This history item belongs to Anochetus cato Forel, 1901

Its current taxon owner(s) is Anochetus cato

Senior synonym of Anochetus cato subfasciatus: Wilson, 1959c: 504; Brown, 1978c: 556; Bolton, 1995b: 64.

Senior synonym of {prott 156666}: {ref 130359}: 504; {ref 123231}: 556; {ref 122860}: 64.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2020-07-27
  • Updated at: 2021-05-04
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Anochetus cato Species Valid
Other history items belonging to Anochetus cato
#295489 Status as species: Dahl, 1901: 12; Mann, 1919: 301; Emery, 1911e: 108; Wheeler, 1935g: 15; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 39; Wilson, 1959c: 504; Brown, 1978c: 556, 585; Bolton, 1995b: 64; Sarnat et al., 2013: 73.
#244056 Senior synonym of Anochetus rossi Donisthorpe, 1947e: Wilson, 1959c: 504; Brown, 1978c: 556; Bolton, 1995b: 64.
#287953 (selected) Senior synonym of Anochetus cato subfasciatus: Wilson, 1959c: 504; Brown, 1978c: 556; Bolton, 1995b: 64.