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Brian Fisher edited the history item #260934 belonging to Myrmica lobicornis foreliella History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher deleted the history item #260935 belonging to Myrmica lobicornis foreliella History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Myrmica lobicornis History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #261112 [deleted] belonging to Myrmica lobicornis History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Myrmica lobicornis History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher deleted the history item #261106 belonging to Myrmica lobicornis History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #261110 belonging to Myrmica lobicornis History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the subspecies Myrmica lobicornis kieviensis History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Myrmica fortior History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher deleted the history item #260944 belonging to Myrmica fortior History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #260943 belonging to Myrmica fortior History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #260942 belonging to Myrmica fortior History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the subspecies Myrmica bergi fortior History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #260946 [deleted] belonging to Myrmica bergi fortior History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #260945 belonging to Myrmica bergi fortior History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Myrmica persiana History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #261223 [deleted] belonging to Myrmica persiana History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #261222 belonging to Myrmica persiana History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Myrmica bergi History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #260766 belonging to Myrmica bergi History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Myrmica persiana History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Myrmica schencki History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #261358 belonging to Myrmica schencki History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the subspecies Myrmica schencki subopaca History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #261432 belonging to Myrmica schencki subopaca History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #261431 [deleted] belonging to Myrmica schencki subopaca History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #261431 [deleted] belonging to Myrmica schencki subopaca History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #261432 belonging to Myrmica schencki subopaca History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #261433 belonging to Myrmica schencki subopaca History almost 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the history item #276706 belonging to Myrmica schencki subopaca History almost 8 years ago