Tulloch, G. S. 1946. The thoracic structure of worker ants of the genus Pheidologeton. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society 41:92-93. PDF
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Tutt, J. W. 1905. Types of the genera of the agdistid, alucitid and orneodid plume moths. Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation 17:34-37. PDF

Notes: Wheeleria (Lepidoptera), senior homonym of Wheeleria Forel, 1905.

Uchida, T. 1936. Some Hymenoptera from Daisetsu Mountain. [In Japanese.]. Biogeographica (Tokyo) 1:63-74. PDF

Notes: Ants pp. 71-72.

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Notes: Includes "Preliminary list of Trinidad ants", pp. 17-18.

Valentine, E. W.; Walker, A. K. 1991. Annotated catalogue of New Zealand Hymenoptera. DSIR Plant Protection Report No. 4. Auckland: DSIR Plant Protection, 84 pp.

Notes: Ants pp. 35-38, 61, 62.

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Notes: Comparative development 12 species, hypotheses for larval adaptations

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