and the various localities where they have previously occurred. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (3)1:29-44. 128696 Myrmica rhynchophora incertae sedis in genus, unidentifiable Algeria. Palearctic. Foerster, A. 1850b. Eine Centurie neuer Hymenopteren. Zweite Dekade. Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen Vereins der Preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens 7:485-500. 124948 Myrmica rhytida valid India (Jammu & Kashmir). Indomalaya. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 1999a. Ten new species of Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Himalaya. Vestnik Zoologii 33(3):27-46. 132091 Myrmica rigatoi valid Pakistan. Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 1998. Taxonomic revision of the ritae species-group of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Vestnik Zoologii 32(4):3-27. 132088 Myrmica ritae valid Myanmar. Indomalaya. Emery, C. 1889. Formiche di Birmania e del Tenasserim raccolte da Leonardo Fea (1885-87). Dummy reference. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale 27[=(2)7]:485-520. 133001 Myrmica ritae indica obsolete combination India (West Bengal). Palearctic. Weber, N. A. 1950c. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Myrmica Latreille with a synopsis of the Palearctic species. III. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 43:189-226. 129746 Myrmica rolandi synonym of Myrmica aloba France. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Myrmica rolandi reticulata unresolved junior homonym France. Palearctic. Stärcke, A. 1942d. Drie nog onbeschreven Europeesche miervormen. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 85:xxiv-xxix. 129005 Myrmica rubida obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Latreille, P. A. 1802a. Histoire naturelle des fourmis, et recueil de mémoires et d'observations sur les abeilles, les araignées, les faucheurs, et autres insectes. Paris: Impr. Crapelet (chez T. Barrois), xvi + 445 pp. 126800 Myrmica rubra obsolete combination U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Buckley, S. B. 1867. Descriptions of new species of North American Formicidae (continued from page 172.). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 6:335-350. 123311 Myrmica rubra valid Sweden. Palearctic. Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata. Holmiae [= Stockholm]: L. Salvii, 824 pp. 126902 Myrmica rubra brevinodis obsolete combination U.S.A. (Utah). Nearctic. Emery, C. 1895d. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. (Schluss). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 8:257-360. 124591 Myrmica rubra brevinodis brevispinosa unavailable U.S.A. (Colorado, New Mexico). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1907c. Notes on a new guest-ant, Leptothorax glacialis, and the varieties of Myrmica brevinodis Emery. Bulletin of the Wisconsin Natural History Society 5:70-83. 130020 Myrmica rubra brevinodis canadensis unavailable U.S.A. (Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin), CANADA (Nova Scotia, British Columbia) (Nova Scotia, British Columbia). Palearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1907c. Notes on a new guest-ant, Leptothorax glacialis, and the varieties of Myrmica brevinodis Emery. Bulletin of the Wisconsin Natural History Society 5:70-83. 130020 Myrmica rubra brevinodis decedens unavailable U.S.A. (Colorado). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1907c. Notes on a new guest-ant, Leptothorax glacialis, and the varieties of Myrmica brevinodis Emery. Bulletin of the Wisconsin Natural History Society 5:70-83. 130020 Myrmica rubra brevinodis frigida unavailable Canada (British Columbia). Nearctic. Forel, A. 1902k. Descriptions of some ants from the Rocky Mountains of Canada (Alberta and British Columbia), collected by Edward Whymper. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1902:699-700. 125130 Myrmica rubra brevinodis subalpina unavailable U.S.A. (Colorado). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1907c. Notes on a new guest-ant, Leptothorax glacialis, and the varieties of Myrmica brevinodis Emery. Bulletin of the Wisconsin Natural History Society 5:70-83. 130020 Myrmica rubra brevinodis sulcinodoides unavailable U.S.A. (South Dakota, Utah, Maine). Nearctic. Emery, C. 1895d. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. (Schluss). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 8:257-360. 124591 Myrmica rubra brevinodis whymperi unavailable Canada (Alberta, British Columbia). Nearctic. Forel, A. 1904b. Fourmis de British Columbia récoltées par M. Ed. Whymper. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 48:152-155. 125145 Myrmica rubra champlaini synonym of Myrmica rubra Canada (Québec). Nearctic. Forel, A. 1901m. Formiciden des Naturhistorischen Museums zu Hamburg. Neue Calyptomyrmex-, Dacryon-, Podomyrma- und Echinopla-Arten. Mitteilungen aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum in Hamburg 18:43-82. 125117 Myrmica rubra champlaini europaea unavailable Norway. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1911l. Sur le genre Metapone n. g. nouveau groupe des Formicides et sur quelques autres formes nouvelles. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 19:445-459. 125222 Myrmica rubra europaea synonym of Myrmica rubra Norway. Palearctic. Finzi, B. 1926. Le forme europee del genere Myrmica Latr. Primo contributo. Bollettino della Società Adriatica di Scienze Naturali in Trieste 29:71-119. 124914 Myrmica rubra kotokui obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1911g. Die Ameisen des K. Zoologischen Museums in München. Sitzungsberichte der Mathematischen-Physikalischen Klasse der Königlich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu München 11:249-303. 125216 Myrmica rubra kurokii obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1907h. Formiciden aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum in Hamburg. II. Teil. Neueingänge seit 1900. Mitteilungen aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum in Hamburg 24:1-20. 125175 Myrmica rubra laevinodis obsolete combination Finland. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1846a. Adnotationes in monographiam formicarum borealium Europae. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 2:875-944. 127561 Myrmica rubra laevinodis bruesi nomen nudum U.S.A. (Massachusetts). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1906f. New ants from New England. Psyche (Cambridge) 13:38-41. 130011 Myrmica rubra laevinodis ferganensis unavailable Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1916a ("1915"). Ants from Gadjatsh district of the government of Poltava and from the Province of Ferghana. [In Russian.]. Russkoe Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 15:496-507. 126241 Myrmica rubra laevinodis tenuispina unavailable Uzbekistan, China. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1904c ("1903"). Note sur les fourmis du Musée Zoologique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences à St. Pétersbourg. Ezhegodnik Zoologicheskago Muzeya 8:368-388. 125146 Myrmica rubra lobicornosulcinodis nomen nudum Switzerland. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1874. Les fourmis de la Suisse. Systématique, notices anatomiques et physiologiques, architecture, distribution géographique, nouvelles expériences et observations de moeurs. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 26:1-452. 124988 Myrmica rubra macrogyna obsolete combination United Kingdom. Palearctic. Brian, M. V.; Brian, A. D. 1949. Observations on the taxonomy of the ants Myrmica rubra L. and M. laevinodis Nylander. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae.). Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 100:393-409. 123024 Myrmica rubra microgyna obsolete combination United Kingdom. Palearctic. Brian, M. V.; Brian, A. D. 1949. Observations on the taxonomy of the ants Myrmica rubra L. and M. laevinodis Nylander. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae.). Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 100:393-409. 123024 Myrmica rubra mutata synonym of Myrmica ruginodis Czech Republic. Palearctic. Sadil, J. V. 1952 ("1951"). A revision of the Czechoslovak forms of the genus Myrmica Latr. (Hym.). Sborník Entomologického Oddeleni Národního Musea v Praze 27:233-278. 128205 Myrmica rubra neolaevinodis valid U.S.A. (New York). Nearctic. Forel, A. 1901m. Formiciden des Naturhistorischen Museums zu Hamburg. Neue Calyptomyrmex-, Dacryon-, Podomyrma- und Echinopla-Arten. Mitteilungen aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum in Hamburg 18:43-82. 125117 Myrmica rubra ruginodolaevinodis obsolete combination Switzerland. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1874. Les fourmis de la Suisse. Systématique, notices anatomiques et physiologiques, architecture, distribution géographique, nouvelles expériences et observations de moeurs. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 26:1-452. 124988 Myrmica rubra rugulososcabrinodis nomen nudum Forel, A. 1874. Les fourmis de la Suisse. Systématique, notices anatomiques et physiologiques, architecture, distribution géographique, nouvelles expériences et observations de moeurs. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 26:1-452. 124988 Myrmica rubra scabrinodis obsolete combination Finland. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1846a. Adnotationes in monographiam formicarum borealium Europae. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 2:875-944. 127561 Myrmica rubra scabrinodis detritinodis unavailable U.S.A. (Maryland). Palearctic. Emery, C. 1895d. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. (Schluss). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 8:257-360. 124591 Myrmica rubra scabrinodis fracticornis unavailable U.S.A. (Connecticut, New York). Nearctic. Emery, C. 1895d. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. (Schluss). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 8:257-360. 124591 Myrmica rubra scabrinodis glacialis unavailable Canada (Alberta, British Columbia). Palearctic. Forel, A. 1904b. Fourmis de British Columbia récoltées par M. Ed. Whymper. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 48:152-155. 125145 Myrmica rubra scabrinodis schencki unavailable U.S.A. (Maine, New Jersey, New Hampshire, Carolina), EUROPE. Nearctic. Emery, C. 1895d. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der nordamerikanischen Ameisenfauna. (Schluss). Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 8:257-360. 124591 Myrmica rubra scabrinodolobicornis obsolete combination Switzerland. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1874. Les fourmis de la Suisse. Systématique, notices anatomiques et physiologiques, architecture, distribution géographique, nouvelles expériences et observations de moeurs. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 26:1-452. 124988 Myrmica rubra schencki obsolete combination Europe. Palearctic. Viereck, H. L. 1903. Hymenoptera of Beulah, New Mexico. [part]. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 29:56-87. 129540 Myrmica rubra yoshiokai obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Weber, N. A. 1947b. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Myrmica Latreille with a synopsis of the Palearctic species. I. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 40:437-474. 129736 Myrmica rubriceps obsolete combination Italy (Sicily). Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1849 ("1848"). Additamentum alterum adnotationum in monographiam formicarum borealium. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 3:25-48. 127563 Myrmica rudis valid Poland (Baltic Amber, Eocene). Mayr, G. 1868c. Die Ameisen des baltischen Bernsteins. Beiträge zur Naturkunde Preussens 1:1-102. 127226 Myrmica rufa obsolete combination India. Indomalaya. Jerdon, T. C. 1851. A catalogue of the species of ants found in Southern India. Madras Journal of Literature and Science 17:103-127. 126168 Myrmica ruficeps obsolete combination Indonesia (Sulawesi). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1861b. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the islands of Ceram, Celebes, Ternate, and Gilolo. [part]. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 6:36-48. 