This history item belongs to Formica rufipes Fabricius, 1775
Its current taxon owner(s) is Camponotus rufipes
Status as species: Fabricius, 1782: 488; Fabricius, 1787: 307; Gmelin, 1790: 2797; Christ, 1791: 506; Olivier, 1792: 491; Fabricius, 1793: 350; Latreille, 1802a: 110; Fabricius, 1804: 398; Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau, 1835: 215; Smith, 1858a: 43 (redescription); Roger, 1861b: 164; Mayr, 1862: 663 (redescription); Mayr, 1863a: 401; Roger, 1863b: 4; Mayr, 1865: 33; Emery, 1878a: ix (in list); Forel, 1879a: 77; Emery, 1888c: 364; Emery, 1890b: 70; Dalla Torre, 1893: 250; Emery, 1894f: 2; von Jhering, 1894: 372; Forel, 1895b: 104; Emery, 1896j: 372 (in list); Emery, 1896h: 626; Forel, 1902b: 171; Forel, 1905e: 160; Emery, 1906c: 187; Forel, 1906d: 249; Forel, 1907h: 10; Forel, 1908: 402; Forel, 1911e: 310; Bruch, 1914: 230; Mann, 1916: 476; Santschi, 1916e: 397; Luederwaldt, 1918: 51; Wheeler, 1923a: 5; Emery, 1925d: 109; Borgmeier, 1927c: 150; Eidmann, 1936b: 95; Wheeler, 1942: 257; Kusnezov, 1952f: 220; Kusnezov, 1953c: 339; Kempf, 1972b: 62; Hashmi, 1973b: 52 (redescription); Zolessi et al., 1988: 6; Brandão, 1991: 334; Bolton, 1995b: 121; Wild, 2007b: 28; Bezděčková et al., 2015: 113; Mackay & MacKay, 2019: 767.
Status as species: {ref 124871}: 488; {ref 124867}: 307; {ref 125505}: 2797; {ref 123624}: 506; {ref 127622}: 491; {ref 124868}: 350; {ref 126800}: 110; {ref 124870}: 398; {ref 126873}: 215; {ref 128685}: 43 (redescription); {ref 128089}: 164; {ref 127190}: 663 (redescription); {ref 127213}: 401; {ref 128094}: 4; {ref 127193}: 33; {ref 124520}: ix (in list); {ref 125004}: 77; {ref 124542}: 364; {ref 124550}: 70; {ref 124002}: 250; {ref 124578}: 2; {ref 124580}: 372; {ref 125065}: 104; {ref 124614}: 372 (in list); {ref 124612}: 626; {ref 125120}: 171; {ref 125162}: 160; {ref 124672}: 187; {ref 125167}: 249; {ref 125175}: 10; {ref 124686}: 402; {ref 125214}: 310; {ref 123267}: 230; {ref 127070}: 476; {ref 128297}: 397; {ref 126981}: 51; {ref 130163}: 5; {ref 124775}: 109; {ref 122910}: 150; {ref 124475}: 95; {ref 129956}: 257; {ref 126631}: 220; {ref 126639}: 339; {ref 126357}: 62; {ref 125771}: 52 (redescription); {ref 130623}: 6; {ref 122994}: 334; {ref 122860}: 121; {ref 132622}: 28; {ref 143590}: 113; {ref 143455}: 767.
Camponotus rufipes | Species | Valid |
Formica rufipes | Species |
Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Camponotus rufipes (Fabricius, 1775)