
Genus contains
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Protonym contains
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Incertae sedis in
Unresolved junior homonym
Collective group name
Nomen nudum
33 result(s)
Name Authorship Protonym
Odontomachus haematodus
Linnaeus, 1758 Formica haematoda
(q.) SOUTH AMERICA. Neotropic.
Odontomachus haematodus breviceps
junior synonym of current valid taxon Odontomachus simillimus Smith, 1858
Crawley, 1915b Odontomachus haematoda var. breviceps
(w.) CHRISTMAS I. Indomalaya.
Odontomachus haematodus brunneipes
junior synonym of current valid taxon Odontomachus haematodus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Menozzi, 1935b Odontomachus haematoda var. brunneipes
(w.) BRAZIL (Pará). Neotropic.
Odontomachus haematodus clarionensis
junior synonym of current valid taxon Odontomachus clarus Roger, 1861
Wheeler, 1934f Odontomachus haematoda subsp. clarionensis
(w.) MEXICO (Revillagigedo Is). Neotropic.
Odontomachus haematodus coninodis
junior synonym of current valid taxon Odontomachus clarus Roger, 1861
Wheeler, 1915b Odontomachus haematodus subsp. coninodis
(w.q.) U.S.A. (Arizona). Nearctic.
Odontomachus haematodus desertorum
an obsolete combination of Odontomachus desertorum Wheeler, 1915
Wheeler, 1915b Odontomachus haematoda subsp. desertorum
(w.) U.S.A. (Arizona). Nearctic.
Odontomachus haematodus dulcis
junior synonym of current valid taxon Odontomachus meinerti Forel, 1905
Mann, 1922 Odontomachus haematoda subsp. dulcis
(w.) HONDURAS. Neotropic.
Odontomachus haematodus erythrocephalus
an obsolete combination of Odontomachus erythrocephalus Emery, 1890
Emery, 1890c Odontomachus haematodes r. erythrocephalus
(w.) COSTA RICA. Neotropic.
Odontomachus haematodus fuscipennis
junior synonym of current valid taxon Odontomachus simillimus Smith, 1858
Forel, 1913l Odontomachus haematodes var. fuscipennis
(w.q.m.) SRI LANKA, INDONESIA (Sumatra). Indomalaya.
Odontomachus haematodus fuscus
unresolved junior homonym, junior synonym of current valid taxon Odontomachus brunneus (Patton, 1894)
Stitz, 1925c Odontomachus haematodes var. fuscus
(w.) CUBA. Neotropic.
Odontomachus haematodus insularis
an obsolete combination of Odontomachus insularis Guérin-Méneville, 1844
Guérin-Méneville, 1844a Odontomachus insularis
(w.m.) CUBA. Neotropic.
Odontomachus haematodus insularis pallens
Wheeler, 1905c Odontomachus haematodes subsp. insularis var. pallens
(w.q.m.) BAHAMAS, CUBA. Neotropic.
Odontomachus haematodus insularis ruginodis
Wheeler, 1905c Odontomachus haematodes subsp. insularis var. ruginodis
(w.q.) BAHAMAS, CUBA. Neotropic.
Odontomachus haematodus insularis wheeleri
Mann, 1920b Odontomachus haematodus subsp. insularis var. wheeleri
(w.) CUBA. Neotropic.
Odontomachus haematodus laticeps
an obsolete combination of Odontomachus laticeps Roger, 1861
Roger, 1861a Odontomachus haematodus var. laticeps
(w.) MEXICO (Veracruz). Neotropic.
Odontomachus haematodus meinerti
an obsolete combination of Odontomachus meinerti Forel, 1905
Forel, 1905e Odontomachus haematodes r. meinerti
(w.) VENEZUELA. Neotropic.
Odontomachus haematodus microcephalus
junior synonym of current valid taxon Odontomachus bauri Emery, 1892
Emery, 1890c Odontomachus haematodes var. microcephalus
(w.) COSTA RICA. Neotropic.
Odontomachus haematodus minutus
an obsolete combination of Odontomachus minutus Luederwaldt, 1918
Luederwaldt, 1918 Odontomachus haematoda subsp. minuta
(w.) BRAZIL (Mato Grosso). Neotropic.
Odontomachus haematodus notatus
junior synonym of current valid taxon Odontomachus bauri Emery, 1892
Mann, 1920b Odontomachus haematoda var. notata
(w.) PUERTO RICO. Neotropic.
Odontomachus haematodus opaciventris
an obsolete combination of Odontomachus opaciventris Forel, 1899
Forel, 1899b Odontomachus haematodus r. opaciventris
Odontomachus haematodus pallipes
junior synonym of current valid taxon Odontomachus haematodus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Crawley, 1916b Odontomachus haematoda var. pallipes
(w.) GUYANA. Neotropic.
Odontomachus haematodus paucidens
junior synonym of current valid taxon Odontomachus bauri Emery, 1892
Emery, 1893f Odontomachus haematodus var. paucidens
(w.) HAITI. Neotropic.
Odontomachus haematodus peruanus
an obsolete combination of Odontomachus peruanus Stitz, 1933
Stitz, 1933 Odontomachus haematodes var. peruana
(q.) PERU. Neotropic.
Odontomachus haematodus pubescens
an obsolete combination of Odontomachus pubescens Roger, 1861
Roger, 1861a Odontomachus haematodus var. pubescens
(w.) VENEZUELA. Neotropic.
Odontomachus haematodus pubescens bruneipes
Emery, 1893f Odontomachus haematodus r. pubescens var. bruneipes
(w.) BRAZIL (Pará). Neotropic.
Odontomachus haematodus pubescens minutus
Emery, 1894d Odontomachus haematodes subsp. pubescens var. minutus
(w.) BRAZIL (Mato Grosso). Neotropic.
Odontomachus haematodus repetita
Baroni Urbani, 1971b Odontomachus haematoda var. repetita
Odontomachus haematodus ruginodis
an obsolete combination of Odontomachus ruginodis Wheeler, 1908
Wheeler, 1908a Odontomachus haematodes var. ruginodis
(w.) BAHAMAS, CUBA. Neotropic.
Odontomachus haematodus rugisquama
junior synonym of current valid taxon Odontomachus bauri Emery, 1892
Forel, 1908c Odontomachus haematodes var. rugisquama
(w.) COSTA RICA. Neotropic.
Odontomachus haematodus stanleyi
junior synonym of current valid taxon Odontomachus troglodytes Santschi, 1914
Wheeler, 1922 Odontomachus haematoda var. stanleyi