Paraparatrechina valid Donisthorpe, H. 1947e. Some new ants from New Guinea. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (11)14:183-197. 124354 Paraparatrechina albipes valid Cameroon. Afrotropic. Emery, C. 1899d. Fourmis d'Afrique. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 43:459-504. 124632 Paraparatrechina aseta valid India (West Bengal). Indomalaya. Forel, A. 1902d. Variétés myrmécologiques. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 46:284-296. 125122 Paraparatrechina atomus synonym of Paraparatrechina minutula New Guinea (Papua New Guinea). Australasia. Forel, A. 1901c. Formiciden aus dem Bismarck-Archipel, auf Grundlage des von Prof. Dr. F. Dahl gesammelten Materials. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 2:4-37. 125107 Paraparatrechina bayonii synonym of Paraparatrechina weissi Uganda. Afrotropic. Menozzi, C. 1924b. Alcune nuove formiche africane. [part]. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "Giacomo Doria" 51:220-224. 127321 Paraparatrechina brunnella valid Cameroon. Afrotropic. LaPolla, J. S.; Cheng, C. H. 2010. [Untitled. New species of Paraparatrechina attributed to LaPolla and Cheng.]. Pp. 7-13, 15-16 in: LaPolla, J. S.; Cheng, C. H.; Fisher, B. L. 2010. Taxonomic revision of the ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) genus Paraparatrechina in the Afrotropical and Malagasy regions. Zootaxa 2387:1-27. 131680 Paraparatrechina bucculentus synonym of Paraparatrechina sordida Democratic Republic of the Congo. Afrotropic. Wheeler, W. M. 1922. Ants of the American Museum Congo expedition. New York: Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 1139. 133015 Paraparatrechina bufona valid Democratic Republic of the Congo. Afrotropic. Wheeler, W. M. 1922. Ants of the American Museum Congo expedition. New York: Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 1139. 133015 Paraparatrechina butteli valid Indonesia (Sumatra). Indomalaya. Forel, A. 1913l. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise nach Ostindien ausgeführt im Auftrage der Kgl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin von H. v. Buttel-Reepen. II. Ameisen aus Sumatra, Java, Malacca und Ceylon. Gesammelt von Herrn Prof. Dr. v. Buttel-Reepen in den Jahren 1911-1912. Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 36:1-148. 125249 Paraparatrechina butteli bryanti valid Borneo (East Malaysia: Sarawak). Indomalaya. Forel, A. 1916. Fourmis du Congo et d'autres provenances récoltées par MM. Hermann Kohl, Luja, Mayné, etc. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 24:397-460. 124996 Paraparatrechina butteli malaccana obsolete combination West Malaysia. Indomalaya. Viehmeyer, H. 1916a ("1915"). Ameisen von Singapore. Beobachtet und gesammelt von H. Overbeck. Archiv für Naturgeschichte (A)81(8):108-168. 129530 Paraparatrechina caledonica valid New Caledonia. Australasia. Forel, A. 1902j. Fourmis nouvelles d'Australie. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 10:405-548. 125129 Paraparatrechina concinnata valid Gabon. Afrotropic. LaPolla, J. S.; Cheng, C. H. 2010. [Untitled. New species of Paraparatrechina attributed to LaPolla and Cheng.]. Pp. 7-13, 15-16 in: LaPolla, J. S.; Cheng, C. H.; Fisher, B. L. 2010. Taxonomic revision of the ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) genus Paraparatrechina in the Afrotropical and Malagasy regions. Zootaxa 2387:1-27. 131680 Paraparatrechina dichroa valid Indonesia (Panaitan). Indomalaya. Karavaiev, V. 1933b. Ameisen aus dem Indo-Australischen Gebiet, VII. (Fortsetzung). Konowia 12:103-120. 126273 Paraparatrechina emarginata valid Indonesia (Sumatra). Indomalaya. Forel, A. 1913l. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse einer Forschungsreise nach Ostindien ausgeführt im Auftrage der Kgl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin von H. v. Buttel-Reepen. II. Ameisen aus Sumatra, Java, Malacca und Ceylon. Gesammelt von Herrn Prof. Dr. v. Buttel-Reepen in den Jahren 1911-1912. Zoologische Jahrbücher. Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 36:1-148. 125249 Paraparatrechina foreli valid New Caledonia. Australasia. Emery, C. 1914f. Les fourmis de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et des îles Loyalty. Nova Caledonia. A. Zoologie 1:393-437. 