This history item belongs to Brachyponera Emery, 1900

Its current taxon owner(s) is Brachyponera

Brachyponera as subgenus of Euponera: Emery, 1900b: 315; Emery, 1901b: 43; Forel, 1907j: 271; Emery, 1909d: 366; Wheeler, 1910a: 135; Emery, 1911e: 83; Santschi, 1914b: 50; Arnold, 1915: 72; Forel, 1917: 237; Wheeler, 1922: 649; Donisthorpe, 1943g: 628.

{tax 430111} as subgenus of {tax 430109}: {ref 124636}: 315; {ref 124641}: 43; {ref 125178}: 271; {ref 124691}: 366; {ref 130044}: 135; {ref 124702}: 83; {ref 128285}: 50; {ref 122309}: 72; {ref 124997}: 237; {ref 133015}: 649; {ref 124329}: 628.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2012-09-12
  • Updated at: 2022-10-13
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Brachyponera Genus Valid
Euponera (Brachyponera) Subgenus Obsolete combination
an obsolete classification of Brachyponera Emery, 1900
Pachycondyla (Brachyponera) Subgenus Obsolete combination
an obsolete classification of Brachyponera Emery, 1900
Other history items belonging to Brachyponera
#242994 [Brachyponera also described as new by Emery, 1901b: 43.]
#305890 [Type-species not Ponera sennaarensis Mayr, 1862: unjustified subsequent designation by Emery, 1901b: 43; repeated by Emery, 1911e: 84; Wheeler, 1911g: 160; Wheeler, 1922: 777; Donisthorpe, 1943g: 628; Smith, 1943e: 282; Smith, 1951c: 785; Brown, 1958h: 21; Wilson, 1958g: 346; Bolton, 1973a: 335; Smith, 1979: 1341; Taylor & Brown, 1985: 23.]
#242995 Brachyponera in Pachycondylinae, Pachycondylini: Ashmead, 1905c: 382.
#242996 Brachyponera in Ponerinae, Ponerini: Emery, 1911e: 83; Forel, 1917: 237 [subtribe Pachycondylini]; subsequent authors.
#305891 Brachyponera in Ponerinae, Ponerini, Odontomachus genus group: Schmidt & Shattuck, 2014: 77.
#242997 (selected) Brachyponera as subgenus of Euponera: Emery, 1900b: 315; Emery, 1901b: 43; Forel, 1907j: 271; Emery, 1909d: 366; Wheeler, 1910a: 135; Emery, 1911e: 83; Santschi, 1914b: 50; Arnold, 1915: 72; Forel, 1917: 237; Wheeler, 1922: 649; Donisthorpe, 1943g: 628.
#242999 Brachyponera as junior synonym of Pachycondyla: Snelling, 1981: 389 [provisional]; Brown, 1994: 164; Bolton, 1995b: 22; Bolton, 2003: 167; MacKay & MacKay, 2010: 3.
#242998 Brachyponera as genus: Bingham, 1903: 101; Ashmead, 1905c: 382; Wilson, 1958g: 346; Bolton, 1973a: 335; Smith, 1979: 1341; Taylor & Brown, 1985: 23; Wheeler & Wheeler, 1985b: 256; Ogata, 1987a: 116; Taylor, 1987a: 9; Ogata, 1987a: 116; Dlussky & Fedoseeva, 1988: 78; Hölldobler & Wilson, 1990: 10; Schmidt & Shattuck, 2014: 77.