128694 Myrmica rufitarsis obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Foerster, A. 1850b. Eine Centurie neuer Hymenopteren. Zweite Dekade. Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen Vereins der Preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens 7:485-500. 124948 Myrmica rufotestacea obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Foerster, A. 1850b. Eine Centurie neuer Hymenopteren. Zweite Dekade. Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen Vereins der Preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens 7:485-500. 124948 Myrmica rugiceps obsolete combination Germany (Miocene). Heer, O. 1849. Die Insektenfauna der Tertiärgebilde von Oeningen und von Radoboj in Croatien. Zweiter Theil: Heuschrecken, Florfliegen, Aderflüger, Schmetterlinge und Fliegen. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, vi + 264 pp. 125815 Myrmica rugifrons obsolete combination India. Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmica ruginodis valid Finland. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1846a. Adnotationes in monographiam formicarum borealium Europae. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 2:875-944. 127561 Myrmica ruginodis khamensis obsolete combination China (Tibet). Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1915a. On the ants of Tibet and the southern Gobi. On material collected on the expedition of Colonel P. K. Kozlov. [In Russian.]. Ezhegodnik Zoologicheskago Muzeya 20:418-444. 128191 Myrmica ruginodis laevinodoruginodis nomen nudum Russia. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1896. Verzeichniss der Ameisen des östlichen Russlands und des Uralgebirges. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift 41:67-74. 128163 Myrmica ruginodis macrogyna synonym of Myrmica ruginodis United Kingdom. Palearctic. Brian, M. V.; Brian, A. D. 1949. Observations on the taxonomy of the ants Myrmica rubra L. and M. laevinodis Nylander. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae.). Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 100:393-409. 123024 Myrmica ruginodis microgyna synonym of Myrmica ruginodis United Kingdom. Palearctic. Brian, M. V.; Brian, A. D. 1949. Observations on the taxonomy of the ants Myrmica rubra L. and M. laevinodis Nylander. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae.). Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London 100:393-409. 123024 Myrmica ruginodis orientalis obsolete combination Russia (Primorsky Krai). Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1926f. Myrmekologische Fragmente. Zbirnyk Prats' Zoolohichnoho Muzeyu 1:47-51 [= Trudy. Ukrains'ka Akademiya Nauk. Fizichno-Matematichnoho Viddilu 4:65-69]. 126251 Myrmica ruginodis ruginodolaevinodis synonym of Myrmica ruginodis Switzerland. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1874. Les fourmis de la Suisse. Systématique, notices anatomiques et physiologiques, architecture, distribution géographique, nouvelles expériences et observations de moeurs. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 26:1-452. 124988 Myrmica ruginodis silvestrii obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1928d. Ants collected by Professor F. Silvestri in Japan and Korea. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura. Portici 22:96-125. 130198 Myrmica ruginodis sulcinodoruginodis obsolete combination United Kingdom. Palearctic. Donisthorpe, H. 1915f. British ants, their life-history and classification. Plymouth: Brendon & Son Ltd., xv + 379 pp. 124216 Myrmica ruginodolaevinodis obsolete combination Switzerland. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1874. Les fourmis de la Suisse. Systématique, notices anatomiques et physiologiques, architecture, distribution géographique, nouvelles expériences et observations de moeurs. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 26:1-452. 124988 Myrmica rugiventris valid U.S.A. (Arizona). Nearctic. Smith, M. R. 1943b. Ants of the genus Tetramorium in the United States with the description of a new species. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 45:1-5. 128792 Myrmica rugosa nomen nudum Mayr, G. 1855. Formicina austriaca. Beschreibung der bisher im österreichischen Kaiserstaate aufgefundenen Ameisen, nebst Hinzufügung jener in Deutschland, in der Schweiz und in Italien vorkommenden Arten. Verhandlungen der Zoologisch-Botanischen Vereins in Wien 5:273-478. 127185 Myrmica rugosa valid Himalaya. Palearctic. Mayr, G. 1865. Formicidae. In: Novara Expedition 1865. Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte "Novara" um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859. Zoologischer Theil. Bd. II. Abt. 1. Wien: K. Gerold's Sohn, 119 pp. 127193 Myrmica rugosa arisana obsolete combination Taiwan. Indomalaya. Wheeler, W. M. 1930b. Formosan ants collected by Dr. R. Takahashi. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club 11:93-106. 130218 Myrmica rugosa debilior synonym of Myrmica rupestris India (West Bengal). Indomalaya. Forel, A. 1902c. Myrmicinae nouveaux de l'Inde et de Ceylan. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 10:165-249. 125121 Myrmica rugosa dshungarica obsolete combination Kazakhstan. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Myrmica rugosa dshungarica brevispina unavailable Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Kuznetsov-Ugamsky, N. N. 1927e. Contributions to the knowledge of the myrmecology of Turkestan. III. [In Russian.]. Russkoe Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 21:186-196. 126758 Myrmica rugosa dshungarica dentata unavailable Kazakhstan. Palearctic. Kuznetsov-Ugamsky, N. N. 1927e. Contributions to the knowledge of the myrmecology of Turkestan. III. [In Russian.]. Russkoe Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 21:186-196. 126758 Myrmica rugosa dshungarica infuscata unavailable Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Kuznetsov-Ugamsky, N. N. 1927e. Contributions to the knowledge of the myrmecology of Turkestan. III. [In Russian.]. Russkoe Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 21:186-196. 126758 Myrmica rugosa dshungarica subacuta unavailable Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Kuznetsov-Ugamsky, N. N. 1927e. Contributions to the knowledge of the myrmecology of Turkestan. III. [In Russian.]. Russkoe Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 21:186-196. 126758 Myrmica rugosa kirgisica synonym of Myrmica bergi Russia. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1903b. Essay on the myrmecofauna of the Kirghiz steppe. [In Russian.]. Trudy Russkago Entomologicheskago Obshchestva 36:294-316. 128179 Myrmica rugosa rugososmythiesi synonym of Myrmica rupestris India (West Bengal). Indomalaya. Forel, A. 1902c. Myrmicinae nouveaux de l'Inde et de Ceylan. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 10:165-249. 125121 Myrmica rugulosa valid Finland. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1849 ("1848"). Additamentum alterum adnotationum in monographiam formicarum borealium. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 3:25-48. 127563 Myrmica rugulosa caucasica obsolete combination Caucasus. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1934. Studien über die Systematik der Ameisen. VIII. Vorläufige Ergebnisse einer biometrischen Untersuchung einiger Myrmica-Arten aus dem europäischen Teile der USSR. Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica 6:151-174. 122336 Myrmica rugulosa constricta obsolete combination Karavaiev, V. 1934. The fauna of the family Formicidae (ants) of the Ukraine. [In Ukrainian.]. Trudy Instytutu Zoolohii ta Biolohii Vseukrains'koi Akademii Nauk. Seriya 1. Pratsi z Systematyky ta Faunistyky 1934:1-164. 126234 Myrmica rugulosa hellenica obsolete combination Greece (+ Corfu). Palearctic. Finzi, B. 1926. Le forme europee del genere Myrmica Latr. Primo contributo. Bollettino della Società Adriatica di Scienze Naturali in Trieste 29:71-119. 124914 Myrmica rugulosa limanica obsolete combination Ukraine. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1934. The fauna of the family Formicidae (ants) of the Ukraine. [In Ukrainian.]. Trudy Instytutu Zoolohii ta Biolohii Vseukrains'koi Akademii Nauk. Seriya 1. Pratsi z Systematyky ta Faunistyky 1934:1-164. 126234 Myrmica rugulosa limanica chersonensis unavailable Ukraine. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1934. The fauna of the family Formicidae (ants) of the Ukraine. [In Ukrainian.]. Trudy Instytutu Zoolohii ta Biolohii Vseukrains'koi Akademii Nauk. Seriya 1. Pratsi z Systematyky ta Faunistyky 1934:1-164. 126234 Myrmica rugulosa limanica strandi unavailable Ukraine. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1934. Studien über die Systematik der Ameisen. VIII. Vorläufige Ergebnisse einer biometrischen Untersuchung einiger Myrmica-Arten aus dem europäischen Teile der USSR. Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica 6:151-174. 122336 Myrmica rugulosa minuta homonym replaced by Myrmica constricta Ukraine. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1929d. Myrmekologische Fragmente. II. Zbirnyk Prats' Zoolohichnoho Muzeyu 7:205-220 [= Trudy. Vseukrains'ka Akademiya Nauk. Fizichno-Matematichnoho Viddilu 13:203-218]. 126263 Myrmica rugulosa ruginodiformis synonym of Myrmica dshungarica Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1929d. Myrmekologische Fragmente. II. Zbirnyk Prats' Zoolohichnoho Muzeyu 7:205-220 [= Trudy. Vseukrains'ka Akademiya Nauk. Fizichno-Matematichnoho Viddilu 13:203-218]. 126263 Myrmica rugulosa rugulosa obsolete combination Finland. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1849 ("1848"). Additamentum alterum adnotationum in monographiam formicarum borealium. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 3:25-48. 127563 Myrmica rugulosa rugulosa slobodensis unavailable Ukraine. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1934. Studien über die Systematik der Ameisen. VIII. Vorläufige Ergebnisse einer biometrischen Untersuchung einiger Myrmica-Arten aus dem europäischen Teile der USSR. Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica 6:151-174. 122336 Myrmica rugulosa rugulososcabrinodis obsolete combination Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1929d. Myrmekologische Fragmente. II. Zbirnyk Prats' Zoolohichnoho Muzeyu 7:205-220 [= Trudy. Vseukrains'ka Akademiya Nauk. Fizichno-Matematichnoho Viddilu 13:203-218]. 126263 Myrmica rugulosa scabrinodorugulosa nomen nudum Nasonov, N. V. 1892. Entomological studies in 1892. On the ant fauna of Russia (fauna of the near Visla River region). [In Russian.]. Izvestiya Imperatorskago Tomskago Universiteta 5:1-14. 127509 Myrmica rugulosa slobodensis synonym of Myrmica constricta Ukraine. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1936. The fauna of the family Formicidae (ants) of the Ukraine. Part II (conclusion). [In Ukrainian.]. Trudy Instytutu Zoolohii ta Biolohii Ukrains'koi Akademii Nauk. Seriya 1. Pratsi z Systematyky ta Faunistyky 1936:161-316. 126235 Myrmica rugulosa sulcinodorugulosa synonym of Myrmica rugulosa Estonia, Latvia, Russia. Palearctic. Nasonov, N. V. 1889. Contribution to the natural history of the ants primarily of Russia. 1. Contribution to the ant fauna of Russia. [In Russian.]. Izvestiya Imperatorskago Obshchestva Lyubitelei Estestvoznaniya Antropologii i Etnografii pri Imperatorskom Moskovskom Universitete 58:1-78. 127508 Myrmica rugulosoides synonym of Myrmica scabrinodis Switzerland. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Myrmica rugulosoides striata obsolete combination Italy. Palearctic. Finzi, B. 1926. Le forme europee del genere Myrmica Latr. Primo contributo. Bollettino della Società Adriatica di Scienze Naturali in Trieste 29:71-119. 124914 Myrmica rugulososcabrinodis synonym of Myrmica hellenica Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1929d. Myrmekologische Fragmente. II. Zbirnyk Prats' Zoolohichnoho Muzeyu 7:205-220 [= Trudy. Vseukrains'ka Akademiya Nauk. Fizichno-Matematichnoho Viddilu 13:203-218]. 126263 Myrmica rupestris valid India. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1902c. Myrmicinae nouveaux de l'Inde et de Ceylan. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 10:165-249. 