124721 Paraparatrechina foreli nigriventris valid New Caledonia. Australasia. Emery, C. 1914f. Les fourmis de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et des îles Loyalty. Nova Caledonia. A. Zoologie 1:393-437. 124721 Paraparatrechina glabra valid Madagascar. Malagasy. Forel, A. 1891c. Les Formicides. [part]. In: Grandidier, A. 1891. Histoire physique, naturelle, et politique de Madagascar. Volume XX. Histoire naturelle des Hyménoptères. Deuxième partie (28e fascicule). Paris: Hachette et Cie, v + 237 pp. 125030 Paraparatrechina gnoma valid Ghana. Afrotropic. LaPolla, J. S.; Cheng, C. H. 2010. [Untitled. New species of Paraparatrechina attributed to LaPolla and Cheng.]. Pp. 7-13, 15-16 in: LaPolla, J. S.; Cheng, C. H.; Fisher, B. L. 2010. Taxonomic revision of the ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) genus Paraparatrechina in the Afrotropical and Malagasy regions. Zootaxa 2387:1-27. 131680 Paraparatrechina gowdeyi synonym of Paraparatrechina sordida Uganda. Afrotropic. Wheeler, W. M. 1922. Ants of the American Museum Congo expedition. New York: Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 1139. 133015 Paraparatrechina illusio valid Seychelles (Praslin, Conception, Curieuse, Silhouette). Malagasy. LaPolla, J. S.; Fisher, B. L. 2014a. Two new Paraparatrechina (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) species from the Seychelles, with notes on the hypogaeic weissi species-group. ZooKeys 414:139-155. 142607 Paraparatrechina iridescens valid Philippines (Luzon). Indomalaya. Donisthorpe, H. 1942b. Descriptions of a few ants from the Philippine Islands, and a male of Polyrhachis bihamata Drury from India. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (11)9:64-72. 124315 Paraparatrechina kongming valid Taiwan. Indomalaya. Terayama, M. 2009. A synopsis of the family Formicidae of Taiwan (Insecta: Hymenoptera). Research Bulletin of Kanto Gakuen University. Liberal Arts 17:81-266. 132431 Paraparatrechina koningsbergeri valid Indonesia (Java). Indomalaya. Karavaiev, V. 1933b. Ameisen aus dem Indo-Australischen Gebiet, VII. (Fortsetzung). Konowia 12:103-120. 126273 Paraparatrechina lecamopteridis valid New Guinea (Indonesia). Australasia. Donisthorpe, H. 1941c. Descriptions of new species of ants from New Guinea. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (11)7:129-144. 124301 Paraparatrechina luminella valid Seychelles (Silhouette, Mahé). Malagasy. LaPolla, J. S.; Fisher, B. L. 2014a. Two new Paraparatrechina (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) species from the Seychelles, with notes on the hypogaeic weissi species-group. ZooKeys 414:139-155. 142607 Paraparatrechina malaccana valid West Malaysia. Indomalaya. Viehmeyer, H. 1916a ("1915"). Ameisen von Singapore. Beobachtet und gesammelt von H. Overbeck. Archiv für Naturgeschichte (A)81(8):108-168. 129530 Paraparatrechina minutula valid Australia (New South Wales). Australasia. Forel, A. 1901c. Formiciden aus dem Bismarck-Archipel, auf Grundlage des von Prof. Dr. F. Dahl gesammelten Materials. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 2:4-37. 125107 Paraparatrechina minutula buxtoni valid Vanuatu. Australasia. Santschi, F. 1928e. Nouvelles fourmis d'Australie. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 56:465-483. 128376 Paraparatrechina myersi synonym of Paraparatrechina weissi South Sudan. Afrotropic. Weber, N. A. 1943d. The ants of the Imatong Mountains, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 93:263-389. 129729 Paraparatrechina myersi occipitalis synonym of Paraparatrechina weissi Uganda. Afrotropic. Weber, N. A.; Anderson, J. L. 1950. Studies on central African ants of the genus Pseudolasius Emery (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). American Museum Novitates 1443:1-7. 129765 Paraparatrechina myops valid Madagascar. Malagasy. LaPolla, J. S.; Fisher, B. L. 2010. [Untitled. New species of Paraparatrechina attributed to LaPolla and Fisher.]. Pp. 21-23 in: LaPolla, J. S.; Cheng, C. H.; Fisher, B. L. 2010. Taxonomic revision of the ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) genus Paraparatrechina in the Afrotropical and Malagasy regions. Zootaxa 2387:1-27. 