This history item belongs to Ancylognathus lugubris Lund, 1831
Its current taxon owner(s) is Eciton lugubris
Combination in Eciton: Smith, 1855c: 160. Nomen nudum.
Combination in {tax 429459}: {ref 128681}: 160. <i>Nomen nudum</i>.
Ancylognathus lugubris | Species |
Obsolete combination
nomen nudum, an obsolete combination of Eciton lugubris (Lund, 1831)
Eciton lugubris | Species | Unavailable |
#278807 | [Also as new in Lund, 1831b: 100. Nomen nudum.] |
#278808 (selected) | Combination in Eciton: Smith, 1855c: 160. Nomen nudum. |
#291130 | Eciton lugubre Smith: Forel, 1895b: 120. Nomen nudum. |