This history item belongs to Brachymyrmex heeri var. obscurior Forel, 1893

Its current taxon owner(s) is Brachymyrmex obscurior

Status as species: Brown, 1957e: 237; Smith, 1967a: 366; Wilson & Taylor, 1967b: 92; Taylor, 1976a: 88; Smith, 1979: 1424; Deyrup et al., 1989: 99; Brandão, 1991: 331; Dlussky, 1994a: 55; Bolton, 1995b: 82; Deyrup, 2003: 44; Wetterer & Vargo, 2003: 417; Wetterer & Wetterer, 2004: 215; Clouse, 2007b: 210; Branstetter & Sáenz, 2012: 255; Sarnat et al., 2013: 69; Fernández & Ortiz-Sepúlveda, 2019: 729; Lubertazzi, 2019: 78; Ortiz-Sepúlveda et al., 2019: 518 (redescription).

Status as species: {ref 123134}: 237; {ref 128863}: 366; {ref 130430}: 92; {ref 129193}: 88; {ref 128659}: 1424; {ref 124103}: 99; {ref 122994}: 331; {ref 124162}: 55; {ref 122860}: 82; {ref 131073}: 44; {ref 132611}: 417; {ref 143685}: 215; {ref 130924}: 210; {ref 142249}: 255; {ref 142321}: 69; {ref 143451}: 729; {ref 143318}: 78; {ref 143355}: 518 (redescription).
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2012-09-12
  • Updated at: 2022-09-23
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Brachymyrmex heeri obscurior Subspecies Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Brachymyrmex obscurior Forel, 1893
Brachymyrmex obscurior Species Valid
Other history items belonging to Brachymyrmex heeri var. obscurior
#305635 Lectotype designation: Ortiz-Sepúlveda et al., 2019: 518.
#245459 Subspecies of Brachymyrmex heeri: Forel, 1897b: 298; Forel, 1899b: 123; Wheeler, 1905c: 111, 132; Forel, 1905e: 160; Wheeler, 1906j: 350; Wheeler, 1908a: 153; Wheeler, 1911a: 29; Forel, 1912j: 62; Wheeler, 1917g: 462; Mann, 1920b: 431; Wheeler, 1923d: 5; Santschi, 1923b: 666; Emery, 1925d: 42; Stärcke, 1926a: 118 (in key); Menozzi, 1929b: 3; Menozzi & Russo, 1930: 166; Smith, 1937: 866; Wheeler, 1942: 253; Smith, 1951c: 839; Smith, 1954c: 11; Kempf, 1972b: 39; Alayo, 1974: 43; Deyrup, 2017: 181.
#245460 (selected) Status as species: Brown, 1957e: 237; Smith, 1967a: 366; Wilson & Taylor, 1967b: 92; Taylor, 1976a: 88; Smith, 1979: 1424; Deyrup et al., 1989: 99; Brandão, 1991: 331; Dlussky, 1994a: 55; Bolton, 1995b: 82; Deyrup, 2003: 44; Wetterer & Vargo, 2003: 417; Wetterer & Wetterer, 2004: 215; Clouse, 2007b: 210; Branstetter & Sáenz, 2012: 255; Sarnat et al., 2013: 69; Fernández & Ortiz-Sepúlveda, 2019: 729; Lubertazzi, 2019: 78; Ortiz-Sepúlveda et al., 2019: 518 (redescription).