131682 Paraparatrechina nana valid Australia (Victoria). Australasia. Santschi, F. 1928e. Nouvelles fourmis d'Australie. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 56:465-483. 128376 Paraparatrechina neela valid India (Arunachal Pradesh). Indomalaya. Sahanashree, R.; Punnath, A.; Priyadarsanan, D. R. 2024. A remarkable new species of Paraparatrechina Donisthorpe (1947) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Formicinae) from the Eastern Himalayas, India. ZooKeys 1203:159-172. 144343 Paraparatrechina nettae valid Vietnam. Indomalaya. Forel, A. 1911f. Fourmis nouvelles ou intéressantes. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 47:331-400. 125215 Paraparatrechina oceanica valid Fiji (Viti Levu). Oceania. Mann, W. M. 1921. The ants of the Fiji Islands. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 64:401-499. 127072 Paraparatrechina ocellatula valid Madagascar. Malagasy. LaPolla, J. S.; Fisher, B. L. 2010. [Untitled. New species of Paraparatrechina attributed to LaPolla and Fisher.]. Pp. 21-23 in: LaPolla, J. S.; Cheng, C. H.; Fisher, B. L. 2010. Taxonomic revision of the ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) genus Paraparatrechina in the Afrotropical and Malagasy regions. Zootaxa 2387:1-27. 131682 Paraparatrechina opaca valid Indonesia (Java). Indomalaya. Emery, C. 1887a ("1886"). Catalogo delle formiche esistenti nelle collezioni del Museo Civico di Genova. Parte terza. Formiche della regione Indo-Malese e dell'Australia. [part]. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale 24[=(2)4]:209-240. 124535 Paraparatrechina opaca metallescens valid Indonesia (Sumatra). Indomalaya. Emery, C. 1900. Formiche raccolte da Elio Modigliani in Sumatra, Engano e Mentawei. Dummy reference. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale 40[=(2)20]:661-722. 133004 Paraparatrechina oreias valid Cameroon. Afrotropic. LaPolla, J. S.; Cheng, C. H. 2010. [Untitled. New species of Paraparatrechina attributed to LaPolla and Cheng.]. Pp. 7-13, 15-16 in: LaPolla, J. S.; Cheng, C. H.; Fisher, B. L. 2010. Taxonomic revision of the ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) genus Paraparatrechina in the Afrotropical and Malagasy regions. Zootaxa 2387:1-27. 131680 Paraparatrechina pallida valid New Guinea (Indonesia). Australasia. Donisthorpe, H. 1947e. Some new ants from New Guinea. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (11)14:183-197. 124354 Paraparatrechina pusillima valid New Guinea (Papua New Guinea). Australasia. Emery, C. 1922e. Quelques fourmis nouvelles minuscules. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 19:107-112. 124758 Paraparatrechina sakurae valid Japan. Palearctic. Ito, T. 1914a. Formicidarum japonicarum species novae vel minus cognitae. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 58:40-45. 126090 Paraparatrechina sakuya valid Japan. Palearctic. Terayama, M. 2013. Additions to knowledge of the ant fauna of Japan (Hymenoptera; Formicidae). Memoirs of the Myrmecological Society of Japan 3:1-24. 142680 Paraparatrechina sauteri valid Taiwan. Indomalaya. Forel, A. 1913g. H. Sauter's Formosa-Ausbeute: Formicidae II. Archiv für Naturgeschichte (A)79(6):183-202. 125244 Paraparatrechina sordida valid Ghana. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1914d. Formicides de l'Afrique occidentale et australe du voyage de Mr. le Professeur F. Silvestri. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura. Portici 8:309-385. 128288 Paraparatrechina splendida valid Gabon. Afrotropic. LaPolla, J. S.; Cheng, C. H. 2010. [Untitled. New species of Paraparatrechina attributed to LaPolla and Cheng.]. Pp. 7-13, 15-16 in: LaPolla, J. S.; Cheng, C. H.; Fisher, B. L. 2010. Taxonomic revision of the ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) genus Paraparatrechina in the Afrotropical and Malagasy regions. Zootaxa 2387:1-27. 131680 Paraparatrechina subtilis valid Senegal. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1920g. Cinq nouvelles notes sur les fourmis. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 53:163-186. 128325 Paraparatrechina subtilis termitophila synonym of Paraparatrechina subtilis Cameroon. