This history item belongs to Myrmecia nigriscapa Roger, 1861

Its current taxon owner(s) is Myrmecia nigriscapa

Clark, 1925b: 142 (q.m.)

{ref 123638}: 142 (q.m.)
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2012-09-12
  • Updated at: 2012-09-12
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Myrmecia nigriscapa Species Valid
Other history items belonging to Myrmecia nigriscapa
#260376 (selected) Clark, 1925b: 142 (q.m.)
#260377 Status as species: Mayr, 1862: 723 (in key); Roger, 1863b: 22; Mayr, 1863a: 430; Mayr, 1876: 96; Dalla Torre, 1893: 21; Forel, 1907j: 266; Emery, 1911e: 19; Clark, 1925b: 141; Wheeler, 1933i: 30; Clark, 1951: 51 (redescription); Taylor & Brown, 1985: 13; Taylor, 1987a: 44; Ogata, 1991a: 358; Ogata & Taylor, 1991: 1637 (in key); Bolton, 1995b: 272; Heterick, 2009: 120.