This history item belongs to Azteca muelleri Emery, 1893

Its current taxon owner(s) is Azteca muelleri

Senior synonym of Azteca ulei gibbifera: Longino, 1991a: 1591; Shattuck, 1994: 22; Bolton, 1995b: 79.

Senior synonym of {prott 157305}: {ref 126943}: 1591; {ref 128601}: 22; {ref 122860}: 79.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2020-07-27
  • Updated at: 2022-04-25
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Azteca muelleri Species Valid
Other history items belonging to Azteca muelleri
#302866 Lectotype designation: Longino, 1991a: 1591.
#302410 [Azteca muelleri Emery, 1893m: 164. Nomen nudum.]
#302411 Status as species: Forel, 1895b: 108; Forel, 1908: 391; Emery, 1913a: 33; Stitz, 1913: 212; Mann, 1916: 470; Luederwaldt, 1918: 47; Borgmeier, 1923: 94; Eidmann, 1936b: 89; Borgmeier, 1937b: 251; Wheeler, 1942: 236; Kempf, 1972b: 33; Longino, 1991a: 1591 (redescription); Shattuck, 1994: 22; Bolton, 1995b: 79; Bezděčková et al., 2015: 108.
#287602 Senior synonym of Azteca muelleri brunni: Longino, 1991a: 1591; Shattuck, 1994: 23; Bolton, 1995b: 79.
#288637 (selected) Senior synonym of Azteca ulei gibbifera: Longino, 1991a: 1591; Shattuck, 1994: 22; Bolton, 1995b: 79.
#288636 Senior synonym of Azteca muelleri janeirensis: Longino, 1991a: 1591; Shattuck, 1994: 23; Bolton, 1995b: 79.
#288635 Senior synonym of Azteca nigella: Wheeler, 1942: 236; Longino, 1991a: 1591; Shattuck, 1994: 22; Bolton, 1995b: 79.
#288634 Senior synonym of Azteca muelleri nigridens: Longino, 1991a: 1591; Shattuck, 1994: 22; Bolton, 1995b: 79.
#288633 Senior synonym of Azteca muelleri wacketi: Longino, 1991a: 1591; Shattuck, 1994: 22; Bolton, 1995b: 79.