References by Harkness, R. D.
Harkness, Margaret L. R.; Harkness, R. D. 1976. Functional differences between individuals ants (Cataglyphis bicolor Fab.). Journal of Physiology (Proceedings of the Physiological Society, 19-20 March 1976, University College London Meeting: Communications) 258(Suppl): 99P–125P:124-125. PDF
Harkness, Margaret L. R.; Harkness, R. D. 1976. Searching procedure in an ant (Cataglyphis bicolor Fab.). Journal of Physiology (Proceedings of the Physiological Society, 10-11 September 1976, Dublin Meeting: Communications) 263(Suppl): 234P–283P:268-269P. PDF
Harkness, R. D.; Wehner, R. 1977. Cataglyphis. Endeavour 1(3-4):115-121. PDF
Harkness, R. D.; Isham, Valerie 1983. A Bivariate Spatial Point Pattern of Ants' Nests. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C (Applied Statistics) 32(3):293-303. PDF
Harkness, R. D.; Maroudas, N. 1983. Organizing search-modified random-walk model for the nest of an ant (Cataglyphis bicolor Fab.). Journal of Physiology (Proceedings of the Physiological Society, 29-30 March 1983, University College London Meeting: Communications Part II) 341(suppl):73-74P. PDF
Protonyms originally described by author

Found no protonyms described by this author.

Published between 1976–1994
Taxon descriptions between
No. of references 15
No. of described taxa (including combinations)
No. of described taxa (valid, including combinations)
No. of described taxa (protonyms only)
Names belonging to author
Author name No. of references
Harkness, R. D. 15