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1921c. Quelques nouveaux Formicides africains. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 61:113-122. 128330 Paraparatrechina tapinomoides valid Indonesia (Java). Indomalaya. Forel, A. 1905f. Ameisen aus Java. Gesammelt von Prof. Karl Kraepelin 1904. Mitteilungen aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum in Hamburg 22:1-26. 125163 Paraparatrechina umbranatis valid Gabon. Afrotropic. LaPolla, J. S.; Cheng, C. H. 2010. [Untitled. New species of Paraparatrechina attributed to LaPolla and Cheng.]. Pp. 7-13, 15-16 in: LaPolla, J. S.; Cheng, C. H.; Fisher, B. L. 2010. Taxonomic revision of the ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) genus Paraparatrechina in the Afrotropical and Malagasy regions. Zootaxa 2387:1-27. 131680 Paraparatrechina weissi valid Congo. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1910c ("1909"). Formicides nouveaux ou peu connus du Congo français. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 78:349-400. 128252 Paratrechina valid Motschoulsky, V. de 1863. Essai d'un catalogue des insectes de l'île Ceylan (suite). Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou 36(3):1-153. 127470 Paratrechina (Euprenolepis) obsolete combination Emery, C. 1906b. Note sur Prenolepis vividula Nyl. et sur la classification des espèces du genre Prenolepis. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 50:130-134. 124671 Paratrechina (Nylanderia) obsolete combination Emery, C. 1906b. Note sur Prenolepis vividula Nyl. et sur la classification des espèces du genre Prenolepis. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 50:130-134. 124671 Paratrechina (Paratrechina) obsolete combination Motschoulsky, V. de 1863. Essai d'un catalogue des insectes de l'île Ceylan (suite). Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou 36(3):1-153. 127470 Paratrechina ankarana valid Madagascar. Malagasy. LaPolla, J. S.; Fisher, B. L. 2014b. Then there were five: a reexamination of the ant genus Paratrechina (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). ZooKeys 422:35-48. 142640 Paratrechina antsingy valid Madagascar. Malagasy. LaPolla, J. S.; Fisher, B. L. 2014b. Then there were five: a reexamination of the ant genus Paratrechina (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). ZooKeys 422:35-48. 142640 Paratrechina arenivaga obsolete combination U.S.A. (New Jersey). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1905j. An annotated list of the ants of New Jersey. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 21:371-403. 130003 Paratrechina arlesi obsolete combination Guinea. Afrotropic. Bernard, F. 1953b ("1952"). La réserve naturelle intégrale du Mt Nimba. XI. Hyménoptères Formicidae. Mémoires de l'Institut Français d'Afrique Noire 19:165-270. 122637 Paratrechina austroccidua obsolete combination U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Trager, J. C. 1984b. A revision of the genus Paratrechina (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the continental United States. Sociobiology 9:49-162. 129415 Paratrechina bourbonica obsolete combination Réunion. Malagasy. Forel, A. 1886h. Études myrmécologiques en 1886. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 30:131-215. 125017 Paratrechina bruesii obsolete combination U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Wheeler, W. M. 1903c. A decad of Texan Formicidae. Psyche (Cambridge) 10:93-111. 129976 Paratrechina burgesi obsolete combination Peru. Neotropic. Trager, J. C. 1984a ("1983"). A new Paratrechina (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Machu Picchu, Peru. Florida Entomologist 66:482-486. 129414 Paratrechina caeciliae obsolete combination Costa Rica. Neotropic. Forel, A. 1899h. Formicidae. [part]. Biologia Centrali-Americana Hym. 3:105-136. 142485 Paratrechina chernovi nomen nudum Dlussky, G. M. 1994a. Zoogeography of southwestern Oceania. [In Russian.]. Pp. 48-93 in: Puzatchenko, Y. G.; Golovatch, S. I.; Dlussky, G. M.; Diakonov, K. N.; Zakharov, A. A.; Korganova, G. A. 1994. Animal populations of the islands of southwestern Oceania (ecogeographic studies). [In Russian.]