This history item belongs to Pheidole constanciae var. nigra Forel, 1902

Its current taxon owner(s) is Pheidole constanciae nigra

Subspecies of Pheidole constanciae: Bingham, 1903: 249; Emery, 1921c: 90; Bolton, 1995b: 326; Bharti et al., 2016: 42.

Subspecies of {tax 443578}: {ref 122766}: 249; {ref 124749}: 90; {ref 122860}: 326; {ref 142873}: 42.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2012-09-12
  • Updated at: 2020-05-11
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Pheidole constanciae nigra Subspecies Valid
Other history items belonging to Pheidole constanciae var. nigra
#264937 [Also described as new by Forel, 1902g: 543.]
#264936 (selected) Subspecies of Pheidole constanciae: Bingham, 1903: 249; Emery, 1921c: 90; Bolton, 1995b: 326; Bharti et al., 2016: 42.