References by Cowan, C. F.
Cowan, C. F. 1969. Notes on Griffith's Animal Kingdom of Cuvier (1824-1835). Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History 5:137-140.
Cowan, C. F. 1970. The insects of the "Coquille" voyage. Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History 5:358-360. PDF
Cowan, C. F. 1971. On Guérin's Iconographie: particularly the insects. Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History 6:18-29. PDF
Cowan, C. F. 1976. On the Disciples' Edition of Cuvier's Règne Animal. Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History 8:32-64. PDF
Protonyms originally described by author

Found no protonyms described by this author.

Published between 1969–1976
Taxon descriptions between
No. of references 4
No. of described taxa (including combinations)
No. of described taxa (valid, including combinations)
No. of described taxa (protonyms only)
Names belonging to author
Author name No. of references
Cowan, C. F. 4