Show automated?
AntCatBot added the history item #285417 belonging to Chelaner rubriceps
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #259888) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #259884 belonging to Monomorium rothsteini
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #[84325, 84326]) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #285416 belonging to Monomorium rothsteini
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #259884) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #285415 belonging to Monomorium rothsteini
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #259884) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #259779 belonging to Chelaner nitidum
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #[84322, 84323]) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #285414 belonging to Chelaner nitidum
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #259779) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #285413 belonging to Chelaner nitidum
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #259779) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #259717 belonging to Chelaner melleus
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #[84319, 84320]) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #285412 belonging to Chelaner melleus
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #259717) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #285411 belonging to Chelaner melleus
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #259717) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #259711 belonging to Chelaner gilberti mediorubra
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #[84316, 84317]) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #285410 belonging to Chelaner gilberti mediorubra
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #259711) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #285409 belonging to Chelaner gilberti mediorubra
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #259711) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #259660 belonging to Chelaner leae
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #[84313, 84314]) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #285408 belonging to Chelaner leae
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #259660) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #285407 belonging to Chelaner leae
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #259660) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #259636 belonging to Chelaner kiliani
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #[84310, 84311]) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #285406 belonging to Chelaner kiliani
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #259636) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #285405 belonging to Chelaner kiliani
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #259636) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #259535 belonging to Chelaner gilberti
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #[84307, 84308]) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #285404 belonging to Chelaner gilberti
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #259535) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #285403 belonging to Chelaner gilberti
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #259535) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #259467 belonging to Chelaner edentatus
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #[84304, 84305]) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #285402 belonging to Chelaner edentatus
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #259467) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #285401 belonging to Chelaner edentatus
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #259467) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #259461 belonging to Chelaner aper dubius
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #[84301, 84302]) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #285400 belonging to Chelaner aper dubius
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #259461) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #285399 belonging to Chelaner aper dubius
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #259461) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #259434 belonging to Trichomyrmex dentiger
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #[84298, 84299]) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #285398 belonging to Trichomyrmex dentiger
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #259434) [batch 4], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago