This history item belongs to Pheidole nodus Smith, 1874

Its current taxon owner(s) is Pheidole nodus

Status as species: Dalla Torre, 1893: 93; Forel, 1900h: 268; Wheeler, 1906h: 307 (redescription); Yano, 1910a: 419; Emery, 1921c: 92; Wheeler, 1928d: 107; Wheeler, 1929g: 3; Teranishi, 1940: 41; Azuma, 1950a: 34; Azuma, 1951: 87; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 146; Azuma, 1953: 2; Azuma, 1955: 79; Yasumatsu, 1962: 96; Azuma, 1977a: 113; Onoyama, 1980a: 197; Ogata, 1982: 196; Ogata, 1991b: 93; Wang, 1992: 679; Wu & Wang, 1992c: 1305; Morisita et al., 1992: 24; Bolton, 1995b: 326; Wu & Wang, 1995a: 103; Tang et al., 1995: 58; Zhou & Zheng, 1999: 84 (in key); Zhou, 2001a: 128; Park & Kim, 2000a: 110; Eguchi, 2001a: 18; Zhang & Zheng, 2002: 219; Imai et al., 2003: 158; Lin & Wu, 2003: 65; Jaitrong & Nabhitabhata, 2005: 34; Zhou, 2006: 584; Eguchi, 2008: 59 (redescription); Terayama, 2009: 172 (in key); Mohanraj et al., 2010: 7; Guénard & Dunn, 2012: 50; Sarnat et al., 2015: 60 (redescription); Bharti et al., 2016: 42; Dias et al., 2020: 84; Yamane & Hosoishi, 2020: 46; Khachonpisitsak et al., 2020: 112.

Status as species: {ref 124002}: 93; {ref 125103}: 268; {ref 130013}: 307 (redescription); {ref 130525}: 419; {ref 124749}: 92; {ref 130198}: 107; {ref 130211}: 3; {ref 129229}: 41; {ref 122422}: 34; {ref 122419}: 87; {ref 123583}: 146; {ref 122420}: 2; {ref 122421}: 79; {ref 130551}: 96; {ref 122424}: 113; {ref 127629}: 197; {ref 127572}: 196; {ref 127582}: 93; {ref 129591}: 679; {ref 130486}: 1305; {ref 127456}: 24; {ref 122860}: 326; {ref 130487}: 103; {ref 129145}: 58; {ref 132725}: 84 (in key); {ref 132709}: 128; {ref 131981}: 110; {ref 131172}: 18; {ref 132705}: 219; {ref 131519}: 158; {ref 131713}: 65; {ref 131538}: 34; {ref 143253}: 584; {ref 131171}: 59 (redescription); {ref 132431}: 172 (in key); {ref 131877}: 7; {ref 142253}: 50; {ref 142853}: 60 (redescription); {ref 142873}: 42; {ref 143815}: 84; {ref 144008}: 46; {ref 143923}: 112.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2015-12-14
  • Updated at: 2022-08-11
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Pheidole nodus Species Valid
Other history items belonging to Pheidole nodus
#279384 [Misspelled as nodns by Teranishi, 1940: 47.]
#264953 Forel, 1900h: 268 (w.); Wheeler, 1906h: 309 (q.); Ogata, 1982: 196 (m.); Wheeler & Wheeler, 1953b: 75 (l.); Imai & Kubota, 1972: 197 (k.); Imai & Kubota, 1975: 391 (k.).
#275996 (selected) Status as species: Dalla Torre, 1893: 93; Forel, 1900h: 268; Wheeler, 1906h: 307 (redescription); Yano, 1910a: 419; Emery, 1921c: 92; Wheeler, 1928d: 107; Wheeler, 1929g: 3; Teranishi, 1940: 41; Azuma, 1950a: 34; Azuma, 1951: 87; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 146; Azuma, 1953: 2; Azuma, 1955: 79; Yasumatsu, 1962: 96; Azuma, 1977a: 113; Onoyama, 1980a: 197; Ogata, 1982: 196; Ogata, 1991b: 93; Wang, 1992: 679; Wu & Wang, 1992c: 1305; Morisita et al., 1992: 24; Bolton, 1995b: 326; Wu & Wang, 1995a: 103; Tang et al., 1995: 58; Zhou & Zheng, 1999: 84 (in key); Zhou, 2001a: 128; Park & Kim, 2000a: 110; Eguchi, 2001a: 18; Zhang & Zheng, 2002: 219; Imai et al., 2003: 158; Lin & Wu, 2003: 65; Jaitrong & Nabhitabhata, 2005: 34; Zhou, 2006: 584; Eguchi, 2008: 59 (redescription); Terayama, 2009: 172 (in key); Mohanraj et al., 2010: 7; Guénard & Dunn, 2012: 50; Sarnat et al., 2015: 60 (redescription); Bharti et al., 2016: 42; Dias et al., 2020: 84; Yamane & Hosoishi, 2020: 46; Khachonpisitsak et al., 2020: 112.
#264955 Senior synonym of Pheidole nodus flebilis: Lin & Wu, 2003: 65; Eguchi, 2008: 59; Terayama, 2009: 170; Sarnat et al., 2015: 60.
#279385 Senior synonym of Pheidole rhombinoda formosensis: Eguchi, 2008: 59; Sarnat et al., 2015: 60.
#264954 Senior synonym of Pheidole rhombinoda micantiventris: Yasumatsu, 1962: 96; Ogata, 1982: 196; Bolton, 1995b: 326; Zhou, 2001a: 128; Sarnat et al., 2015: 60.
#279386 Senior synonym of Pheidole nodus praevexata: Yasumatsu, 1962: 96; Onoyama, 1980a: 197; Ogata, 1982: 196; Bolton, 1995b: 326; Zhou, 2001a: 128; Imai et al., 2003: 158; Sarnat et al., 2015: 60.
#279387 Senior synonym of Pheidole nodus rhombinoda: Yasumatsu, 1962: 96; Ogata, 1982: 196; Bolton, 1995b: 326; Zhou, 2001a: 128; Eguchi, 2008: 59; Sarnat et al., 2015: 60.
#279388 Senior synonym of Pheidole rhombinoda stella: Eguchi, 2008: 59; Sarnat et al., 2015: 60.
#279389 Senior synonym of Pheidole rhombinoda taprobanae Forel, 1902c: Eguchi, 2008: 59; Sarnat et al., 2015: 60.
#279390 Senior synonym of Pheidole treubi: Eguchi, 2001a: 18; Eguchi, 2008: 59; Sarnat et al., 2015: 60.
#279391 Material of the unavailable name Pheidole nodus rhombinoda gratiosa referred here by Eguchi, 2008: 59; Sarnat et al., 2015: 60.