This history item belongs to Opamyrma hungvuong Yamane et al., 2008

Its current taxon owner(s) is Opamyrma hungvuong

Status as species: Chen et al., 2017: 9 (redescription); Yamada et al., 2020: 30 (redescription); Yamada et al., 2023: 1; Griebenow, 2024: 115; Hamer et al., 2024: 101.

Status as species: {ref 143074}: 9 (redescription); {ref 143407}: 30 (redescription); {ref 144268}: 1; {ref 144272}: 115; {ref 144355}: 101.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2017-08-01
  • Updated at: 2024-06-21
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Opamyrma hungvuong Species Valid
Other history items belonging to Opamyrma hungvuong
#278820 Chen et al., 2017: 9 (q.); Yamada et al., 2020: 30 (m.l.); Yamada et al., 2023: 5 (q.); Griebenow, 2024: 115 (q.m.l.)
#277133 (selected) Status as species: Chen et al., 2017: 9 (redescription); Yamada et al., 2020: 30 (redescription); Yamada et al., 2023: 1; Griebenow, 2024: 115; Hamer et al., 2024: 101.