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Brendon E. Boudinot started reviewing the reference Boudinot et al., 2022 History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot edited the reference section #2093 belonging to Formicidae History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot edited the reference section #2842 belonging to Ponerini History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot edited the reference section #2471 belonging to Platythyreini History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot edited the reference section #2439 belonging to Ponerinae History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot edited the reference section #2954 belonging to Aneuretinae History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot finished reviewing the reference Jaitrong et al., 2022 History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot started reviewing the reference Jaitrong et al., 2022 History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot added the history item #304350 belonging to Platythyrea janyai (Platythyrea janyai) History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot added the species Platythyrea homasawini to the genus Platythyrea History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot added the history item #304349 [deleted] belonging to Platythyrea clypeata (Platythyrea clypeata) History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot edited the reference section #2936 belonging to Platythyrea History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot added the reference Jaitrong et al., 2022 History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot edited the reference Branstetter et al., 2022 History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot edited the reference section #2720 belonging to Stenammini History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot added the reference Branstetter et al., 2022 History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot finished reviewing the reference Perrichot & Engel, 2022 History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot started reviewing the reference Perrichot & Engel, 2022 History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot finished reviewing the reference Boudinot & Perrichot, 2022 History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot started reviewing the reference Boudinot & Perrichot, 2022 History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot finished reviewing the reference Perrichot et al., 2022 History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot started reviewing the reference Perrichot et al., 2022 History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot edited the reference section #2123 belonging to Ravavy History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot added the history item #304160 [deleted] belonging to Bothriomyrmecina (Bothriomyrmecini) History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot edited the reference section #2118 belonging to Dolichoderinae History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot added the species Ravavy goldmani to the genus Ravavy History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot added the species Technomyrmex svojtkai to the genus Technomyrmex History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot added the reference Perrichot et al., 2022 History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot edited the history item #304159 belonging to Camponotus mengei (Eocamponotus mengei) History uuid almost 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot edited the history item #304159 belonging to Camponotus mengei (Eocamponotus mengei) History uuid almost 2 years ago