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Brendon E. Boudinot edited the history item #300205 belonging to Lasius (Lasius) History uuid over 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot edited the genus Lasius History uuid over 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot added the history item #300205 belonging to Lasius (Lasius) History uuid over 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot edited the reference section #2156 belonging to Formicinae History uuid over 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot edited the reference section #2157 belonging to Lasiini History uuid over 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot edited the reference section #2562 belonging to Lasius History uuid over 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot edited the reference section #2156 belonging to Formicinae History uuid over 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot added the reference Boudinot et al., 2022 History uuid over 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot edited the reference Harshana & Dey, 2021 History uuid over 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot finished reviewing the reference Harshana & Dey, 2021 History uuid over 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot started reviewing the reference Harshana & Dey, 2021 History uuid over 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot added the species Agraulomyrmex damohensis to the genus Agraulomyrmex History uuid over 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot edited the reference section #2168 belonging to Agraulomyrmex History uuid over 2 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot added the reference Harshana & Dey, 2021 History uuid almost 3 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot finished reviewing the reference General & Buenavente, 2021 History uuid almost 3 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot started reviewing the reference General & Buenavente, 2021 History uuid almost 3 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot reordered the history items of Pheidole sauberi (Pheidole sauberi) History uuid almost 3 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot added the history item #300038 belonging to Pheidole sauberi (Pheidole sauberi) History uuid almost 3 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot added the reference General & Buenavente, 2021 History uuid almost 3 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot finished reviewing the reference Schifani et al., 2021 History uuid almost 3 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot started reviewing the reference Schifani et al., 2021 History uuid almost 3 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot edited the history item #256197 belonging to Ponera abeillei (Hypoponera abeillei) History uuid almost 3 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot added the reference Schifani et al., 2021 History uuid almost 3 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot added the history item #300037 [deleted] belonging to Leptothorax (Macromischa) praecreolus (Temnothorax praecreolus) History uuid almost 3 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot finished reviewing the reference Dias & Lattke, 2021 History uuid almost 3 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot started reviewing the reference Dias & Lattke, 2021 History uuid almost 3 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot edited the history item #290436 belonging to Dinoponera quadriceps (Dinoponera quadriceps) History uuid almost 3 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot edited the history item #290436 belonging to Dinoponera quadriceps (Dinoponera quadriceps) History uuid almost 3 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot added the species Dinoponera nicinha to the genus Dinoponera History uuid almost 3 years ago
Brendon E. Boudinot edited the history item #253245 belonging to Dinoponera grandis subsp. mutica (Dinoponera mutica) History uuid almost 3 years ago