This history item belongs to Colobopsis paradoxa Mayr, 1866
Its current taxon owner(s) is Camponotus paradoxus
Combination in Camponotus (Hypercolobopsis): Emery, 1920b: 260; Mackay & MacKay, 2018: 24.
Combination in {tax 429285}: {ref 124743}: 260; {ref 143493}: 24.
Camponotus paradoxus | Species | Valid |
Colobopsis paradoxa | Species |
Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Camponotus paradoxus (Mayr, 1866)
#248285 | Combination in Camponotus: Dalla Torre, 1893: 246. |
#279794 | Combination in Camponotus (Colobopsis): Forel, 1912j: 90. |
#279795 (selected) | Combination in Camponotus (Hypercolobopsis): Emery, 1920b: 260; Mackay & MacKay, 2018: 24. |
#279796 | Status as species: Dalla Torre, 1893: 246; Forel, 1895b: 105; Emery, 1896j: 375 (in list); Emery, 1925d: 160; Borgmeier, 1927c: 155; Wheeler, 1942: 262; Kempf, 1960f: 460 (redescription); Kempf, 1972b: 43. |
#248286 | Senior synonym of Camponotus paradoxus janitor: Kempf, 1960f: 460; Kempf, 1968b: 414; Kempf, 1972b: 43; Bolton, 1995b: 116. |