This history item belongs to Lobopelta chinensis Mayr, 1870

Its current taxon owner(s) is Leptogenys chinensis

Status as species: Smith, 1873: viii; Mayr, 1879: 665 (in key); Forel, 1885b: 177; Rothney, 1889: 373; Dalla Torre, 1893: 44; Emery, 1893h: 242; Forel, 1900f: 313; Emery, 1901h: 113; Rothney, 1903: 97; Bingham, 1903: 69; Yano, 1910a: 418; Emery, 1911e: 103; Wheeler & Chapman, 1925: 70; Wheeler, 1930k: 60; Teranishi, 1940: 38, 65; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 33; Baltazar, 1966: 237; Onoyama, 1980a: 196; Bolton, 1995b: 230; Tang et al., 1995: 36; Xu, 1996b: 225; Xu, 2000a: 119 (in key); Zhou, 2001a: 44; Lin & Wu, 2003: 67; Zhou, 2006: 580; Terayama, 2009: 115; Zhou & Ran, 2010: 105; Guénard & Dunn, 2012: 59; Zhou et al., 2012: 887 (in key); Bharti & Wachkoo, 2013c: 18 (in key); Xu & He, 2015: 159 (in key); Bharti et al., 2016: 51; Wachkoo et al., 2018: 6 (in key); Arimoto & Yamane, 2018: 29 (in key); Dias et al., 2020: 111; Subedi et al., 2022: 15; Wang et al., 2022: 124.

Status as species: {ref 128674}: viii; {ref 127197}: 665 (in key); {ref 125009}: 177; {ref 128155}: 373; {ref 124002}: 44; {ref 124568}: 242; {ref 125101}: 313; {ref 124647}: 113; {ref 128157}: 97; {ref 122766}: 69; {ref 130525}: 418; {ref 124702}: 103; {ref 130278}: 70; {ref 130228}: 60; {ref 129229}: 38, 65; {ref 123583}: 33; {ref 122446}: 237; {ref 127629}: 196; {ref 122860}: 230; {ref 129145}: 36; {ref 132637}: 225; {ref 132654}: 119 (in key); {ref 132709}: 44; {ref 131713}: 67; {ref 143253}: 580; {ref 132431}: 115; {ref 143589}: 105; {ref 142253}: 59; {ref 142404}: 887 (in key); {ref 142334}: 18 (in key); {ref 142987}: 159 (in key); {ref 142873}: 51; {ref 143189}: 6 (in key); {ref 143202}: 29 (in key); {ref 143815}: 111; {ref 143956}: 15; {ref 144032}: 124.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2012-09-12
  • Updated at: 2022-09-16
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Leptogenys chinensis Species Valid
Lobopelta chinensis Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Leptogenys chinensis (Mayr, 1870)
Other history items belonging to Lobopelta chinensis
#257723 Forel, 1900f: 313 (m.)
#257724 Combination in Leptogenys: Forel, 1900f: 313; Emery, 1911e: 103
#257725 (selected) Status as species: Smith, 1873: viii; Mayr, 1879: 665 (in key); Forel, 1885b: 177; Rothney, 1889: 373; Dalla Torre, 1893: 44; Emery, 1893h: 242; Forel, 1900f: 313; Emery, 1901h: 113; Rothney, 1903: 97; Bingham, 1903: 69; Yano, 1910a: 418; Emery, 1911e: 103; Wheeler & Chapman, 1925: 70; Wheeler, 1930k: 60; Teranishi, 1940: 38, 65; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 33; Baltazar, 1966: 237; Onoyama, 1980a: 196; Bolton, 1995b: 230; Tang et al., 1995: 36; Xu, 1996b: 225; Xu, 2000a: 119 (in key); Zhou, 2001a: 44; Lin & Wu, 2003: 67; Zhou, 2006: 580; Terayama, 2009: 115; Zhou & Ran, 2010: 105; Guénard & Dunn, 2012: 59; Zhou et al., 2012: 887 (in key); Bharti & Wachkoo, 2013c: 18 (in key); Xu & He, 2015: 159 (in key); Bharti et al., 2016: 51; Wachkoo et al., 2018: 6 (in key); Arimoto & Yamane, 2018: 29 (in key); Dias et al., 2020: 111; Subedi et al., 2022: 15; Wang et al., 2022: 124.