This history item belongs to Echinopla Smith, 1857

Its current taxon owner(s) is Echinopla

Echinopla in Formicidae: Smith, 1862d: 415.

{tax 429304} in {tax 429011}: {ref 128698}: 415.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2012-09-12
  • Updated at: 2023-07-24
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Echinopla Genus Valid
Other history items belonging to Echinopla
#240326 Echinopla in Formicidae, Cryptoceridae: Smith, 1857a: 79; Smith, 1858a: 197; Smith, 1862a: 50.
#240329 (selected) Echinopla in Formicidae: Smith, 1862d: 415.
#240330 Echinopla in Formicinae: Mayr, 1862: 652 (in key) [Formicidae]; Mayr, 1865: 7 [Formicidae].
#240331 Echinopla in Camponotinae: Forel, 1878c: 368 [Camponotidae]; Dalla Torre, 1893: 272 [Camponotinae]; Emery, 1896e: 189 [Camponotinae].
#240332 Echinopla in Camponotinae, Polyrhachidini: Ashmead, 1905c: 384.
#240333 Echinopla in Camponotinae, Camponotini: Forel, 1886h: 199; Forel, 1893b: 165; Emery, 1895l: 772; Wheeler, 1910a: 144; Forel, 1912j: 89; Forel, 1917: 251.
#240335 Echinopla in Formicinae, Formica genus group: Agosti, 1991: 295.
#240334 Echinopla in Formicinae, Camponotini: Wheeler, 1922: 701; Emery, 1925d: 210; subsequent authors; Hölldobler & Wilson, 1990: 19; Bolton, 1995b: 28; Bolton, 2003: 27, 121; Ward et al., 2016: 345.
#310717 Echinopla as genus: all authors.
#310718 Echinopla as senior synonym of Mesoxena: Brown, 1973b: 182 [provisional]; Hölldobler & Wilson, 1990: 19; Bolton, 1994: 50; Bolton, 1994: 50; Bolton, 1995b: 28; Bolton, 2003: 121.
#310719 [Echinolpa: incorrect subsequent spelling by Donisthorpe, 1943g: 641.]