Guerrero, R. J. 2019. Subfamilia Dolichoderinae. Capítulo 24. Pp. 693-720 in: Fernández, F.; Guerrero, R. J.; Delsinne, T. (eds.) 2019d. Hormigas de Colombia. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 1198 pp. PDF
Gulick, L. 1913. Synoptic list of ants reported from the Hawaiian Islands. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 2:306-311. PDF
Gundlach, J. 1888 ("1886"). Contribución a la entomología cubana. Tomo II. Parte Segunda. Himenópteros. Habana: Impresa "La Antilla" de Cacho-Negrete, 5-187 + i-viii pp.

Notes: Also published in parts (pliegos) as supplements to An. Acad. Cienc. Med. Fis. Nat. La Habana (for details see Calvert, 1919). Ants pp. 77-105, 182-183.

Gunsalam, G. 1999. A preliminary survey and assessment of ant (Formicidae: Hymenoptera) fauna of Bario, Kelabit Highlands Sarawak. ASEAN Review of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation 3: Article 1 (http: // 6 pp.
Günther, A. (ed.) 1867. The record of zoological literature. 1866. Volume third. London: John van Voorst, x + 649 pp.