125121 Myrmica russula obsolete combination Dominican Republic. Neotropic. Nylander, W. 1856b. Synopsis des Formicides de France et d'Algérie. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie (4)5:51-109. 127565 Myrmica ruzskyana synonym of Myrmica bactriana Russia. Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 2010. Myrmica ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the Old World. Fauna Mundi 3. Warsaw: Natura Optima Dux Foundation, 790 pp. 132776 Myrmica sabeana obsolete combination U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Buckley, S. B. 1867. Descriptions of new species of North American Formicidae (continued from page 172.). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 6:335-350. 123311 Myrmica sabuleti valid Denmark. Palearctic. Meinert, F. 1861. Bidrag til de danske Myrers Naturhistorie. Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter (5)5:273-340. 127307 Myrmica sabuleti americana obsolete combination U.S.A. (Connecticut). Nearctic. Weber, N. A. 1939b. Description of new North American species and subspecies of Myrmica Latreille (Hym.: Formicidae). Lloydia 2:144-152. 129715 Myrmica sabuleti hamulata obsolete combination U.S.A. (New Mexico). Nearctic. Weber, N. A. 1939b. Description of new North American species and subspecies of Myrmica Latreille (Hym.: Formicidae). Lloydia 2:144-152. 129715 Myrmica sabuleti lobifrons obsolete combination U.S.A. (Alaska). Nearctic. Pergande, T. 1900. Papers from the Harriman Alaska expedition. XVII. Entomological results (11): Formicidae. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences 2:519-521. 127768 Myrmica sabuleti nearctica obsolete combination U.S.A. (North Dakota). Nearctic. Weber, N. A. 1939b. Description of new North American species and subspecies of Myrmica Latreille (Hym.: Formicidae). Lloydia 2:144-152. 129715 Myrmica sabuleti scabrinodolobicornis synonym of Myrmica sabuleti Switzerland. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1874. Les fourmis de la Suisse. Systématique, notices anatomiques et physiologiques, architecture, distribution géographique, nouvelles expériences et observations de moeurs. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 26:1-452. 124988 Myrmica sabuleti spinosior obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1931a. Inventa entomologica itineris Hispanici et Maroccani, quod a. 1926 fecerunt Harald et Håkan Lindberg. Fourmis du Bassin Méditerranéen occidental et du Maroc récoltées par MM. Lindberg. Commentationes Biologicae 3(14):1-13. 128393 Myrmica sabuleti trullicornis obsolete combination U.S.A. (Iowa). Nearctic. Buren, W. F. 1944a. A list of Iowa ants. Iowa State College Journal of Science 18:277-312. 123329 Myrmica saevissima obsolete combination Brazil (Pará). Neotropic. Smith, F. 1855c. Descriptions of some species of Brazilian ants belonging to the genera Pseudomyrma, Eciton and Myrmica (with observations on their economy by Mr. H. W. Bates). Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (2)3:156-169. 128681 Myrmica salina valid Russia (Orenburg oblast, Tyumen oblast). Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Myrmica sallei obsolete combination Dominican Republic. Neotropic. Guérin-Méneville, F. E. 1852. Notice sur une nouvelle espèce de fourmi découverte à Saint-Domingue par M. Auguste Sallé, et qui fait son nid dans les plaines marécageuses, sur les buissons. Revue et Magasin de Zoologie Pure et Appliquée (2)4:73-79. 125708 Myrmica samnitica synonym of Myrmica laurae Italy. Palearctic. Mei, M. 1987. Myrmica samnitica n. sp.: una nuova formica parassita dell'Appennino Abruzzese (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Fragmenta Entomologica 19:457-469. 127302 Myrmica sancta synonym of Myrmica specioides Ukraine (Crimea). Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1926f. Myrmekologische Fragmente. Zbirnyk Prats' Zoolohichnoho Muzeyu 1:47-51 [= Trudy. Ukrains'ka Akademiya Nauk. Fizichno-Matematichnoho Viddilu 4:65-69]. 126251 Myrmica sancta tshuliensis synonym of Myrmica specioides Turkmenistan. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1976a. Ants of the genus Myrmica Latr. from Central Asia and the southern Kazakstan. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 55:547-558. 122365 Myrmica saposhnikovi valid Kazakhstan. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1904b. Ants of the Dzungarian Ala Tau. [In Russian.]. Izvestiya Imperatorskago Tomskago Universiteta 30(5th part):1-6. 128182 Myrmica saposhnikovi baikalensis synonym of Myrmica angulinodis Russia (Siberia: Lake Baikal). Palearctic. Pisarski, B. 1969a. Fourmis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) de la Mongolie. Fragmenta Faunistica (Warsaw) 15:221-236. 127828 Myrmica saposhnikovi bergiana synonym of Myrmica saposhnikovi Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Tarbinsky, Y. S. 1976. The ants of Kirghizia. [In Russian.]. Frunze: Ilim, 217 pp. 129149 Myrmica saxicola obsolete combination U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Buckley, S. B. 1867. Descriptions of new species of North American Formicidae (continued from page 172.). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 6:335-350. 123311 Myrmica saxonica valid Germany (Bitterfeld Amber, Eocene). Radchenko, A. G. 2023c. Myrmica ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in late Eocene European ambers. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 73 (4):629-648. 144263 Myrmica scabrata incertae sedis in genus, unidentifiable U.S.A. (Connecticut). Nearctic. Buckley, S. B. 1867. Descriptions of new species of North American Formicidae (continued from page 172.). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 6:335-350. 123311 Myrmica scabrinodis valid Finland. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1846a. Adnotationes in monographiam formicarum borealium Europae. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 2:875-944. 127561 Myrmica scabrinodis ahngeri synonym of Myrmica scabrinodis Russia. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1926f. Myrmekologische Fragmente. Zbirnyk Prats' Zoolohichnoho Muzeyu 1:47-51 [= Trudy. Ukrains'ka Akademiya Nauk. Fizichno-Matematichnoho Viddilu 4:65-69]. 126251 Myrmica scabrinodis aloba obsolete combination Spain. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1909c. Fourmis d'Espagne récoltées par M. O. Vogt et Mme Cécile Vogt, Docteurs en médecine. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 53:103-106. 125191 Myrmica scabrinodis angulinodis obsolete combination Russia (Irkutsk Prov.). Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Myrmica scabrinodis atlantica nomen nudum Stärcke, A. 1942d. Drie nog onbeschreven Europeesche miervormen. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 85:xxiv-xxix. 129005 Myrmica scabrinodis bessarabicus obsolete combination Moldova. Palearctic. Nasonov, N. V. 1889. Contribution to the natural history of the ants primarily of Russia. 1. Contribution to the ant fauna of Russia. [In Russian.]. Izvestiya Imperatorskago Obshchestva Lyubitelei Estestvoznaniya Antropologii i Etnografii pri Imperatorskom Moskovskom Universitete 58:1-78. 127508 Myrmica scabrinodis birulensis nomen nudum Ruzsky, M. 1915b. Material on Siberian myrmecology. First output. On the myrmecofauna of Tomsk province and certain other Siberian localities. (From research in 1914-1915). [In Russian.]. Izvestiya Imperatorskago Tomskago Universiteta 64(5th part):1-14. 128192 Myrmica scabrinodis detritinodis obsolete combination U.S.A. (Maryland). Nearctic. Emery, C. 1921c. Hymenoptera. Fam. Formicidae. Subfam. Myrmicinae. [part]. Genera Insectorum 174A:1-94 + 7 plates. 124749 Myrmica scabrinodis intermedia incertae sedis in genus, unidentifiable Kazakhstan. Palearctic. Kuznetsov-Ugamsky, N. N. 1927e. Contributions to the knowledge of the myrmecology of Turkestan. III. [In Russian.]. Russkoe Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 21:186-196. 126758 Myrmica scabrinodis kasczenkoi obsolete combination Russia (Krasnoyarsky Krai, Chita Prov.). Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Myrmica scabrinodis kasczenkoi subaltaica unavailable Russia (Siberia). Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1925b. New data on the ant fauna of Siberia. [In Russian.]. Russkoe Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 19:41-46. 128194 Myrmica scabrinodis lacustris obsolete combination Russia. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Myrmica scabrinodis lobicornis obsolete combination Finland. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1846a. Adnotationes in monographiam formicarum borealium Europae. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 2:875-944. 127561 Myrmica scabrinodis lobicornis deplanata unavailable Ukraine, Russia, Georgia. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Myrmica scabrinodis lobicornis grandis unavailable Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Kuznetsov-Ugamsky, N. N. 1927e. Contributions to the knowledge of the myrmecology of Turkestan. III. [In Russian.]. Russkoe Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 21:186-196. 126758 Myrmica scabrinodis lobicornis littoralis unavailable Russia (Primorsky Krai). Palearctic. Kuznetsov-Ugamsky, N. N. 1928b. Ants of the South Ussuri Region. [In Russian.]. Zapiski Vladivostokskogo Otdela Gosudarstvennogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obshchvestva 1(18):1-47. 126761 Myrmica scabrinodis lonae obsolete combination Finland, Italy, Slovenia. Palearctic. Finzi, B. 1926. Le forme europee del genere Myrmica Latr. Primo contributo. Bollettino della Società Adriatica di Scienze Naturali in Trieste 29:71-119. 124914 Myrmica scabrinodis rolandi obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Myrmica scabrinodis rolandi reticulata unavailable France. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1931c. Notes sur le genre Myrmica (Latreille). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 38:335-355. 128396 Myrmica scabrinodis rugulosa obsolete combination Finland. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1849 ("1848"). Additamentum alterum adnotationum in monographiam formicarum borealium. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 3:25-48. 127563 Myrmica scabrinodis rugulosa hellenica unavailable Greece (+ Corfu). Palearctic. Forel, A. 1913d. Fourmis de la faune méditerranéenne récoltées par MM. U. et J. Sahlberg. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 21:427-438. 125241 Myrmica scabrinodis rugulosoides obsolete combination Switzerland. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Myrmica scabrinodis salina obsolete combination Russia (Orenburg oblast, Tyumen oblast). Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Myrmica scabrinodis sancta obsolete combination Ukraine (Crimea). Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1926f. Myrmekologische Fragmente. Zbirnyk Prats' Zoolohichnoho Muzeyu 1:47-51 [= Trudy. Ukrains'ka Akademiya Nauk. Fizichno-Matematichnoho Viddilu 4:65-69]. 126251 Myrmica scabrinodis saposhnikovi obsolete combination Kazakhstan. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1904b. Ants of the Dzungarian Ala Tau. [In Russian.]. Izvestiya Imperatorskago Tomskago Universiteta 30(5th part):1-6. 128182 Myrmica scabrinodis saposhnikovi baikalensis unavailable Russia (Siberia: Lake Baikal). Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1931b. Beitrag zur Ameisenfauna der Umgebung des Baikalsees. Zoologischer Anzeiger 93:28-32. 126268 Myrmica scabrinodis scabrinodis obsolete combination Finland. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1846a. Adnotationes in monographiam formicarum borealium Europae. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 2:875-944. 127561 Myrmica scabrinodis scabrinodis rugulosoides unavailable Switzerland. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1915d. Fauna insectorum helvetiae. Hymenoptera. Formicidae. Die Ameisen der Schweiz. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 12(Beilage):1-77. 125260 Myrmica scabrinodis scabrinodosabuleti synonym of Myrmica scabrinodis Czech Republic. Palearctic. Sadil, J. V. 1952 ("1951"). A revision of the Czechoslovak forms of the genus Myrmica Latr. (Hym.). Sborník Entomologického Oddeleni Národního Musea v Praze 27:233-278. 