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Bradley Reynolds edited the protonym Myrmecocystus romainei (Myrmecocystus romainei) History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the history item #260561 belonging to Myrmecocystus kennedyi History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds added the infrasubspecies Myrmecocystus melliger semirufus kennedyi to the subspecies Myrmecocystus melliger semirufus History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds added the subspecies Myrmecocystus melliger semirufus to the species Myrmecocystus melliger History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the history item #260562 belonging to Myrmecocystus kennedyi History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds added the history item #290593 belonging to Myrmecocystus kennedyi History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds added the history item #290592 belonging to Myrmecocystus kennedyi History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds added the history item #290591 belonging to Myrmecocystus kennedyi History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the protonym Myrmecocystus kennedyi (Myrmecocystus kennedyi) History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the history item #260544 belonging to Myrmecocystus comatus History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds added the infrasubspecies Myrmecocystus melliger mendax comatus to the subspecies Myrmecocystus melliger mendax History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds added the subspecies Myrmecocystus melliger mendax to the species Myrmecocystus melliger History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the history item #260545 belonging to Myrmecocystus comatus History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds added the history item #290590 belonging to Myrmecocystus comatus History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds added the history item #290589 belonging to Myrmecocystus comatus History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the protonym Myrmecocystus comatus (Myrmecocystus comatus) History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the history item #260506 belonging to Myrmecina americana brevispinosa History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds added the infrasubspecies Myrmecina latreillii americana brevispinosa to the subspecies Myrmecina latreillii americana History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds added the subspecies Myrmecina latreillii americana to the species Myrmecina latreillii History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds deleted the history item #260500 belonging to Myrmecina americana History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the history item #287561 belonging to Myrmecina americana History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the history item #287562 belonging to Myrmecina americana History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the history item #287560 belonging to Myrmecina americana History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the history item #260499 belonging to Myrmecina americana History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the history item #260498 belonging to Myrmecina americana History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the reference Deyrup, 2015 History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the history item #260497 belonging to Myrmecina americana History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the reference Smith, 1927b History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds added the history item #290588 belonging to Myrmecina americana History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the protonym Myrmecina latreillei subsp. americana (Myrmecina americana) History uuid about 4 years ago