References by Franks, N. R.
Franks, N. R.; Hölldobler, B. 1987. Sexual competition during colony reproduction in army ants. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 30:229-243.
Sudd, J. H.; Franks, N. R. 1987. The behavioural ecology of ants. New York: Chapman & Hall, x + 206 pp.
Bourke, A. F. G.; Franks, N. R. 1995. Social evolution in ants. Princeton: Princeton University Press, xiii + 529 pp.
Protonyms originally described by author

Found no protonyms described by this author.

Published between 1983–2005
Taxon descriptions between
No. of references 15
No. of described taxa (including combinations)
No. of described taxa (valid, including combinations)
No. of described taxa (protonyms only)
Names belonging to author
Author name No. of references
Franks, N. R. 15