Wheeler, G. C.; Wheeler, J. 1990b. Larvae of the formicine ant genus Polyrhachis. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 116:753-767. PDF
Wheeler, G. C.; Wheeler, J. 1990c. Insecta: Hymenoptera Formicidae. Pp. 1277-1294 in: Dindal, D. L. (ed.) 1990. Soil biology guide. New York: Wiley Interscience, xviii + 1349 pp.
Wheeler, G. C.; Wheeler, J. 1991a. The larva of Blepharidatta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society 99:132-137. PDF
Wheeler, G. C.; Wheeler, J. 1991b. Instars of three ant species. Psyche (Cambridge) 98:89-99. PDF
Wheeler, G. C.; Wheeler, J. 1991c. Notes on ant larvae 1989-1991. Insecta Mundi 5:167-173.
Wheeler, G. C.; Wheeler, J.; Galloway, T. D.; Ayre, G. L. 1989. A list of the ants of Manitoba. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Manitoba 45:34-49.
Wheeler, J. 1968. Male genitalia and the taxonomy of Polyergus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 70:156-164. PDF
Wheeler, J. W.; Blum, M. S. 1973. Alkylpyrazine alarm pheromones in ponerine ants. Science (Washington, D. C.) 182:501-503.
Wheeler, W. M. 1900b. A study of some Texan Ponerinae. Biological Bulletin (Woods Hole) 2:1-31. PDF
Wheeler, W. M. 1900c. The habits of Ponera and Stigmatomma. Biological Bulletin (Woods Hole) 2:43-69. PDF
Wheeler, W. M. 1901b. Notices biologiques sur les fourmis Mexicaines. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 45:199-205. PDF
Wheeler, W. M. 1901d. Microdon larvae in Pseudomyrma nests. Psyche (Cambridge) 9:222-224. PDF
Wheeler, W. M. 1902b. Formica fusca Linn. subsp. subpolita Mayr, var. perpilosa, n. var. Memorias y Revista de la Sociedad Científica "Antonio Alzate" 17:141-142. PDF

Notes: The issue of volume 17 in which this article appears is dated "Abril 1902", but Wheeler signs off his article with date "May 7th 1902".

Wheeler, W. M. 1902d. New agricultural ants from Texas. Psyche (Cambridge) 9:387-393. PDF
Wheeler, W. M. 1902g. A consideration of S. B. Buckley's "North American Formicidae.". Transactions of the Texas Academy of Sciences 4:17-31. PDF