Show automated?
AntCatBot edited the history item #250785 belonging to Cephalotes simillimus
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #283604) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #283603 belonging to Cephalotes serraticeps
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #250774) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #250774 belonging to Cephalotes serraticeps
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #283603) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #283602 belonging to Cephalotes laminatus peruvianus
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #250728) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #250728 belonging to Cephalotes laminatus peruvianus
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #283602) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #283601 belonging to Cephalotes patellaris
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #250720) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #250720 belonging to Cephalotes patellaris
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #283601) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #283600 belonging to Cephalotes patei
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #250718) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #250718 belonging to Cephalotes patei
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #283600) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #283599 belonging to Cephalotes opacus
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #250706) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #250706 belonging to Cephalotes opacus
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #283599) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #283598 belonging to Cephalotes manni
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #250669) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #250669 belonging to Cephalotes manni
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #283598) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #283597 belonging to Cephalotes frigidus
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #250605) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #250605 belonging to Cephalotes frigidus
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #283597) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #283596 belonging to Cephalotes exiguus
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #250584) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #250584 belonging to Cephalotes exiguus
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #283596) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #283595 belonging to Cephalotes dorbignyanus
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #250565) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #250565 belonging to Cephalotes dorbignyanus
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #283595) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #283594 belonging to Cephalotes borgmeieri
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #250500) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #250500 belonging to Cephalotes borgmeieri
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #283594) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #283593 belonging to Cephalotes aztecus
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #250480) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #250480 belonging to Cephalotes aztecus
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #283593) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #283592 belonging to Cephalotes auricomus
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #250475) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #250475 belonging to Cephalotes auricomus
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #283592) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #283591 belonging to Cephalotes argentatus
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #250469) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #250469 belonging to Cephalotes argentatus
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #283591) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #283590 belonging to Cataglyphis lucasi
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #250096) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot edited the history item #250096 belonging to Cataglyphis lucasi
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split to #283590) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago
AntCatBot added the history item #283589 belonging to Cataglyphis hispanica
Edit summary: Split 'Combination in' history items (split from #250059) [batch 1], see GitHub #1097
History uuid almost 4 years ago