This history item belongs to †Palaeomyrmex Heer, 1864
Its current taxon owner(s) is †Palaeomyrmex
†Palaeomyrmex excluded from Formicidae: transferred to Homoptera by Handlirsch, 1906: 507; Bolton, 1995b: 41; Bolton, 2003: 264.
{taxac 429027} excluded from {tax 429011}: transferred to {unmissing Homoptera} by {ref 125750}: 507; {ref 122860}: 41; {ref 130789}: 264.
†Palaeomyrmex | Genus | Excluded from formicidae |
#239472 | †Palaeomyrmex in Formicidae: Heer, 1864: 91; Scudder, 1891: 231. |
#311571 | †Palaeomyrmex incertae sedis in Formicidae, Camponotinae: Dalla Torre, 1893: 273. |
#239473 (selected) | †Palaeomyrmex excluded from Formicidae: transferred to Homoptera by Handlirsch, 1906: 507; Bolton, 1995b: 41; Bolton, 2003: 264. |