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Fredrik Palmkron added the site notice Fix AntWeb export script (AntCat 3.0.26) almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the reference Testsson, 2000
Edit summary: test Solr
History almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron executed a script
Edit summary: Nullify blanks, see GitHub #674
almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron added the site notice Protonym form and database scripts (AntCat 3.0.25) almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the reference Testsson, 2000
Edit summary: test Solr
History almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron executed a script
Edit summary: Dedup protonyms (batch 1), see GitHub #675
almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the protonym Tetramorium mixtum r. amia
Edit summary: fix for script
History almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the protonym Leptothorax nassanowi
Edit summary: make sic for script
History almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the protonym Decacrema (Crematogaster (Decacrema))
Edit summary: fix space for script
History almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron added the site notice Replace missing reference button (AntCat 3.0.24) almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron deleted the reference [missing reference] Bingahm, 1903 History almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the reference Testsson, 2000
Edit summary: test Solr
History almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron executed a script
Edit summary: Nullify blanks (citations.forms, protonyms.locality), see GitHub #668
almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron executed a script
Edit summary: Delete orphaned protonyms (5 in total), see GitHub #430
almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron added the site notice Order references and more protonym scripts (AntCat 3.0.23) almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the reference Testsson, 2000
Edit summary: test Solr
History almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron executed a script
Edit summary: Nullify redundant 'names.epithets', see GitHub #667
almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the issue Taxa of ranks not on AntCat (nothing to do for now)
Edit summary: remove deleted misspellings
History almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron executed a script
Edit summary: Delete most 'unavailable misspelling', see GitHub #653
almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron added the site notice Check name conflicts in name form (AntCat 3.0.22) almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the reference Testsson, 2000
Edit summary: test solr
History almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the reference Testsson, 2000
Edit summary: test Solr
History almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron deleted the reference [missing reference] Cammaerts, Pasteels, et al. 1985 History almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the history item #273040 belonging to Tetramorium caespitum
Edit summary: fix missing
History almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the history item #273311 belonging to Tetramorium impurum
Edit summary: fix missing
History almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron deleted the reference [missing reference] Pasteels, Verhaeghe, et al. 1981 History almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the history item #273311 belonging to Tetramorium impurum
Edit summary: fix missing
History almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron deleted the reference [missing reference] Park & Kim, 2000 History almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the reference section #2777 belonging to Pheidole
Edit summary: fix missing
History almost 6 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the reference section #2370 belonging to Aphaenogaster
Edit summary: fix missing
History almost 6 years ago