. Moskva: Nauka, 254 pp. 124162 Paratrechina cisipa obsolete combination Puerto Rico. Neotropic. Smith, D. R.; Lavigne, R. J. 1973. Two new species of ants of the genera Tapinoma Foerster and Paratrechina Motschoulsky from Puerto Rico (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 75:181-187. 128665 Paratrechina colchica obsolete combination Georgia. Palearctic. Pisarski, B. 1960. Dwa nowe gatunki z rodzaju Paratrechina Motschulsky (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 18:349-356. 127815 Paratrechina concinna obsolete combination U.S.A. (Florida). Nearctic. Trager, J. C. 1984b. A revision of the genus Paratrechina (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the continental United States. Sociobiology 9:49-162. 129415 Paratrechina currens synonym of Paratrechina longicornis Russia. Palearctic. Motschoulsky, V. de 1863. Essai d'un catalogue des insectes de l'île Ceylan (suite). Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou 36(3):1-153. 127470 Paratrechina dichroa obsolete combination Indonesia (Panaitan). Indomalaya. Karavaiev, V. 1933b. Ameisen aus dem Indo-Australischen Gebiet, VII. (Fortsetzung). Konowia 12:103-120. 126273 Paratrechina faisonensis obsolete combination U.S.A. (North Carolina). Nearctic. Forel, A. 1922b. Glanures myrmécologiques en 1922. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 30:87-102. 125270 Paratrechina fijiensis nomen nudum Cheesman, L. E. 1928. [Untitled. Paratrechina fijiensis, attributed to L.E. Cheesman.]. P. 520 in: Cheesman, L. E.; Crawley, W. C. 1928. A contribution towards the insect fauna of French Oceania. - Part III. Formicidae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (10)2:514-525. 144178 Paratrechina flavipes obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Smith, F. 1874b. Descriptions of new species of Tenthredinidae, Ichneumonidae, Chrysididae, Formicidae, &c. of Japan. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1874:373-409. 128712 Paratrechina fulva obsolete combination Brazil (Rio de Janeiro). Neotropic. Mayr, G. 1862. Myrmecologische Studien. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 12:649-776. 127190 Paratrechina fulva cubana obsolete combination Cuba. Neotropic. Santschi, F. 1930e. Quelques fourmis de Cuba et du Brésil. Bulletin. Société Entomologique d'Egypte 14:75-83. 128392 Paratrechina gracilescens synonym of Paratrechina longicornis France. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1856a. [Untitled. Introduced by: "M. L. Fairmaire communique la note suivante, de M. Nylander, et la Société en décide l'impression dans le Bulletin."]. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (Bull.) (3)4:xxviii. 127564 Paratrechina grisoni obsolete combination Democratic Republic of the Congo. Afrotropic. Forel, A. 1916. Fourmis du Congo et d'autres provenances récoltées par MM. Hermann Kohl, Luja, Mayné, etc. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 24:397-460. 124996 Paratrechina grisoni fuscula obsolete combination Equatorial Guinea. Afrotropic. Menozzi, C. 1942a. Formiche dell'isola Fernando Poo e del territorio del Rio Muni (Guinea Spagnola). 24. Beitrag zu den wissenschaftlichen Ergebnissen der Forschungsreise H. Eidmann nach Spanisch-Guinea 1939 bis 1940. Zoologischer Anzeiger 140:164-182. 127386 Paratrechina guanyin obsolete combination Taiwan. Indomalaya. Terayama, M. 2009. A synopsis of the family Formicidae of Taiwan (Insecta: Hymenoptera). Research Bulletin of Kanto Gakuen University. Liberal Arts 17:81-266. 132431 Paratrechina guatemalensis obsolete combination Guatemala. Neotropic. Forel, A. 1885a ("1884"). Études myrmécologiques en 1884 avec une description des organes sensoriels des antennes. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 20:316-380. 125008 Paratrechina gulinensis obsolete combination China (Sichuan). Palearctic. Zhang, W.; Zheng, Z.-M. 2002. Studies of ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) fauna in Sichuan Province. [In Chinese.]. Entomotaxonomia 24:216-222. 132705 Paratrechina hagemanni synonym of Paratrechina longicornis Democratic Republic of the Congo. Afrotropic. Forel, A. 1901m. Formiciden des Naturhistorischen Museums zu Hamburg. Neue Calyptomyrmex-, Dacryon-, Podomyrma- und Echinopla-Arten. Mitteilungen aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum in Hamburg 18:43-82. 