128205 Myrmica scabrinodis schencki obsolete combination Europe. Palearctic. Viereck, H. L. 1903. Hymenoptera of Beulah, New Mexico. [part]. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 29:56-87. 129540 Myrmica scabrinodis schencki emeryana unavailable U.S.A. (North Carolina). Nearctic. Forel, A. 1914c. Einige amerikanische Ameisen. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 1914:615-620. 125253 Myrmica scabrinodis schencki monticola unavailable U.S.A. (Colorado). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1917a. The mountain ants of western North America. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 52:457-569. 130116 Myrmica scabrinodis schencki tahoensis unavailable U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1917a. The mountain ants of western North America. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 52:457-569. 130116 Myrmica scabrinodis turcica obsolete combination Turkey. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1931c. Notes sur le genre Myrmica (Latreille). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 38:335-355. 128396 Myrmica scabrinodis ussuriensis obsolete combination Russia (Primorsky Krai). Palearctic. Kuznetsov-Ugamsky, N. N. 1928b. Ants of the South Ussuri Region. [In Russian.]. Zapiski Vladivostokskogo Otdela Gosudarstvennogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obshchvestva 1(18):1-47. 126761 Myrmica scabrosa obsolete combination Indonesia (Aru Is). Australasia. Smith, F. 1859a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace at the islands of Aru and Key. [part]. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 3:132-158. 128687 Myrmica scalpturata obsolete combination Algeria, Egypt. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1856b. Synopsis des Formicides de France et d'Algérie. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie (4)5:51-109. 127565 Myrmica schaefersi valid Germany (Oligocene). Jessen, K. 2020. New fossil ants of the subfamily Myrmicinae (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Upper Oligocene of Enspel (Westerwald Mountains, Rhineland Palatinate, Germany). Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 100:1007-1045. 143720 Myrmica schencki valid Europe. Palearctic. Viereck, H. L. 1903. Hymenoptera of Beulah, New Mexico. [part]. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 29:56-87. 129540 Myrmica schencki brunescens synonym of Myrmica lobicornis Russia (North Caucasus). Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1929d. Myrmekologische Fragmente. II. Zbirnyk Prats' Zoolohichnoho Muzeyu 7:205-220 [= Trudy. Vseukrains'ka Akademiya Nauk. Fizichno-Matematichnoho Viddilu 13:203-218]. 126263 Myrmica schencki burtshakabramovitshi synonym of Myrmica lobicornis Ukraine. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1929d. Myrmekologische Fragmente. II. Zbirnyk Prats' Zoolohichnoho Muzeyu 7:205-220 [= Trudy. Vseukrains'ka Akademiya Nauk. Fizichno-Matematichnoho Viddilu 13:203-218]. 126263 Myrmica schencki caucasicola obsolete combination Azerbaijan. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1934. Studien über die Systematik der Ameisen. VIII. Vorläufige Ergebnisse einer biometrischen Untersuchung einiger Myrmica-Arten aus dem europäischen Teile der USSR. Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica 6:151-174. 122336 Myrmica schencki emeryana obsolete combination U.S.A. (North Carolina). Nearctic. Wesson, L. G.; Wesson, R. G. 1940. A collection of ants from southcentral Ohio. American Midland Naturalist 24:89-103. 129802 Myrmica schencki kutteri synonym of Myrmica schencki Switzerland. Palearctic. Finzi, B. 1926. Le forme europee del genere Myrmica Latr. Primo contributo. Bollettino della Società Adriatica di Scienze Naturali in Trieste 29:71-119. 124914 Myrmica schencki latifrons obsolete combination U.S.A. (New York). Nearctic. Stärcke, A. 1927. Beginnende Divergenz bei Myrmica lobicornis Nyl. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 70:73-84. 128986 Myrmica schencki obscura obsolete combination Slovenia. Palearctic. Finzi, B. 1926. Le forme europee del genere Myrmica Latr. Primo contributo. Bollettino della Società Adriatica di Scienze Naturali in Trieste 29:71-119. 124914 Myrmica schencki spatulata obsolete combination U.S.A. (Mississippi). Nearctic. Smith, M. R. 1930d. Description of three new North American ants, with biological notes. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 23:564-568. 128759 Myrmica schencki starki synonym of Myrmica lobicornis Russia (Murmansk oblast). Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1929d. Myrmekologische Fragmente. II. Zbirnyk Prats' Zoolohichnoho Muzeyu 7:205-220 [= Trudy. Vseukrains'ka Akademiya Nauk. Fizichno-Matematichnoho Viddilu 13:203-218]. 126263 Myrmica schencki subopaca unresolved junior homonym Ukraine. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1934. The fauna of the family Formicidae (ants) of the Ukraine. [In Ukrainian.]. Trudy Instytutu Zoolohii ta Biolohii Vseukrains'koi Akademii Nauk. Seriya 1. Pratsi z Systematyky ta Faunistyky 1934:1-164. 126234 Myrmica schencki tahoensis obsolete combination U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Weber, N. A. 1948a. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Myrmica Latreille with a synopsis of the Palearctic species. II. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 41:267-308. 129738 Myrmica schenckioides synonym of Myrmica schencki Netherlands. Palearctic. Boer, P.; Noordijk, J. 2005. Myrmica schenckioides nov. sp., a new socially parasitic ant species (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Entomologische Berichten (Amsterdam) 65:120-123. 130784 Myrmica schoedli valid Vietnam. Indomalaya. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W.; Bui, T. V. 2006. Ants of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Vietnam, with a description of a new species. Myrmecologische Nachrichten 8:35-44. 132100 Myrmica schulzi valid China (Shaanxi). Palearctic. Radchenko, A.; Elmes, G. W. 2009a. Taxonomic revision of the pachei species-group of the genus Myrmica Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 59:67-92. 132114 Myrmica sculptiventris valid China (Sichuan). Palearctic. Radchenko, A.; Elmes, G. W. 2009a. Taxonomic revision of the pachei species-group of the genus Myrmica Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 59:67-92. 132114 Myrmica seminigra obsolete combination U.S.A. (Colorado). Nearctic. Cresson, E. T. Sr. 1865b. Catalogue of Hymenoptera in the collection of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia, from Colorado Territory. [concl.]. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 4:426-488. 123940 Myrmica semiparasitica valid U.S.A. (New York). Nearctic. Francoeur, A. 2007. The Myrmica punctiventris and M. crassirugis species groups in the Nearctic region. Pp. 153-185 in: Snelling, R. R.; Fisher, B. L.; Ward, P. S. (eds.) 2007. Advances in ant systematics (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): homage to E.O. Wilson – 50 years of contributions. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 80:690 pp. 131342 Myrmica semipolita obsolete combination Italy (Sicily). Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1856b. Synopsis des Formicides de France et d'Algérie. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie (4)5:51-109. 127565 Myrmica serica valid China (Yunnan). Palearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1928c. Ants collected by Professor F. Silvestri in China. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura. Portici 22:3-38. 130197 Myrmica shanyii valid China (Sichuan). Palearctic. He, Y.; Chen, Z.; Du, C. 2024. Review of the ant genus Manica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae), with a new record of the genus in China and description of a new species. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 97:379-398. 144332 Myrmica siciliana valid Italy (Sicily). Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W.; Alicata, A. 2006. Taxonomic revision of the schencki-group of the ant genus Myrmica Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from the Palaearctic region. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 56:499-538. 132105 Myrmica silvestrianum synonym of Myrmica specioides Spain. Palearctic. Emery, C. 1924c. Formiche di Spagna raccolte dal Prof. Filippo Silvestri. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura. Portici 17:164-171. 124765 Myrmica silvestrii synonym of Myrmica ruginodis Japan. Palearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1928d. Ants collected by Professor F. Silvestri in Japan and Korea. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura. Portici 22:96-125. 130198 Myrmica simillima obsolete combination Great Britain. Palearctic. Smith, F. 1851. List of the specimens of British animals in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Hymenoptera, Aculeata. London: British Museum, 134 pp. 128667 Myrmica simpliciuscula obsolete combination France. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1856b. Synopsis des Formicides de France et d'Algérie. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie (4)5:51-109. 127565 Myrmica sinensis valid China (Guangxi). Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G.; Zhou, S.; Elmes, G. W. 2001. New and rare Myrmica species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from southern China. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 51:211-219. 132104 Myrmica sinica synonym of Myrmica excelsa China (Shandong). Palearctic. Wu, J.; Wang, C. 1995a. The ants of China. [In Chinese.]. Beijing: China Forestry Publishing House, x + 214 pp. 130487 Myrmica sinoschencki valid China (Sichuan). Palearctic. Radchenko, A.; Elmes, G. W. 2008c. [Untitled. Myrmica sinoschencki Radchenko et Elmes, sp. nov.]. Pp. 778-779 in: Radchenko, A. G.; Zhou, S.; Elmes, G. W.; Rigato, F. 2008. Seven new Myrmica species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from China. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 58:767-784. 132113 Myrmica slovaca synonym of Myrmica curvithorax Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Bulgaria. Palearctic. Sadil, J. V. 1952 ("1951"). A revision of the Czechoslovak forms of the genus Myrmica Latr. (Hym.). Sborník Entomologického Oddeleni Národního Musea v Praze 27:233-278. 128205 Myrmica smythiesii valid India. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1902c. Myrmicinae nouveaux de l'Inde et de Ceylan. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 10:165-249. 125121 Myrmica smythiesii bactriana obsolete combination China (Tibet). Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1915a. On the ants of Tibet and the southern Gobi. On material collected on the expedition of Colonel P. K. Kozlov. [In Russian.]. Ezhegodnik Zoologicheskago Muzeya 20:418-444. 128191 Myrmica smythiesii cachmiriensis obsolete combination India (Jammu and Kashmir). Palearctic. Forel, A. 1904d. Miscellanea myrmécologiques. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 12:1-52. 125147 Myrmica smythiesii cachmiriensis lutescens unavailable India (Jammu and Kashmir). Indomalaya. Forel, A. 1904d. Miscellanea myrmécologiques. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 12:1-52. 125147 Myrmica smythiesii carbonaria homonym replaced by Myrmica foreliana India (Madhya Pradesh). Palearctic. Forel, A. 1902c. Myrmicinae nouveaux de l'Inde et de Ceylan. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 10:165-249. 125121 Myrmica smythiesii exigua homonym replaced by Myrmica ruzskyana China (Tibet). Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1915a. On the ants of Tibet and the southern Gobi. On material collected on the expedition of Colonel P. K. Kozlov. [In Russian.]. Ezhegodnik Zoologicheskago Muzeya 20:418-444. 128191 Myrmica smythiesii fortior obsolete combination India (Jammu and Kashmir). Palearctic. Forel, A. 1904d. Miscellanea myrmécologiques. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 12:1-52. 125147 Myrmica smythiesii hecate obsolete combination India (West Bengal). Palearctic. Weber, N. A. 1947b. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Myrmica Latreille with a synopsis of the Palearctic species. I. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 40:437-474. 