This history item belongs to Monomorium latinode Mayr, 1872

Its current taxon owner(s) is Erromyrma latinodis

Imai et al., 1984: 8 (k.); Ramamonjisoa et al., 2023: 67 (m.)

{ref 126050}: 8 (k.); {ref 144176}: 67 (m.)
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2012-09-12
  • Updated at: 2023-05-22
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Erromyrma latinodis Species Valid
Monomorium latinode Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Erromyrma latinodis (Mayr, 1872)
Other history items belonging to Monomorium latinode
#275626 Lectotype designation: Heterick, 2006: 108.
#288975 [Misspelled as latnoda by Smith, 1873: ix.]
#260038 (selected) Imai et al., 1984: 8 (k.); Ramamonjisoa et al., 2023: 67 (m.)
#259347 Combination in Erromyrma: Fisher & Bolton, 2016: 276.
#288976 Status as species: Smith, 1873: ix; Forel, 1885b: 182; Emery, 1887f: 458; Emery, 1889: 503; Dalla Torre, 1893: 67; Forel, 1903a: 687; Rothney, 1903: 97; Bingham, 1903: 211; Forel, 1907d: 19; Wheeler, 1909d: 334; Yano, 1910a: 419; Forel, 1912a: 55; Forel, 1913g: 191; Viehmeyer, 1916a: 132; Wheeler, 1919f: 84; Emery, 1922c: 171; Wheeler, 1927d: 5; Wheeler, 1929h: 60; Wheeler, 1930b: 99; Wheeler, 1930k: 66; Wheeler, 1934i: 13; Wheeler, 1935g: 23; Teranishi, 1940: 57; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 165; Ettershank, 1966: 90; Wilson & Taylor, 1967b: 66; Onoyama, 1980a: 198; Bolton, 1987: 429 (redescription); Ogata, 1991b: 107; Morisita et al., 1992: 40; Bolton, 1995b: 263; Wu & Wang, 1995a: 88; Tiwari, 1999: 54; Imai et al., 2003: 133; Lin & Wu, 2003: 66; Ghosh et al., 2005: 27; Jaitrong & Nabhitabhata, 2005: 28; Heterick, 2006: 108 (redescription); Don, 2007: 190; Wetterer et al., 2007: 31; Framenau & Thomas, 2008: 69; Terayama, 2009: 153; Pfeiffer et al., 2011: 47; Guénard & Dunn, 2012: 45; Bharti et al., 2016: 39; Fisher & Bolton, 2016: 276; Sharaf et al., 2018: 25; Dias et al., 2020: 74; Khachonpisitsak et al., 2020: 97; Wang et al., 2022: 81; Ramamonjisoa et al., 2023: 66.
#275625 Senior synonym of Erromyrma latinodis bruneum: Bolton, 1987: 429; Heterick, 2006: 108; Ramamonjisoa et al., 2023: 66.
#312772 Senior synonym of Erromyrma latinodoides: Ramamonjisoa et al., 2023: 66.
#288497 Senior synonym of Erromyrma voeltzkowi: Bolton, 1987: 429; Heterick, 2006: 108; Ramamonjisoa et al., 2023: 66.