Bolton, B. 1981b. A revision of six minor genera of Myrmicinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Ethiopian zoogeographical region. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology 43:245-307. PDF
Bolton, B. 1983. The Afrotropical dacetine ants (Formicidae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology 46:267-416. PDF
Bolton, B. 1987. A review of the Solenopsis genus-group and revision of Afrotropical Monomorium Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Entomology 54:263-452. PDF
Bolton, B. 1990b. [Untitled. A key to the living subfamilies of ants, based on the worker caste.]. Pp. 33-34 in: Hölldobler, B.; Wilson, E. O. 1990. The ants. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, xii + 732 pp.
Bolton, B. 1994. Identification guide to the ant genera of the world. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 222 pp.

Notes: Date from publisher.

Bolton, B. 1995b. A new general catalogue of the ants of the world. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 504 pp.
Bolton, B. 1998a. Monophyly of the dacetonine tribe-group and its component tribes (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Bulletin of the Natural History Museum. Entomology Series Ser. 67:65-78.
Bolton, B. 1999. Ant genera of the tribe Dacetonini (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal of Natural History 33:1639-1689. PDF
Bolton, B. 2000. The ant tribe Dacetini. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 65:1-1028.

Notes: Includes contributions by S. O. Shattuck (revision of Austral epopostrumiform genera) and B. L. Fisher (revision of Malagasy Strumigenys).

Bolton, B. 2003. Synopsis and classification of Formicidae. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 71:1-370. PDF
Bolton, B. 2005. Key to British Myrmica species (workers). BWARS Newsletter Spring 2005:12-14. PDF