129736 Myrmica smythiesii himalayana synonym of Myrmica smythiesii India (Himachal Pradesh). Palearctic. Weber, N. A. 1947b. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Myrmica Latreille with a synopsis of the Palearctic species. I. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 40:437-474. 129736 Myrmica smythiesii lutescens synonym of Myrmica cachmiriensis India (Jammu and Kashmir). Palearctic. Menozzi, C. 1939a. Formiche dell'Himalaya e del Karakorum raccolte dalla Spedizione italiana comandata da S. A. R. il Duca di Spoleto (1929). Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano 78:285-345. 127381 Myrmica smythiesii rupestris obsolete combination India. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1902c. Myrmicinae nouveaux de l'Inde et de Ceylan. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 10:165-249. 125121 Myrmica sordidula obsolete combination Italy (Sicily). Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1849 ("1848"). Additamentum alterum adnotationum in monographiam formicarum borealium. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 3:25-48. 127563 Myrmica spatulata valid U.S.A. (Mississippi). Nearctic. Smith, M. R. 1930d. Description of three new North American ants, with biological notes. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 23:564-568. 128759 Myrmica specioides valid France. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Myrmica specioides dolens unavailable Netherlands. Palearctic. Stärcke, A. 1942d. Drie nog onbeschreven Europeesche miervormen. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 85:xxiv-xxix. 129005 Myrmica speciolosa unavailable Seifert, B. 1988b. A taxonomic revision of the Myrmica species of Europe, Asia Minor, and Caucasia (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundemuseums Görlitz 62(3):1-75. 128569 Myrmica specularis synonym of Myrmica kozlovi China (Tibet). Palearctic. Donisthorpe, H. 1929a. The Formicidae (Hymenoptera) taken by Major R. W. G. Hingston, M.C., I.M.S. (ret.), on the Mount Everest Expedition, 1924. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (10)4:444-449. 124252 Myrmica spinosior valid France. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1931a. Inventa entomologica itineris Hispanici et Maroccani, quod a. 1926 fecerunt Harald et Håkan Lindberg. Fourmis du Bassin Méditerranéen occidental et du Maroc récoltées par MM. Lindberg. Commentationes Biologicae 3(14):1-13. 128393 Myrmica stangeana valid Kazakhstan. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1902a. Contribution to the ant fauna of the Turgai region. [In Russian.]. Russkoe Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 2:232-235. 128172 Myrmica stangeana medvedevi synonym of Myrmica stangeana Ukraine. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1970b. Review of the ant genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the European part of the USSR. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 49:1829-1844. 122364 Myrmica striata synonym of Myrmica specioides Italy. Palearctic. Finzi, B. 1926. Le forme europee del genere Myrmica Latr. Primo contributo. Bollettino della Società Adriatica di Scienze Naturali in Trieste 29:71-119. 124914 Myrmica striatula obsolete combination Russia. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1849 ("1848"). Additamentum alterum adnotationum in monographiam formicarum borealium. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 3:25-48. 127563 Myrmica striolagaster valid U.S.A. (New Mexico). Nearctic. Cole, A. C., Jr. 1953a. A checklist of the ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 28:34-35. 123706 Myrmica sublaevis obsolete combination Finland. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1849 ("1848"). Additamentum alterum adnotationum in monographiam formicarum borealium. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 3:25-48. 127563 Myrmica sublanuginosa incertae sedis in genus, unidentifiable U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Buckley, S. B. 1867. Descriptions of new species of North American Formicidae (continued from page 172.). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 6:335-350. 123311 Myrmica subopaca obsolete combination Portugal (Madeira). Palearctic. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmica subrubra obsolete combination U.S.A. (District of Columbia, Virginia). Nearctic. Buckley, S. B. 1867. Descriptions of new species of North American Formicidae (continued from page 172.). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 6:335-350. 123311 Myrmica sulcinodis valid Finland. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1846a. Adnotationes in monographiam formicarum borealium Europae. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 2:875-944. 127561 Myrmica sulcinodis derzhavini synonym of Myrmica sulcinodis Russia (Kamchatka). Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1920. Ants of Kamchatka. [In Russian.]. Izvestiya Instituta Issledovaniya Sibiri 2:76-80. 128166 Myrmica sulcinodis eximia synonym of Myrmica sulcinodis Russia (South Siberia, Far East). Palearctic. Kupyanskaya, A. N. 1990a. Ants of the Far Eastern USSR. [In Russian.]. Vladivostok: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, 258 pp. 126604 Myrmica sulcinodis nigripes synonym of Myrmica sulcinodis Russia. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1895. Faunistic investigations in east Russia 1. Contribution to the ant fauna of east Russia. 2. Zoological excursion in the Orenburg region in 1894. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 28(5):1-32. 128162 Myrmica sulcinodis sulcinodoruginodis synonym of Myrmica sulcinodis United Kingdom. Palearctic. Donisthorpe, H. 1915f. British ants, their life-history and classification. Plymouth: Brendon & Son Ltd., xv + 379 pp. 124216 Myrmica sulcinodis sulcinodoscabrinodis unresolved junior homonym Switzerland. Palearctic. Forel, A. 1915d. Fauna insectorum helvetiae. Hymenoptera. Formicidae. Die Ameisen der Schweiz. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 12(Beilage):1-77. 125260 Myrmica sulcinodis vicaria synonym of Myrmica sulcinodis Russia (Primorsky Krai). Palearctic. Kuznetsov-Ugamsky, N. N. 1928b. Ants of the South Ussuri Region. [In Russian.]. Zapiski Vladivostokskogo Otdela Gosudarstvennogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obshchvestva 1(18):1-47. 126761 Myrmica sulcinodoides synonym of Myrmica incompleta U.S.A. (South Dakota, Utah, Maine). Nearctic. Pergande, T. 1900. Papers from the Harriman Alaska expedition. XVII. Entomological results (11): Formicidae. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences 2:519-521. 127768 Myrmica sulcinodolobicornis nomen nudum Ruzsky, M. 1895. Faunistic investigations in east Russia 1. Contribution to the ant fauna of east Russia. 2. Zoological excursion in the Orenburg region in 1894. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 28(5):1-32. 128162 Myrmica sulcinodoscabrinodis synonym of Myrmica sulcinodis Russia. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1895. Faunistic investigations in east Russia 1. Contribution to the ant fauna of east Russia. 2. Zoological excursion in the Orenburg region in 1894. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 28(5):1-32. 128162 Myrmica surusumi valid Japan. Palearctic. Terayama, M.; Kinomura, K.; Kitazawa, R. 2024. Two new species of the ant genus Myrmica Latreille, 1804 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) from Japan. Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 30 (1):74-85. 144371 Myrmica suspiciosa obsolete combination Indonesia (Aru Is). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1859a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace at the islands of Aru and Key. [part]. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 3:132-158. 128687 Myrmica svartshevskii synonym of Myrmica dshungarica Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Karavaiev, V. 1916a ("1915"). Ants from Gadjatsh district of the government of Poltava and from the Province of Ferghana. [In Russian.]. Russkoe Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 15:496-507. 126241 Myrmica symbiotica synonym of Myrmica scabrinodis Italy. Palearctic. Menozzi, C. 1925d ("1924"). Res mutinenses. Formicidae (Hymenoptera). Atti della Società dei Naturalisti e Matematici di Modena 55[=(6)3]:22-47. 127327 Myrmica taediosa synonym of Myrmica transsibirica Bolton, B. 1995b. A new general catalogue of the ants of the world. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 504 pp. 122860 Myrmica tahoensis valid U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Weber, N. A. 1948a. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Myrmica Latreille with a synopsis of the Palearctic species. II. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 41:267-308. 129738 Myrmica taibaiensis valid China (Shaanxi). Palearctic. Wei, C.; Zhou, S.-Y.; He, H.; Liu, M.-T. 2001. A taxonomic study of the genus Myrmica Latreille from China. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 26:560-564. 132588 Myrmica tamarae valid Turkey. Palearctic. Elmes, G. W.; Radchenko, A. G.; Aktaç, N. 2002. Four new Myrmica species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Turkey. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 52:157-171. 131187 Myrmica tarda obsolete combination India (Karnataka/Kerala). Indomalaya. Jerdon, T. C. 1851. A catalogue of the species of ants found in Southern India. Madras Journal of Literature and Science 17:103-127. 126168 Myrmica tenuispina valid Uzbekistan, China. Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1905b. The ants of Russia. (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. [In Russian.]. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete 38(4-6):1-800. 128184 Myrmica terminalis obsolete combination United Kingdom. Palearctic. Shuckard, W. E. 1838. Description of a new species of Myrmica which has been found in houses both in the Metropolis and Provinces. Magazine of Natural History (2)2:626-627. 128624 Myrmica tertiaria obsolete combination Croatia (Miocene). Heer, O. 1849. Die Insektenfauna der Tertiärgebilde von Oeningen und von Radoboj in Croatien. Zweiter Theil: Heuschrecken, Florfliegen, Aderflüger, Schmetterlinge und Fliegen. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, vi + 264 pp. 125815 Myrmica testaceopilosa obsolete combination Algeria. Palearctic. Lucas, H. 1849. Exploration scientifique de l'Algérie pendant les années 1840, 1841, 1842. Sciences physiques. Zoologie. III. Histoire naturelle des animaux articulés. Troisième partie - Insectes (Suite). Paris: A. Bertrand, 527 pp. 126976 Myrmica texana obsolete combination U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Buckley, S. B. 1860a. The cutting ant of Texas. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 12:233-236. 123312 Myrmica thoracica obsolete combination Indonesia (Aru Is). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1859a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace at the islands of Aru and Key. [part]. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 3:132-158. 128687 Myrmica tianshanica synonym of Myrmica juglandeti Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1976a. Ants of the genus Myrmica Latr. from Central Asia and the southern Kazakstan. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 55:547-558. 122365 Myrmica tianshanica alajensis synonym of Myrmica juglandeti Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Arnol'di, K. V. 1976a. Ants of the genus Myrmica Latr. from Central Asia and the southern Kazakstan. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 55:547-558. 122365 Myrmica tibetana valid China (Tibet). Palearctic. Mayr, G. 1889. Insecta in itinere Cl. Przewalski in Asia Centrali novissime lecta. XVII. Formiciden aus Tibet. Trudy Russkago Entomologicheskago Obshchestva 24:278-280. 127202 Myrmica tibetana furva synonym of Myrmica bactriana China (Tibet). Palearctic. Ruzsky, M. 1915a. On the ants of Tibet and the southern Gobi. On material collected on the expedition of Colonel P. K. Kozlov. [In Russian.]. Ezhegodnik Zoologicheskago Muzeya 20:418-444. 128191 Myrmica tigreensis obsolete combination Ethiopia, South Africa. Afrotropic. Guérin-Méneville, F. E. 1849. Insectes. Pp. 241-398 in: Lefebvre, T. 1849. 