
Genus contains
Described by
Described year
Protonym contains
Locality contains
Type information contains
Forms contains
Incertae sedis in
Unresolved junior homonym
Collective group name
Nomen nudum
159 result(s)
Name Authorship Protonym
Mayr, 1865 Acromyrmex
Acromyrmex (Acromyrmex)
Mayr, 1865 Acromyrmex
Acromyrmex (Moellerius)
Forel, 1893h Moellerius
Acromyrmex (Trachymyrmex)
an obsolete classification of Trachymyrmex Forel, 1893
Forel, 1893h Trachymyrmex
Acromyrmex ambiguus
Emery, 1888c Atta (Acromyrmex) lundi var. ambigua
(w.) BRAZIL (Rio Grande do Sul). Neotropic.
Acromyrmex ambiguus erectus
junior synonym of current valid taxon Acromyrmex ambiguus (Emery, 1888)
Santschi, 1925a Acromyrmex ambiguus var. erectus
(w.) BRAZIL (São Paulo). Neotropic.
Acromyrmex ameliae
De Souza et al., 2007 Acromyrmex ameliae
(w.q.m.) BRAZIL (Minas Gerais). Neotropic.
Acromyrmex aspersus
Smith, 1858a Oecodoma aspersa
(q.) BRAZIL. Neotropic.
Acromyrmex aspersus affinis
junior synonym of current valid taxon Acromyrmex aspersus (Smith, 1858)
Santschi, 1925a Acromyrmex aspersus var. affinis
(w.) BRAZIL (Paraná). Neotropic.
Acromyrmex aspersus dimidiata
an obsolete combination of Acromyrmex laticeps dimidiata (Forel, 1911)
Forel, 1911e Atta (Acromyrmex) aspersa subsp. dimidiata
(w.) BRAZIL (São Paulo). Neotropic.
Acromyrmex aspersus fuhrmanni
junior synonym of current valid taxon Acromyrmex aspersus (Smith, 1858)
Forel, 1914e Atta (Acromyrmex) mesonotalis var. fuhrmanni
(w.) COLOMBIA. Neotropic.
Acromyrmex aspersus inquirens
junior synonym of current valid taxon Acromyrmex aspersus (Smith, 1858)
Forel, 1914e Atta (Acromyrmex) mesonotalis var. inquirens
(w.) BRAZIL (São Paulo). Neotropic.
Acromyrmex aspersus insularis
junior synonym of current valid taxon Acromyrmex crassispinus (Forel, 1909)
Santschi, 1925d Acromyrmex aspersus var. insularis
(w.) BRAZIL (São Paulo). Neotropic.
Acromyrmex aspersus mesonotalis
junior synonym of current valid taxon Acromyrmex aspersus (Smith, 1858)
Emery, 1905f Atta (Acromyrmex) mesonotalis
(w.) PERU. Neotropic.
Acromyrmex aspersus mesonotalis clarus
Santschi, 1925d Acromyrmex aspersus st. mesonotalis var. clarus
(w.) BRAZIL (São Paulo). Neotropic.
Acromyrmex balzani
Emery, 1890b Atta (Acromyrmex) balzani
(w.) PARAGUAY. Neotropic.
Acromyrmex balzani multituber
Santschi, 1922c Acromyrmex (Moellerius) balzani var. multituber
(w.) BOLIVIA. Neotropic.
Acromyrmex balzani myersi
an obsolete combination of Acromyrmex landolti myersi Weber, 1937
Weber, 1937 Acromyrmex (Moellerius) balzani subsp. myersi
(w.) GUYANA. Neotropic.
Acromyrmex balzani pampanus
junior synonym of current valid taxon Acromyrmex balzani multituber Santschi, 1922
Weber, 1938b Acromyrmex (Moellerius) balzani subsp. pampanus
(w.q.m.) BOLIVIA. Neotropic.
Acromyrmex balzani planorum
an obsolete combination of Acromyrmex landolti planorum Weber, 1937
Weber, 1937 Acromyrmex (Moellerius) balzani subsp. planorum
(w.) VENEZUELA. Neotropic.
Acromyrmex balzani senex
junior synonym of current valid taxon Acromyrmex landolti (Forel, 1885)
Santschi, 1925a Acromyrmex (Moellerius) balzani var. senex
(w.) BRAZIL (Minas Gerais). Neotropic.
Acromyrmex biscutatus
incertae sedis in genus, unidentifiable
Fabricius, 1775 Formica biscutata
(q.) FRENCH GUIANA. Neotropic.
Acromyrmex bruchi
an obsolete combination of Amoimyrmex bruchi (Forel, 1912)
Forel, 1912f Atta (Moellerius) silvestrii r. bruchi
(w.) ARGENTINA (Buenos Aires). Neotropic.
Acromyrmex brunneus
unresolved junior homonym, valid
Forel, 1912f Atta (Acromyrmex) subterranea var. brunnea
(w.) BRAZIL (Santa Catarina). Neotropic.
Acromyrmex bucki
junior synonym of current valid taxon Acromyrmex lobicornis (Emery, 1888)
Wasmann, 1931 Acromyrmex bucki
(w.) BRAZIL (Rio Grande do Sul). Neotropic.
Acromyrmex charruanus
Rabeling et al., 2015 Acromyrmex charruanus
(q.m.) URAGUAY. Neotropic.
Acromyrmex coronatus
Fabricius, 1804 Formica coronata
(q.) SOUTH AMERICA. Neotropic.
Acromyrmex coronatus andicola
Emery, 1924f Acromyrmex moelleri subsp. andicola
(w.) ECUADOR. Neotropic.
Acromyrmex coronatus andicola flavescens
Santschi, 1925d Acromyrmex coronatus st. andicola var. flavescens
(w.) BRAZIL (Goiás). Neotropic.
Acromyrmex coronatus andicola medianus
Santschi, 1925a Acromyrmex coronatus st. andicola var. medianus
(w.) BRAZIL (Pará). Neotropic.