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Marek Borowiec edited the history item #250963 belonging to Cerapachys longitarsus History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the species Cerapachys longitarsus History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the history item #250963 belonging to Cerapachys longitarsus History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the species Cerapachys newmani History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the history item #250977 [deleted] belonging to Cerapachys newmani History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the history item #250976 [deleted] belonging to Cerapachys newmani History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the species Cerapachys varians History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the history item #251061 belonging to Cerapachys varians History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the species Cerapachys picipes History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the history item #251004 belonging to Cerapachys picipes History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the species Cerapachys nigriventris History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the history item #250979 belonging to Cerapachys nigriventris History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the species Cerapachys inconspicuus History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the history item #250943 belonging to Cerapachys inconspicuus History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the species Cerapachys castaneus History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the history item #250875 [deleted] belonging to Cerapachys castaneus History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the species Cerapachys brevis History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the history item #250873 belonging to Cerapachys brevis History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the species Cerapachys brevis History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the species Cerapachys bicolor History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the history item #250860 [deleted] belonging to Cerapachys bicolor History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the species Cerapachys angustatus History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the history item #250842 belonging to Cerapachys angustatus History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the reference Clark, 1924b History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the reference Clark, 1924b History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the reference Clark, 1924b History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec added the reference Clark, 1924b History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the reference Barr & Boven, 1985 History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec edited the species Acanthostichus kirbyi History about 8 years ago
Marek Borowiec deleted the history item #243321 belonging to Acanthostichus kirbyi History about 8 years ago