1847-1851. Voyage en Abyssinie exécuté pendant les années 1839-1843. Pt. IV. Tom. VI. Histoire naturelle - Zoologie. Paris: Bertrand, 398 pp. 125707 Myrmica titanica valid Vietnam. Indomalaya. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 2001a. First record of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from northern Vietnam, with a description of two new species. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 51:221-225. 132093 Myrmica tobiasi synonym of Myrmica salina Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan. Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 2004. Taxonomic notes on the scabrinodis-group of Myrmica species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) living in eastern Europe and western Asia, with a description of a new species from Tien Shan. Trudy Russkago Entomologicheskago Obshchestva 75(1):222-233. 132102 Myrmica trachylissa obsolete combination Borneo. Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmica transsibirica valid Russia. Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G. 1994j. New Palaearctic species of the genus Myrmica Latr. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Memorabilia Zoologica 48:207-217. 127969 Myrmica transversa obsolete combination North America. Nearctic. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmica trinodis obsolete combination Italy. Palearctic. Losana, M. 1834. Saggio sopra le formiche indigene del Piemonte. Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino 37:307-333. 126963 Myrmica triplarina obsolete combination Bolivia. Neotropic. Weddell, H. A. 1850. Additions à la flore de l'Amérique du Sud (Suite). [part]. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Botanique (3)13:256-268. 129766 Myrmica tristis obsolete combination Brazil (Rio de Janeiro). Neotropic. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmica trullicornis valid U.S.A. (Iowa). Nearctic. Buren, W. F. 1944a. A list of Iowa ants. Iowa State College Journal of Science 18:277-312. 123329 Myrmica tschekanovskii valid Russia. Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G. 1994j. New Palaearctic species of the genus Myrmica Latr. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Memorabilia Zoologica 48:207-217. 127969 Myrmica tulinae valid Turkey. Palearctic. Elmes, G. W.; Radchenko, A. G.; Aktaç, N. 2002. Four new Myrmica species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Turkey. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 52:157-171. 131187 Myrmica turcica synonym of Myrmica specioides Turkey. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1931c. Notes sur le genre Myrmica (Latreille). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 38:335-355. 128396 Myrmica typhlops nomen nudum Brazil. Neotropic. Lund, P. W. 1831a. Lettre sur les habitudes de quelques fourmis du Brésil, adressée à M. Audouin. Annales des Sciences Naturelles 23:113-138. 126986 Myrmica umbripennis obsolete combination Indonesia (Misool). Australasia. Smith, F. 1863a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the islands of Mysol, Ceram, Waigiou, Bouru and Timor. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 7:6-48. 128699 Myrmica urbanii valid India (Meghalaya). Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 1998. Taxonomic revision of the ritae species-group of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Vestnik Zoologii 32(4):3-27. 132088 Myrmica ussuriensis incertae sedis in genus, unidentifiable Russia (Primorsky Krai). Palearctic. Kuznetsov-Ugamsky, N. N. 1928b. Ants of the South Ussuri Region. [In Russian.]. Zapiski Vladivostokskogo Otdela Gosudarstvennogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obshchvestva 1(18):1-47. 126761 Myrmica vandeli valid France. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1920a ("1919"). Notes diverses sur des fourmis d'Europe. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 59:143-158. 122879 Myrmica varisculpta valid India (Jammu & Kashmir). Indomalaya. Radchenko, A.; Rigato, F. 2009. Myrmica varisculpta Radchenko et Rigato sp. nov. P. 76 in: Radchenko, A.; Elmes, G. W. 2009a. Taxonomic revision of the pachei species-group of the genus Myrmica Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 59:67-92. 132893 Myrmica vastator obsolete combination Singapore. Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1857a. Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo; Mount Ophir, Malacca; and at Singapore, by A. R. Wallace. [part]. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 2:42-88. 128683 Myrmica venusta obsolete combination Syria. Palearctic. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmica venusta incertae sedis in genus, unidentifiable Croatia (Miocene). Heer, O. 1867. Fossile Hymenopteren aus Oeningen und Radoboj. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 22(4):1-42. 125819 Myrmica vexator obsolete combination Indonesia (Ternate I.). Australasia. Smith, F. 1861b. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the islands of Ceram, Celebes, Ternate, and Gilolo. [part]. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 6:36-48. 128694 Myrmica villosa valid Bhutan. Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 1999a. Ten new species of Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Himalaya. Vestnik Zoologii 33(3):27-46. 132091 Myrmica virulens obsolete combination Brazil (Amazonas). Neotropic. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmica vittata valid Pakistan. Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 1999a. Ten new species of Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Himalaya. Vestnik Zoologii 33(3):27-46. 132091 Myrmica wangi valid China (Shaanxi). Palearctic. Chen, Z.; Zhou, S.; Huang, J. 2016. Seven species new to science and one newly recorded species of the ant genus Myrmica Latreille, 1804 from China, with proposal of a new synonym (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). ZooKeys 551:85-128. 142871 Myrmica wardi valid India (Jammu & Kashmir). Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 1999a. Ten new species of Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Himalaya. Vestnik Zoologii 33(3):27-46. 132091 Myrmica weberi valid Nepal, India, Bhutan. Palearctic. Elmes, G. W.; Radchenko, A. G. 2009. Two new Himalayan ant species (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) related to Myrmica indica. Vestnik Zoologii 43 (2):107-119. 131186 Myrmica weii valid China (Shaanxi). Palearctic. Radchenko, A.; Zhou, S. 2008. [Untitled. Myrmica weii Radchenko et Zhou, sp. nov.]. Pp. 779-781 in: Radchenko, A. G.; Zhou, S.; Elmes, G. W.; Rigato, F. 2008. Seven new Myrmica species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from China. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 58:767-784. 132119 Myrmica wesmaeli valid France. Palearctic. Bondroit, J. 1918. Les fourmis de France et de Belgique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 87:1-174. 122872 Myrmica wheeleri valid U.S.A. (Arizona). Nearctic. Weber, N. A. 1939b. Description of new North American species and subspecies of Myrmica Latreille (Hym.: Formicidae). Lloydia 2:144-152. 129715 Myrmica wheelerorum valid U.S.A. (Nevada). Nearctic. Francoeur, A. 2007. The Myrmica punctiventris and M. crassirugis species groups in the Nearctic region. Pp. 153-185 in: Snelling, R. R.; Fisher, B. L.; Ward, P. S. (eds.) 2007. Advances in ant systematics (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): homage to E.O. Wilson – 50 years of contributions. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 80:690 pp. 131342 Myrmica whymperi synonym of Myrmica incompleta Canada (Alberta, British Columbia). Nearctic. Forel, A. 1913m. Fourmis d'Argentine, du Brésil, du Guatémala & de Cuba reçues de M. M. Bruch, Prof. v. Ihering, Mlle Baez, M. Peper et M. Rovereto. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 49:203-250. 125250 Myrmica williamsi valid India (Jammu & Kashmir). Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 1999a. Ten new species of Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Himalaya. Vestnik Zoologii 33(3):27-46. 132091 Myrmica winterae synonym of Myrmica karavajevi Switzerland. Palearctic. Kutter, H. 1973d. Über die morphologischen Beziehungen der Gattung Myrmica zu ihren Satellitengenera Sifolinia Em., Symbiomyrma Arnoldi und Sommimyrma Menozzi (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 46:253-268. 126731 Myrmica wittmeri valid India (Himachal Pradesh). Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 1999a. Ten new species of Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Himalaya. Vestnik Zoologii 33(3):27-46. 132091 Myrmica xavieri valid Spain. Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W.; Savolainen, R. 2008. Myrmica xavieri sp. n., a new ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Spain. Entomologica Fennica 19:49-54. 132116 Myrmica yadori valid Japan. Palearctic. Terayama, M.; Kinomura, K.; Kitazawa, R. 2024. Two new species of the ant genus Myrmica Latreille, 1804 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) from Japan. Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 30 (1):74-85. 144371 Myrmica yamanei valid Vietnam. Indomalaya. Radchenko, A. G.; Elmes, G. W. 2001a. First record of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from northern Vietnam, with a description of two new species. Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 51:221-225. 132093 Myrmica yani valid China (Guizhou). Palearctic. Chen, Z.; Zhou, S.; Huang, J. 2016. Seven species new to science and one newly recorded species of the ant genus Myrmica Latreille, 1804 from China, with proposal of a new synonym (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). ZooKeys 551:85-128. 142871 Myrmica yezomonticola valid Japan. Palearctic. Terayama, M. 2013. Additions to knowledge of the ant fauna of Japan (Hymenoptera; Formicidae). Memoirs of the Myrmecological Society of Japan 3:1-24. 142680 Myrmica yoshiokai synonym of Myrmica ruginodis Japan. Palearctic. Weber, N. A. 1947b. A revision of the North American ants of the genus Myrmica Latreille with a synopsis of the Palearctic species. I. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 40:437-474. 129736 Myrmica yunnanensis valid China (Yunnan). Palearctic. Radchenko, A.; Elmes, G. W. 2009a. Taxonomic revision of the pachei species-group of the genus Myrmica Latreille (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 59:67-92. 132114 Myrmica zhengi valid China (Shaanxi). Palearctic. Ma, L.-B.; Xu, S. 2011. A new ant species of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from China. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 36:795-798. 142588 Myrmica zojae valid Russia. Palearctic. Radchenko, A. G. 1994j. New Palaearctic species of the genus Myrmica Latr. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Memorabilia Zoologica 48:207-217. 127969 Myrmicaria valid Saunders, W. W. 1842 ("1841"). Descriptions of two hymenopterous insects from northern India. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 3:57-58. 128460 Myrmicaria (Heptacondylus) obsolete combination Smith, F. 1857a. Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo; Mount Ophir, Malacca; and at Singapore, by A. R. Wallace. [part]. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 2:42-88. 128683 Myrmicaria adpressipilosa valid Indonesia (Java). Indomalaya. Santschi, F. 1928h. Fourmis de Sumatra, récoltées par Mr. J. B. Corporaal. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 71:119-140. 128379 Myrmicaria anomala valid South Africa. Afrotropic. Arnold, G. 1960a. Aculeate Hymenoptera from the Drakensberg Mountains, Natal. Annals of the Natal Museum 15:79-87. 122333 Myrmicaria aphidicola valid Philippines (Mindanao). Indomalaya. Calilung, M. V. J. 2000. A new genus, two new species and a new subspecies of Philippine ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). The Philippine Entomologist 14:65-73. 130881 Myrmicaria arachnoides valid Borneo (East Malaysia: Sarawak). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1857a. Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo; Mount Ophir, Malacca; and at Singapore, by A. R. Wallace. [part]. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 2:42-88. 