This history item belongs to Stenamma africanum Santschi, 1939

Its current taxon owner(s) is Stenamma africanum

Senior synonym of Stenamma africanum submuticum: Rigato, 2011: 16

Senior synonym of {prott 173815}: {ref 133032}: 16
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2012-09-12
  • Updated at: 2020-11-13
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Stenamma africanum Species Valid
Other history items belonging to Stenamma africanum
#298994 Lectotype designation: DuBois, 1998b: 258.
#270074 Cagniant, 1971: 98 (m.)
#270075 Junior synoynm of Stenamma msilanum: DuBois, 1998b: 254; Cagniant, 2006: 195.
#270076 Status as species: Cagniant, 1968a: 142; Cagniant, 1970a: 414; Cagniant, 1971: 98; Bolton, 1995b: 393; Rigato, 2011: 16; Borowiec, 2014: 160.
#270077 (selected) Senior synonym of Stenamma africanum submuticum: Rigato, 2011: 16