References by Wheeler, W. M.
Wheeler, W. M. 1922n. Formicidae from Easter Island and Juan Fernandez. Pp. 317-319 in: Skottsberg, C. (ed.) 1922. 1921-1940. The natural history of Juan Fernandez and Easter Island. Vol. III. Zoology. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksells, 688 pp. PDF

Notes: The entire work, with 61 articles, spans 20 years. Exact dates of publication are given only for later articles (pp. 419 et seq.).

Wheeler, W. M. 1923f. Ants of the genera Myopias and Acanthoponera. Psyche (Cambridge) 30:175-192. PDF

Notes: Stamp date in MCZ library: 1924.02.11.

Wheeler, W. M. 1923g. Social life among the insects. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., vii + 375 pp.
Wheeler, W. M. 1924d. A gynandromorph of Tetramorium guineense Fabr. Psyche (Cambridge) 31:136-137. PDF

Notes: Stamp date in MCZ library: 1924.09.22.

Wheeler, W. M. 1924e. On the ant-genus Chrysapace Crawley. Psyche (Cambridge) 31:224-225. PDF

Notes: Stamp date in MCZ library: 1924.11.25.

Wheeler, W. M. 1925c. L'évolution des insectes sociaux. Revue Scientifique (Paris) 63:548-557.
Wheeler, W. M. 1925d. The finding of the queen of the army ant Eciton hamatum Fabricius. Biological Bulletin (Woods Hole) 49:139-149. PDF
Wheeler, W. M. 1925f. Obituary. Carlo Emery. Entomological News 36:318-320. PDF
Wheeler, W. M. 1926a. Ants of the Balearic Islands. Folia Myrmecologica et Termitologica 1:1-6. PDF
Wheeler, W. M. 1926b. A gynandromorph of Tetramorium guineense Fabr. Pp. 44-45 in: Bryan, E. H., Jr. 1926. and collaborators. Insects of Hawaii, Johnston Island and Wake Island. Bulletin of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum 31:1-94.

Notes: The same article appears in Wheeler (1924d).

Wheeler, W. M. 1926c. Les sociétés d'insectes: leur origine, leur évolution. Paris: Gaston Doin and Co, xii + 468 pp.
Wheeler, W. M. 1927a. The occurrence of Formica fusca L. in Sumatra. Psyche (Cambridge) 34:40-41. PDF

Notes: Stamp date in MCZ library: 1927.04.04.

Wheeler, W. M. 1927b. Burmese ants collected by Professor G. E. Gates. Psyche (Cambridge) 34:42-46. PDF

Notes: Stamp date in MCZ library: 1927.04.04.

Wheeler, W. M. 1927c. Ants of the genus Amblyopone Erichson. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 62:1-29. PDF
Wheeler, W. M. 1927e. A few ants from China and Formosa. American Museum Novitates 259:1-4. PDF
Wheeler, W. M. 1927f. The physiognomy of insects. Quarterly Review of Biology 2:1-36. PDF
Protonyms originally described by author
Protonym Taxon Authorship Rank Status
Nesolasius Nesolasius Wheeler, 1935b Genus Synonym
Prosopidris Prosopidris Wheeler, 1935b Genus Synonym
Cardiocondyla (Prosopidris) sima Cardiocondyla sima Wheeler, 1935b Species Valid Original combination
Dilobocondyla chapmani subsp. rufobrunnea Dilobocondyla rufobrunnea Wheeler, 1935b Species Valid
Acantholepis chapmani Lepisiota chapmani Wheeler, 1935b Species Valid
Acantholepis aurea subsp. punctaticeps Lepisiota aurea punctaticeps Wheeler, 1935b Subspecies Valid
Metapone gracilis Metapone gracilis Wheeler, 1935b Species Valid Original combination
Pseudolasius (Nesolasius) typhlops Pseudolasius typhlops Wheeler, 1935b Species Valid Original combination
Zatapinoma williamsi Tapinoma williamsi Wheeler, 1935b Species Valid
Monoceratoclinea Monoceratoclinea Wheeler, 1935c Genus Synonym
Diceratoclinea Diceratoclinea Wheeler, 1935c Genus Synonym
Acanthoclinea Acanthoclinea Wheeler, 1935c Genus Synonym
Erimelophorus Erimelophorus Wheeler, 1935c Genus Synonym
Trichomelophorus Trichomelophorus Wheeler, 1935c Genus Synonym
Acropyga (Rhizomyrma) indosinensis Acropyga indosinensis Wheeler, 1935c Species Synonym Original combination
Camponotus (Myrmocladoecus) sanctaefidei subsp. weberi Camponotus sanctaefidei weberi Wheeler, 1935c Subspecies Valid Original combination
Dolichoderus (Acanthoclinea) clarki Dolichoderus clarki Wheeler, 1935c Species Valid Original combination
Nylanderia consuta Nylanderia consuta Wheeler, 1935c Species Valid Original combination
Ponera leae subsp. norfolkensis Ponera norfolkensis Wheeler, 1935c Species Synonym
Simopelta manni Simopelta manni Wheeler, 1935d Species Valid Original combination
Simopelta williamsi Simopelta williamsi Wheeler, 1935d Species Valid Original combination
Mayriella abstinens subsp. hackeri Mayriella hackeri Wheeler, 1935e Species Synonym
Mayriella spinosior Mayriella spinosior Wheeler, 1935e Species Valid Original combination
Mayriella abstinens subsp. venustula Mayriella venustula Wheeler, 1935e Species Synonym
Acropyga (Rhizomyrma) berwicki Acropyga berwicki Wheeler, 1935f Species Synonym Original combination
Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) tinctus var. volkensi Camponotus tinctus volkensi Wheeler, 1935g Subspecies Valid Original combination
Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) irritans var. samoensis Camponotus irritans samoensis Wheeler, 1935g Subspecies Synonym Original combination
Monomorium (Notomyrmex) antarticum chathamense Monomorium antarcticum chathamense Wheeler, 1935g Subspecies Unavailable Original combination
Monomorium (Notomyrmex) maori Monomorium maori Wheeler, 1935g Species Unavailable Original combination
Monomorium (Notomyrmex) maori var. hybridum Monomorium maori hybridum Wheeler, 1935g Subspecies Unavailable Original combination
Published between 1900–1942
Taxon descriptions between 1901–1942
No. of references 342
No. of described taxa (including combinations) 2175
No. of described taxa (valid, including combinations) 788
No. of described taxa (protonyms only) 1549
Names belonging to author
Author name No. of references
Wheeler, W. M. 342