This history item belongs to Iridomyrmecini Dubovikoff, 2005

Its current taxon owner(s) is Iridomyrmecini

Show only for rank: Subtribe

Iridomyrmecina as subtribe of Iridomyrmecini: Dubovikoff, 2005a: 92.

{tax 429090} as subtribe of {tax 429089}: {ref 131153}: 92.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2012-09-12
  • Updated at: 2023-10-18
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Iridomyrmecina Subtribe Obsolete combination
an obsolete classification of Iridomyrmecini Dubovikoff, 2005
Iridomyrmecini Tribe Synonym
junior synonym of current valid taxon Leptomyrmecini Emery, 1913
Other history items belonging to Iridomyrmecini
#239582 Iridomyrmecini as tribe of Dolichoderinae: Dubovikoff, 2005a: 91; Ward, 2007c: 556.
#239584 (selected) Iridomyrmecina as subtribe of Iridomyrmecini: Dubovikoff, 2005a: 92.
#239583 Iridomyrmecini as junior synonym of Leptomyrmecini: Ward et al., 2010: 361 [by implication as type-genus included in Leptomyrmecini].