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Bradley Reynolds edited the protonym Camponotus (Myrmosphincta) antespectans (Euprenolepis antespectans) History uuid about 2 months ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the protonym Camponotus (Myrmosphincta) antespectans (Euprenolepis antespectans) History uuid over 1 year ago
AntCatBot edited the protonym Camponotus (Myrmosphincta) antespectans (Euprenolepis antespectans)
Edit summary: Assign biogeographic region from locality (Indonesia (Sumatra) --> Indomalaya), see GitHub #1128
History uuid about 4 years ago
Gabriela Camacho edited the protonym Camponotus (Myrmosphincta) antespectans (Euprenolepis antespectans) History uuid over 4 years ago