Tanquary, M. C. 1912. Biological and embryological studies on Formicidae. Urbana Champagne: University of Illinois, i-iv, 1-100, 8 pls. PDF

Notes: Comparative embryological study of Camponotus herculeanus ferrugineus Fabr. and Myrmica scabrinodis sabuleti Meinert on pp. 62-96

Tarbinsky, Y. S. 1970. A new species of ant of the genus Proformica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Tian Shan. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 49:309-311. PDF

Notes: February issue. Date signed for printing ("podpisano k pechati"): 29 January 1970.

Tarbinsky, Y. S. 1971. Role of ants as entomophages in the fruit-growing biocoenoses of Tien Shan forests. [In Russian.]. Entomologicheskie Issledovaniya v Kirgizii 7:35-53.

Notes: Date signed for printing ("podpisano k pechati").

Tarbinsky, Y. S. 1976. The ants of Kirghizia. [In Russian.]. Frunze: Ilim, 217 pp. PDF

Notes: Date signed for printing ("podpisano k pechati").

Tarbinsky, Y. S. 1983. Genesis of the myrmecofauna of Tien Shan. [In Russian.]. Entomologicheskie Issledovaniya v Kirgizii 16:31-58.

Notes: Date signed for printing ("podpisano k pechati").

Tarbinsky, Y. S. 1985. Morphological-functional peculiarities of ants of the Tien Shan fauna. [In Russian.]. Entomologicheskie Issledovaniya v Kirgizii 18:39-47.

Notes: Date signed for printing ("podpisano k pechati").

Taschenberg, E. L. 1866. Die Hymenopteren Deutschlands nach ihren Gattungen und theilweise nach ihren Arten. Leipzig: Eduard Kummer, 277 pp.

Notes: Dallas (1867:410) cites a publication date of October 1865. Ants pp. 230-245.

Taylor, J. S. 1931. A note on the fauna of mangrove. Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation 43:41-42. PDF
Taylor, R. W. 1962b. The ants of the Three Kings Islands. Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum 5:251-254.
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