This history item belongs to Cyphomyrmex minutus Mayr, 1862

Its current taxon owner(s) is Cyphomyrmex minutus

Status as species: Mayr, 1863a: 406; Mayr, 1887: 558; Wilson, 1964b: 9; Deyrup et al., 1989: 98; Snelling & Longino, 1992: 490; Bolton, 1995b: 168; Deyrup, 2003: 44; Wild, 2007b: 33; Guénard & Economo, 2015: 227; Wetterer et al., 2016: 11; Deyrup, 2017: 69; Fernández & Serna, 2019: 850; Lubertazzi, 2019: 108; Wetterer, 2021: 3.

Status as species: {ref 127213}: 406; {ref 127201}: 558; {ref 130370}: 9; {ref 124103}: 98; {ref 128908}: 490; {ref 122860}: 168; {ref 131073}: 44; {ref 132622}: 33; {ref 143658}: 227; {ref 143331}: 11; {ref 143305}: 69; {ref 143453}: 850; {ref 143318}: 108; {ref 143916}: 3.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2012-09-12
  • Updated at: 2021-10-25
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Cyphomyrmex minutus Species Valid
Cyphomyrmex rimosus minutus Subspecies Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Cyphomyrmex minutus Mayr, 1862
Other history items belonging to Cyphomyrmex minutus
#253021 Mayr, 1887: 558 (q.m.).
#280810 Junior synonym of Cyphomyrmex difformis: Mayr, 1887: 558.
#253022 Junior synonym of Cyphomyrmex rimosus: Dalla Torre, 1893: 150; Forel, 1895b: 137; Forel, 1899b: 40; Gallardo, 1916e: 323; Smith, 1951c: 830; Smith, 1979: 1410; Snelling & George, 1979: 147.
#253024 Subspecies of Cyphomyrmex rimosus: Emery, 1894d: 225; Forel, 1895b: 143; Wheeler, 1905c: 106, 130; Wheeler, 1907d: 722; Wheeler, 1908a: 149; Wheeler, 1910a: 568; Wheeler, 1911a: 29; Forel, 1912f: 188; Wheeler, 1913b: 495; Wheeler, 1913e: 242; Wheeler & Mann, 1914: 42; Wheeler, 1917g: 461; Wheeler, 1922e: 13; Mann, 1922: 45; Emery, 1924f: 342; Menozzi, 1929b: 3; Menozzi & Russo, 1930: 163; Smith, 1930a: 4; Wheeler, 1932a: 11; Weber, 1934a: 57; Smith, 1937: 859; Creighton, 1950a: 316; Weber, 1958e: 259; Kempf, 1966: 162; Kempf, 1972b: 94; Alayo, 1974: 42.
#253025 (selected) Status as species: Mayr, 1863a: 406; Mayr, 1887: 558; Wilson, 1964b: 9; Deyrup et al., 1989: 98; Snelling & Longino, 1992: 490; Bolton, 1995b: 168; Deyrup, 2003: 44; Wild, 2007b: 33; Guénard & Economo, 2015: 227; Wetterer et al., 2016: 11; Deyrup, 2017: 69; Fernández & Serna, 2019: 850; Lubertazzi, 2019: 108; Wetterer, 2021: 3.
#253026 Senior synonym of Cyphomyrmex rimosus arnoldi: Snelling & Longino, 1992: 490; Bolton, 1995b: 168.
#280811 Senior synonym of Cyphomyrmex rimosus atrata: Snelling & Longino, 1992: 490; Bolton, 1995b: 168.
#280812 Senior synonym of Cyphomyrmex rimosus breviscapus: Snelling & Longino, 1992: 490; Bolton, 1995b: 168.
#280813 Senior synonym of Cyphomyrmex rimosus comalensis: Creighton, 1950a: 316; Kempf, 1966: 162; Kempf, 1972b: 94; Snelling & Longino, 1992: 490; Bolton, 1995b: 168.
#280814 Senior synonym of Cyphomyrmex rimosus flavescens: Snelling & Longino, 1992: 490; Bolton, 1995b: 168.
#280815 Senior synonym of Cyphomyrmex steinheili: Mayr, 1887: 558; Emery, 1894d: 225; Wheeler, 1907d: 722; Emery, 1924f: 342; Menozzi & Russo, 1930: 163; Creighton, 1950a: 316; Kempf, 1966: 162; Kempf, 1972b: 94; Snelling & Longino, 1992: 490; Bolton, 1995b: 168.
#280816 Senior synonym of Cyphomyrmex rimosus venezuelensis: Snelling & Longino, 1992: 490; Bolton, 1995b: 168.