References by Douwes, P.
Douwes, P. 1979. Formica rufa-gruppens systematik. Entomologisk Tidskrift 100:187-191. PDF
Douwes, P. 1983. Fynd av myror i Sverige. Entomologisk Tidskrift 104:37-38.
Douwes, P.; Buschinger, A. 1983. Två för Nordeuropa nya myror. Entomologisk Tidskrift 104:1-4. PDF
Douwes, P.; Stille, B. 1991. Hybridization and variation in the Leptothorax tuberum group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Zeitschrift für Zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung 29:165-175. PDF
Buschinger, A.; Douwes, P. 1993. Socially parasitic ants of Greece. Biologia Gallo-Hellenica 20:183-189. PDF
Douwes, P. 1995. Sveriges myror. Entomologisk Tidskrift 116:83-99.
Abenius, J.; Douwes, P.; Cederberg, B.; Wahlstedt, U. 2012. Steklar: Myror–getingar. Hymenoptera: Formicidae–Vespidae. Uppsala: Nationalnyckeln till Sveriges flora och fauna, 382 pp.
Protonyms originally described by author
Protonym Taxon Authorship Rank Status
Epimyrma adlerzi Temnothorax adlerzi Douwes et al., 1988 Species Valid
Published between 1976–2012
Taxon descriptions between 1988
No. of references 20
No. of described taxa (including combinations) 3
No. of described taxa (valid, including combinations) 1
No. of described taxa (protonyms only) 1
Names belonging to author
Author name No. of references
Douwes, P. 20