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AntCatBot edited the history item #246044 belonging to Camponotus bruchi
Edit summary: Replace missing tag with tax tag (senior synonym of), Camponotus boliviana --> Camponotus distinguendus boliviana, see GitHub #1124
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #245833 belonging to Camponotus aureopilus
Edit summary: Replace missing tag with tax tag (senior synonym of), Camponotus velutinus --> Camponotus aureopilus velutinus, see GitHub #1124
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #245766 belonging to Camponotus arrogans
Edit summary: Replace missing tag with tax tag (senior synonym of), Camponotus junctus --> Camponotus maculatus junctus, see GitHub #1124
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #245734 belonging to Camponotus apicalis
Edit summary: Replace missing tag with tax tag (senior synonym of), Camponotus filiae --> Camponotus apicalis filiae, see GitHub #1124
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #245562 belonging to Camponotus acutirostris
Edit summary: Replace missing tag with tax tag (senior synonym of), Camponotus clarigaster --> Camponotus acutirostris clarigaster, see GitHub #1124
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #245463 belonging to Brachymyrmex patagonicus
Edit summary: Replace missing tag with tax tag (senior synonym of), Brachymyrmex atratula --> Brachymyrmex patagonicus atratula, see GitHub #1124
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #245412 belonging to Brachymyrmex bruchi
Edit summary: Replace missing tag with tax tag (senior synonym of), Brachymyrmex rufipes --> Brachymyrmex bruchi rufipes, see GitHub #1124
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #245293 belonging to Azteca xanthochroa
Edit summary: Replace missing tag with tax tag (senior synonym of), Azteca costaricensis --> Azteca xanthochroa costaricensis, see GitHub #1124
History uuid about 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #245247 belonging to Azteca schimperi
Edit summary: Replace missing tag with tax tag (senior synonym of), Azteca clariceps --> Azteca lanuginosa clariceps, see GitHub #1124
History uuid about 4 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the history item #287727 belonging to Myrmica sulcinodis
Edit summary: hidden note
History uuid about 4 years ago
Fredrik Palmkron edited the site notice Protonym nomen attributes (AntCat 3.5.12)
Edit summary: update for
uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds added the history item #289046 belonging to Meranoplus radamae History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the history item #274793 belonging to Meranoplus radamae History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds added the history item #289045 belonging to Meranoplus radamae History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the history item #274792 belonging to Meranoplus mayri History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds added the history item #289044 belonging to Meranoplus mayri History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds added the history item #289043 belonging to Meranoplus mayri History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the history item #275596 belonging to Leptogenys gracilis History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the history item #275601 belonging to Leptogenys insularis History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the history item #257823 belonging to Leptogenys insularis History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the history item #257822 belonging to Leptogenys insularis History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds added the history item #289042 belonging to Leptogenys insularis History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the protonym Leptogenys insularis (Leptogenys insularis) History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the history item #275600 belonging to Leptogenys comorensis History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the history item #257728 belonging to Leptogenys comorensis History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds added the history item #289041 belonging to Leptogenys comorensis History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the protonym Leptogenys comorensis (Leptogenys comorensis) History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the history item #257726 belonging to Leptogenys coerulescens History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds added the history item #289040 belonging to Leptogenys coerulescens History uuid about 4 years ago
Bradley Reynolds edited the history item #275589 belonging to Leptogenys coerulescens History uuid about 4 years ago