This history item belongs to Stenamma (Ischnomyrmex) loriai Emery, 1897

Its current taxon owner(s) is Aphaenogaster loriai

Combination in Aphaenogaster (Deromyrma): Emery, 1915k: 71.

Combination in {tax 508661}: {ref 124732}: 71.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2020-07-19
  • Updated at: 2020-07-19
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Aphaenogaster loriai Species Valid
Stenamma loriai Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Aphaenogaster loriai (Emery, 1897)
Other history items belonging to Stenamma (Ischnomyrmex) loriai
#300445 [Misspelled as loriae by Emery, 1915k: 71, and others.]
#244561 Viehmeyer, 1914c: 516 (m.)
#244562 Combination in Ischnomyrmex: Stitz, 1911a: 367.
#284774 Combination in Aphaenogaster (Planimyrma): Viehmeyer, 1914d: 604; Emery, 1921c: 66.
#284773 (selected) Combination in Aphaenogaster (Deromyrma): Emery, 1915k: 71.
#300446 Status as species: Stitz, 1911a: 367; Viehmeyer, 1914c: 516; Viehmeyer, 1914d: 605; Emery, 1915k: 71; Emery, 1921c: 66; Donisthorpe, 1947c: 581; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 134; Smith, 1961b: 223 (redescription); Bolton, 1995b: 70.
#244563 Senior synonym of Aphaenogaster loriai atra: Smith, 1961b: 223; Bolton, 1995b: 70.