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Nomen nudum
1,308 result(s)
Name Authorship Protonym
Polyrhachis rastellata euryala javana
Viehmeyer, 1914b Polyrhachis rastellata subsp. euryala var. javana
(w.) INDONESIA (Java). Indomalaya.
Polyrhachis rastellata fornicata
an obsolete combination of Polyrhachis fornicata Emery, 1900
Emery, 1900 Polyrhachis rastellata subsp. fornicata
(w.q.) INDONESIA (Sulawesi, Sunda Is, Enggano I., Sumatra). Indomalaya.
Polyrhachis rastellata fulakora
an obsolete combination of Polyrhachis fulakora Mann, 1919
Mann, 1919 Polyrhachis (Cyrtomyrma) rastellata var. fulakora
(w.) SOLOMON IS (Isabel I.). Australasia.
Polyrhachis rastellata goramensis
an obsolete combination of Polyrhachis goramensis Emery, 1887
Emery, 1887a Polyrhachis rastellata var. goramensis
(w.) INDONESIA (Goram I.). Indomalaya.
Polyrhachis rastellata javana
an obsolete combination of Polyrhachis euryala javana Crawley, 1923
Crawley, 1923a Polyrhachis rastellata var. javana
(w.) INDONESIA (Java). Indomalaya.
Polyrhachis rastellata johnsoni
an obsolete combination of Polyrhachis johnsoni Mann, 1919
Mann, 1919 Polyrhachis (Cyrtomyrma) rastellata var. johnsoni
(w.) SOLOMON IS (Rendova I.). Australasia.
Polyrhachis rastellata levior
an obsolete combination of Polyrhachis levior Roger, 1863
Roger, 1863b Polyrhachis levior
Polyrhachis rastellata levior pilosa
Forel, 1902j Polyrhachis rastellata r. laevior var. pilosa
(w.) AUSTRALIA (New South Wales). Australasia.
Polyrhachis rastellata major
junior synonym of current valid taxon Polyrhachis ralumensis Forel, 1901
Stitz, 1911a Polyrhachis rastellata var. major
(w.) NEW GUINEA (Papua New Guinea: Bismarck Archipelago). Australasia.
Polyrhachis rastellata nomo
an obsolete combination of Polyrhachis nomo Donisthorpe, 1941
Donisthorpe, 1941c Polyrhachis (Cyrtomyrma) rastellata var. nomo
(w.) NEW GUINEA (Indonesia). Australasia.
Polyrhachis rastellata pagana
an obsolete combination of Polyrhachis pagana Santschi, 1928
Santschi, 1928h Polyrhachis (Cyrtomyrma) rastellata var. pagana
(w.) INDIA (Karnataka). Indomalaya.
Polyrhachis rastellata pilosa
an obsolete combination of Polyrhachis pilosa Donisthorpe, 1938
Donisthorpe, 1938c Polyrhachis (Cyrtomyrma) rastellata var. pilosa
(w.) AUSTRALIA (New South Wales). Australasia.
Polyrhachis rastellata semiinermis
an obsolete combination of Polyrhachis semiinermis Donisthorpe, 1941
Donisthorpe, 1941j Polyrhachis (Cyrtomyrma) rastellata var. semiinermis
(w.) PHILIPPINES (Luzon I.). Indomalaya.
Polyrhachis rastellata torricelliana
junior synonym of current valid taxon Polyrhachis euryala Smith, 1863
Viehmeyer, 1912b Polyrhachis rastellata var. torricelliana
(w.) NEW GUINEA (Papua New Guinea). Australasia.
Polyrhachis rastellata ugiensis
an obsolete combination of Polyrhachis ugiensis Mann, 1919
Mann, 1919 Polyrhachis (Cyrtomyrma) rastellata subsp. ugiensis
(w.) SOLOMON IS (Ugi I., San Cristoval I., Three Sisters Is). Australasia.
Polyrhachis rastellata yorkana
an obsolete combination of Polyrhachis yorkana Forel, 1915
Forel, 1915b Polyrhachis (Cyrtomyrma) rastellata var. yorkana
(w.) AUSTRALIA (Queensland). Australasia.
Polyrhachis rastrata
an obsolete combination of Polyrhachis exercita rastrata Emery, 1889
Emery, 1889 Polyrhachis rastrata
(w.) MYANMAR. Indomalaya.
Polyrhachis reclinata
Emery, 1887a Polyrhachis sexspinosa var. reclinata
(w.) NEW GUINEA (Papua New Guinea). Australasia.
Polyrhachis regesa
Bolton, 1973b Polyrhachis regesa
(w.) GHANA. Afrotropic.
Polyrhachis regularis
Mayr, 1867a Polyrhachis regularis
(q.) INDONESIA (Java). Indomalaya.
Polyrhachis reidi
Kohout, 2007b Polyrhachis (Campomyrma) reidi
(w.) BORNEO (Indonesia: Kalimantan). Indomalaya.
Polyrhachis relucens
Latreille, 1802a Formica relucens
(w.) "INDES ORIENTALES". Indomalaya.
Polyrhachis relucens andromache
an obsolete combination of Polyrhachis andromache Roger, 1863
Roger, 1863b Polyrhachis andromache
Polyrhachis relucens andromache andromeda
Forel, 1915b Polyrhachis (Myrma) relucens r. andromache var. andromeda
(w.) AUSTRALIA (Queensland). Australasia.
Polyrhachis relucens andromache nesiotis
Mann, 1919 Polyrhachis (Myrma) relucens subsp. andromache var. nesiotis
(w.) SOLOMON IS (Santa Cruz I.). Australasia.
Polyrhachis relucens andromache vaga
Santschi, 1932d Polyrhachis (Myrma) relucens st. andromache var. vaga
(w.) INDONESIA (Halmahera I.). Australasia.
Polyrhachis relucens australiae
junior synonym of current valid taxon Polyrhachis andromache Roger, 1863
Emery, 1887a Polyrhachis connectens var. australiae
(w.) AUSTRALIA (Queensland). Australasia.
Polyrhachis relucens breviorspinosa
an obsolete combination of Polyrhachis breviorspinosa Donisthorpe, 1947
Donisthorpe, 1947e Polyrhachis (Myrma) relucens var. breviorspinosa
(w.) NEW GUINEA (Indonesia: Liki I.). Australasia.
Polyrhachis relucens decipiens
an obsolete combination of Polyrhachis decipiens Roger, 1863
Roger, 1863a Polyrhachis decipiens
(w.) INDONESIA (Bacan I.). Australasia.
Polyrhachis relucens decipiens papuana
Emery, 1897 Polyrhachis relucens subsp. decipiens var. papuana
(w.) NEW GUINEA (Papua New Guinea). Australasia.