125117 Paratrechina hystrix obsolete combination U.S.A. (California). Nearctic. Trager, J. C. 1984b. A revision of the genus Paratrechina (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the continental United States. Sociobiology 9:49-162. 129415 Paratrechina integera obsolete combination China (Guangxi). Indomalaya. Zhou, S. 2001a. Ants of Guangxi. [In Chinese.]. Guilin, China: Guangxi Normal University Press, 255 pp. 132709 Paratrechina jaegerskioeldi obsolete combination Egypt. Palearctic. Mayr, G. 1904b. Formiciden aus Ägypten und dem Sudan. In: Jägerskiöld, L. A. 1904. Results of the Swedish Zoological Expedition to Egypt and the White Nile, 1901. Part 1 (no. 9). Uppsala: Library of the Royal University of Uppsala, 11 pp. 127250 Paratrechina johannae obsolete combination Colombia. Neotropic. Forel, A. 1912j. Formicides néotropiques. Part VI. 5me sous-famille Camponotinae Forel. Mémoires de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 20:59-92. 125232 Paratrechina kohli obsolete combination Democratic Republic of the Congo. Afrotropic. Forel, A. 1916. Fourmis du Congo et d'autres provenances récoltées par MM. Hermann Kohl, Luja, Mayné, etc. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 24:397-460. 124996 Paratrechina kongming obsolete combination Taiwan. Indomalaya. Terayama, M. 2009. A synopsis of the family Formicidae of Taiwan (Insecta: Hymenoptera). Research Bulletin of Kanto Gakuen University. Liberal Arts 17:81-266. 132431 Paratrechina koningsbergeri obsolete combination Indonesia (Java). Indomalaya. Karavaiev, V. 1933b. Ameisen aus dem Indo-Australischen Gebiet, VII. (Fortsetzung). Konowia 12:103-120. 126273 Paratrechina laevigata obsolete combination Mexico (Colima). Neotropic. MacKay, W. P. 1998a. A remarkable new species of Paratrechina (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from the state of Colima, Mexico. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 74:99-101. 131779 Paratrechina lecamopteridis obsolete combination New Guinea (Indonesia). Australasia. Donisthorpe, H. 1941c. Descriptions of new species of ants from New Guinea. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (11)7:129-144. 124301 Paratrechina longicornis valid Senegal. Afrotropic. Latreille, P. A. 1802a. Histoire naturelle des fourmis, et recueil de mémoires et d'observations sur les abeilles, les araignées, les faucheurs, et autres insectes. Paris: Impr. Crapelet (chez T. Barrois), xvi + 445 pp. 126800 Paratrechina manni obsolete combination Solomon Is (Malaita). Australasia. Donisthorpe, H. 1941b. New ants from Waigeu Island, New Guinea, and the Solomons. Entomologist 74:36-42. 124300 Paratrechina mendica obsolete combination Equatorial Guinea. Afrotropic. Menozzi, C. 1942a. Formiche dell'isola Fernando Poo e del territorio del Rio Muni (Guinea Spagnola). 24. Beitrag zu den wissenschaftlichen Ergebnissen der Forschungsreise H. Eidmann nach Spanisch-Guinea 1939 bis 1940. Zoologischer Anzeiger 140:164-182. 127386 Paratrechina microps obsolete combination Puerto Rico. Neotropic. Smith, M. R. 1937 ("1936"). The ants of Puerto Rico. Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico 20:819-875. 128776 Paratrechina minutula nomen nudum Wheeler, W. M. 1934d. Contributions to the fauna of Rottnest Island, Western Australia. No. IX. The ants. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 20:137-163. 130253 Paratrechina minutula buxtoni obsolete combination Vanuatu. Australasia. Santschi, F. 1928e. Nouvelles fourmis d'Australie. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 56:465-483. 128376 Paratrechina nana obsolete combination Australia (Victoria). Australasia. Santschi, F. 1928e. Nouvelles fourmis d'Australie. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 56:465-483. 128376 Paratrechina nodifera obsolete combination Colombia. Neotropic. Mayr, G. 1870a. Formicidae novogranadenses. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. Abteilung I 61:370-417. 127228 Paratrechina nubatama obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Terayama, M. 1999c. Taxonomic studies of the Japanese Formicidae, Part 5. Genus Paratrechina Motschoulsky. Memoirs of the Myrmecological Society of Japan 1:49-64. 