128683 Myrmicaria arachnoides adpressipilosa obsolete combination Indonesia (Java). Indomalaya. Santschi, F. 1928h. Fourmis de Sumatra, récoltées par Mr. J. B. Corporaal. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 71:119-140. 128379 Myrmicaria arachnoides birmana obsolete combination Myanmar. Indomalaya. Forel, A. 1902c. Myrmicinae nouveaux de l'Inde et de Ceylan. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 10:165-249. 125121 Myrmicaria arachnoides latinoda valid Borneo (East Malaysia: Sabah). Indomalaya. Stitz, H. 1938. Neue Ameisen aus dem indo-malayischen Gebiet. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin 1938:99-122. 129032 Myrmicaria arachnoides lutea valid Indonesia (Java). Indomalaya. Emery, C. 1900. Formiche raccolte da Elio Modigliani in Sumatra, Engano e Mentawei. Dummy reference. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale 40[=(2)20]:661-722. 133004 Myrmicaria arachnoides luteiventris obsolete combination Indonesia (Sumatra). Indomalaya. Emery, C. 1900. Formiche raccolte da Elio Modigliani in Sumatra, Engano e Mentawei. Dummy reference. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale 40[=(2)20]:661-722. 133004 Myrmicaria arnoldi valid Zimbabwe. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1925c ("1924"). Révision des Myrmicaria d'Afrique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 64:133-176. 128355 Myrmicaria basutorum valid Lesotho. Afrotropic. Arnold, G. 1960b. New species of African Hymenoptera. No. 15. Occasional Papers of the National Museum of Southern Rhodesia. B. Natural Sciences 3:452-488. 122334 Myrmicaria baumi valid Angola. Afrotropic. Forel, A. 1901g. Einige neue Ameisen aus Südbrasilien, Java, Natal und Mossamedes. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 10:297-311. 125111 Myrmicaria baumi occidentalis valid Ivory Coast. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1920i. Études sur les maladies et les parasites du cacaoyer et d'autres plantes cultivées à S. Thomé. X. Fourmis de S. Thomé.. Extrait des Mémoires publiés par la Société Portugaise des Sciences Naturelles. Lisbonne: Imprimerie de la Librairie Ferin, 4 pp. 128327 Myrmicaria birmana valid Myanmar. Indomalaya. Forel, A. 1902c. Myrmicinae nouveaux de l'Inde et de Ceylan. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 10:165-249. 125121 Myrmicaria brunnea valid India. Indomalaya. Saunders, W. W. 1842 ("1841"). Descriptions of two hymenopterous insects from northern India. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 3:57-58. 128460 Myrmicaria brunnea flava valid West Malaysia, Indonesia (Sumatra). Indomalaya. Forel, A. 1913l. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise nach Ostindien ausgeführt im Auftrage der Kgl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin von H. v. Buttel-Reepen. II. Ameisen aus Sumatra, Java, Malacca und Ceylon. Gesammelt von Herrn Prof. Dr. v. Buttel-Reepen in den Jahren 1911-1912. Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 36:1-148. 125249 Myrmicaria brunnea subcarinata valid Borneo (East Malaysia: Sarawak). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1857a. Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo; Mount Ophir, Malacca; and at Singapore, by A. R. Wallace. [part]. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 2:42-88. 128683 Myrmicaria buenaventei valid Philippines (Luzon). Indomalaya. Zettel, H.; Laciny, A.; Balàka, P.; General, D. E. M. 2018. On the taxonomy of Myrmicaria Saunders, 1842 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Philippines. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 66:610-623. 143245 Myrmicaria carinata valid Borneo (East Malaysia: Sarawak). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1857a. Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo; Mount Ophir, Malacca; and at Singapore, by A. R. Wallace. [part]. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 2:42-88. 128683 Myrmicaria carinata gagatina valid Borneo (East Malaysia: Sarawak). Indomalaya. Wheeler, W. M. 1919f. The ants of Borneo. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 63:43-147. 130136 Myrmicaria carinata jacobsoni valid Indonesia (Java). Indomalaya. Stärcke, A. 1938. [Untitled. Introduced by: "De heer Stärcke doet eene mededeeling over gedragen ontwikkeling van enkele Javaansche mieren tijdens hun verblijf hier te lande."]. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 81:xxxiii-xli. 128992 Myrmicaria castanea valid Indonesia (Sumatra). Indomalaya. Crawley, W. C. 1924a. Ants from Sumatra, with biological notes by Edward Jacobson. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (9)13:380-409. 123879 Myrmicaria chapmani valid Philippines (Negros). Indomalaya. Zettel, H.; Laciny, A.; Balàka, P.; General, D. E. M. 2018. On the taxonomy of Myrmicaria Saunders, 1842 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Philippines. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 66:610-623. 143245 Myrmicaria crinita synonym of Myrmicaria fodiens India (Tamil Nadu). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmicaria distincta valid Kenya. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1925c ("1924"). Révision des Myrmicaria d'Afrique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 64:133-176. 128355 Myrmicaria distincta abyssinica valid Ethiopia. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1925c ("1924"). Révision des Myrmicaria d'Afrique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 64:133-176. 128355 Myrmicaria distincta vorax valid Uganda. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1933b. Contribution à l'étude des fourmis de l'Afrique tropicale. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 73:95-108. 128410 Myrmicaria eumenoides obsolete combination Mozambique. Afrotropic. Gerstäcker, A. 1859. [Untitled. Introduced by: "Hr. Peters berichtete über sein Reisewerk, von dem die Insecten bis zum 64., die Botanik bis zum 34. Bogen gedruckt sind und theilte den Schluss der Diagnosen der von Hrn. Dr. Gerstäcker bearbeiteten Hymenopteren mit."]. Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1858:261-264. 125477 Myrmicaria eumenoides congolensis obsolete combination Democratic Republic of the Congo. Afrotropic. Forel, A. 1909b. Fourmis du Musée de Bruxelles. Fourmis de Benguela récoltées par M. Creighton Wellman, et fourmis du Congo récoltées par MM. Luja, Kohl et Laurent. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 53:51-73. 125190 Myrmicaria eumenoides congolensis consanguinea unavailable Kenya. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1914b. Voyage de Ch. Alluaud et R. Jeannel en Afrique Orientale, 1911-1912. Résultats scientifiques. Insectes Hyménoptères. II. Formicidae. Paris: Libr. A. Schulz, pp. 41-148. 128285 Myrmicaria eumenoides congolensis crucheti unavailable Angola. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1913c. Glanures de fourmis africaines. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 57:302-314. 128277 Myrmicaria eumenoides fusca obsolete combination Democratic Republic Of Congo. Afrotropic. Stitz, H. 1911b. Formicidae. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition 3:375-392. 129036 Myrmicaria eumenoides occidentalis obsolete combination Ivory Coast. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1920i. Études sur les maladies et les parasites du cacaoyer et d'autres plantes cultivées à S. Thomé. X. Fourmis de S. Thomé.. Extrait des Mémoires publiés par la Société Portugaise des Sciences Naturelles. Lisbonne: Imprimerie de la Librairie Ferin, 4 pp. 128327 Myrmicaria exigua valid Sierra Leone. Afrotropic. André, Ern. 1890. Matériaux pour servir à la faune myrmécologique de Sierra-Leone (Afrique occidentale). Revue d'Entomologie (Caen) 9:311-327. 122234 Myrmicaria exigua gracilis valid Cameroon. Afrotropic. Stitz, H. 1910. Westafrikanische Ameisen. I. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 5:125-151. 129021 Myrmicaria exigua kisangani valid Democratic Republic of the Congo. Afrotropic. Wheeler, W. M. 1922. Ants of the American Museum Congo expedition. New York: Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 1139. 133015 Myrmicaria exigua obscura valid Democratic Republic of the Congo. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1920c. Fourmis nouvelles du Congo Belge. Revue Zoologique Africaine (Brussels) 8:118-120. 128322 Myrmicaria exigua pulla valid Democratic Republic of the Congo. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1920c. Fourmis nouvelles du Congo Belge. Revue Zoologique Africaine (Brussels) 8:118-120. 128322 Myrmicaria exigua rufiventris valid Democratic Republic of the Congo. Afrotropic. Forel, A. 1915c. Formicides d'Afrique et d'Amérique nouveaux ou peu connus. IIe partie. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 50:335-364. 125259 Myrmicaria exigua simplex valid Cameroon. Afrotropic. Stitz, H. 1925b ("1924"). [Untitled. Myrmicaria gracilis v. simplex n. var.]. P. 170 in: Santschi, F. 1925c ("1924"). Révision des Myrmicaria d'Afrique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 64:133-176. 129039 Myrmicaria faurei valid South Africa. Afrotropic. Arnold, G. 1947. New species of African Hymenoptera. No. 7. Occasional Papers of the National Museum of Southern Rhodesia 2:131-167. 122317 Myrmicaria faurei rhodesiae obsolete combination Zimbabwe. Afrotropic. Arnold, G. 1958. New species of African Hymenoptera. No. 13. Occasional Papers of the National Museum of Southern Rhodesia. B. Natural Sciences 3:119-143. 122325 Myrmicaria fodiens valid India (Karnataka/Kerala). Indomalaya. Jerdon, T. C. 1851. A catalogue of the species of ants found in Southern India. Madras Journal of Literature and Science 17:103-127. 126168 Myrmicaria foreli valid South Africa. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1925c ("1924"). Révision des Myrmicaria d'Afrique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 64:133-176. 128355 Myrmicaria foreli pallida valid South Africa. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1925c ("1924"). Révision des Myrmicaria d'Afrique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 64:133-176. 128355 Myrmicaria fumata valid Santschi, F. 1916d. Rectifications à la nomenclature de quelques Formicides (Hym.). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 1916:242-243. 128296 Myrmicaria fumata linearis valid Democratic Republic of the Congo. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1925c ("1924"). Révision des Myrmicaria d'Afrique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 64:133-176. 128355 Myrmicaria fusca valid Democratic Republic Of Congo. Afrotropic. Stitz, H. 1911b. Formicidae. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition 3:375-392. 129036 Myrmicaria fusca consanguinea valid Kenya. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1925c ("1924"). Révision des Myrmicaria d'Afrique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 64:133-176. 128355 Myrmicaria fusca nigerrima valid Zimbabwe. Afrotropic. Arnold, G. 1916. A monograph of the Formicidae of South Africa. Part II. Ponerinae, Dorylinae. Annals of the South African Museum 14:159-270. 122310 Myrmicaria fusca nigerrima laevifrons unavailable Mozambique. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1925c ("1924"). Révision des Myrmicaria d'Afrique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 64:133-176. 128355 Myrmicaria gibbosa synonym of Myrmicaria brunnea subcarinata Indonesia (Java). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmicaria gracilis obsolete combination Cameroon. Afrotropic. Stitz, H. 1910. Westafrikanische Ameisen. I. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 5:125-151. 129021 Myrmicaria irregularis valid Democratic Republic of the Congo, Zimbabwe. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1925c ("1924"). Révision des Myrmicaria d'Afrique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 64:133-176. 128355 Myrmicaria laevior valid South Africa. Afrotropic. Forel, A. 1910f. Note sur quelques fourmis d'Afrique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 54:421-458. 125207 Myrmicaria longipes synonym of Myrmicaria arachnoides Borneo (East Malaysia: Sarawak). