This history item belongs to Camponotus anthrax Wheeler, 1911

Its current taxon owner(s) is Camponotus anthrax

Combination in Camponotus (Camponotus): Forel, 1914a: 266.

Combination in {tax 508387}: {ref 125251}: 266.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2012-09-12
  • Updated at: 2020-07-17
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Camponotus anthrax Species Valid
Other history items belonging to Camponotus anthrax
#245726 Wheeler & Wheeler, 1970b: 650 (l.)
#245727 (selected) Combination in Camponotus (Camponotus): Forel, 1914a: 266.
#283328 Combination in Camponotus (Myrmentoma): Emery, 1920b: 257.
#245728 Status as species: Forel, 1914a: 266; Wheeler, 1917a: 558; Emery, 1925d: 116; Creighton, 1950a: 385; Smith, 1951c: 844; Smith, 1979: 1431; Snelling, 1988: 59; Bolton, 1995b: 86; Ward, 2005: 62.