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Notes: Date signed for printing ("podpisano k pechati").

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Notes: Date signed for printing ("podpisano k pechati"). Translated in Entomological Review (Washington) 42:58-59. See Marikovsky (1963b).

Marikovsky, P. I. 1963b. A new ant, Polyergus nigerrimus Marik., sp. n., (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) and some features of its biology. Entomological Review (Washington) 42:58-59.

Notes: English translation of Marikovsky (1963a).

Marikovsky, P. I. 1979. Ants of the Semireche Desert. [In Russian.]. Alma Ata: Nauka, 263 pp.

Notes: Date signed for printing ("podpisano k pechati").

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Notes: Date signed for printing ("podpisano k pechati").