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmicaria luteiventris valid Indonesia (Sumatra). Indomalaya. Emery, C. 1900. Formiche raccolte da Elio Modigliani in Sumatra, Engano e Mentawei. Dummy reference. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale 40[=(2)20]:661-722. 133004 Myrmicaria makilingi unavailable Zettel, H.; Laciny, A.; Balàka, P.; General, D. E. M. 2018. On the taxonomy of Myrmicaria Saunders, 1842 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Philippines. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 66:610-623. 143245 Myrmicaria melanogaster valid Borneo (East Malaysia: Sarawak). Indomalaya. Emery, C. 1900. Formiche raccolte da Elio Modigliani in Sumatra, Engano e Mentawei. Dummy reference. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale 40[=(2)20]:661-722. 133004 Myrmicaria morettoi valid Senegal. Afrotropic. Scupola, A. 2019. New ant species of Myrmicaria Saunders, 1842 (Hymenoptera Formicidae) from Senegal, a second species with subpetiolar process in this genus. Biodiversity Journal 10:601-607. 143429 Myrmicaria natalensis valid South Africa. Afrotropic. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmicaria natalensis eumenoides valid Mozambique. Afrotropic. Gerstäcker, A. 1859. [Untitled. Introduced by: "Hr. Peters berichtete über sein Reisewerk, von dem die Insecten bis zum 64., die Botanik bis zum 34. Bogen gedruckt sind und theilte den Schluss der Diagnosen der von Hrn. Dr. Gerstäcker bearbeiteten Hymenopteren mit."]. Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1858:261-264. 125477 Myrmicaria natalensis navicula valid Tanzania. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1925c ("1924"). Révision des Myrmicaria d'Afrique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 64:133-176. 128355 Myrmicaria natalensis nigriventris valid Angola. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1930b. Résultats de la Mission scientifique suisse en Angola, 1928-1929. Formicides de l'Angola. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 37:53-81. 128389 Myrmicaria natalensis obscuriceps valid South Africa, Angola. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1937d. Résultats de la Mission scientifique suisse en Angola (2me voyage) 1932-1933. Fourmis angolaises. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 44:211-250. 128434 Myrmicaria natalensis taeniata valid Democratic Republic of the Congo. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1930c. Trois notes myrmécologiques. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 70:263-270. 128390 Myrmicaria natalensis verticalis valid Zimbabwe. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1920i. Études sur les maladies et les parasites du cacaoyer et d'autres plantes cultivées à S. Thomé. X. Fourmis de S. Thomé.. Extrait des Mémoires publiés par la Société Portugaise des Sciences Naturelles. Lisbonne: Imprimerie de la Librairie Ferin, 4 pp. 128327 Myrmicaria nigerrima obsolete combination Zimbabwe. Afrotropic. Arnold, G. 1916. A monograph of the Formicidae of South Africa. Part II. Ponerinae, Dorylinae. Annals of the South African Museum 14:159-270. 122310 Myrmicaria nigra valid South Africa. Afrotropic. Mayr, G. 1862. Myrmecologische Studien. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 12:649-776. 127190 Myrmicaria nitida synonym of Myrmicaria opaciventris congolensis Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea. Afrotropic. Stitz, H. 1910. Westafrikanische Ameisen. I. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 5:125-151. 129021 Myrmicaria nitida brunnea homonym replaced by Myrmicaria fumata Ivory Coast. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1915c. Nouvelles fourmis d'Afrique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 84:244-282. 128292 Myrmicaria nitida fumata obsolete combination Santschi, F. 1916d. Rectifications à la nomenclature de quelques Formicides (Hym.). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 1916:242-243. 128296 Myrmicaria occidentalis obsolete combination Ivory Coast. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1920i. Études sur les maladies et les parasites du cacaoyer et d'autres plantes cultivées à S. Thomé. X. Fourmis de S. Thomé.. Extrait des Mémoires publiés par la Société Portugaise des Sciences Naturelles. Lisbonne: Imprimerie de la Librairie Ferin, 4 pp. 128327 Myrmicaria opaciventris valid Angola, Gabon. Afrotropic. Emery, C. 1893g. Formicides de l'Archipel Malais. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 1:187-229. 124567 Myrmicaria opaciventris congolensis valid Democratic Republic of the Congo. Afrotropic. Forel, A. 1909b. Fourmis du Musée de Bruxelles. Fourmis de Benguela récoltées par M. Creighton Wellman, et fourmis du Congo récoltées par MM. Luja, Kohl et Laurent. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 53:51-73. 125190 Myrmicaria opaciventris crucheti valid Angola. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1925c ("1924"). Révision des Myrmicaria d'Afrique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 64:133-176. 128355 Myrmicaria opaciventris mesonotalis valid Democratic Republic of the Congo. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1925c ("1924"). Révision des Myrmicaria d'Afrique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 64:133-176. 128355 Myrmicaria opaciventris obscuripes valid Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1937a. Glanure de fourmis éthiopiennes. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 77:47-66. 128431 Myrmicaria reichenspergeri valid Tanzania. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1925c ("1924"). Révision des Myrmicaria d'Afrique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 64:133-176. 128355 Myrmicaria rhodesiae valid Zimbabwe. Afrotropic. Arnold, G. 1958. New species of African Hymenoptera. No. 13. Occasional Papers of the National Museum of Southern Rhodesia. B. Natural Sciences 3:119-143. 122325 Myrmicaria rugosa valid Indonesia (Bacan). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1860b. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace in the islands of Bachian, Kaisaa, Amboyna, Gilolo, and at Dory in New Guinea. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 5(17b)(suppl. to vol. 4):93-143. 128691 Myrmicaria rustica valid Tanzania. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1925c ("1924"). Révision des Myrmicaria d'Afrique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 64:133-176. 128355 Myrmicaria rustica angustior valid Tanzania. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1925c ("1924"). Révision des Myrmicaria d'Afrique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 64:133-176. 128355 Myrmicaria salambo valid Democratic Republic of the Congo. Afrotropic. Wheeler, W. M. 1922. Ants of the American Museum Congo expedition. New York: Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 1139. 133015 Myrmicaria striata valid Tanzania. Afrotropic. Stitz, H. 1911b. Formicidae. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition 3:375-392. 129036 Myrmicaria striata buttgenbachi valid Democratic Republic of the Congo. Afrotropic. Forel, A. 1913b. Formicides du Congo Belge récoltés par MM. Bequaert, Luja, etc. Revue Zoologique Africaine (Brussels) 2:306-351. 125239 Myrmicaria striata insularis valid São Tomé and Príncipe (São Tomé). Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1920i. Études sur les maladies et les parasites du cacaoyer et d'autres plantes cultivées à S. Thomé. X. Fourmis de S. Thomé.. Extrait des Mémoires publiés par la Société Portugaise des Sciences Naturelles. Lisbonne: Imprimerie de la Librairie Ferin, 4 pp. 128327 Myrmicaria striata pilosa valid Mozambique. Afrotropic. Arnold, G. 1926. A monograph of the Formicidae of South Africa. Appendix. Annals of the South African Museum 23:191-295. 122314 Myrmicaria striata pilosa angustithorax unavailable Zimbabwe. Afrotropic. Arnold, G. 1926. A monograph of the Formicidae of South Africa. Appendix. Annals of the South African Museum 23:191-295. 122314 Myrmicaria striata verticalis obsolete combination Zimbabwe. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1920i. Études sur les maladies et les parasites du cacaoyer et d'autres plantes cultivées à S. Thomé. X. Fourmis de S. Thomé.. Extrait des Mémoires publiés par la Société Portugaise des Sciences Naturelles. Lisbonne: Imprimerie de la Librairie Ferin, 4 pp. 128327 Myrmicaria striatula valid Tanzania. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1925c ("1924"). Révision des Myrmicaria d'Afrique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 64:133-176. 128355 Myrmicaria subcarinata obsolete combination Borneo (East Malaysia: Sarawak). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1857a. Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo; Mount Ophir, Malacca; and at Singapore, by A. R. Wallace. [part]. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 2:42-88. 128683 Myrmicaria subcarinata dromedarius synonym of Myrmicaria carinata Borneo (East Malaysia: Sarawak). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1857a. Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo; Mount Ophir, Malacca; and at Singapore, by A. R. Wallace. [part]. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 2:42-88. 128683 Myrmicaria sulcatus synonym of Myrmicaria natalensis South Africa. Afrotropic. Mayr, G. 1862. Myrmecologische Studien. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 12:649-776. 127190 Myrmicaria tigreensis valid Ethiopia, South Africa. Afrotropic. Guérin-Méneville, F. E. 1849. Insectes. Pp. 241-398 in: Lefebvre, T. 1849. 1847-1851. Voyage en Abyssinie exécuté pendant les années 1839-1843. Pt. IV. Tom. VI. Histoire naturelle - Zoologie. Paris: Bertrand, 398 pp. 125707 Myrmicaria transversa valid Philippines (Luzon). Indomalaya. Zettel, H.; Laciny, A.; Balàka, P.; General, D. E. M. 2018. On the taxonomy of Myrmicaria Saunders, 1842 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Philippines. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 66:610-623. 143245 Myrmicaria vidua valid Indonesia (Java). Indomalaya. Smith, F. 1858a. Catalogue of hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae. London: British Museum, 216 pp. 128685 Myrmicariini synonym of Solenopsidini Forel, A. 1893b. Sur la classification de la famille des Formicides, avec remarques synonymiques. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 37:161-167. 125049 Nothomyrmica synonym of Myrmica Wheeler, W. M. 1915i ("1914"). The ants of the Baltic Amber. Schriften der Physikalisch-Ökonomischen Gesellschaft zu Königsberg 55:1-142. 130096 Nothomyrmica intermedia obsolete combination Poland (Baltic Amber, Eocene). Wheeler, W. M. 1915i ("1914"). The ants of the Baltic Amber. Schriften der Physikalisch-Ökonomischen Gesellschaft zu Königsberg 55:1-142. 130096 Paramyrmica synonym of Myrmica Cole, A. C., Jr. 1957a. Paramyrmica, a new North American genus of ants allied to Myrmica Latreille. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 32:37-42. 123734 Paramyrmica colax obsolete combination U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Cole, A. C., Jr. 1957a. Paramyrmica, a new North American genus of ants allied to Myrmica Latreille. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 32:37-42. 123734 Ponera myrmicariae obsolete combination Cameroon. Afrotropic. Wasmann, E. 1918b. Ueber die von v. Rothkirch, 1912, in Kamerun gesammelten Myrmekophilen. Entomologische Mitteilungen. Berlin-Dahlem 7:135-149. 129673 Protomyrmica valid Dlussky, G. M.; Radchenko, A. G. 2009. Two new primitive ant genera from the late Eocene European ambers. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 54:435-441. 131130 Protomyrmica atavia valid Baltic Amber (Eocene). Dlussky, G. M.; Radchenko, A. G. 2009. Two new primitive ant genera from the late Eocene European ambers. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 54:435-441. 131130 Symmyrmica synonym of Formicoxenus Wheeler, W. M. 1904a. Three new genera of inquiline ants from Utah and Colorado. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 20:1-17. 129984 Symmyrmica chamberlini obsolete combination U.S.A. (Utah). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1904a. Three new genera of inquiline ants from Utah and Colorado. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 20:1-17. 129984