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Eurhopalothrix punctata (Szabó, 1910) valid
Rhopalothrix punctata Szabó, 1910a: 366, fig. 3 (w.) NEW GUINEA (Papua New Guinea). Australasia.
Primary type information: Primary type material: syntype workers (number not stated). Primary type localities: Papua New Guinea (“New Guinea”): Friedrich-Wilhelmshafen (= Madang), 1900 (L. Biró) (invalid restriction of type locality by Brown & Kempf, 1960: 221; no lectotype designated), Papua New Guinea: Stephansort (= Bogadjim), 1900 (L. Biró), Papua New Guinea: Hansemann Mts, 1900 (L. Biró). Primary type depository: HNHM.
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