132436 Paratrechina nuggeti obsolete combination New Guinea (Papua New Guinea). Australasia. Donisthorpe, H. 1941c. Descriptions of new species of ants from New Guinea. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (11)7:129-144. 124301 Paratrechina obscura obsolete combination Australia (New South Wales). Australasia. Mayr, G. 1862. Myrmecologische Studien. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 12:649-776. 127190 Paratrechina obscura celebensis obsolete combination Indonesia (Sulawesi). Indomalaya. Karavaiev, V. 1933b. Ameisen aus dem Indo-Australischen Gebiet, VII. (Fortsetzung). Konowia 12:103-120. 126273 Paratrechina obscura minor obsolete combination Indonesia (Aru Is, Java). Australasia. Karavaiev, V. 1933b. Ameisen aus dem Indo-Australischen Gebiet, VII. (Fortsetzung). Konowia 12:103-120. 126273 Paratrechina ogasawarensis obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Terayama, M. 1999c. Taxonomic studies of the Japanese Formicidae, Part 5. Genus Paratrechina Motschoulsky. Memoirs of the Myrmecological Society of Japan 1:49-64. 132436 Paratrechina opisopthalmia obsolete combination China (Guangxi). Indomalaya. Zhou, S.; Zheng, Z. 1998a. Three new species and a new record species of tribe Prenolepidini (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Guangxi, China. Entomologia Sinica 5:42-46. 132721 Paratrechina otome obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Terayama, M. 1999c. Taxonomic studies of the Japanese Formicidae, Part 5. Genus Paratrechina Motschoulsky. Memoirs of the Myrmecological Society of Japan 1:49-64. 132436 Paratrechina pallida obsolete combination New Guinea (Indonesia). Australasia. Donisthorpe, H. 1947e. Some new ants from New Guinea. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (11)14:183-197. 124354 Paratrechina phantasma obsolete combination U.S.A. (Florida). Nearctic. Trager, J. C. 1984b. A revision of the genus Paratrechina (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the continental United States. Sociobiology 9:49-162. 129415 Paratrechina picta obsolete combination Vietnam. Indomalaya. Wheeler, W. M. 1927h. Ants collected by Professor F. Silvestri in Indochina. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura. Portici 20:83-106. 130192 Paratrechina pieli obsolete combination China (Shanghai). Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1928b. Nouvelles fourmis de Chine et du Turkestan Russe. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 68:31-46. 128373 Paratrechina pusillima obsolete combination New Guinea (Papua New Guinea). Australasia. Emery, C. 1922e. Quelques fourmis nouvelles minuscules. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 19:107-112. 124758 Paratrechina ryukyuensis obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Terayama, M. 1999c. Taxonomic studies of the Japanese Formicidae, Part 5. Genus Paratrechina Motschoulsky. Memoirs of the Myrmecological Society of Japan 1:49-64. 132436 Paratrechina sakurae obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Ito, T. 1914a. Formicidarum japonicarum species novae vel minus cognitae. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 58:40-45. 126090 Paratrechina sindbadi obsolete combination Iraq. Palearctic. Pisarski, B. 1960. Dwa nowe gatunki z rodzaju Paratrechina Motschulsky (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annales Zoologici (Warsaw) 18:349-356. 127815 Paratrechina steinheili obsolete combination Virgin Is (St Thomas). Neotropic. Forel, A. 1893j. Formicides de l'Antille St. Vincent, récoltées par Mons. H. H. Smith. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1893:333-418. 125057 Paratrechina steinheili minuta obsolete combination St Vincent and the Grenadines (St Vincent). Neotropic. Forel, A. 1893j. Formicides de l'Antille St. Vincent, récoltées par Mons. H. H. Smith. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1893:333-418. 125057 Paratrechina teranishii obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Santschi, F. 1937h. Fourmis du Japon et de Formose. Bulletin et Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 77:361-388. 