This history item belongs to Canapone Dlussky, 1999

Its current taxon owner(s) is Canapone

Canapone incertae sedis in Ectatomminae: Bolton, 2003: 46, 176; Borysenko, 2017: 20.

{tax 429521} <i>incertae sedis</i> in {tax 429497}: {ref 130789}: 46, 176; {ref 143098}: 20.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2012-09-12
  • Updated at: 2022-10-17
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Canapone Genus Valid
Other history items belonging to Canapone
#241052 Canapone in Ponerinae: Dlussky, 1999c: 76.
#241053 (selected) Canapone incertae sedis in Ectatomminae: Bolton, 2003: 46, 176; Borysenko, 2017: 20.
#305925 Canapone in Ectatomminae: Barden, 2017: 3.
#305926 Canapone as genus: all authors.