This history item belongs to Formica arenaria Fabricius, 1787

Its current taxon owner(s) is Messor arenarius

Status as species: Gmelin, 1790: 2802; Olivier, 1792: 499; Latreille, 1802a: 288; Fabricius, 1804: 411; Roger, 1862c: 292; Roger, 1863b: 29; Mayr, 1863a: 395; Emery, 1880: 392; Emery, 1881b: 534; André, 1881c: 74; André, 1883b: 353 (in key); Emery, 1884: 382; Forel, 1890b: lxx; Emery, 1891c: 12; Dalla Torre, 1893: 98; Forel, 1894d: 28; Forel, 1895e: 233; Emery, 1898c: 125; Forel, 1902a: 148; Forel, 1904d: 5; Forel, 1907h: 15; Forel, 1908b: 14; Emery, 1908f: 439 (redescription); Forel, 1909k: 379; Karavaiev, 1911b: 3; Karavaiev, 1912a: 5; Forel, 1913d: 428; Stitz, 1917: 342; Crawley, 1920a: 163; Emery, 1921c: 69; Emery, 1924a: 7; Menozzi, 1927g: 379; Kutter, 1928: 66; Finzi, 1930b: 15; Santschi, 1931a: 4; Menozzi, 1932e: 452; Menozzi, 1933b: 51; Menozzi, 1934: 158; Finzi, 1936: 158; Santschi, 1938a: 32 (redescription); Menozzi, 1940a: 267; Finzi, 1940: 158; Cagniant, 1964: 87; Cagniant, 1968a: 143; Cagniant, 1970a: 414; Bernard, 1971: 6; Collingwood, 1985: 249; Kugler, 1988: 257; Bolton, 1995b: 252; Collingwood & Agosti, 1996: 316; Cagniant & Espadaler, 1998: 423; Cagniant, 2006: 197; Vonshak & Ionescu-Hirsch, 2010: 42; Borowiec, 2014: 102 (see note in bibliography); Tohmé & Tohmé, 2014: 134; Barech et al., 2020: 14.

Status as species: {ref 125505}: 2802; {ref 127622}: 499; {ref 126800}: 288; {ref 124870}: 411; {ref 128092}: 292; {ref 128094}: 29; {ref 127213}: 395; {ref 124504}: 392; {ref 124524}: 534; {ref 122245}: 74; {ref 122254}: 353 (in key); {ref 132997}: 382; {ref 125020}: lxx; {ref 124554}: 12; {ref 124002}: 98; {ref 125061}: 28; {ref 125068}: 233; {ref 124628}: 125; {ref 125119}: 148; {ref 125147}: 5; {ref 125175}: 15; {ref 125180}: 14; {ref 124681}: 439 (redescription); {ref 125200}: 379; {ref 126238}: 3; {ref 126239}: 5; {ref 125241}: 428; {ref 129027}: 342; {ref 123868}: 163; {ref 124749}: 69; {ref 124763}: 7; {ref 127339}: 379; {ref 126683}: 66; {ref 124931}: 15; {ref 128393}: 4; {ref 127368}: 452; {ref 127374}: 51; {ref 127312}: 158; {ref 124917}: 158; {ref 128439}: 32 (redescription); {ref 127384}: 267; {ref 124939}: 158; {ref 123447}: 87; {ref 123455}: 143; {ref 123462}: 414; {ref 122622}: 6; {ref 123767}: 249; {ref 126577}: 257; {ref 122860}: 252; {ref 130931}: 316; {ref 130880}: 423; {ref 132841}: 197; {ref 132743}: 42; {ref 142632}: 102 (see note in bibliography); {ref 143644}: 134; {ref 143714}: 14.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2012-09-12
  • Updated at: 2020-12-24
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Formica arenaria Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Messor arenarius (Fabricius, 1787)
Messor arenarius Species Valid
Other history items belonging to Formica arenaria
#258722 André, 1883b: 366 (q.); Emery, 1891c: 12 (q.m.); Forel, 1902a: 148 (m.)
#258723 Combination in Aphaenogaster: Roger, 1863b: 29.
#294099 Combination in Atta: Mayr, 1863a: 395.
#286109 Combination in Aphaenogaster (Messor): Forel, 1890b: lxx; Forel, 1894d: 28.
#286108 Combination in Messor: Forel, 1894d: 45.
#286107 Combination in Stenamma (Messor): Emery, 1898c: 125.
#294100 Combination in Cratomyrmex: Cagniant, 1970a: 414.
#258724 Combination in Messor: Emery, 1908f: 439; Bolton, 1995b: 252.
#258726 (selected) Status as species: Gmelin, 1790: 2802; Olivier, 1792: 499; Latreille, 1802a: 288; Fabricius, 1804: 411; Roger, 1862c: 292; Roger, 1863b: 29; Mayr, 1863a: 395; Emery, 1880: 392; Emery, 1881b: 534; André, 1881c: 74; André, 1883b: 353 (in key); Emery, 1884: 382; Forel, 1890b: lxx; Emery, 1891c: 12; Dalla Torre, 1893: 98; Forel, 1894d: 28; Forel, 1895e: 233; Emery, 1898c: 125; Forel, 1902a: 148; Forel, 1904d: 5; Forel, 1907h: 15; Forel, 1908b: 14; Emery, 1908f: 439 (redescription); Forel, 1909k: 379; Karavaiev, 1911b: 3; Karavaiev, 1912a: 5; Forel, 1913d: 428; Stitz, 1917: 342; Crawley, 1920a: 163; Emery, 1921c: 69; Emery, 1924a: 7; Menozzi, 1927g: 379; Kutter, 1928: 66; Finzi, 1930b: 15; Santschi, 1931a: 4; Menozzi, 1932e: 452; Menozzi, 1933b: 51; Menozzi, 1934: 158; Finzi, 1936: 158; Santschi, 1938a: 32 (redescription); Menozzi, 1940a: 267; Finzi, 1940: 158; Cagniant, 1964: 87; Cagniant, 1968a: 143; Cagniant, 1970a: 414; Bernard, 1971: 6; Collingwood, 1985: 249; Kugler, 1988: 257; Bolton, 1995b: 252; Collingwood & Agosti, 1996: 316; Cagniant & Espadaler, 1998: 423; Cagniant, 2006: 197; Vonshak & Ionescu-Hirsch, 2010: 42; Borowiec, 2014: 102 (see note in bibliography); Tohmé & Tohmé, 2014: 134; Barech et al., 2020: 14.
#258725 Senior synonym of Messor amaurocyclia: Roger, 1862c: 292; Mayr, 1863a: 395; Roger, 1863b: 29; Dalla Torre, 1893: 98; Emery, 1921c: 69; Bolton, 1995b: 252.
#276771 Senior synonym of Messor beduinus: Cagniant, 2006: 197; Barech et al., 2020: 14.
#276772 Senior synonym of Messor bugnioni: Forel, 1904g: 424; Emery, 1908f: 439; Emery, 1921c: 69; Bolton, 1995b: 252.
#281669 Senior synonym of Messor scalpturata: Roger, 1862c: 292; Mayr, 1863a: 395; Roger, 1863b: 29; Dalla Torre, 1893: 98; Emery, 1921c: 69; Bolton, 1995b: 252.