128438 Paratrechina terricola obsolete combination U.S.A. (Texas). Nearctic. Buckley, S. B. 1866. Descriptions of new species of North American Formicidae. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia 6:152-172. 123310 Paratrechina tjibodana obsolete combination Indonesia (Java). Indomalaya. Karavaiev, V. 1929e. Ameisen aus dem Indo-Australischen Gebiet. VI. Zbirnyk Prats' Zoolohichnoho Muzeyu 7:235-248 [= Trudy. Vseukrains'ka Akademiya Nauk. Fizichno-Matematichnoho Viddilu 13:233-246]. 126264 Paratrechina tococae obsolete combination Brazil (Amazonas). Neotropic. Wheeler, W. M.; Bequaert, J. C. 1929. Amazonian myrmecophytes and their ants. Zoologischer Anzeiger 82:10-39. 130215 Paratrechina troglodytes obsolete combination Cuba. Neotropic. Weber, N. A. 1934a. Notes on neotropical ants, including the descriptions of new forms. Revista de Entomologia (Rio de Janeiro) 4:22-59. 129709 Paratrechina umbra valid China (Guangxi). Indomalaya. Zhou, S.; Zheng, Z. 1998a. Three new species and a new record species of tribe Prenolepidini (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Guangxi, China. Entomologia Sinica 5:42-46. 132721 Paratrechina vaga obsolete combination New Guinea (Papua New Guinea). Australasia. Forel, A. 1901c. Formiciden aus dem Bismarck-Archipel, auf Grundlage des von Prof. Dr. F. Dahl gesammelten Materials. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 2:4-37. 125107 Paratrechina vaga crassipilis obsolete combination Fiji Is (Lau Is, Viti Levu). Oceania. Santschi, F. 1928a. Formicidae (Fourmis). Insects Samoa 5:41-58. 128372 Paratrechina vaga irritans obsolete combination Samoa. Oceania. Santschi, F. 1928a. Formicidae (Fourmis). Insects Samoa 5:41-58. 128372 Paratrechina vagabunda obsolete combination Sri Lanka. Indomalaya. Motschoulsky, V. de 1863. Essai d'un catalogue des insectes de l'île Ceylan (suite). Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou 36(3):1-153. 127470 Paratrechina vagans unresolved junior homonym India (Karnataka). Indomalaya. Jerdon, T. C. 1851. A catalogue of the species of ants found in Southern India. Madras Journal of Literature and Science 17:103-127. 126168 Paratrechina vividula obsolete combination Finland. Palearctic. Nylander, W. 1846a. Adnotationes in monographiam formicarum borealium Europae. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 2:875-944. 127561 Paratrechina vividula australis obsolete combination Brazil (Paraná). Neotropic. Santschi, F. 1929d. Nouvelles fourmis de la République Argentine et du Brésil. Anales de la Sociedad Cientifica Argentina 107:273-316. 128383 Paratrechina vividula edenensis obsolete combination Ecuador (Galapagos Is). Neotropic. Linsley, E. G.; Usinger, R. L. 1966. Insects of the Galápagos Islands. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (4)33:113-196. 123190 Paratrechina weissi obsolete combination Congo. Afrotropic. Santschi, F. 1911g. Nouvelles fourmis du Congo et du Benguela. Revue Zoologique Africaine (Brussels) 1:204-217. 128264 Paratrechina weissi nimba obsolete combination Guinea. Afrotropic. Bernard, F. 1953b ("1952"). La réserve naturelle intégrale du Mt Nimba. XI. Hyménoptères Formicidae. Mémoires de l'Institut Français d'Afrique Noire 19:165-270. 122637 Paratrechina wojciki obsolete combination U.S.A. (Florida). Nearctic. Trager, J. C. 1984b. A revision of the genus Paratrechina (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the continental United States. Sociobiology 9:49-162. 129415 Paratrechina yaeyamensis obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Terayama, M. 1999c. Taxonomic studies of the Japanese Formicidae, Part 5. Genus Paratrechina Motschoulsky. Memoirs of the Myrmecological Society of Japan 1:49-64. 132436 Paratrechina yambaru obsolete combination Japan. Palearctic. Terayama, M. 1999c. Taxonomic studies of the Japanese Formicidae, Part 5. Genus Paratrechina Motschoulsky. Memoirs of the Myrmecological Society of Japan 1:49-64. 132436 Paratrechina zanjensis valid Tanzania. Afrotropic. LaPolla, J. S.; Hawkes, P. G.; Fisher, J. N. 2013. Taxonomic review of the ant genus Paratrechina, with a description of a new species from Africa. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 35:71-82. 142501